

"Will you marry me?"



Chanyeol was kneeling as he was waiting for Baekhyun's answer. Though they had been in a relationship for five years, he's still nervous as hell that Baek would say no.



Chanyeol prepared for a year just so he can be sure that Baekhyun would be his better half; that baekhyun would say yes.



The setting wasn't that really engrande, since Baekhyun doesn't like stuff like those. Chanyeol did explore the whole Seoul just to find a simple ring; a ring that his future better half would wear.



Baekhyun wasn't saying anything which made Chanyeol worry, but all his worries were gone when Baekhyun smiled; and showed his hand.


"Who would not marry you Park Chanyeol?"


Chanyeol almost teared up. His happiness is clearly showing. He didn't hear a direct "yes" but one thing is for sure, Baekhyun will marry him.


Chanyeol put the ring in Baekhyun's finger. As he stand up, he was pulled into a kiss by his fiance. Chanyeol put his hands on Baekhyun's waist; Baekhyun s his arms in Chanyeol's nape.


"Ahhhh I was waiting for your proposal for like 2 years! How could you just do this now?" Baekhyun joked as they broke their kiss.


Chanyeol gave him a smack, "I prepared this proposal for a year, you pup."


Baekhyun put his hand on his chin, "it looked rush though, now that you said that you prepared this for a year, i'm disappointed."


"Yahh! You don't know how it feels to propose to you, you know?"


"Hmm. Doctor Park seems really nervous back then, its hmm. It looked..." Baekhyun tiptoed as he put his hands on Chanyeol's nape again, "y" and he laughed.


Chanyeol laughed too, "I don't have my doctor's coat, so I'm not Doctor Chanyeol today." He looked up like he's thinking and returned back to Baekhyun's gaze, "Right now, I'm just Baekhyun's fiance. Future husband." He smiled so wide that almost all of his teeth are showing.

"You're being too greasy, that's a signal that we should go." Baekhyun said as he released his arms for encircling in chanyeol's nape.


Baekhyun then offered his hand for Chanyeol to hold, "Let's go, fiance?"


Chanyeol smiled, "let's go."


The couple left the area, in which will remain in each other's memory, hand in hand. And smiling.


"Uh, where are we going?" Chanyeol asked as he started the car.


Baekhyun locked his seatbelt, "my place."


Chanyeol looked shock, "Hey! Hey! We're still not supposed to do 'that' you know, we're still not married!" He almost shouted.


Baekhyun was shocked too, "We're just going to watch movies since It would be a waste if we're just going home after we got engaged" he then looked at the side mirror of the car, "and honey, we're still not doing that, after marriage deal is still on." He looked at Chanyeol again, "You're thinking too much." And then he laughed.


Chanyeol, whose cheeks are burning from what he just said, said "okay" and started to drive.


Chanyeol was still silent while driving so Baekhyun played some music, and Tender Love played.


"Oh! Your favorite chanyeollie!" Baekhyun cheerfully said.


Chanyeol beamed and sang along, baekhyun too.


*put tender love lyrics* :D


They reached Baekhyun's house. As they walked onto the doorway, a woman greeted them... so cheerfully.


"Baekhyun you're home! Oh omo, Chanyeol! You're here too! Come in, come in!"


Chanyeol smiled, "How are you, mama?"


"Oh my son! Mama is fine! Come in, come in. Ahhh its cold!" Mama said, attention all on Chanyeol; completely forgetting Baekhyun.


"Hi Ma, I exist." Baekhyun nonchalanty said. Mama laughed at him, "My, my, my baby is jealous. Let's get in."


Chanyeol and Baekhyun went inside. The woman who they call "Mama" is Mrs. Byun, Baekhyun's mom. Eversince Baekhyun admitted his relationship with Chanyeol, Mrs. Byun told him to call him "Mama"


Baekhyun excused himself to fix his room since they'll be watching a movie. Mama prepares a midnight snack for them to enjoy, Chanyeol decided to help Mama in preparing the snacks.



"What brings you here, Channie?" Mama asked. "We're gonna watch movies, mama. Do you want to join us."


"No no no, I don't want to interfere to your extended date." Mama laughed, "Hmm. Where did you bring my Hyunnie tonight by the way?"


Chanyeol suddenly remembered that Mama doesn't know yet that he proposed to Baekhyun, and they're bound to get married.


"Ah Mama! I forgot to tell you," he scratched his head, "I proposed to Baekhyun today."


Mama stopped spreading the egg mayo spread on the loaf and stared fully at Chanyeol.


"Ah, Mama" Chanyeol said, worried that Mama was too shock about what he said.


"Mama are you oㅡ"


"AHHHHHHHH!" Mama shouted on the top of her lungs. Chanyeol was surprised on how Mama shouted so loud.


"Ma! Chanyeol! What happened?" Baekhyun rushed downstairs.


"Mama?!?!?!" A lady rushed downstairs too.


Baekhyun went to the kitchen just to found his Mama laughing with Chanyeol. Baekhyun facepalmed, he thought something happened.


"Hey oppa is mama alㅡ I knew it." A lady sighed as she saw how her mama laughed with Chanyeol.


"Oh Daehyun, you were home?"


"Can't you see?" Daehyun sarcastically said. Baekhyun glared at her which caused her to laughed awkwardly, "Hehehe i'm sorry oppa." She said cutely as she did a peace sign.


Baekhyun was about to reply when Mama saw the both of them, "Yah! Byun Baekhyun!" Mama shouted.


Daehyun went nearer to Mama, "Ma. Please, its past midnight, our neighbors are sleeping. If you're not sleeping, fine." Daehyun momentarily stopped, "but please let our neighbors sleep."


