
Good to You

Aleisha stepped out of her mother's car. She threw on her Raybans as the sun hit her face, following behind Carol as she led them to the front door of her grandmother's house. Instead of being in bed like everyone else, her mother was sending her to stay with her grandma Maggie for the four days they had off from school. 

Her grandmother had a habit of nagging about every single thing, but she usually had her phone or laptop to keep herself busy. But that was no longer a choice when her mother locked them up back at home.

"Don't give your grandmother any trouble." Carol told her.

 She had no choice but to follow her mother into the house. Carol didn't bother to knock since she talked to her mother earlier that they were on there way, the both of them opening the door and walking straight in.

Her grandmother was in the kitchen cooking when they walked in. It has been a while since she has seen her, but when she looked in her grandmother's eyes she could see a hint of disappointment. 

Carol walked towards her and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much for taking the time to do this." Aleisha stood by the kitchen table, but didn't miss her mother looking back at her. "I'm going to be working a lot and it has gotten to the point where I can't trust Aleisha on her own."

Maggie placed her hands on Carol's shoulders. "Don't you worry too much, sweetie. She'll learn a lot here," She walked past her towards Aleisha, who had her arms crossed. "Go upstairs in the guest room and unpack. I'm making pancakes so if you want some you can come back down right after."

Aleisha couldn't believe that her grandmother didn't givher a scolding for everything her mother has told her. 

She grabbed her bag of the floor and walked up to her. "No bother. Your cooking was always ty anyways."

"Aleisha." Her mother said warningly, stepping out of the kitchen to stand next to her grandmother.

"Whatever." Aleisha mumbled under her breath and walked up the stairs, her ears not missing her mother and grandma Maggie talking about her behind her back before she disappeared into the guest room.

Jungkook spent majority of his time with Jimin and Taehyung. His mother would sometimes ask him during dinner about Aleisha, but he'll just brush it off and change the subject. It was funny how he went on about how great she was and now he couldn't speak one word of her.

Jimin has tried to set him up with various girls, but he doesn't think he want to put himself up to heartbreak ever again. 

It was almost 2:30 and his parents didn't get off from work until late tonight. The three of them sat in his room, Jimin and Taehyung playing a game of Halo as he tried to finish up the homework he was suppose to do Friday after school.

He was busy writing ten lines to the prompt he had to answer, but became startled when Taehyung suddenly groaned.

"We can't keep playing video games everytime we hang out, Kookie." He said.

Jimin scoffed, letting out a light laugh. "You're just mad because you can't play."

Taehyung rolled his eyes at him. "Jimin, control yourself please before I do it for you."

"Hey," Jungkook stood up from the bed and walked over to them. "How about we head to the movies? I'm dying to see Terminator."

The younger boy walked to desk chair to grab his black varisty jacket, and started to put it on. It was only when he noticed Jimin and Taehyung staring at him that made his movement come to a halt.

"What?" He asked.

Both of his friends looked nervous to respond, but Jimin nudge Taehyung to say something. He hesitated for a bit before opening his mouth,

"You planned to see that with Aleisha weeks ago." The room fell silent at the mention of her name, Jungkook adverting his eyes down to the ground.

"Are you sure you're completely over Aleisha? Don't lie to us, Jungkook." Jimin said.

"I am." Jungkook tried his best to sound convincing, but Jimin, knowing how to catch Jungkook in a lie went over to where he was, and grabbed his shirt.

"Get your hands off me." He snarled at him.

"Jimin, let him go." Taehyung said.

Jimin shook his head. "Are you this blind, Taehyung? This whole time he's been doing all the things he did with Aleisha with us, just to fill in the empty spaces!"

Jungkook's tried to keep a tough face. But when he saw his friends looking at him with pure anger, he shoved Jimin away from him and kicked the side of his desk. 

"Goddamnit," He muttered. Jungkook covered his face with both of his hands, sliding down his bedroom wall. "I can't get her out of my mind! I've tried every ing thing you guys have told me to do and it's not working! I know that I can't force these feelings on her, but I feel like an idiot!"

"It's hard to like someone that doesn't like you back, but you have got to move on if nothing is changing. Aleisha has been your friend for the longest and we understand that the both of you aren't speaking. Jimin and I are here for you, but don't take advantage of that. We want to see you happy, not suffering." Taehyung sat beside him and ruffled his hair, giving him a small smile.

"I guess I'm just destined to be alone for the rest of my life." Jungkook joked.

They all laughed at him before Taehyung yelled out and clapped his hands, Jimin and Jungkook questioning his sudden actions. He rushed over to Jimin and whispered in his ear, the two boys now squealing while Jungkook looked at them puzzled.

They started to grab their things, Jungkook standing up to his feet to ask them what was going on, but Taehyung spoke up first.

"Were coming back here tonight around 9:30, wear something nice and tell your mom you're sleeping over at mines." Before he can respond the both of them went out of the door, the sound of the front door closing indicating that they left.

What were they up to?

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Chapter 5: First of all this is a really good story. :) The advanement in time is a awesome idea. :) i can't wait to see lessons learned from her experience. I'm looking forward to the development of them. Great writing and creativity. :)
kyungsoolover112 #3
Chapter 5: I like this story. Nice!
kyungsoolover112 #4
Chapter 2: Alesha needs her whooped. Her momma good bc I would done more than a slap
Chapter 5: Okay what happened? Is she dreaming all of this?
Chapter 5: Whaaa?? Wow this changed quickly....
Good chapter though!! :))
talexus93 #7
Chapter 4: Why is Aliesha so unlikable, and making all the wrong choices? She first lost me when she let some boy who stood her up come in between a friendship of many years, and then got together with said boy...and now the way she treats her mother and grandmother?
Chapter 4: Updaaaate!!!! >.<
Chapter 3: Aleisha needs to learn some manners. Jungkook dont need her tbh.
Update soon :D
Quwanda #10
Chapter 3: Like seriously why didn't her grandmother knock her socks off, child should know better.