Pt. 2

How to Omega

Jungkook didn't understand why Yoongi smelled so good all of a sudden. Both warm and comforting, like one of the old stuffed animals he left behind at home so he didn't seem childish in front of the others. 

It was worse after Jungkook's first heat and the winter months started rolling in.

Jungkook's bed was cold and Yoongi's smelled so irresistible he couldn't restrain himself. As soon as he heard Namjoon start snoring loud enough to cover his tracks, Jungkook crept out of his bed, just a flat mattress pushed against the wall opposite the three sets of bunk beds, and tiptoed over to Namjoon and Yoongi's shared bunk beside the room window.

He crinkled his nose at the row of miniature teddy bears lined up along the window sill as he climbed up the ladder. Namjoon-hyung could be so weird sometimes.

Yoongi was sleeping faced towards the window and didn't twitch when Jungkook moved in behind him. The alpha had some of the blanket tucked under his body so Jungkook didn't bother trying to pull it over himself, afraid he would wake him up. Instead, trembling slightly, he just huddled against Yoongi's back as close as he dared and sniffed softly.

The older wolf smelled like safety and protection. It made him feel more homesick than the faint sea salt smell that stuck to Jimin's clothes after he came back from visiting Busan.

Jungkook was contemplating changing form so his fur could warm him up when the body in front of him suddenly twisted around.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi's voice came out in a low growl that sank with drowsiness.

"I got cold," Jungkook said nervously, wondering if he was going to be kicked out now.

He couldn't see Yoongi's face that well, but light from the street lamps beyond the window puddled around his own and he could feel the alpha's gaze on him, inscrutable in the darkness.

Yoongi made an irritated noise and shifted around so he could tug some of the blanket over Jungkook. "I meant what are you doing lying on top of the blanket if you're cold? Here, move."

Yoongi pulled him closer in under the blanket and grabbed his hands. Jungkook sighed quietly at the heat surrounding his numb fingers.

"Christ, you're freezing," Yoongi tsked and rubbed his hands over Jungkook's to warm them up. Like this, with their heads were bent close together on the single pillow, the alluring scent was even stronger. Jungkook inhaled deeply.

"Thanks, hyung," the omega murmured, releasing a wide yawn between his words. His body was starting to go lax, cocooned in warmth and safety.

"Sure," Yoongi replied just as softly. "Anytime."

Jungkook fell asleep surrounded by Yoongi's scent and woke up the next morning plastered across the older wolf, nose and mouth smashed against a damp spot on Yoongi's shoulder.

Giggling from the other bunk drew his bleary half-masted eyes to where Hoseok and Jimin were crouched on Taehyung's bed with a camera phone extended over Taehyung's splayed out wolf form, which was still snuffling and kicking sporadically in its sleep.

Groaning, Jungkook hid his face in Yoongi's shoulder again. "Nooooo."

"It is way too early for this," Yoongi groused under him, making Jungkook stiffen in panic.

Rather than pushing the omega away though, Yoongi grabbed the blanket that was scrunched up around their hips and pulled it over the younger wolf to hide him. Face flaming with embarrassment, Jungkook did the first thing that came to mind.

Yoongi sighed down at the black wolf curled up against him.

"You're still heavy as a wolf, you know that right?"

Jungkook as a wolf sneezed and then briefly Yoongi's hand. Hoseok was trying so hard to smother his laughter that he couldn't even speak, camera phone shaking in his hand.

"Guess which two 'alphas' are gonna be the most popular search topic after today!" cackled Jimin. Then he squeaked when Yoongi threw his pillow at them.

It hit Taehyung, who snorted a little but didn't wake, tail wagging a couple times.

True to his word, Jimin uploaded the video despite the threats Yoongi doled out, and the first thing Jungkook saw when he checked his me2day was the link tagged #sugakookie with at least a hundred comments on it.

"Jungkook," Seokjin scolded later when he spotted him, "You can't stay in wolf form all day. We have a radio show filming after lunch."