"But Daehyun-ah! Your brother just got engaged to Chanyeol and he didn't told us!!!" Mama defended.


"WAIT WHAT?" Daehyun shouted. "See?" Mama said as she flipped her hair.


"And I thought we should let the neighbors sleep." Baekhyun said.


"Ya ya yah! How could the both of you hide it to us? You know I'm the number one fan of chanbaeㅡ"


"We just got engaged today dae, just today."


"Ah. Oh. I thought you got engaged a long time ago, hehehehe I'm sorry."


"Daehyun-ah, how are you?" Chanyeol greeted Dae. "Oppa! I'm fine, i guess."


"Now that we cleared out all the issues can we just go to our rooms and sleep?"


"But baek we're watchingㅡ" Chanyeol said, "oh yeah Mama and Daehyun both of you should sleep already."


Everyone agreed to what Baekhyun said and had gone to their own rooms.


Daehyun is Baekhyun's younger sister. She's 2 years younger than Baek. Daehyun is basically like Baekhyun, witty, sly... blessed with goodlooks and such.


The Byun family is known for their contributions for the business society. The Byun almost entered every business they could think of.


Mr. Byun died a year ago, and Baekhyun is currently the CEO of Tidal corporation. Byun Baekhyun, age 23, a licensed civil engineer and listed as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Asia.


Park Chanyeol, in the same age as Baekhyun, is a doctor. Chanyeol's family is known in the medicine industry. Though they are most know as surgeons, Chanyeol pursued being a pediatrician.


The couple are living a happy and contented life. Good and stable jobs, happy family... happy lovelife, what more could they ask for?



Baekhyun and Chanyeol decided to watch Just Go With It. As they were watching, Chanyeol can stop staring at Baekhyun who's really focused in watching the movie.


"Hey Baek," Chanyeol cooed. He held Baekhyun's hand and whispered, "remember when we first met?"


Baekhyun is driving to Daehyun's school. He was told to fetch his sister. It was really raining bad; and though Baekhyun didn't really want to fetch his sister, he won't be able to focus on his work thinking of what could happen to Daehyun.


His phone rang, Baekhyun picked up the phone. He looked into the caller i.d and figured out that it was Daehyun.




"OㅡOppa." Daehyun was stuttering as he talked to Baekhyun, making Baekhyun worried and drove faster.


"Hey, Dae! Are you okay? Oppa is near already okay, wait for me!"


"Oppa, its so coㅡ achoo! I got drenched in the rain."


"Okay, I can see your school now. I brought extra clothes, why were you drenched anyway?"




"Daehyun-ah! Aish!"


Baekhyun drove onto the entrance of Daehyun's school. Soon enough, he saw his sister's figure; drenched in the rain.


"Daehyun-ah, get in! Why are you outside!"


"I-achoo! I though it was-achhoooo! Fun. Ahhhhhh."


Baekhyun was dumbfounded with his sister's answer, "fun? You can catch a cold!" He snickered.


"Don't worry Oppa, Daehyun is fiㅡ" Daehyun collapsed, Baekhyun was fast to catch her. Baekhyun drove fast to the emergency room.


"Ahhh my sister collapsed after she got drenched in the rain please help." He told a doctor who's talking to someone on the phone.


"Waitㅡ hold on, who are you?" The doctor told him. The doctor was very much taller than him that Baekhyun needs to look up.


"Please, help my sister first."


"Where is she?"


Baekhyun accompanied the doctor in his car where his sister is, He opened the cardoor, but they found Daehyun... snoring.


If there is only one thing Baekhyun could wish for, its to disappear quickly. He was very ashamed that he made the doctor rushed his way here, saying that she collapsed, but daehyun was really sleeping so well, she's even snoring.


Before even Baekhyun could say something, the doctor checked Daehyun's temperature. "She has a fever" the doctor said, he then realized that Daehyun is still wearing her wet clothes and on top of that; the aircon is still on.


"Im amazed on how she can sleep so well with wet clothes while the aircon is on."


"Ahh I'm sorry! I started panicking when I saw her collapsed thatㅡ"


"The guardian should always be calm." The doctor remarked, "see what happens when you're panicking." He pointed Daehyun, "The situation will got worse."


Baekhyun felt guilty. The doctor was right, he looked down, "I'm sorry."


"Its fine, lets get her to a room."


Baekhyun was shocked that the doctor carried Daehyun, "Ah doc I can do it." He told him, the doctor looked at him and smiled, "its okay. I think I'm more capable of carrying him than you do. And you're drenched too. You might catch a cold as well."



Baekhyun didn't realize that he himself was freaking wet but now that the doctor told him about that, he began to shiver and feel cold, though he didn't let the doctor notice that.


They brought Daehyun in a room and let the nurse take care of her for a while. The doctor was about to leave when baekhyun stopped him, "Doc." He said.


The doctor looked at him, Baekhyun just noticed the doctor's facial features, he didn't noticed how handsome the doctor when he asked for help.


Baekhyun was still staring at the doctor, which made the doctor snapped a finger infront of him, "Sir?" The doctor said.


Caught red handed, Baekhyun waved his hands infront of his face, "Ahh! I just want to thank you for helping us doctor.. uhm.." he stammered as he realized he still didn't know the doctor's name.


"Chanyeol," the doctor said, "I'm Park Chanyeol."


"Oh, thanks then Doctor Park." Baekhyun suddenly felt dizzy, and shivering because of the cold is making it worse.


He stumbled for a bit and held on to the post for support, "Are you okay?" 


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tegrandra #1
Chapter 1: I think this fanfic is gonna be awesome.I can't wait for the next chap :)