
I've Always Loved You [Jongkey Oneshot]


Jonghyun sat in the corner of the coffee shop reading a brand new novel for his literature class. The place wasn't crowded like usual and as he looked outside the window, the faint traces of winter were coming about. The trees started to lose their leaves and days became more cold. He took another sip of his coffee and put his jacket on. Behind him, he felt a sudden gust of chilly air and the sound of a bell. Someone had just walked in. Jonghyun looked behind him to see a boy, about his age, ordering coffee from the counter. He turned back to reading his book and after a minute, the boy passed him and he looked up to take a quick glimpse. He wore black skinny jeans, a loose white sweater, and a scarf. When the other sat down and Jonghyun caught a glimpse of his face, he froze. The cat-like eyes and the high cheekbones gave it away almost instantly. He should've known the moment he heard his voice. His fashion style and the way he walked didn't change much either. Jonghyun watched as he took out a small paperback novel and began to read it, taking little sips of his coffee here and there. 
His name was Kibum. 
Jonghyun couldn't keep his eyes away anymore as he started to remember all the memories. They clouded his eyes and tears started to form. It's been so long Key... He started to remember the first time they met and became friends. Key wasn't exactly a shy type and when they first talked, they connected with each other instantaneously. He remembered all the times they would hang out and how as weeks passed by, they seemed to grow closer. That's when Jonghyun started to develop feelings for the other and the same happened with Key. He then remembered the dates, holding hands and their first kiss. Jonghyun touched his lips and could almost feel the spark that happened when their lips touched. Who knew that after a few months would pass, they would become a couple? Their relationship was filled with honesty and loyalty and everyone thought they were perfect. That's when everything started to go downhill. Jonghyun's heart started to break as he remembered their first real argument. Jonghyun had cheated on Kibum and they broke up for a little while. But Key couldn't just leave his first love. They got back together and their days were filled with happiness once more.. until Jonghyun cheated again. He remembered the way Key had become furious at him. The younger threw his belongings at him and Jonghyun was in tears when he finally stopped Key. Of course, Kibum forgave the other and Jonghyun vowed, once again, that he wouldn't cheat. That promise was broken and that's when everything changed. Jonghyun felt a tear fall onto his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. He could clearly remember it all. 
Key stormed into the apartment building to find Jonghyun on the couch watching tv. He grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. "Yah! Key! What was that for?" Jonghyun looked up into the other's eyes and saw tears mixed with fury.
"How..." Key closed his eyes in order for himself to calm down. "How could you?" 
"What? What did I do?" Jonghyun stood up from the couch and intended to make his way to the kitchen when Key grabbed his wrist. 
"You know exactly what you did! How could you do this to me again? I thought you loved me?" Jonghyun sighed and turned to face Kibum.
"I do love you." He caressed the younger's face but Key pushed him away.
"Don't touch me." He glared at the other and Jonghyun took a step away from the boy. "If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done this again. You promised. When will you ever learn?!" Key started to sob at this point and before he knew it, he was on the floor with his face in his hands. Jonghyun knelt down and put his hand on the other's back. 
"I - I'm sorry Key.. I didn't mean to hurt you." Jonghyun was pushed away again and Key soon had him against the wall, his fists on the other's chest. 
"You always say that! You always do! You never mean it though.. never!" He continued to try to hurt the other, but it was no use. Jonghyun started to cry as he held Key's wrists. The younger tried to break free but Jonghyun held him in his arms. Kibum started to calm down and his sobs quieted until there was no noise. 
Jonghyun the other's hair. "Forgive me?" He took Key's chin and raised it in order to kiss him. Key pushed him away and made his way to the door. "Key?" Jonghyun followed him and grabbed the younger's wrist. Key didn't make an effort to let himself free anymore and when he faced Jonghyun, his face was emotionless. "Key?"
Key slowly took Jonghyun's hand off of him and looked down at the ground. "It's over Jonghyun... for good." Jonghyun couldn't move when he heard the words and watched as Key left through his door. Unlike all those other times, he didn't go after him.
-End of Flashback-
Jonghyun snapped back to reality when he heard the sound of a chair scraping against the tile. He looked over to Kibum to see him standing up. The younger walked past him and he heard the bell knowing that he just left the coffee shop. Jonghyun quickly got up leaving all his stuff on the table and walked outside. He turned to his left to see Kibum's figure walking away. Racing through him was the thought of catching up to the other.... but he thought against it. He continued to watch as the slim figure of his lover slowly started to disappear down the street. Jonghyun walked back into the coffee shop and sat down. His eyes started to water looking back at the place where Kibum was sitting. There were so many things he could've have done. So many things he could have fixed. He could have gotten Kibum back, too. But Jonghyun had a problem and he knew that Key should deserve someone better. Just like that one day, he let the other go. Because he knew that with him, Kibum would just get his heart broken again.
Kibum looked behind him in the cold November air and searched for that one face he knew so well. People passed by him and none of them were the one he was looking for. Just like that time, just like that one night, Jonghyun didn't chase after him. Key readjusted his scarf and turned around to keep walking as the tears slowly started to form. There were so many wrongs things that happened to their relationship, but as Kibum started to think about it, the good memories overshadowed the bad. All the smiles and laughs were worth it. Just to be with him again would be worth it. Ever since they broke up, Key couldn't bear himself to love anyone else. Just seeing Jonghyun again, made his heart feel whole. Jonghyun was that missing piece he needed. He stopped in his tracks again and decided to go back to the coffee shop. When he entered through the door, Jonghyun wasn't at the table anymore. Key's heart sank seeing the empty seat and left the coffee shop searching for his figure. Where could he be? 
Key thought of the apartment he used to go to so often and made his way there. The sun was starting to set and the winds blew more ferociously. It was getting hard to walk now and what he was wearing was so thin, but he knew he needed to make it. He made a run for it, the cold air stinging his face. He didn't think nothing of it, only thinking about being in his lover's arms again.
Kibum was soon outside of the apartment door in the freezing night air. It's now or never Kibum. He hesitantly raised his arm and knocked on the door. He waited for an answer, supporting himself against the wall for he was out of breath. The door finally opened and Jonghyun stood there. He froze again when he saw who it was. "Key? Wha- What are you doing here?" Jonghyun noticed the other was panting and shivering. "Wait here."
Jonghyun soon came out with a jacket and put it around Key. He closed the apartment door behind him and stood outside with Key. They could only just look at each when Key threw himself onto the other. "I've missed you so much Jjong." Jonghyun stood motionless trying to figure out what was happening. "I... I still love you. I've always loved you." He felt warm tears on his shoulder and that's when Jonghyun finally put his arms around Key. The younger looked up at him waiting for his answer.
"I've always loved you too Kibum. Always." A smile grew on him and before he could speak again, Key's lips were on his. That familiar spark could be felt again and Jonghyun smiled into the kiss. They pulled away and Key rested his head on Jonghyun's shoulder. Who knew that on a cold November night, he would get his love back?
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this was cool, srsly.
love the get back! yay! erm if there otherr jongkey fics that u write or read, lend it to me on my wall,kay?
SHINee4ever5 #3
Love this story <3
guitarist811 #4
Hope that Jjong won't cheat again. Lol. :P<br />
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Nice story~! ^-^
awww this is sooo cute >.<