It all started with an argument. Jungkook couldn't remember what it was about later when he thought about it, but it was over something trivial he knew.

What he could recall was his classmate getting tense all of a sudden, jumping from 0 to a 100 in a split second. His hands kept clenching like he was trying to keep them from transforming into claws. His nostrils flared over and over like he couldn't get enough air in his lungs.

Jungkook remembered animal fear making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he watched the other boy's canines start to lengthen.

Next thing he knew, the teacher was rushing him up and out the door to the nurse's office without any explanation from her pressed lips. There he found out, the slip of paper shaking between his hands―or was it his hands shaking?―that the one truth he thought he knew was false.

Omega, stated the blood test.

NO, said Jungkook's mind. But the results didn't change no matter how long he stared at them.

The rest of it went by in a flurry. Management pulled him out of school immediately, citing his idol activities as the reason for doing so.

He was Jeon Jungkook, maknae and main vocalist of the newly debuted Bangtan Boys. His profile said he was an alpha. No one could find out his blood test said otherwise.

Later on when he recalled the argument that he had gotten into that started the whole whirlwind that flipped his life upside down, Jungkook realized then why he had been frightened by his classmate.

The other boy was an alpha.



During a break in shooting, one of Jungkook's favorite songs on their album started playing.

Immediately he began mouthing along, and played up the theatrics when he spotted a staff camera in his peripheral view. Mischievously catching his eye, Taehyung sang with him as Hoseok just watched them from his chair in amusement.

Yoongi was sitting right in front of the two so when his rap section began, the omega and beta started spitting his own lyrics at him, giggling when he calmly ignored them to turn another page in his manhwa.

"He's not looking at all!" Jungkook laughed.

At that, Yoongi raised his eyes from his comic to give him a look, and the younger wolf's enthusiasm swiftly flagged.

He unconsciously stepped back from the alpha, eyes darting to Taehyung, who was still happily oblivious. The staff camera was still rolling too, so Jungkook kept playing along even though he inwardly cringed at the thought of annoying Yoongi.

Was it the omega part of him that felt this way? Jungkook didn't know.

Taehyung and Jimin went out of their way to annoy Yoongi. Of all the hyungs, he was the one that had the least patience for the 95-liners' shenanigans, which was what made it so much fun to antagonize him. Jungkook usually joined them, feeling safe in numbers, but these days he felt oddly sensitive to the alpha's moods.

Just now there was a spike in Yoongi's scent, exasperation heading the edge of a black cloud―a hint of the alpha's hidden temper― and Jungkook instinctively veered away from it.  He drifted towards where Namjoon was shooting his scene for the music video, Taehyung following.

Jungkook didn't notice Yoongi glance after him, nor the little sigh he gave under his breath.



During fanmeets Taehyung usually helped conceal the fact that Jungkook was smeared all over with scent blockers by rubbing his own beta scent over the boy. The fans loved how touchy-feely Taehyung was with him, even if it made Jungkook squirm with embarrassment.

It wasn't the skinship that bothered him so much as the fact that there was a room full of teenagers staring at him while he was being felt up.

This time, Taehyung had his attention split because Jimin was in a more painful heat than usual and the entire pack could smell it. He sat with his chair pushed up against Jimin's, arm around his shoulder as they received the oncoming fans together.

Some of the fans already knew Jimin was in heat, though how they did Jungkook had no idea. They offered Jimin bites of beef jerky and even raw meat when they could afford it.

On Jungkook's left, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi sat as far down the table as they could from the suffering omega, twitching every time Jimin's scent was carried downwind. Jungkook was snickering at the way Yoongi tried to discreetly pinch his nose before he realized how closely the fan before him was bent over the table, long black hair grazing his arm. 

Jungkook froze in terror. The watching fans began to scream in the background.

Even without smelling her, Jungkook could tell the female wolf in front of him was an alpha by the of her head and the intent glint in her eye as she leaned into the his space. She got one good whiff, and then someone was dragging Jungkook back by the collar of his shirt like he was a puppy.

