Jin and Taehyung Part II

That year, the Sun Shines

Jin was six years old and Taehyung was three. They were living overseas as his father had a job in another country. The two brothers were close. But tragedy was to befall their family one day.


A fire broke out in their residence one night. Both the boys were sound asleep in their respective bedrooms and weren’t aware of the danger. The panic screams from their mother were unheard. The fire was raging by the minute. Jin’s mum decided to go in to save Jin before returning to save Taehyung as the older boy was closer to where she was. She managed to rouse Jin from his sleep, grabbed him off the bed and towards the door. The six year boy was still feeling groggy from his sleep and his mind did not register anything or the imminent danger they were in.


She tried her best to reassure her six-year old son that everything was alright and that he had to be brave to escape the house on his own while she would go get Taehyung. But the raging flames and in the intense heat scared the boy. Jin shook his head and cried, “I’m not going anywhere without eomma!”


In those precious seconds, the blaze and heat intensified. Smoke was filling the entire house and choking them. Jin and his mother could hear the wails of Taehyung. It was then Jin came to his senses. “Eomma, Taehyungie! He’s trapped. I need to go get him! I need to go get him.”


“Seokjin-ah, just run. Eomma will get him!”


“No eomma. I can’t leave you and Taehyungie alone here!”


Jin was about to make a run towards Taehyung’s room when Jin’s mother spotted a beam about to crash down on Jin. She yanked Jin aside out of danger. They could still hear Taehyung’s wails and cries for his mother.


It was there and then Jin’s mother made a decision which she had to live with guilt for the rest of her life. She could only get one of her sons to safety. And she decided to escape with Jin. Bluffing Jin that she could return to rescue Taehyung, she led both of them to safety outside, away from the burning house. Moments after they made it past onto the lawn, the house exploded into a ball of flames.


Jin could not forget Taehyung’s cries and his wails for their mother. He could not forget the house exploded in flames. He could not forget how his mother collapsed from exhaustion at Taehyung’s funeral. He felt it was his fault. If he was brave enough to make it out on his own, perhaps his mum would be able to save Taehyung and he would not have died. Perhaps if he was brave enough to save Taehyung, Taehyung would not have died. There were so many ‘what ifs’ but the fact remains that Taehyung died in the fire. His parents were devastated, but did not blame him one bit. They had told him repeatedly that it wasn’t his fault. His mum was affected and she fell into depression, but she saw a psychiatrist and it took her a long while to recover.


Jin wanted to become a psychiatrist, but his dad objected, preferring Jin to become a surgeon. That was how Jin ended up specialising in cardiology. He did a few units in psychiatry and psychology which remain his passion and interest until this day. Jin also had to study biomedical research. Jin’s dad taught Jin about the science and processes about cloning despite Jin’s protests by claiming it was to protect Taehyung because Jin would be able to assume one of the administrator roles in the orphanage in order to protect the clone of his younger brother. The regret of his inability to save his younger brother, and being the obedient son, Jin acceded to his father’s requests.


And what about Jin’s relationship with Taehyung after Jin found out about the truth? It didn’t change much. At least that was what Jin portrayed. He definitely did pay more attention towards Taehyung. He gave in pretty much to Taehyung’s requests as long they were not unreasonable or put him in a difficult position. But Jin knew his position was that of an elder brother to Taehyung.


The day Jin left for studies in the US was an emotional day. Taehyung had cried and kept clinging on to Jin and sobbing Jin-hyung repeatedly. Jimin was trying his best to console Taehyung while Jin was trying to placate him. Jin’s heart was breaking inside. He would miss the adorable, weird little boy who thought he was alien from another planet. After many reassurances that Jin would call Taehyung regularly and that he would visit Taehyung during the holidays, Taehyung finally let go of Jin.


Jin completed his studies pretty fast. When he returned, Taehyung had already blossomed into a good-looking teenager. He could remember the boxy-smile on Taehyung’s face when Jin arrived at the ‘orphanage’ the moment he arrived in Seoul. He didn’t even bother returning home first. He wanted to see Taehyung. He missed Taehyung, and to a certain Jimin as well. He could remember the two excited teenagers sprinting towards him and giving him a near bone-crushing hug.


