Along Came The Maknae

Along Came The Maknae


One would think of the word fragile every time one hears her name. Fragile and breakable, and she wanted nothing more than to break this girl to which this name belongs to. But she knew she could not. This girl, unlike her name, is tough…ironically, just like her.

She had always been so sure she had it all. Everything about her captures and holds his attention and he loved her. Adoring fans see them as the perfect couple with his charismatic good looks and her alluring image, and they were…until ice maiden came into the picture.

“It was just for show,” he said when asked about his skinship with and the way he looks at this other girl.

She should have seen the signs. Where did it all start? Dream Team? King of Idols? Idol Sports Championships? Or those countless times his group would hang out with these so-called flowers? She had no idea, for he never said anything to her and even if he did she knew she wouldn’t listen.

She should have known, but she had been too confident of who and what she is. What would a guy like him want to do with a little girl when he has a woman like her? But soon she realized that little girls do grow up and become women and this particular girl is turning out to be a pretty woman, gradually garnering attention. He was among the first ones to notice that. But then again, she was oblivious and maybe a little too gullible when it comes to him.

“She is just a dongsaeng,” he assured her.

And she believed him because really, would he prefer a mere glass to a pearl? But later on she saw that a glass exposed to a light could emit a shine that blinds…and it blinded him.

“I’m sorry, noona, but I am now in love with her,” he finally confessed.

Her palm stung when it came in contact with his cheek. Her eyes stung as it filled with hot liquid. But it was her heart and her pride that had been stung the most. It was not the glass she wanted to break, but it was she, the beautiful pearl, who shattered.

“You’ve lost so much weight.”

Everyone noticed and a lot of them cared as she continued to dance and smile like there isn’t anything wrong. He also noticed and cared, but not in the way she wanted him to anymore.

“I don’t want to see you hurt. It was hard for me, too,” he said of their parting.

But he still chose to hurt her because he doesn’t feel the same way anymore. She could see him happy with her, and though it is not for the world to see, it breaks her every time.

“I love her, noona,” and she could see it in his eyes. His eyes that had been once trained on her and her alone.

The three of them inhabiting the same glamorous world of the beautiful and famous didn’t help, but belonging to the same “family” makes it much worse, for it is inevitable. They would see each other, just like now.

“The pain will go away,” were her doe-eyed member’s words of comfort.

Eventually. But for now, she was still waiting for that numbness to wash away her pain, as she ran into the two of them holding hands and laughing.

They stopped, seeing her there. He smiled awkwardly at her as she stared coldly at them, and that girl, that once little girl, looked away guiltily.

“I’m so sorry, unnie.”

She had always known how she feels for him. She was too young, so she never thought it would be real. And she never thought he would reciprocate the feelings of her member’s little sister when he already has her.

“I will always love you, noona.”

His words from long ago echoed in her mind. For how long is always? Words are just words. Sticking to them is another thing. That always he had said is now over.

“The queens are coming back.”

It was everywhere. Everyone is waiting for her. She lifts her head up. She is after all among these queens. She was his queen, until his ace came along. He only has eyes for her, until this dongsaeng grew up and shattered the shiny world she built up around her and her man. Her man, once. Because now he had put up his heart in a crystal case beyond her reach.

She continues dancing and smiling, trying to forget him and the girl who broke her heart…her heart, which became as fragile as the thing that this other girl’s name was.


I finally had the courage to post this one. My first attempt on writing a fic that represents the idol themselves. This was actually written months ago, in reaction to a fic I've read that left out Krystal as the unpicked, heartbroken girl in a love triangle (Minstal shippers would know who are the other two people in this love triangle, hehehe). I know this one is a little too farfetched from reality, hahaha, as this is too cheesy and too angsty for my characters but as I've said, this is just a reaction and therefore the product of my unbridled imagination. Thank you for reading! 

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still love this! BEAUTIFUL
MinhoBabyJung #2
Chapter 1: I think this is the best one shoot I ever read....
soojungie94 #3
Chapter 1: Love this fanfic so much
Chapter 1: I know who are they :D I'm hard MinStal shipper :D
I love this fanfic~~ make MinStal more~ dear :)
Chapter 1: OMG this is amazing. Love it a lot. ❤ Keep writing foreva~! Haha
i'm on a marathon... reading all your one-shots again.... it never gets old~
febrielia #7
Chapter 1: i just wanna say,
"ah.... I see, and i've known them." hihiihihiii
unnie, write more, and more please...
Always love yours.. :)
i'm a minstal shipper but damn,yuri makes me sad!
though I totally love Minstal...this is really sad. I like your writing style though :)
i love this lj style ^0^ so meaningfull~<br />
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“She is just a dongsaeng,” he assured her.<br />
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“I’m sorry, noona, but I am now in love with her,” he finally confessed.<br />
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hihihi that was crystal who even shiny in his shinee's heart lol