The chair under him squealed as it slid across the floor.

"Sorry," Yoongi drawled, not sounding apologetic in the slightest. "Not allowed to touch. Manager's orders." He smiled, if you could call it a smile, just for a moment to flash a bit of canine. "I'm sure you understand, miss."

Even Jungkook could sense the alpha auras colliding over his head. He bumped his head back against Yoongi's chest and was rewarded with fingers sifting through his hair.

The fans screeched louder at Yoongi's rare display of alpha dominance. The girl in front of them looked intensely suspicious, gaze lasering in on the hand in Jungkook's hair.

Loud coughing down the line from Hoseok snapped them out of it. 

Jungkook ducked his head at the same time that Yoongi pulled his hand away and moved back to his seat. Hurriedly, Jungkook signed the fan's autograph book and sent her to Seokjin while she was still staring.

Alphas didn't act like this with each other. If Jungkook wanted to keep his omega status a secret he had to step up his game, no matter how much of a pull he felt towards Yoongi.

He could do that, Jungkook thought as he robotically signed autographs.

Or he could try. 



"Hey, Jungkook," Jimin brought up a few days later. "I've been missing lately because of my heat so I'm not sure but did you have a fight with Suga-hyung?"

Jungkook picked up his head from where he had been burying his face against the bed sheets in an effort not to scream.

"No," the younger wolf said peevishly.

"Oh. Okay then...," Jimin replied dubiously and left the room. Through the paper thin walls, Jungkook heard him tell the others, "Yep, definitely fighting," and groaned into his sheets.

This avoiding Yoongi thing wasn't going as he planned. As in, it was working too well.

Jungkook had started off making sure they were always separated; on opposite sides of the table at meals, on separate sides of the group during filmings and never ever alone together.

What he hadn't expected was for Yoongi to ignore him back, easily.

They had gotten closer since their debut, and it hurt being separated from the alpha like this. They saw each other every day but they might as well have been miles apart for how much the older wolf acknowledged him.

Jungkook sniffled into his sheets pathetically. He brought this on himself, and he hated himself for it.

When the door opened, he instinctively changed into wolf form so that he wouldn't be caught tearing up like a pup. His ears flattened when he realized it was Yoongi that walked in.

Yoongi walked past Jungkook's bed like he wasn't there and threw his wallet up onto his bunk bed. Without a glance at the subdued black wolf, he walked back out with a bland, "Get out of bed. It's time for dinner."

Seokjin gave Jungkook an world-weary look when he padded into the kitchen.

"I'm going to make you eat off the floor if you don't change back right now," he threatened, brandishing a spatula at him.



A strange sort of tension settled over the group.

Yoongi became snappier and disappeared for days on end when they didn't have a schedule. Someone occasionally had to check if he was still alive in his tiny studio room, because left unattended, the alpha usually forgot to eat and sleep.

Jungkook moped around, spending more of his time as a droopy-tailed wolf than a human boy.

The others seemed like they wanted to intervene, but every time they tried Yoongi would brush them off while Jungkook would just change. It was a relief when their next promotional period started up again and the group became too busy to worry about the strained relations between the two wolves.

Then Yoongi went into rut a week earlier than anyone expected and everything went to .

They were getting dressed for a photo shoot for their album cover when Namjoon inhaled sharply and turned around, one arm into his shirt.

"Suga-hyung, please tell me that's not you," Namjoon said, and it only took a cursory sniff for Hoseok and Seokjin to understand what he meant.

Taehyung cocked his head and Jimin looked between Namjoon and Yoongi in confusion. Jungkook's eyes widened when he felt Yoongi's alpha presence go up a notch in annoyance.

"I felt it on the ride here," Yoongi admitted sullenly, tugging at the wide-collared shirt he was wearing. "I don't have any suppressors with me. Or scent blockers."

"You think you'll need them?" Seokjin asked.

"Yes," Namjoon and Yoongi chorused. Probably Hoseok could sense it too, the way Yoongi's rut was about to flare and burst into something ugly.

