First Dream

First Love

Chapter 23


I awoke in a hospital bed. I was in between two blue curtains acting as partitions to the rest of the patients, and my biology professor was sitting less than three feet away from me.


“Professor Chang,” I said.


My professor nodded in acknowledgement, her grey hair pulled up in a tight bun. She regarded me sternly, arms crossed, mouth pursed.


“Moon Myunghee,” she drawled, “how do you feel about receiving your first 64%?”


I felt my cheeks burn in shame and self-conscience.


“Was it because of a boy?” she continued.


“Yeah,” I admitted.


Professor Chang smiled a little, tsking me.


“How unlike you, Myunghee, to be hindered academically due to a boy.”


My cheeks continued to burn, and Professor Chang continued to implicitly shame me.


But then, her expression changed completely.


“You should come clean to yourself,” she said, “admit to yourself that you like this boy. Only then will you be successful again.”


I cocked a brow at her, skeptical.




“Yes, really.”


Suddenly, I heard a pop. It was Baekhyun, having materialized out of nowhere and popping up right next to my bed and my professor.


This was definitely a dream. A really weird one, at that.


“This is the boy, isn't it?” Professor Chang said.


I nod. It was no use denying it, right? After all, this was only a dream.


“Then tell him, dammit!” she exclaimed.


Baekhyun looked at me expectantly, and even in my dream, he was smirking. I inhaled nervously.


“Byun Baekhyun,” I said, “I like you.”


“Kiss him!” Professor Chang demanded.


“Oh, it,” I said. I reached over and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Then I kissed him. I could feel the softness of his lips against mine, and his arms weaving around my torso. Then, we broke apart, Baekhyun and the Professor disappeared, and I woke up.


I was in a similar hospital bed, but beside me was Hana, not Baekhyun. My fingers grazed my lips and I marvelled at how real it felt.


“Myunghee, oh my god!” Hana exclaimed, “I'm so glad you're awake! You had a pretty bad concussion.”


“How long was I out?”


“Almost 12 hours. God you scared me so much!”


I managed a small smile.


“Thanks for visiting me, Hana.”


“Oh, no problem. And by the way, to make you feel better, Baek and Gayoung broke up.”


I felt more pleased than I should've, and I instantly felt guilty.


“Do you know why?” I asked.


“Not really,” Hana admitted, “but he was the one that brought you to the hospital and he stayed with you for a while. After that he broke up with Gayoung over text or something. To be honest I didn't think they were gonna last. Too much of an IQ gap, yknow?”


I chuckled a little.


“How did it go with Sehun?”


Instantly, Hana’s demeanour changed.


“We’ve still got our problems and we’re uh, working on them,” she said, “but he asked me to be his girlfriend. For real this time.”


“And?” I prodded.


“And I said yes.”


I squealed like a fangirl. I was so happy for Hana, I couldn't even describe it. There is a small span of silence.


“Hana…” I said, “what is your opinion on dreams?”


Hana leaned forward, her eyes ignited with excitement.


“Tell me everything.


A/N: suuper short chapter fam sorry but TFSL won the readers choice award yall are amazin!!

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Chapter 34: This was such a cute read with its ups and downs and deeper sides
Chapter 24: That crappy crappy guy! Why would he do that to Hana!??
Chapter 23: Poor Baek and his mom
Chapter 19: I am so glad she made it to him in time
Chapter 15: Damn- that revelation… whoa. I think Sehun is right on the mark there
Chapter 14: I love that she can’t help herself- it’s probably because she is so smart and he’s turned into a puzzle that she’s drawn in
Chapter 10: The way my eyes got wide with the whole scene at the psychologists office
Chapter 8: Oh this is worrisome …. This is not a good portent
Chapter 34: Awwwww this mushy mushy couple always cuteee. Thank you for writing this . I love itt
Chapter 31: Damn i laugh so hard at the toilet seat hahahahah