Park Jimin

That year, the Sun Shines

“Dr Jin!” Jimin whined and bounced towards Jin. Jimin gave Jin a tight hug when they were in the privacy of Jin’s office.

Jin chuckled. An affectionate Jimin was a cute ball of fluff that would tug at a person’s heartstrings and melt a cold heart. Jin was never one to reject hugs from Jimin.

“I missed you Dr Jin,” Jimin whined.

“First things first, don’t call me Dr Jin. I hate to be associated…”

“With that mess of a drama…” Jimin finished the sentence.

“You and Jungkookie are such a perfect match. Both of you just wouldn’t learn to stop calling me Dr Jin. I need to remind me you guys over and over again…” Jin grumbled.

“But Dr Kim sounds so formal.”

“Call me Jin-hyung or hyung. We’re no longer at that place. There’s no need to be so formal.”

“Okay Jin-hyung.”

“So have you been Jiminie? I’m sorry I didn’t visit you guys for some time. I’ve been a bit busy with work recently. Do you have enough money? If you don’t, let me know and I would transfer some money over to you.”

“We’re fine, hyung. We have enough money to last us for another two months. But I’m feeling a bit bored. There’s nothing much I can do every day. I want to attend college or get a part time job or something. Could you please help with that hyung?”

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do. I shouldn’t let you guys get too idle,” Jin mused. Jin paused for a while before he asked cautiously, “How Taehyungie?”

“He’s fine. He’s busy exploring the city.”

“I mean…is…he…still mad at me?”

“I’m sorry Jin-hyung.”

“Why are you apologising?”

“Whenever I mention you name, he would just walk away to avoid the conversation.”  

Jin sighed. “I can understand why he's angry.”

“But I’m not mad at you hyung.”

“That’s because you’re Jimin. You’re kind and forgiving…” Jin sighed again.

“I’ll talk to Taetae again. Don’t worry. He has a 4D personality and not one to bear grudges. He won’t stay mad at you for too long.”

“I hope…” Jin paused for a moment. “Let’s not talk about depressing things. So what’s your first impression of Jungkookie?”

“He’s cute…”

“And…” Jin probed.

“He seemed to be a little withdrawn and uptight,” Jimin observed.

Jin nodded. “Jungkookie is a stubborn kid. He’s someone who doesn’t open his heart easily to others. It took me a while to get him to open up to me. And he can be quite rude. But Jungkookie is still a good kid. I guess this is his way of coping. Jiminie, promise me you will be patient with Jungkookie. I know this is all for your sake, but I hope…”

Jimin grabbed Jin’s hand to reassure him. “I will Jin-hyung. I will.”

“Because if there’s anyone who could break down those emotional walls he erected, that will be you,” Jin sighed. 

“That’s such a big vote of confidence,” Jimin guffawed, trying to break Jin’s gloom.

Jin relaxed a little and smiled. “Jungkookie is probably at the park in front of the hospital. You better hurry if you want to catch him and talk.”

Jimin nodded. He thanked Jin once again, got up and bowed before bouncing out of Jin’s clinic like an energetic bunny.

Jin stood up and headed for his desk. He poured himself a glass of water and sunk himself onto the sofa. Jin has had a long day. He had spent the entire morning on an operation. He barely had time for lunch before he had to start his afternoon consultation. Finally it was at the end of the work day for him.

He took a gulp of water and massaged his temples. If only he had not come by that day. If only he did not leave the door to the office open. Maybe things wouldn’t need to progress like this. 

Because no matter what the end result was, someone will get hurt.

The words of a certain Dr Kim Namjoon still echoed in his mind. “Kim Seokjin, what the hell were you thinking? Yes, you’re a qualified heart specialist, but you’re not quite a qualified heart specialist if you know what I mean.” 

Although he was a doctor, Jin believed that not all ailments can be treated by science and medicine. Some illnesses went beyond the realm of science and medicine. Besides every person will die one day. Physical treatment can only do that much and prolong life that much. Sometimes the best treatment is not the physical treatment, but a treatment of one’s emotions, so that one can enjoy one’s time on earth as happily as possible. It’s about quality, not quantity.  

