
Time Will Reveal


"Ah, I want to join"

"It's gonna be fun"

"Aaaa....!!!! I want to join!"


"What's going on over there?" I asked Tiffany on the next day. I look there are many students stand in front of bulletin board. It looks like the first time they look at 2 cool guys from class D, Han Geng and Choi Siwon..........



Choi Siwon and Han Geng entering the school.....


"They are so handsome!"


"So hot!"


All students are open-mouthed. 

Not just that, some of them were ran to them and asked for autograph, took picture, and ran here and there, tried to chased them.

End of Flashback...


But everything was back to normal. I think it's because, hmm... well, the rumour is they are already have girls. I heard also that Yoona was keep on "annoyed" them. But then....... I don't know what was happening next, why is she with Donghae.

"No idea, let's check it," said Tiffany.

"But it's to crowded," I said.

"Well, "excuse me" is still in the dictionary," said Tiffany, and winked.

We are walking and try to find a way to see the bulletin board. Finally we get there, but then suddenly.....

"Excuse me, Excuse me," (Yoona)

"Give queens way please," (said Sooyoung)

"Queens? There are only "QUEEN" (said Yoona) Sooyoung just look at Hyoyeon.

"Get out please!" said Yoona and break through the way hardly.

"Ouch!" Yoona nudged me hardly!

"Ooo... Audition for the end of school year! Ah, this time they have audition. What is wrong?" said Yoona, arrogant.

"Maybe there are a lot of idols now," said Sooyoung.

"What did you say?" asked Yoona.

"Be aware...." said Hyoyeon, lightly. Yoona looks mad

"Come on, let's go out from here," said Yoona.


Finally they go. Now there are only a few students standing here. I look at the bulletin board. Yeah, It's about audition, for the end of school year.

"Singing, dancing,....." said Tiffany, "Hey, maybe we should give a try," said Tiffany.

"Ah? Joining the audition?" I said, doubtfully.

"Yeah, why?" asked Tiffany.

"Well, what will I join?" I said.

"Hey, you have wonderful voice!" said Tiffany.

"Thank's but, I never sing in an event or something like concert like that," I said.

"Well, anyway, we give a try," said Tiffany. Let me think about it.


"Hi girls!"

"Hey..." as usual, we, me and Tiffany, and Taeyeon, Sunny, and now we added Yuri and Seohyun, sit together in the canteen.

"Hey, will you girls join the audition?" asked Taeyeon.

"Hm.. We are excited about it!" said Tiffany.

"Tiffanyyyy..!!" I whispered and looked at her.

"What? Come on Jess, you'll like it," said Tiffany.

"Yeah, we will join too.." said Yuri, "Right, Seo?"

"Ehh?? What?" asked Seohyun, surprised. I've beenlooking at her, looked she is watching someone….

“Are you daydreaming?” asked Sunny.

“Ah? No,” she smiled. “So, what is the question again?”

“Ah, we will join the audition right?” asked Yuri.

“Eh?? Audition?” asked Seohyun.

“Yeah, audition, for the end of school year. It will be held on December, before the winter holiday,” said Yuri.

“Oh, yeah, it’s gonna be fun,” said Seohyun, “you should join too Jess.”

“Ah, me?” I shocked.

“Of course!” said Seohyun.

“Yes, Jess! Pleaseeee!!!!” said Taeyeon, Sunny and Tiffany.

“Alright, alrigth, let me think about it first,” I said, “btw, what are you guys going to join?”

“Singing!” (Sunny)

“Of course!” (Taeyeon)

“Absolutely!” (Tiffany)

“I am not sure, but I like to dance,” said Yuri.

“Wow, you are a dancer?” I asked.

“Yeah, but since I’m quit from the cheerleader team, I haven’t decide what ECA should I take,” said Yuri.

“You should take dance,” said Taeyeon.

“Well, yeah, but I will don’t have any friends,” said Yuri, “but anyway, I like singing too.”

“No, no, no… You better take dance class! You are a very good dancer,” said Sunny.

“Or, do you want us to accompanny you?” asked Taeyeon.

“What a good idea!” said Sunny.

“Eh? Doing break dance, hip-hop and stuff? I am not sure if I can do it,” said Seohyun.

“Come on Seohyun, try it first, we are team right?” I said to her.

“Well, okay..” said Seohyun.

“Btw, don’t forget, today we have singing ECA, you may join if you would like to try,” I said to Yuri.

“Okay,” said Yuri.


In the singing ECA.....

Oh what's going on here? Why it is so crowded?

Oh no, all the basketball team are here? And....

"They are here?????"


To be continue......

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njemus #1
Chapter 33: Update soon pleaseee..
aprilia #2
please update soon<3
good! :)
WhiteCrystal_19 #4
Hello :)
Thank you for commenting :))
I will try to update soon and more Haesica moment ;)

Oya, I am really2 sorry, there was 1 comment and I delete it unpurpose :((
I am so sorry :((
minstal_1 #5
Haesica <333333
Update soon please
Update soon...
I follow your tweeter already...
minstal_1 #8
update soon
Mekani #9
I like this story very much.... Update when you get time... Pretty please... :3
so excited...I'll be patient to wait until your exam is finish... :):):)