Ruts were different from heats in that they could seriously alter an alpha's judgement and drive them into a mating frenzy. No one in their group had needed suppressants for their ruts yet, but it wasn't uncommon for alphas to use the drugs when they were stressed enough to go into rut fever.

Jungkook watched with his mouth slack as Yoongi popped four or five of the pills and downed them dry. That was double the usual dose. Yoongi gripped the water bottle Seokjin handed him so tightly it caved in under his fingers, dribbling water over the carpet.

"I'm fine," Yoongi told the others, glaring.

Everyone made sure to keep out of his way during the photo shoot.

Jungkook's photos were last, and after he finished he headed for the restrooms to relieve himself. The studio's bathroom was so small it only had one stall and just enough space for two people to stand in front of the sink if they were hugging one another.

This was why when Jungkook stepped in he ended up walking straight into Yoongi.

The alpha reflexively inhaled and a shiver ran up Jungkook's back as he watched Yoongi's pupils bloom into black holes. Jungkook's momentum was still going forward so he tried to slide past the other wolf and gasped when he was pinned against the wall.

Yoongi's hand felt like it was melting through his chest.

A brief smile flashed across the alpha's face at the skipping heartbeat under his palm. He looked like he might claw out Jungkook's heart to eat it as he leaned in.

Jungkook stopped breathing. Yoongi slowly trailed his nose across his cheekbone, breathing in deeply.

", you smell good," Yoongi gritted out, voice a whole octave lower than his usual register, going bone deep. "Even with all the ty blockers."

Jungkook trembled as Yoongi continued his path down to press his nose into Jungkook's throat, leaving a trail of blushing heat in his wake. The wet scrape of a tongue against the tingling skin of his neck shocked a whine out of him. With an answering groan, Yoongi began lapping and biting his neck with a fervor, his hands pressed against the wall on either side of Jungkook's head.

If they were in wolf form, the alpha would be able to tear out his throat from this position, and that knowledge made the nip of teeth at his throat feel so dangerous and intimate that Jungkook felt heady with it. Breathy whines kept dropping from his mouth as he squirmed under the older wolf's mouth. He didn't even realize when he dug his fingers into Yoongi's hair to keep him close against him.

Without warning, Yoongi abruptly stopped and stepped back after one last at his throat. He was panting almost as much as Jungkook, his eyes liquid obsidian with heat. Jungkook reached for Yoongi and received a nip at his fingertips for his trouble.

"Wait, hyung, I―"

Jungkook pushed himself off the wall too late. He was given a thin-lipped grimace and then the older wolf was gone, leaving the omega standing in the empty bathroom with his fists clenched at his sides and the skin at his throat raw and glistening.



Yoongi avoided Jungkook more diligently after that, ignoring all his attempts to catch his gaze or to talk to him alone.

Finally, one day as practice was winding down, Jungkook managed to corner Yoongi before he could run off.

"Yoongi-hyung," Jungkook whispered so the others wouldn't hear him.

Yoongi gave him a stony look, and then his eyes darted meaningfully over Jungkook's shoulder, where Seokjin and Namjoon had paused their conversation to watch.

"Not now, Jungkook," Yoongi warned.

The younger wolf wanted to stamp his foot in frustration. "Then when?"

"Maybe when you've grown up a bit, we'll talk about it like adults," Yoongi said snidely, loud enough for the others to hear.

Jungkook's face suffused with heat. It was Yoongi's tone more than his words that cut into him, and he couldn't keep the wounded look from showing on his face.

Yoongi stilled, staring. Before Jungkook could reply, the alpha spun on his heel and left the practice room with the door banging behind him.

A hand dropped on Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed consolingly.

"Chin up, kid," Namjoon said gruffly. "He's acting tetchy cuz of his rut. It's got nothing to do with you."

But what if it did, Jungkook thought despondently as Jimin and Hoseok pulled him into watching music videos with them to practice their girl group routines.

What if Yoongi hated him now?



"For someone so quick, how can you miss something so obvious?"

