Day 2

The Vkook Days

The day was finally over and Taehyung was hidden in his bathroom sobbing quietly into his sleeves. 

It took all of his power and will to not cry in front of everyone he didn't even know why it affected him so much. Well he did but. Still. He hated it when people were mad at him.

A thing to know about Taehyung, as sensitive as he is. He would cry "like his dad" as his mother describes it. That is to say he only cries when he feels something is unfair. It was unfair that that people accused the company of buying their own things to win. Jimin was there for him in that moment. 


"Yah Taetae come on, forget about them." Jimin comforted the younger and rubbed his back soothingly,"Everyone says something they don't mean when they're upset, they'll realise they were wrong." 

Taehyung looked down as droplets of tears fell on the fabric of his clothes. "It's just" He sniffled,"Yoongi and Namjoon hyung worked so hard, Hobi even made up some side tracks for us, you gave the suggestions for the concept and Kookie had been recording for hours. We all worked so hard and th-then we get accused?" 

Jimin pouted,"You had to practice killing that guy without laughing or hugging him straight after." 

Taehyung chuckled softly through his tears,"Y-yeah." 

"We all worked hard Taetae, we did it for the fans." 

Taehyung merely nodded. 

"There's always gonna be people like that. Our style isn't for everyone." Jimin wiped Taehyung's tears."Aigoo you sensitive pabo." He said playfully. 

Taehyung smiled softly wiping his eyes,"At least I'm sensitive~ You're just a pabo." He chuckled nudging Jimin's arm. 

Jimin smiled as Taehyung looked much brighter than how he was,"Selca?" 

Taehyung smiled sadly,"Sure." 

Jimin snapped the photo as Taehyung tried his best to smile. 


Taehyung sniffed and felt his phone vibrate. Another Bangtan update... 

Taehyung wiped his eyes and unlocked his phone and blinked at the photo. It was the four selcas he had taken with Jungkook approximately two weeks ago... but with a different filter... 

Jungkook's back leaned against Taehyung's toilet door and smiled softly as he walked away to go to his room.

Jungkook was stubborn, but like he said. 

He loves Taehyung.

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falcon_doraaa #1
Chapter 6: please update soon.with a tougher taehyung n turn the table around
totallynotMyaSoriano #2
bangtan678 #3
Chapter 6: Thiss story is soo good
bangtan678 #4
Chapter 6: Thiss story is soo good
botilsa #5
Chapter 5: Aww my poor taehyungiee~ :( jungkook is such a bad boi.
And please update this story,its amazing :D
BabySkypeia126 #6
Chapter 5: Meanie kookie... bad bad baby jeon... u make baby taetae cry... ToT
Ip112233 #7
Chapter 5: Jungkook u bad :) how could you hurt my baby ? I'm ganna ing ki.. Cry AHHHH U LIL FIX THIS OR.. Ugh I'm really sorry I adore this couple and I like your story so I'm so excited and yeah update soon <3 so much love
Chapter 5: aw poor taehyungie :'c
Chapter 5: I wanna hug V so bad. Why Kookie hurt V like that?
Aachutae #10
Chapter 5: That Jeon Jungkook tho !! Erghh, how could you do that to taehyung, taehyung be strong okay *pat your back btw authornim jjang !!