
The heavy pounding of rain combined with various bursts of light that streaked the dark grey sky had distorted the usual peaceful view I had of the city. Rain used to be beautiful to me even in this state, but I suppose things change.
"It's been a year." I stated to no one in particular. "A year since you had to leave. You know I still think about you?" A bitter chuckle tore through my throat. "There isn't a day that goes by where the thought of you doesn't appear to me. Are you happier now? I really hope you are." I slowly rose from the window sill and walked over to the couch not hastening my pace. As I approached it, I couldn't help but realize how spacious it looked now without him there with me.
"Julia come over here" Woohyun whined.
As I looked at my adorable boyfriend, I knew how much I wanted to . A smile hopelessly appearing across my features as I thought of what to say "And why should I come over there honey?"
"Because I want to cuddle with you. Now can you come over here?" Woohyun answered with a pout.
"Okay fine." An evident smile betrayed how I acted to be disgruntled by his request. I sauntered over to him and allowed myself to lie against his chest, as his arms wrapped around me. Truth be told, this was the first time I've seen him at night in quite awhile. He's always having to drive off in the night delivering shipments to companies. Every time I ask him if he could switch it over to the day, so he'd be able to drive safer, he would always tell me the companies needed it before the next day started which I understood. Though I couldn't help but be worried.
"Babe, are you okay? You've been quiet for awhile" he said looking over at me, eyebrows furrowed as if he was already pondering about what might have been bothering me. "Is it that again?"
"Well of course how can I not think about it? I'm just worried about my boyfriend is all."
"There's nothing to be worried about; you know I'm a good driver-"
"It's not your skill I'm worried about it's the other drivers" I ended up cutting him off unable to listen to this again. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't want to start anything. I just worry about you."
Woohyun looked over at me with a faint smile. "No, I'm glad you care enough to worry." His eyes shone brightly, as his lips curved upwards even more so. "And I'll make this promise: I will always come back to you."
Upon hearing those words, a huge grin plastered itself to my face. "Alright, alright, if you promise." I said holding out my pinky finger to him, and it only took a second for him to catch glimpse of it and hook his around mine.
"I promise Julia." Woohyun's eyes seemed to sparkle as those words left his lips, and I noticed how his body shifted closer to mine. Untangling our hands, I moved mine to encircle them around his neck. As we moved closer to each other, the fragrance of his cologne filled the air around us. My eyes fluttered shut, and finally, his lips pressed softly against mine.
-End Flashback-
"Promises were never meant to last" I sighed plopping down onto the couch after reminiscing. My fingers slowly rose up to press lightly against my lips; I miss kissing him. I miss hearing his voice. I especially miss how he said "I love you." I even miss how he promised me things that were clearly impossible. Like how he said he would always come back to me; love blinded me into thinking it was absolutely plausible. I don't blame him for making that promise because we both wanted more than anything for it to be true.
I can't forget about him. Though no part of me could ever wish for the memories of him to evanesce. It's nothing more than a double-edged sword - I couldn't bear even the thought of not having any memories with him, but thinking about how he isn't with me pains me in the worst way. The memory that devastates me beyond any other is the one where he left. Everything that happened that day, I remember it clearly.
The morning started off with grey clouds moving in threatening a downpour at any minute now. Woohyun had spent the night and woke to find me gazing out the window at the scenery.
"Honey," he spoke softly to me wrapping his arms around my waist "why are you staring out the window?" a deep laugh echoed throughout the room.
I stayed silent for awhile because I didn't want a repeat of the same discussion. Me worrying, then him saying it'll be alright; it just stressed me out more. "Nothing babe. I just thought maybe you'd wanna take today off?" His eyebrow quirked at my question.
"Because of the weather? If I let a little rain beat me, then the company will find someone who's willing to deliver in weather like this." I knew it. I forced a smile on my face and told him to make sure to be careful today. "I will, I will mom." Smirking at me knowing I didn't love being teased, so I turned around to playfully slap his chest. "Ow! Okay, you didn't have to hit me!" Woohyun whined pouting.