Jungkook's head snapped up. He was about to take a shower so his torso was bare, the button of his jeans undone.

Yoongi closed the bathroom door behind him with a neat click and leaned against it.

Deja vu swept over Jungkook, making his mouth dry and his palms damp with anticipation. The last time they met in a bathroom Yoongi ravaged him against the wall.

The alpha was still in rut so the scent of him, amplified by it, filled the bathroom till Jungkook thought he might suffocate on it.

"Don't look so happy to see me," Yoongi said dryly and Jungkook closed his mouth with a clack.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me," he retorted, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

He wasn't cold though. Rather, his skin felt hot and tight with anger.

"I didn't," Yoongi confessed with a shrug. "Jin-hyung threatened to poison my food if I didn't talk to you."

It stung knowing that Yoongi had to be forced to talk to him, and Jungkook scowled fiercely to overcome the prickling behind his eyes.

"Just leave then," he snapped, turning away. "I'll tell Jin-hyung that we talked so just go. I need to take a shower."

When Yoongi pulled him back by the arm he didn't look surprised to see the younger wolf's glassy eyes, though he frowned deeply.

"You keep making things so difficult." He took off his beanie and scrubbed a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm still in the middle of my rut. Why couldn't you just leave me alone for one wee―"

Yoongi broke off when Jungkook's face crumpled, and his eyes popped in panic. 

", , don't cry, pup. Don't cry. Ignore me, I'm an ."

Gentle fingers brushed under his eyes, making the omega bite his lip. It was moments like this that confused him the most, and he impatiently shoved Yoongi's hands away. 

"I don't understand why you're mad at me," Jungkook blurted, his voice going high and plaintive, "Is this because of the other day? Because youwere the one that―"

"Nearly rutted you into the wall, yeah, I remember," said Yoongi tiredly, making Jungkook's face flush at his vulgarity. "I don't know why you're not angry at me for that." The other wolf gave him a steady look. "You should be. It was clear you wanted nothing to do with me, and I―took advantage."

He looked down and worked his jaw in silent shame. 

There was something Jungkook was missing and he didn't have a clue what even though he knew it must be glaringly obvious.

"It's okay, I wanted it," Jungkook spilled, glancing away in his embarrassment. "You smelled good....You still do, and I don't know why. That's why I was avoiding you. I thought for sure I was going to blow my alpha cover and ruin everything."

Yoongi rubbed a hand over his face, looking relieved.

"Of course I smell good to you. I'm your bondmate."

"You―" Jungkook stared at him speechlessly. The alpha rolled his eyes up at the ceiling.

"For someone so quick," he repeated drolly.

Jungkook shakily sat down on the edge of the bathtub because his legs were about to give out on him. Every single encounter with the older wolf was taking on a new light in his memory. The bathroom tiles blurred before him, and he came back to the snap of fingers in front of his face.

"Hey, Jungkook, hey."

A firm hand pushed his chin up so he could meet Yoongi's gaze, filled with concern that he knew now he wasn't imagining. Jungkook in a sharp breath.

Yoongi-hyung was his bondmate. Yoongi.

"Do you get it now?" The older wolf searched his eyes quietly. "I avoided you before because I thought that was what you wanted, and I was trying to respect your decisions. But if you ever really wanted me," Jungkook's breath hitched as Yoongi's thumb brushed along his bottom lip, "I wouldn't deny you."

Jungkook looked down and then back up through his lashes. A slow smile spread across his face concurrent to the warmth flooding his chest at Yoongi's words.

"Is that a love confession?" 

A corner of the alpha's mouth hooked up in reply. "As much of one as you're ever going to get."

"Lame, hyung. Super lame," Jungkook was declaring when Yoongi covered the short distance between their lips and quieted him, finally.  



Years down the line, Yoongi found himself in the unique situation of contemplating whether or not he should throw Jungkook off the plane they were flying on. 

"What," he said, hoping he heard him wrong.

"I said, if you just knotted me I wouldn't be in this much pain."