Jin groaned. In the meantime, he could only search and hope that a miracle will materialise.


Two months ago.

It was nearing the end of winter. Jimin was at the place which Jin referred to as an orphanage. The facilities were rather comfortable for an orphanage. There were small studios for art, music and dance. The children there were encouraged to pick up a range of pursuits. There were even facilities for sports, and a small garden to grow vegetables. The number of dwellers was declining over the years as most had ‘graduated’ and left the place.

Jimin was in the small dance studio. He was about to start his dance practice when someone burst into the room.

“Jiminie! Jin-hyung is here. Let’s ask him to take us out. I’m so bored staying in!” the said person backhugged Jimin. 

It was Taehyung, Jimin’s best friend. There were of the same age, though Jimin was older by just a few months.

“But Tae, I want to dance.”

“But I want to go out,” the other boy protested.

“You could go out with Jin-hyung on a date without me. I hate being the third wheel,” Jimin teased.

“Who says I want a one-on-one date with Jin-hyung? Going out won’t be fun without my best friend,” Taehyung tugged at Jimin’s shirt and flashed a wide smile.

“Alright. Let’s go see Dr Jin then. But will he take us out?”

“I’m sure he would if both of us ask,” Taehyung bounced up and down excitedly.

Jimin knew that Jin had a soft spot for Taehyung. Jin would usually give in to Taehyung’s requests. As for Taehyung, Jimin knew he had a crush on Jin. Who wouldn’t when Jin is so gorgeous, smart, caring, gentle and patient? Even Jimin has a small crush on Jin, but more of looking up to Jin as an example.

The door to Jin’s office was slightly ajar. Jimin and Taehyung were about to enter when they heard two voices in the office. From the opening, they could make out Jin and Dr Kim Namjoon. They seemed to be engrossed in a heated conversation of sorts.

“Namjoon, we can’t let Jimin and Taehyung graduate.”

The two boys recognised the voice as belonging to Jin. They could pick up the anxiety in his tone. Why doesn’t Jin want them to graduate?

“You know we don’t have a choice in this matter unless...well…you know the rules.”

They made out the other voice to be Namjoon. He was the administrator of the orphanage. Like Jin, he was a doctor. He taught certain subjects to the kids. Jin too, also taught at the orphanage.

“I know the rules Namjoon. Don’t remind me,” Jin groaned in exasperation. “I just can’t bear to send Jiminie to his death…and Taehyungie…and Taehyungie to lose his sight.”

The two boys were shocked at what they just heard. They blinked at each other in confusion.

“I’m going to die?” Jimin thought to himself.

“What’s this about me losing my sight? Do I have some disease that I don’t know of?” Taehyung thought.

Taehyung wanted to barge into the room to confront both Jin and Namjoon. Jimin was probably thinking of the same thing except he grabbed Taehyung to hold him back, and told him that they should finish listening to the rest of the conversation.

“You love Taehyung, do you?” Namjoon glowered at Jin.

Taehyung froze.

“I do. He’s my younger brother.”

Taehyung’s jaw dropped when he heard those words. The shock was too much for him to process. So he was not an orphan but he had an older brother Jin whom he has a crush on.

“He’s not your younger brother,” Namjoon pointed out flatly. “Yes, your dad took your brother’s DNA to construct Taehyung…but that doesn’t mean he’s your brother. He’s just a grown up teenage clone of your dead brother who died at three years old.”

“But we have similar DNA…”

“Not 100 percent…” Namjoon countered. “You can love him more than a brother.”

“Namjoon, how could you say that?” Jin raised his voice sternly. “That would be .”

Taehyung’s mind was in a whirl. He could not take it any longer. He shook Jimin off and burst into the room. He was agitated, “What do you mean? What is this about me losing me sight? What is this about me being a clone? Am I Jin-hyung’s brother? Tell me. It doesn’t make sense to me.”

Jimin dashed in after Taehyung. His gaze met the two doctors. They looked guilty. “Dr Jin, what is going on? Am I a clone too?”


