My first

It's Hard for Me
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Thinks he can bully me does he.

"I'll show you," I grumbled to myself slamming down another cooking pot against the metal face of the stove, clicking on the heat I waited for the pan to heat up the olive oil, adding the chunks of fish I'd cleaned I felt a ting of satisfaction as the sound of sizzling meat rang through the empty kitchen. I had informed Nurse Bom that I would be the one preparing dinner tonight, and I didn't want anyone in here until it was ready. At first she didn't seem to willing to leave me alone with such a task, cooking being an art that she doubted I had. After some gentle coaxing and heavy complimenting she allowed me to do so. Promising that she would keep the boys occupied with a flick from my country that she said, "reached great acclaim." 

Whatever rocks your boat.

I only had no thing on my mind and that was embarrassing Seungri in front of his friends, I wasn't exactly sure how far I was willing to take this punishment. I had never taken justice into my own hands before, but I did know that he would get the point that I was no ones pet, least of all his. To prove it I had gone straight up stairs to grab the baggest clothes I owned, threw them on with great haste, then returned to start a meal that was not only the exact opposite from what he had requested, but entirely not for him. "Oh he'll get his carrot soup alright," I snickered to myself. Turning the fish over I noted the golden brown coloration, good it wasn't burnt but it was cook through enough for me to add it to the sauce. Turning my attention to the boiling sauce I'd been working on I took a clean spoon to test it out. It was delicious, if I could have an opinion as the cook, the warm creamy sauce spilled down my dry throat relaxing the strained pipes. All the yelling I'd done in the past couple of days had really begun to take there toll, soon enough I would be speechless if I wasn't careful. Which wasn't something I was willing to risk, not with the men that lived in this house anyway. Turning the sauce down to a simmer I introduced the fish to it, plopping one browned piece at a time until I had made a fish stew. Grabbing for the chopped vegatables I piled them into the creamy liquid, adding some of the potatoes, carrots, green onions, and ginger to give it a little extra something worth tasting. When I was satisfied with the recipe I placed a lid on top and allowed it to sit. Making quick work of the bread ingrediants within the pantry I made five nicely sized rolls to go with the soup and placed them in the oven to cook. Everything was going just as I planned it too, I felt a sudden wave of nerves dance along my stomach as I thought of everyone eating. I wanted them all to like it, besides Seungri of course, but even him. I didn't plan to force him to starve though the thought did cross my mind several times while I cooked.

Moving to the island I cleared the unnessary clutter from the countertop, making sure to put a place setting down for every member I poured each one a glass of water for sipping. Filling the countertop with various additional spices I waited until the food was done before opening the door to release a wave of smells upon the house, plating the warm rolls and butter in front of every individual seat I rang the dinner bell that Nurse Bom had given me to signal dinners ready. I watched happily as each member stuck their head into the room taking a long sniff before their faces broke into smiles and they resumed their breakfast seating from this morning. Jiyong was on the far right his lean legs crossed and tucked under the countertop, next to him was Youngbae who upon entering took off his hat and was no examining the bread roll every which way possible. Seunghyun and Daesung were the next to come down each man looking at one another and too the set up as if they had never seen such a sight in all their lives. They must have been shocked that I could do something like this because they both gave me an impressed look. The last to enter, to my pleasure was Seungri the youngest member of the band sat on the edge of the island his whole body displaying an irritation that no one understood but myself. By the way he was eyeing me he didn't like the attire I had picked out for the occassion.

"Now after a long day in the garden I was a bit inspired to make something for you guys, hopefully you enjoy it," I gave them a quick smile before bring one bowl of the fish stew over to each of them stopping at Seungri to give him a flirty look. "Oh and I've prepared something particularly special for you Seungri," I winked, playfully hopping over to the stove to retrieve his special dish.

"You see. I told you less than a day and she's already cooking things for me," Seungri boosted to the others, earning a couple waves of disbelief at him. Returning as quickly as I could I plopped the bowl of peeled raw carrots in hot water in front of seungri giving him a rather innocent smile I giggled, "you wanted carrot soup right. I'm not very good at it but I hope this makes me a good girl," I teasingly pouted at him before straightening up breaking the act as I did. To my amusement I watched Seungri's ears growing red, a sure sign that he was trying very h

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Chapter 5: Rereading your story and I just wanted to say how much I love Seungri in this story. He's so arrogant and volatile, but with a soft and sensitive side. Thank you!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 24: Nice story, I laughed a lot
Bluechunsa #3
Chapter 24: So I'm just going to casually hit that subscribe button even though I'm done because I'm sure I'm going to want to read this story again
Bluechunsa #4
Chapter 20: This is my favorite chapter(Chapter 20) it's well written and I love every bit of it, especially the part where she paints on the wall and describes why each member is a certain color.
ILuvToDae #5
Chapter 24: I really enjoyed reading this story. I think it made me love our boys even more. <3
Chapter 24: The ending was perfect thank you! I had been waiting for this for a while. It was worth it. Thank you again!
Chapter 24: AWWWW, I'm glad... And you know I'm happy about the ending! No worries on I thought maybe you got busy again!
IamIceDragon #8
Aye a reeeaalllyy goood storyyyy
Chapter 23: final chapter?
Chapter 23: I am sad that this is coming to an end, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. You know I have my fingers crossed for my Daedae. I do hope all the boys get better soon. I am still very worried for Bae.