Jin and Taehyung reconnected again pretty fast. Jin was more involved in the orphanage and would help out frequently whenever he wasn’t busy with work. Jin loved Taehyung as a younger brother. He showered attention and love on Taehyung. He was affectionate with Taehyung with the hugs and cuddles. They resumed their sleepovers – Jimin, Taehyung and Jin together in one bed. It wasn’t awkward for them despite the three boys being older. Then again, Jimin was also just as affectionate with Jin. Jin continued to give in to Taehyung’s requests. On hindsight, perhaps Jin should not have done that. It probably confused the teenager who has just started to explore his uality. It probably sent Taehyung all the wrong signals that Jin loved Taehyung and saw him as a man.


But there were times when Jin doubted whether he only loved and saw Taehyung as his younger brother given that they have gotten really close and given Taehyung’s growing attractiveness. The physical closeness with one another – the hugging, the sleeping together, going out – did not help Jin’s confusion as to what he viewed his relationship as.   


Jin didn’t have ual thoughts about Taehyung. He loves Taehyung. He wants to protect Taehyung forever. He does not want to leave Taehyung’s side. Taehyung had never left his mind during Jin’s days overseas. Jin missed Taehyung. He always thought of Taehyung when he was feeling down and lonely and reminisced all the times they had shared.


“Jin hyung, I’m saying this to you not as a colleague but as a friend. It’s okay if you love Taehyung,” Namjoon attempted to reassure Jin. The two doctors were having some free time one afternoon when the topic of Taehyung came up. “And I mean as a man.”


“He’s eight years younger than me Namjoon-ah. And he’s the clone of my brother – his DNA, his cells and tissues. We are related. How can I love him? That’s ,” Jin groaned.


“Jin-hyung, he’s a clone. He’s not your brother.”


“It’s precisely that he’s a clone. I can’t fall in love with him.”


“But you have…and although he’s a clone…he has feelings and he can reciprocate your feelings…Taehyung is in every way human like you always said. So why are you discriminating against his feelings because he’s a clone?” Namjoon pointed out.


“I’m not discriminating against him…just that I don’t him that way…not as a man,” Jin insisted. “I love him as a brother.”


“You’re lying…” Namjoon said flatly.


“I’m not…” Jin rebutted.


“But the thought of seeing him as a man did cross your mind.” Namjoon said. He meant that as a statement than a question.


Jin groaned.


“Ok…suppose you see Taehyung as a brother…but does he even see you that way?”


Jin kept silent.


“You know he doesn’t, right?” Namjoon pressed on. “He’s a teenager Jin-hyung. He might misread your feelings towards him. And I think he has a crush on you. I’m not the most smart when it comes to relationships, but I can sense that. Jin-hyung, if you don’t love him as a man; don’t lead him on and give him false hopes.”




Jin’s doorbell rang causing him to snap out of his thoughts. Namjoon’s words kept on replaying in his mind. The younger doctor was right. He would have to make it clear to Taehyung today. Whether Jin loves Taehyung as a man or as a brother, it doesn’t matter anymore. Even though Jin is all confused, he shouldn’t string Taehyung along any longer.


Jin opened the door to a smiling Jimin and a nervous Taehyung who was gripping onto Jimin’s hands and looking down at his feet. Jin quickly invited them in.


Jimin handed a paper bag over to Jin. “Dr…I mean Jin-hyung, we couldn’t come empty handed. So we decided to get you something.”


“Thanks Jiminie. Thanks Taetae. That’s very thoughtful of you guys,” he opened the paper bag to find a bottle of wine. Jin chuckled. “Basically, you’re using my money to buy me a gift.”


“Well…” Jimin stuttered. “You know we don’t have any money since we don’t have any jobs. Please help us Jin-hyung.”


“I was joking,” Jin said and led the two boys to the living room and asked them to take a seat while Jin proceeded to lay the dinner table.


Taehyung’s eyes lit up when he saw the food – they were all his favourite dishes. For a moment, he forgot the awkwardness and hugged Jin. “Hyung, did you prepare all that especially for me? Thank you so much.”


Jimin pouted. “Jin-hyung? What about me? Why didn’t you prepare any of my favourites?”


Jin laughed. “Because I know you eat whatever Taetae eats.


Jimin continued to pout.