Jin decided to take both Taehyung and Jimin out to a café. This wasn’t what Taehyung and Jimin had in mind when they wanted to ask Jin out. They wanted to do something fun – like ice skating or watch a movie – not sitting in a café staring at each other with anger, guilt or suspicion. Taehyung did not even feel like stepping out of the ‘orphanage’. Before Jin or Namjoon could say anything, Taehyung turned and ran from Jin’s office all the way back to his room. Jimin and Jin had to give chase after him. It took a lot of coaxing from Jin to get Taehyung to unlock the door to his room and then to convince him to get outside where they could talk. Jimin, who was eager to know what was going on, begged Taehyung to come along. Taehyung was unable to resist Jimin’s pleas and agreed to do so grudgingly.

The air was heavy. No one wanted to speak. Taehyung was finally tired of the silence and snapped, “Dr Jin, you wanted to talk. So speak.”

His tone was icy, and he did not address Jin as hyung. Jin felt a sharp pang in his heart. It was as though a knife had been plunged deeply into his heart and then twisted. This was so unlike the affectionate Taehyung which always liked to be with Jin.  

“I’m…sorry…” Jin stuttered.

“This isn’t helping. What are you sorry for?” Taehyung growled. “Is our world one big lie?”

Jin nodded his head.

“I…don’t…understand…” Jimin spluttered. “I’m not human?”

“You guys are humans…a human clone to be precise. We took the DNA, cells and tissue, harvested them and constructed you guys. That’s the short part of it. I can’t go into specifics. It’s a very complex scientific process. This project was started 25 years ago by Namjoon’s dad, my dad and some other leading scientists. This is meant to be a top secret governmental project. We cloned humans so as to harvest their organs which will then go to those who need them. We refer to this process as graduation.” Jin explained.

Jimin looked on with a fearful expression while Taehyung slammed his fists on the table.

“So does it mean that those who left the orphanage are…?” Jimin’s voice trembled. He was unable to finish his question.

“Some of them are dead. But some are still alive and are well taken care of…except…”

“So are we due to graduate?” Jimin asked. His tone was still shaking.

Jin did not respond. His silence was probably the best admittance that both Taehyung and Jimin were about to graduate.

“I’m not human,” Taehyung mumbled.

“You are very much human…you are just like me and Namjoon…except that you guys don’t have legal status as humans…”

“So we’re aliens. I’m an alien,” Taehyung piped up. It was more of a statement than a question. In normal times, Taehyung’s comments would probably send Jimin and Jin laughing in stitches. Taehyung was weird. He had a 4D personality and would sometimes jokingly refer to himself as an alien who wasn’t on the same wavelength as a normal human being. Under the circumstances, none of them were able to laugh at Taehyung’s comments since the comments were true to a certain extent.

“Am I your younger brother?” Taehyung asked.

Jin nodded. “Dad took a sample of his DNA, cells and tissue when my brother was a kid. He was about two years old. I was three years older than him. He later died in a freak accident,” Jin faltered. His tears welled up in his eyes. “And dad basically created you Taehyungie. You were named after him.”

Taehyung could feel his world crumble and guts churn. The guy he had a crush on was his older brother in a twisted way.

“As for Jiminie, I really don’t know much about your background. I know about Taehyungie because dad told me about it.”

There was another round of silence as no one spoke after Jin. Taehyung and Jimin were still trying to process and come to grips with what Jin had revealed. Jin was dying inside. He felt awful having to break the truth to the two boys he really cared about. He had started helping out at the orphanage when he was around 15 or so. Jimin and Taehyung were 8 years younger than him. He would always play with the two boys, helped them with their education and learning, and taking them out. He saw them blossom from children into teenagers. He tugged at his pants tightly because he loved the two boys so much and yet now he had to hurt them with the truth. But Jin would rather it be him than Namjoon to explain the situation to them. Jin knew this conversation would have to happen at some point since their graduation was impending. Jin wished he only had more time to prepare and it wasn’t in the most pleasant of circumstance in which the boys discovered the truth.

“Our whole lives are a lie,” Jimin sighed. He was crestfallen. The smile Jin loved and was accustomed was wiped from Jimin’s face. Taehyung’s expression remained blank and unreadable.