"I swear you're always pouting Nam Woohyun. Why do I even still think it's cute? Yah, you drive me crazy." I said exhaling a puff of air that pushed my bangs back slightly. Another laugh left his lips as he pressed a feather like kiss to my forehead.
"Because you love me more than anything in the world." Woohyun insisted earning a scoff from me "And also because it's a mutual love we have."
"You're so cheesy." I joked sticking my tongue out at him. "But you know that every part of me loves you as much as you love me"
"I know babe." he replied back to me lifting his head up to glance up at the clock "Oh shoot I have to go."
I looked up at him confused "But I thought you only deliver at night?"
"Well I have to pick up something from a state away and bring it back here, so I'll be driving all day. Though technically I suppose the company will actually receive the package at night, so I didn't lie to you" he explained chuckling a bit at the end.
"But won't you be tired?"
"I'll be fine. And I want to make it up to you. I know I haven't been able to be with you lately, but I have something really special planned tonight. So please wait for me, okay?" Woohyun asked me giving me his infamous puppy dog eyes.
"I'll always wait for you honey. You should be on your way though, so I'll see you tonight" I spoke with a grin.
"Alright baby I'll see you then. I love you" he said as he kissed me walking to the door.
"Love you too Woohyun" he casted one more glance at me, his face brightening as the corners of his lips quirked up into a cute smile.
Several hours later it started pouring down, so I decided that I should probably start getting ready for tonight; I searched through my closet pulling many different dresses out then tossing them all on the bed.
"Why is it that when I go to the mall there are all these clothes that I'd like to wear, but when I look though my closet there's nothing." I complained to my wall most likely. "Mm, this one's cute." I picked up a simple black dress with a elegant navy blue ribbon wrapped around it. I spent awhile putting my hair up in an elegant up-do then spent the last few moments touching up my makeup.
Ring ring ring. I picked up the phone and saw Woohyun's caller ID "Hey honey! What's up?"
"Uh, I'm sorry miss I have very bad news, and I'm sure you know this isn't the owner of the phone."
"Excuse me? Who are you and where is Woohyun?"
"Please calm down. The man, Woohyun right? Well, he's been in an accident, and I picked up his phone and called the first contact I saw. I'm sorry, but you should come over here."
My blood ran cold. Woohyun. In an accident. "Oh my god. Okay, I'm heading out right now. Where is he?" The man gave me the address, as I sped over there with no regards to my own safety. I just needed to assure Woohyun's.
Woohyun's black Lexus came into sight, and I gasped in horror as I saw his passenger side was completely smashed in. I parked my car and ran out as fast as my legs could carry me not caring about how the rain soaked my carefully done attire. "No no no.. Woohyun!" I neared the driver's side and caught sight of how it meshed with the side of a metal stop sign.
"Ma'am, you know the victim?" Hot tears that pricked the corners of my eyes then cascaded down, refusing to stop even as I tried to will up strength to say just one word. The man didn't ask again, as he seemed to understand. "He's being put on the stretcher now, but I have to inform you that you can't get your hopes up." I didn't care; I needed to see him; he pointed over where the ambulances pulled up, so I sprinted over to the area.
There he was on the stretcher lying on it unmoving. His chestnut brown hair was strewn across his face, which was pale except for the lines of crimson trailing from his lips. "What.. What happened?" My voice barely above a whisper.
The officer looked at me and in his eyes sadness, or perhaps pity, was evident. He spoke to me gently "He was involved in a broadside collision. It happened at this four-way stop, and we can infer due to the rainy conditions that he couldn't see the car speeding towards him. The car had collided harshly against his causing the airbag to deploy itself, and the airbag seemed to have broken a rib thus puncturing his lung."
My heart stopped, and I lost the ability to breathe. "But... He'll be fine right? You have him on the stretcher, and you can take him to the hospital."