“Alright, the next time you come over, I’ll prepare your favourites,” Jin said.




“It’s a promise,” Jin smiled.


The dinner was really light-hearted, perhaps aided by the wine which Jimin and Taehyung brought and Jin opened for everyone to share. They steered clear of the serious issues. Jimin and Taehyung were mesmerised by Jin’s apartment – it was their first time there and they found the apartment to be beautifully decorated. It had a warehouse industrial chic look that was plain and simple.


“Jin-hyung, your place is just wow. You must have paid a lot for this place. And you own the other apartment which we live in,” Jimin gushed.


“Well, Jin-hyung is a surgeon. He earns a lot of money,” Taehyung quipped.


Jin was embarrassed by Jimin’s and Taehyung’s comments. “I’m still paying the mortgage off for the two apartments. And I’m supporting both of you guys. I have to work hard, see more patients, and operate on more people. And I should totally charge you guys rent. But before that, I need to get you guys a job. Otherwise the money is out of own pocket back into my own pocket.”


When the meal finished, Jimin offered to help Jin with the dishes and dragged Taehyung along to help with the wash up. After that Jimin said he wanted to explore the apartment and quickly scampered off before Taehyung could tag along, thus leaving Taehyung along with Jin.


“Taetae, we need to talk,” Jin said in a gentle tone as he led Taehyung into the study room to allow for some privacy.


“I don’t know what is there for us to talk about?” Taehyung feigned ignorance.


“Your feelings. My feelings. All this crap that has been going on for the last few months.”


“What do you want to know about my feelings?” Taehyung’s tone was starting to turn defensive. “It’s not like you could do anything about it. You’re my brother in a twisted kind of way.”


“Like when did it start or when did you first discover it?”


“Does it matter? Do you even love me the way I feel for you? Or are you going to dismiss my love as a puppy love, as a silly crush? Because it is not, Jin-hyung. I do love you. You may think I’m young and I don’t know love. But I love you. You’re always on my thoughts. I know I shouldn’t … not because I’ve found out about the fact that we are somewhat brothers, but I know that you have always loved me as a brother, but I can’t help but want more. I see you as a man, not a hyung…an amazing, caring, loving and generous man I want to spend the rest of my life with…a man whom I can safely entrust my heart...And even though you spun lies or was a part of the lie about us being orphans, I can’t get angry with you no matter how much I want to because I love you. It kills me!” Taehyung huffed. He sounded rather agitated.


Taehyung paused for a while before he continued in a quivering voice, “There, I fessed up. Happy now?”


“Taetae, I’ve always seen you as a brother…” Jin said slowly and gently.


“See, I knew it!” Taehyung interjected.


“I’m not done…but there were moments when I see you as a man – not the clingy little boy who would bug me to carry him, to play games with, to take him out, who would pout when I came late, or cried when I left for America You’re a man who has the wildest and interesting thoughts. You’re a man who makes me comfortable. You’re a man who makes me laugh. You’re a man who cares deeply for his friends and family. You care so much for Jiminie. You have grown up Taetae,” Jin confessed.


“But we could never be together, right?” Taehyung asked. Tears started b in his eyes.


“Because I’m not even sure of my own feelings Taetae, and I don’t want to lead you on,” Jin explained.


“I can wait…” Taehyung said hopefully.


Jin decided it was best to explain to Taehyung about Jin’s dead brother and how Jin came to be involved in it all.


“So does this mean I am a substitute for your dead brother?” Taehyung asked in an almost inaudible tone.


“For dad, yes. But you weren’t for me. You were never a substitute. Not from the moment we met nor from the moment I found out the truth,” Jin exhaled. “It’s so strange, but I think we might have made the connection on the first day we met. I admit I might have favoured you a little more after finding out you are the clone of my brother. But he never did grow up. I would never know what kind of person he is. He might be a different person and character than you are. But you, I saw you grow up. I know you. And you know what? I’m not going to see you as a clone of my dead brother. You’re Taetae. I’m going to see you as you. This means, I’m not going to let you take advantage of me. That means I have to charging you rent.”


“You can’t be serious about the rent part, Jin-hyung?” Taehyung gasped.


Jin chuckled. “Do you think I’m that mean?”


“Jin-hyung is always the best, right?” Taehyung exclaimed brightly with his thumbs up.