“I’m really sorry…” Jin repeated again.

“What’s the point?” Taehyung exclaimed. “It doesn’t change anything. It won’t change the fact that Jimin and I are going to graduate.”

“I don’t want you guys to graduate,” Jin finally lost his composure and broke down in tears.

“What about those who have graduated before us? What about who will graduate after us?” Taehyung glowered at Jin.

Jin just shook his head. “I can’t stop anything.”

“Then what makes you think you can prevent our graduation?” Taehyung retorted.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to lose either of you, especially you Taehyungie.”

“What’s going to happen to us?” Jimin asked with a quivering voice. “Am I going to die? Will Taetae lose his sight?”

Jin nodded. Taehyung and Jimin slumped in their seats. “I’m sorry Jiminie.”

“Why me? Why do I have to die?” Jimin asked. Tears began to form in his eyes.

“Because we need your heart to save someone,” Jin replied.

Taehyung gasped in shock. Jimin stopped crying and froze.  

“He needs a heart transplant before he turns 21. Otherwise he would die.”

“But you’re asking Jiminie here to give up his heart and life so that the other person can live? Does it make sense? What it his bull…? We have lives too,” Taehyung protested.

“But that’s the purpose of this project. The clones are meant to save lives.”

“What about OUR lives?” Taehyung countered. “What about OUR rights? Our rights as humans?”

“You guys don’t have legal status as humans. You are objects. You are property.”

“What?” Taehyung slammed his fist onto the table.

“Dr Jin? May I know to whom will my heart go to?” Jimin asked.

“I can’t tell you Jiminie. This is breaching confidential information and patient confidentiality.”

“Please Dr Jin. I really want to know. Is he a child? Or is he a teenager like me? I never asked you for a big favour or anything in my entire life…if I could even consider my life a life. At least I want to know the giving up of my life will be worth it,” Jimin pleaded.

“Jiminie, how could you even think of dying?” Taehyung chided.

“Jiminie, his name is Jeon Jungkook. He’s turning 18 this year. He likes performing arts. He’s in high school. He is a good and smart kid. But he is lonely and withdrawn due to his condition. He can be quite stubborn,” Jin said. “He’s also my patient.”

“Can I see how he looks like?” Jimin asked.

Jin took his handphone and scrolled through his pictures. He found a photo he had taken with Jungkook on his seventeenth birthday. He showed the photo to Jimin. “This was taken last year.”

Jimin studied the boy in the photo. Although the boy was smiling, Jimin could sense there was a tinge of sadness hidden behind his smile. He looked a little pale. But overall, he was adorable and cute. He had doe eyes and looked like a cute squirrel or chipmunk. He reminded him of some of the younger boys in the orphanage who was always hang out around him, calling him ‘Jimin hyung’, and badger him for treats. Jimin felt a little sad that this boy could die before he turned 21 if he doesn’t get a heart transplant.

Jimin sighed.

“What’s going to happen to me? Will I die?” Taehyung asked, his voice quaking with fear.

“No, you won’t, but you will lose your sight. Your cornea is to be transplanted to this person called Jung Hoseok. He’s probably a year or two older than you.”

Taehyung nodded. “Do you have more information about him?”

Jin shook his head. I only showed Jimin a photograph and shared knowledge about Jungkook because he happens to be my patient. Even then, I’m not supposed to…I could get into serious trouble…but…well…never mind.”

Jin paused for a while before he stated with an air of determination, “Listen guys, I’ll do my best to protect both of you. I don’t want Jiminie to die. Neither do I want Taehyungie to lose your sight.”

“But what about Jeon Jungkook?” Jimin burst out. His eyes were starting to turn red. “If he doesn’t receive my heart, he will die, won’t he? But you’re his doctor Dr Jin. How could you not want to save him?”

Jin shifted his gaze away from Jimin in guilt. What Jimin said was true. He wasn’t acting in his patient’s best interest. He had forgotten about his Hippocratic Oath. What kind of doctor was he?

“Jiminie, who cares about Jeon Jungkook or whoever? It’s too bad he has gotten a heart disease. It’s just too bad he will die young. But you’re perfect healthy. Why should you die? Why should you give him your life?” Taehyung snorted.