"We'll do everything we can. I usually don't allow this, but you can ride in the back while we go to the hospital. We have to leave now however." A paramedic who was tending to Woohyun interjected.
I couldn't will myself to force words out, so I had to settle for a quick nod. The paramedic then worked rapidly to put Woohyun in the back, after she was done I immediately followed not wasting any time. I believe she noticed my anxious state, as she tried to calm me down by talking to me.
"Try not to fret too much. It can't help anything." She looked at me with a slight smile. "I'm Jiyeon. Now what's your name?"
This woman was quite amazing. She's currently monitoring Woohyun making sure he doesn't lose too much blood, and all the while trying to keep me sane. "Thanks.. My name is Julia, and this is my boyfriend Woohyun."
"I'm sure everything will be okay Julia. You and Woohyun will talk again I know it." She spoke with hope lacing her voice. We both jolted at the sound of a low groan. "Sir?"
My eyes widened in shock. As I looked down, I saw Woohyun looking back at me. For awhile I couldn't produce a noise, but then relief took over me "Oh my god, Woohyun! It's okay don't talk! You'll be okay!"
"I'm sorry.. I wanted tonight to be perfect and something to remember. I didn't want you remember it like this.." He uttered showing blatant difficulty with speaking.
"No, I swear it's okay. Please Woohyun just stop talking save your breath."
"If I don't say this now, then I may lose the chance."
"That's not true just-"
"Julia. Listen to me. I love you more than anything. And I-" he abruptly stopped going into a coughing fit. Blood. He was coughing up more blood.
"Woohyun! You're just hurting yourself stop!" I exclaimed trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall at any moment.
"Please.. Just listen." Woohyun was now panting slightly as if trying to get air, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Jiyeon trying her hardest to make sure he was physically okay. "I don't think I can beat this." He took note of me opening my mouth to interject but he quickly silenced me "No, not a word. I heard the officer talking about how it's been too long after the accident that the ambulance arrived. Just know that I love you." He paused and parted his lips to take in a short breath. "I told you I'd always come back to you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Julia. You mean the world to me."
His breaths becoming slower as his sentences went on. My hand started shaking when I lifted it to lay it gently on his arm. I leaned down to him to plant a light kiss on his forehead. His voice becoming a whisper.
"I love you. I promise." I glanced down to take in his face. His beautiful ebony eyes looking back into my own, his sharp prominent nose surprisingly unbroken from the impact of the airbag, and his lips were pale only stained with the crimson of the blood. He looked and caught my gaze, willing it up to his own eyes, and I found myself unable to look away.
"I love you so much, Nam Woohyun." At this he cracked a smile. His breaths started to falter even more. "No.. Please wait a little longer we're almost there.." I mumbled to him hoping that somehow those words could allow him to hold on. His eyes locked with mine his smile never fading. His breaths slowly going in and out.
"Remember my promise Julia." In and out. In and out. Though this time it didn't go back in.
"Woohyun.. Please. No.. No!" I sobbed uncontrollably. "Why?" Screams of despair filled the ambulance, and Jiyeon looked over at me her eyes misty.
"We tried.. I'm so sorry."
-End Flashback-
I didn't even realize that tears were freely flowing down my cheeks. I lifted my hand to swipe the tears away with the back of my hand, but it never seemed to end. "Woohyun. I remember your promise. And I love you too." I hiccuped out not able to stop the tears. "I told you I'd always wait for you, and I intend on keeping that true. I don't care how long it takes; I'll see you again."
It's been a year since the accident. The one where I lost the one who meant everything to me. He's gone; I know that. But I feel he's always here with me. Even if it's just in memory..
--This story is dedicated to one of my closest friends. If I hadn't met you, then this story would've never been published--
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Actually, your story was nice and good concept. I really like it.
I just give you more support so you can keep writing again.
banore #2
Such an interesting concept! <3