My Angel

My Angel

Every person have one of those days from time to time. Where typically one or more bad things happen that put you in an unhappy mood. Well today, it was one of those days for Fiq. 

Everything seems to go wrong for her. First she woke up late because her alarm didn't go off. She distinctly remember setting the alarm before going to bed so why didn't the alarm go off? The she found out her alarm clock wasn't working anymore, which meant it propably died in the middle of the night or something. But she didn't have the time to think about it because she was going to be late for school. She went to take a quick shower and quickly changed before rushing down to have her breakfast, whch her mother had prepared for her. She ate in big bites and was eating so fast that her mother asked her to slow down a little bit before she chokes. Of course she didn't listen because she was rushing and just like her mother said, she choked. Her mother had to pat her back while she coughed and drank big gulps of water. While doing that, she heard a horn outside of her house. It was the bus she always takes to school and she realized that the bus always leave at ths time. She quickly stood up (so fast that her chair almost fell backwards), thanked her mother, grabbed her backpack and ran out of the house. By the time she reached the bus, it was already leaving. She panicked and yelled for it to stop but it looked like the driver didn't hear her because it didn't stop and it continued to move away from Fiq.

Fiq cursed and started running towards her school. Her school was a 20 minute walk from her house so that's why she always takes the bus and that's why she's currently running as fast as she could so she won't be late. But it seems luck wasn't on her side. She tripped on a pebble and fell, scrapping her knee. She cursed once again but immedietly got up and continued running. Finally she reached her school and she was relieved that the bell hasn't rang yet. She stopped at the entrance to catch her breath before walking in. But again luck wasn't on her side as her bag strap broke and her books came crashing down on the floor. She cursed yet again and sighed exasperatedly and quickly bend down to pick her books up. One of her best friends, Sherilyn or Sheryl as many call her, saw her and immedietly went to help her.

"Fiq! Let me help you!" Sheryl said and bent down to help Fiq pick her books up. Fiq looked at Sheryl greatfully and replied "Thank you, Sheryl!" 

"No problem. Fiq! Hey, what happened to your knee?" Sheryl asked, noticing the bruise on Fiq's knee while standing up after finishing picking up the books. Fiq looked down at her knee and sighed before replying.

"I missed my bus this morning so I had to run. I tripped on a pebble and fell. I swear someone out there hates me! My day is not going well at all!" Fiq said fustratedly. 

"Awww, I'm sorry Fiq! Looks like you're having one of those days. Don't worry, it happens to everyone. Perhaps something good will happen later on." Sheryl said while hugging Fiq, comforting her. Fiq laughed softly and sighed, hugging Sheryl back. "I really hope so. I don't know how much longer I can stand it. Thanks, Sheryl! I really appreciate it." Fiq said, smiling.

"Hey, no problem! I hate to see you so down! In fact, " Sheryl said and paused while she & Fiq pulled apart. " Jjong and I are going to hang out with Minho, Seoyeon, Key & Taemin after school. You're welcome to tag along if you want!" When Fiq heard that, she immedietly wanted to agree but then she remembered her mother was going out and she had to take care of her younger brother. Her parents won't be back until later in the night. She sighed again.

"Ah, I would love to but I can't. I have to take care of my little brother. My parents will be home late tonight. I wished I could join you guys though." Fiq said, feeling a little sad. She really wanted to hang out with her friends. 

"Awww, we really wished you could join us too! But it's ok. we can always hang out another time! Cheer up, ok? Everthing will be fine!" Sheryl said and put an arm aroung Fiq to one-arm hug her. The bell rang at the same time. "Alright." Fiq said and then the both of them went to class.

Hours passed and finally it was 3:00 pm. Class had ended for the day. Everyone was packing up to go home but Fiq had to stay back to help Mr. Choi, her Biology teacher, to clean up the lab. Fiq's last subject was Biology and Mr. Choi had the class do some experiment. Fiq, being one of Mr. Choi's favourite students, asked her to help him clean the lab and Fiq had no choice but to agree. Eventhough she knew she will miss her bus again. By the time she finished, it was already 3:30 pm. Fiq grabbed her things and headed to the school entrance, ready to go home. But once she reached the entrance, she noticed that it was raining quite heavily and she realized she forgot to bring her umbrella. She groaned. She had no choice but to walk home under the rain. 

So she grabbed one of her books and put it above her head whle she speed walk under the rain, trying to get home quickly. But then, a car drove passed her and right onto a big puddle of water. Before she got the chance to move out of the way, the water splashed on her. Fiq was wet from head to toe now. Finally she couldn't stand it anymore and started to cry. "Why is this happeing to me?? Do you hate me so much, God??" Fiq cried, covering her face with her hands while dropping down on to the ground, the rain falling on her since she dropped her book earlier. Suddenly, Fiq realized the rain wasn't falling on her anymore. It was as if something was shielding her from the rain. And then a voice spoke up.

"What are you doing sitting under the rain? You could get sick, you know." A smooth and deep voice said in concern. Fiq looked up and almost gaped at the person because the person looked like angel with the skylight shining down on him. He had long brown hair that was up to his neck, his bangs swept to the right, small brown eyes, a cute nose and big pouty lips that Fiq wanted to kiss. 'Ok, what the hell Fiq? Why are you thinking of such things when you only just met him? Get that thought out of your mind' Fiq thought to herself. When Fiq wasn't answering him, the guy squated down close to Fiq and put his hand on her shoulder and shooked her. "Hey, are you ok?" The guy asked.

Fiq shooked out of her thoughts and looked at the guy. Realizing he was so close to her all of a sudden, she almost squealed but managed to stop from doing so. "I..I'm fine. Thanks." Fiq managed to say, stuttering a bit. The guy smiled and stood up, his umbrella still over Fiq, shielding her from the rain.

"Well, come on. I'll walk you home since you don't have an umbrella. " He said while reaching his hand out to Fiq. Fiq slowly took his hand and he pulled her up from the ground. "Wait, here!" He took his jacket out and put it around Fiq to keep her warm since she was all wet. All Fiq could do was to stand still while he put the jacket around her, still in shock that an angel was helping her. "There, all warm now. I'm Jinki, by the way. Lee Jinki." Jinki introduced himself while smiling at Fiq.

Fiq was mesmerized by Jinki's smile since it was s bright and beautiful. And she couldn't help but smile shyly and introduced herself too. "I..I'm Fiq. Thanks for..for the jacket." She said while hugging the jacket close to her since she was a little bit cold.

No problem. Now come on, I'll walk you home, since you don't have an umbrella. I would hate for you to get sick." Jinki said. "Alright." Fiq said and with that, she & Jinki started to walk, leading Jinki to her house.

While walking, Fiq couldn't help but think that what Sheryl said was right. Something good did happen to her.

She found her angel.

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chas_ssmentrok #1
there really is sunshine after the rain ^^