“Jin-hyung, is there any way I could avoid giving my cornea to that Jung Hoseok guy and Jiminie to not give his heart to Jeon Jungkook?”

“There is a way. But it has not been done before.” Jin said.

“Quick, tell us what is it?” Taehyung pressed on. Jimin remained silent.

“As long the recipient of the organ signs a form or produce a piece of writing with his or her signature which states he consents to not receive the organ of the donor or clone, that will release the donor’s obligations. Which means you’ll be free. You don’t have to donate your cornea Taehyung, and Jimin won’t have to donate his heart,” Jin stated.

“Seems easy,” Taehyung exclaimed and jumped up from his seat. He was getting excited. “Let’s just go meet Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook and convince them to sign a form, or write the letter or something.”

Jin sighed. “It’s not as easy as you think Taehyungie. Who would be willing to forego a chance at living a normal life? Who would be willing to sacrifice their chance for another person, much more a clone whom they have no connection to?”

Taehyung shrunk back into the seat.

“I want to meet Jeon Jungkook,” Jimin said with a determined tone. “Dr Jin. I have to meet him?”

Jin was puzzled. “But why Jiminie?”

“He needs me. I think he needs me,” Jimin uttered.

Taehyung snapped his fingers. “I’ve got it. Jiminie is right. They should meet.”

“What? Why?” Jin was lost.

Taehyung was now hyper and full of energy as he rattled, “If they have a connection…if Jiminie here meets that Jeon Jungkook and they can establish a connection…a relationship…maybe if Jeon Jungkook truly falls in love with Jiminie, he wouldn’t want Jiminie to give up his life for him. He would be more than willing sign the form or write the letter for Jiminie to live. I know this sounds silly. But if Jiminie here can make Jeon Jungkook love him, then there might be a small chance. After all, there’s nothing more to lose. We would have to bet that true love wins. As for me, I’ll work on Jung Hoseok…”

Both Jimin and Jin could only stare at Taehyung in response to his suggestion.  


So the secret's out! We all know Jimin's real identity? He's a clone. Did anyone see this coming? Did anyone like the alien reference about Tae/V?

So this will pretty much set the scene and conflict for the entire story. What do you think of Taehyung's plan? What is going to happen to Jungkook? Do you think Jimin is into this plan? Is everyone ganging up against Jungkook? E.g. Jin, Jimin...

What do you think will happen down the road? 

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The reason I'm posting is because I'm still shocked over the death of SHINee's Jonghyun. I am not a big SHINee fan, somewhat a casual listener. I bought their early albums. My bias is Jonghyun. I feel really sad over his passing that I can't help but tear up. I just want to get this off my chest.


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_aerinsong_ #1
Chapter 24: Hello. I hope you are fine! Can I ask if thia fic is still on going? If not I hope someday you will have the time to update, its beautiful. Thank you!
Chapter 24: I was reading this in class and I was like...sobbing...
My teacher asked me like 50x if I was okay XD
GREEEEAAAT chapter as always(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Chapter 23: I like it jungkook took initiative first :)
I know that jimin is falling in love too with jungkook bet he denied it. He just confused.
Wonder how this will turn out too after junghyun know the truth.
Chapter 23: omg jungkook confessed and they kissed(': but im so scared for jikook... i really want them to work out and have a happy ending together urg
Chapter 23: Omggg junghyun knows!! KYAAAAA ><
jungtaekwoonieismine #6
Chapter 23: i hope authornim find a way to save all of them^^ happy ending plizzzzzzz❤
Chapter 22: really hoping for happy endings for the couples. ...sigh
Chapter 21: urgggg i hope there's some miracle, some way for jikook to both live and be together in the end alive and well
KimchiCupcakes #9
Chapter 21: Poor jimin having to hear jungkook talk about getting a heart which is from him
aoi_Kitsune #10
Chapter 20: I'm so happy to see that this story is still going on^^
It's such an interesting premise and I'm really, really curious how it all will be resolved.
But please take all the time you need to do your studies and to create the chapters you feel happy with, we readers can wait.
Author-nim fighting!