Innocent School Girl by Day, Feared Gangster by Night
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“Where do you want to go?” Youngjae asked a smiling Haru as they walked down the street.  Twinkling lights were all around the shops, trying to get the couple’s attention in the starry night sky. 

“I don’t know, anywhere you would like to go is fine with me,” she answered sweetly.  A large grin could have been seen on Youngjae’s face. 

“Why don’t we visit my friends at club playground?”




“How did I get here?” Haru questioned herself after she woke up somehow on her bed. 

“Who are you?“

“You’ll find out later sweetheart.  Just go to sleep.” 

Haru felt a little scared after the strange shadow showed up at her window the other night. 

“How did he even get in?”  Suddenly, her eyes went wide. 

“The window!” she exclaimed and raced to the other side of the room, only to find out that it was locked shut.  The girl gasped and looked for the key that was needed close it and saw that it was in the same position it was in before she went to sleep. 

“Was it a dream?” she asked herself as she walked to the bathroom to splash water on her face.  The cold water refreshingly splashed the scared girl’s face and brought her back from her dreamland. 

“It probably was,” she muffled while wiping the water off of her face with a towel.  Haru sighed and put on her school uniform.  She looked herself uneased in the mirror.  Haru knew that something was familiar about the shadow but she couldn’t pin point who exactly was that mysterious person.  Shrugging the matter off, the girl walked down the stairs and skipped breakfast, trying to get the school day done faster so she could start training afterschool. 




“Hey,” Lay greeted as he saw Haru enter the classroom. 

“Hi,” she answered back.  “Ready for training today.  Rap Monster is going to give us a brief about the new rookie gang we are going to fight tomorrow after training.”  Lay nodded as she sat down in her seat.  “Something is different about Haru,” the boy thought,” Her aura is more catiuos than normal.  Did something happen yesterday?”  Lay saw the girl tense a little bit when a classmate of theirs moved their chair. 

“There’s no need kid,” he replied,” We’ll just outnumber the rookie gang tomorrow and scare them.  You can practice on them too.  Consider yourself officially a member of BTS after the fight.  You’ve earned it-“

“Um.  I’d hate to say this but, WHY WOULD YOU BRING HIM INTO THE FIGHT?  HE LITERALLY JUST STARTED TODAY!” Haru yelled making the group shocked again.  “Aren’t you afraid of him getting hurt?”

“Maybe she is worried about the fight.  Should I not go?  I don’t want her to worry about me so much.”  The boy shook his head and knew what he had to do. 

“Hey,” Lay said as he tapped on her shoulder. 


“If you don’t want me to fight tomorrow then I won’t go.”  Haru started laughing which made Lay confused. 

“Um Haru-“

“I’m fine.  And you should totally go.  I apologize if I seem down lately.  It’s just that something came up that I don’t want to talk about.”  Lay nodded understandingly and sat back down, hoping that Haru will be okay. 

“Lay?”  The boy looked up and saw Kai right in front of him. 


“Do you want to come over and play video games with us?  We need an even number of-“

“Can’t, I’m spending today with Haru afterschool,” Lay quickly answered and the younger boy scoffed. 

“Haru this, Haru that.  When will you spend time with us?  Look, we are really happy that you are happy but can you stop being selfish and try to acknowledge our existence for once?”  Fuming with anger, Kai walked back to his seat and forcefully sat down. 

Lay sighed and looked at Haru. 

“Then let me be selfish.”  He smiled. 




“They are called Monsta

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NoraMyFics #1
Chapter 23: Why do I feel like that shadow is Youngjae? Or a Got7 memberu? Just going to read the next chapter..!!
Ilwadhappines #2
Chapter 16: Like... she tried to KILL herself and jimins reaction
Was ..." what?" That's it??
It's a nice story idea but some things are off.
Hop you reread it and edit here and there..
Truly it's a nice storyline!
juvana102 #4
Chapter 38: I was hoping to read some wedding or kids in the end but never mind. u did great job author. thumbs up!
chanikan #5
haninur32 #6
Chapter 38: Woaahhh. I'll wait for the sequel. Fighting!!
Chapter 36: "Daddy!"
Chapter 36: sequel please? the story was awesome :D
Candelf144 #9
Chapter 36: Great story!! It'd be good if you make a sequel, i'll read it hehe. Thanks for writting such a good story! <3
imemyself07 #10
Chapter 36: Take your time, don't stress on our account. We still love the story :)