Yoongi glowered, and Jungkook returned the expression petulantly, determined not to budge an inch. It was harder saying no now that he was of age and the only thing stopping them was Yoongi's reluctance.

"I can take it," Jungkook wheedled, "I know you won't hurt me!"

"Keep your voice down!" Yoongi groaned when heads turned in their direction.

Luckily the entire plane was dimmed, so the other passengers would have trouble making out his and Jungkook's faces. A waving hand and a glow of white teeth came from three aisles away where Taehyung was sitting with Seokjin, which Yoongi easily ignored.

"Seriously, hyung, why won't you just do it already? I'm sick of feeling like cat crap every time my heat rolls around," Jungkook grumbled, still too loud. A shift from the people sitting in front of them made Yoongi slap his hand over the omega's mouth.

"Jungkook. Be. Quiet. We'll talk about it when we get back home." Though Yoongi had no real intention of delving into the subject again, and by the rebellious jut to Jungkook's mouth, he realized that as well.

Sighing, Yoongi leaned over the arm rest between them to press the younger wolf up against his seat. He caught Jungkook's lips and deep into his eager mouth to taste the honeyed sweetness of the nuts he had for a snack earlier. He felt the omega's fingers tremble around his biceps, uncovered by the short-sleeved tee he had on.

"Noooo. Hyung, more," Jungkook whined when Yoongi pulled away, trying to pull him back by a fist in his shirt. The people in front of them shifted again. Yoongi was pretty sure the toddler sitting in the seat directly across the aisle was gawking at them.

Jungkook's heat increased his sensitivity by tenfold, so after one kiss he was already falling apart at the seams. He began mouthing under Yoongi's jaw, desperate for contact, and damn if it wasn't stirring him up as well.

Gritting his teeth, Yoongi tugged the omega up, out of his seat and down the aisle to the nearest restroom as quickly as he could without crashing into anyone in the dark.

It looked like Jungkook was getting his wish earlier than he planned.






a/n: i spent like two weeks with writer's block and then tried to break it by writing a bunch of cheesy drabbles on tumblr. X(( sorry if it sounded awkward, idk why i lost it. 

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Chapter 2: , this is sooo good T^T When the situation at the dance practice happened I felt a pang in my heart :( But then, the confession and the ending! Kyaaa, so fluffy, so so good!!! <333
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh that was so fluffy! I love it so so much!!! Kyaaa <333
Mimm893 #3
Chapter 2: Oh my god, my favourite part was the bed part. I love this so much! Sugakookie forever.
Love the title, by the way. Probably the number one reason why I clicked on this story the first time xD
Chapter 2: Normally I don't really ship SugaKookie, but after reading this... I've been missing out. Like seriously, I loved these two chapters. Enjoyed them way too much to be healthy. The fluff, the angst-y moments, and then that damn . Ugh, I really need a sequel to this. Though if you're not planning on one, that's okay (even though I'll live the rest of my life feeling an empty void in my newly discovered SugaKookie feels for the rest of my life).
Chapter 2: I literally screamed out of pure joy when I saw that this had a part 2! OMFG that was amazing!! But now I can't help but with for more ;( Anyways, thanks for this wonderful continuation! <3
K-SoulHeart #7
Chapter 2: Awesome:D Wow thank you for writing this Sugakookie, your a really talented writer.
MindlessSoul #8
Chapter 2: OMG YESSSSS WE NEED MORE OF THIS! This was so cute and funny at the same time. Hope you could perphas make a sequel? Or something about the othe members?
Chapter 2: omg you're bae like this was perfect! It's definitely worth the wait. Thank you so much! This was the right amount of cuteness and iness and I'm crying because the bed part was my favorite part so cute like wow. I literally want more but I don't want to ask for too much ;-;
Anyway, thank you again! :)
fujoshigurl #10
Chapter 2: "I am your bondmate" /crying in the corner grossly and screams at the fluff/ wHY I KNOW IM A SUGAKOOKIE TRASH BUT THIS