“I’ll protect you. I don’t want you to lose your eyesight. I’ll do my best for Jiminie too,” Jin said.


“Jiminie?” Taehyung laughed. “Jeon Jungkook seems so totally into him. And Jiminie is so good at being flirty in getting to Jungkook. The plan is going to be a success.”


“Oh!’ Jin felt a lump in his throat and his insides knot up at the thought of Jungkook getting hurt. But this conversation was about him and Taehyung and not about Jungkook.


“So are we all good Taetae?” Jin asked. “Will you still avoid me? Are you angry with me?”


“I’m not angry with you at the clone thing or keeping the fact that I’m a clone of your dead brother from me? I was just embarrassed about my feelings. But I realise that I’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. I like you Jin-hyung. No, I love you Jin-hyung. And thank you for seeing me as a man. It means a lot to me. I can’t let go all of my feelings at the moment. I can’t stop seeing you as a man rather than as a hyung. But I know I will get over it sometime. I have to move on. I can’t bear avoiding you for too long. So we’re good.”


Taehyung initiated a hug which Jin reciprocated.


And Jimin who was watching from outside the room breathed in relief. He was glad the two finally made up and the awkwardness between them is gone. Everything will be back to normal, Jimin cheered inwardly.  


How's everyone doing?

All my assignments are done. Woohoo! That's  the good news. The bad news is that exams are coming. And I have started exam preparation. Exams begin on 24 Nov and end on 30 Nov and I will be looking forward to a one a month break from my studies. 

I will probably update this story in 2 to 3 weeks time just before my exams and then a couple of weeks later after my exams are over. Author here needs a bit of a break to chill and relax. 

But I'm planning more JiKook scenarios and stories. But I don't want to start them until this story is almost completed. One story might involve Jimin as a priest or something...another is about their lives as law students which is something close to my heart and life at this moment. 

That said, this chapter concludes the backstory of Jin and Taehyung. I'm sorry for any Taejin shippers out there. But this is as best as I could go for the both of them. I hope you like this slight Taejin bit even though it was short. And technically they do love each other...at least Taehyung does...Jin...he's still unsure...but hey...the focus is still on VHope. Nevertheless I hope you guys like the Taejin interactions here and you get a better understanding into Jin's motivations and all that. 

Meanwhile, please continue to leave me your comments. Comments mean a lot to me. And subscribe to this story if you have yet to. 

My other fan fics

Heaven's Boys 

KyuMin: Almost a love story

KyuMin: 60 Days 

It's You (너라고) Neorago (a YeWook fan-fic)

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The reason I'm posting is because I'm still shocked over the death of SHINee's Jonghyun. I am not a big SHINee fan, somewhat a casual listener. I bought their early albums. My bias is Jonghyun. I feel really sad over his passing that I can't help but tear up. I just want to get this off my chest.


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_aerinsong_ #1
Chapter 24: Hello. I hope you are fine! Can I ask if thia fic is still on going? If not I hope someday you will have the time to update, its beautiful. Thank you!
Chapter 24: I was reading this in class and I was like...sobbing...
My teacher asked me like 50x if I was okay XD
GREEEEAAAT chapter as always(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Chapter 23: I like it jungkook took initiative first :)
I know that jimin is falling in love too with jungkook bet he denied it. He just confused.
Wonder how this will turn out too after junghyun know the truth.
Chapter 23: omg jungkook confessed and they kissed(': but im so scared for jikook... i really want them to work out and have a happy ending together urg
Chapter 23: Omggg junghyun knows!! KYAAAAA ><
jungtaekwoonieismine #6
Chapter 23: i hope authornim find a way to save all of them^^ happy ending plizzzzzzz❤
Chapter 22: really hoping for happy endings for the couples. ...sigh
Chapter 21: urgggg i hope there's some miracle, some way for jikook to both live and be together in the end alive and well
KimchiCupcakes #9
Chapter 21: Poor jimin having to hear jungkook talk about getting a heart which is from him
aoi_Kitsune #10
Chapter 20: I'm so happy to see that this story is still going on^^
It's such an interesting premise and I'm really, really curious how it all will be resolved.
But please take all the time you need to do your studies and to create the chapters you feel happy with, we readers can wait.
Author-nim fighting!