A wet (not really) first meeting

A wet (not really) first meeting


If there was something that Yoongi hated more than doing something, was doing something when it was so hot that your brain melted. Yes, that is exactly what he is feeling right now, like his insides are melting. It should be a crime to have to work with this heat. Granted he has an electric fan just for him but there is so much it can do.


  But the world has ways of making what is already a bad day into something worse. To be honest Yoongi should have seen it coming  but he was tired and hot and wanted to get to work as soon as possible so he can totally blame his super manly shriek (exactly, super manly) in his lack of attention catching him out of guard when a kid comes barreling into him taking him down and at the same time spilling something sugary and, hell no, sticky all over him. In insight, he should have been more careful, you can never be too careful when it comes to pass near the park. Yoongi was definitely too old for this .


   When his brain came back online was to the sound of obnoxious laughter and someone’s hands roaming all over him. Like he was on fire, Yoongi startled and got up, immediately meeting his aggressors faces with a scowl. Don’t let it be said that Min Yoongi doesn’t have a mean scowl.


   He is met with the sight of a crazy kid ( because obviously only crazy kids would be laughing like maniacs while rolling on the ground) that by the stains on his shirt is his aggressor and a boy's worried face getting all over him. Ugh. Personal space bubble anyone?


   “Hyung, are you alright??” Worried Face asked. Well, he just fell on his and is covered in some kind of sticky drink. Of course he is alright.


   “What do you think?” He deadpanned while looking at his shirt.


   “I-I am really sorry hyung, my friend just had too much sugar and is kind of high on it right now” He said sheepishly before throwing a glare over his shoulder to his still laughing friend.


   But Yoongi wasn’t paying much attention to what the younger was saying, right now he was measuring the pros and cons of going to work like this or run home to change and inevitably get late to work. Hum, maybe he could pass by a clothes shop and buy one shirt-”What the hell are you doing?!”


   “Please hyung, let me make it up for you. Please accept my-”


   “You can’t possibly be offering what I think you are-”


   “Please accept my t-shirt, hyung!” The kid said, more close to screaming it, with the t-shirt in his outstretched hands while bowing. Of course it is the t-shirt. Of course. What had you been thinking Yoongi. What could he be offering by stripping. ( It’s obviously the heat fault. )


   Yoongi huffed. “Fine.” That made the kid smile. Annoying kids and their cute little smiles. Quickly stripping his t-shirt, Yoongi grabbed the other’s t-shirt only for the kid to not let go. What. The. Hell. “Kid.”


   “Wha-ah! Sorry hyung! You’re really pale.” he said finishing almost in a whisper after letting go.


   “What was that?” Fantastic. Now the heat is affecting his hearing.


   “No-nothing!” he stuttered cutely. Wait-No. Absolutely not cute at all.


   Eyeing the two boys suspiciously, Yoongi started to walk away only to be stopped by a hand on his wrist. “Hyung wait! How will I be able to give you your shirt back?”


   Raising an eyebrow Yoongi replied. “Hum, maybe I just take it now?” Because why would he leave his shirt with the kid. Duh.


   “Bu-but I will wash it! After all it was our fault that it got dirty, right Tae?”


   Finally sobering from his maniacal laughter episode, with a smug air “Tae” answered.” Well you have to give Jimin his shirt back too.” Jimin. It’s a cute name. It fits hi-no. Ugh, he’s just going to stop there. Thinking of a way to do it without having to meet them again he is interrupted when Jimin spoke.


   “We could exchange cell numbers?” He said hesitant but hopeful. Or at least was what it sounded to Yoongi. He probably was wrong after all it didn’t make any sense for the kid to be hopeful, it was only the first time they met. Right?


   Shaking his head Yoongi replied. “No need. I will just leave it at the shop across the street I know the guy who will be at this shift tomorrow so just go there and ask for your t-shirt. Jimin, right?”


   Nodding his head. “Yes, Park Jimin.”


   “Good, just give my shirt to him too and I will get it after”


   “Sorry again hyung” Jimin bowed again, elbowing Tae until he did it too.


   “Yes, sorry hyung. It won’t happen again” Tae said with a little smirk.


   That little . You better hope it doesn't.


   Nodding to both the boys Yoongi once again began making his way to work.


   Maybe if he took a shortcut he wouldn't get too late.



Once Yoongi was out of their sight both boys collapsed on the grass.


   “Oh. My. God. That can’t possibly have happen. No no no no, tell me that I didn’t just make a fool of myself in front of Min Yoongi-hyung!!”


   Taehyung chuckled. “Oh no, you were suuper smooth.” “Yoongi-hyung you’re so pale” He said with a girly voice while pretending to swoon.


   Jimin groaned. He wanted to disappear, how could he say such things to his hyung! He’s probably thinking he is crazy, or worst, a ert! “I hate you. You’re the worst best friend. I’m officially demoting you.” he said with a pout.


   “Oh don’t be like that Jiminie, you wanted to talk with him right? I just helped. You even got to see him undress.” Taehyung said wiggling his eyebrows.


   “Well, yeah. But he probably doesn’t want to see me again. He didn’t even give me his number. . .” he mumbled.


   “I thought you were smarter Jimim.-”




   “-You just have to ask his friend at the store! Just make up some excuse, like you want to properly apologise or something.” Taehyung said with a smug face.


   “You should be the one apologising!”


   “Details, details” Taehyung said sticking his tongue.


   “I could always try, right? Nothing to lose.” Jimin said getting up.


   “That’s the spirit! Fighting!” He screamed still sitting on the ground.


   Giving his friend a hand, Jimin grumbled “Come on, I still have to get home and get a t-shirt.” Looking to the boy beside him. “You too. You’re all gross”


   “Oooh, does little Jiminie want a hug?”


   “Don’t you dare- TAE!”



After one too many funny looks and giggles Yoongi looked for the first time to the borrowed t-shirt. “Big Bang. Of course.” Sighing to himself Yoongi mentally prepared himself to a shift full of fangirl talk. Oh the joys.



Edit 19/02/2016: Corrected some grammatical errors
And the 1st chapter of the 3rd part is up!

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The sequel has a new chapter! If you want to know what happens next, go check it out!


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Chapter 1: Please continue this fic! It's so great!!! :)
trammie2517 #2
Chapter 1: Author-nim.... I DEMAND (oh no more like begging) YOU TO FINISH THIS FIC. SUCH A CLIFF HANGER END >< PLEASE
Chapter 1: Nooo, you have to continue this. This was too good for my own sake. I'm so curious of how Jimin knew Yoongi from and how he had a crush on him and how they start their relationship
charietigre #4
This definitely sounds like the start of a really good story~~ I'd love if you continued as well. :) <3
Chapter 1: I hope u are going to continue this author-nim cause this was really cute! Clueless Yoonmin and mischievous Taehyung is awesome!