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Title: Confession

Author: FlowerMisha

Pairing: KrisHo, BaekYeol

Length: Two Shot

Status: Complete

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Summary: It happened spontaneously, but their love didn't.


KrisHo is hart hart! FlowerMisha really knows how to fill in my KirsHo heart plus Baekyeol - double point! you are you also a KrisHo shipper? *puppy eyes*

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Im still popping up from time to time message me if you guys have a question or new fics to share haha


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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 112: I love Baekyeolangst too - I wish ease had been finished!!
Ilylau0614 #2
Chapter 122: How to be invited by the author?
Ilylau0614 #3
Chapter 76: Oh it seems this fic was deleted, I was unable to find it
S1ara1994 #4
Chapter 134: There are new chapters when they are published
S1ara1994 #5
Chapter 134: Where do I watch the novel chapters and how?
S1ara1994 #6
Chapter 134: When will the chapters be uploaded?
S1ara1994 #7
Chapter 134: I want to watch it, how is that, please?
buottleheadcherry #8
Thanks for such amazing collection, but the best one I've ever read isn't here and I can't find it elsewhere 😢
Seven Deadly Sins triology: vol 1 "Lust"
No fic could ever be compared with this one, I repeat NONE!
AmaranthaC #9
Chapter 2: They recommended a fanfic to me and then I saw it translated into another app but the translator disappeared and I'm looking for it here... and then I saw this compilation and I thought I would find it here but no... but I found more fanfic that's good I have more to read in what I find the story I lost