

I was getting ready to leave when there’s a knock on my door.I froze at my place.Did Baekhyun tell them already?So they came to tell me off?

“Open this.I know you’re inside.”

That’s Baekhyun’s voice.I went to the door and twisted open the knob.Baekhyun’s face greet me and without any warning he entered my room.

“Where’re you going now?”,He asked as he scanned my room like a detective.

“I’m going home.”,I answered and he chuckled.He came to me and bent a little to match my height.He caressed my cheek lightly,carving an evil smirk.

“Not so fast,sister.Where are you going when this is your home?”

I gulped.His voice was full of hidden agenda.What did he mean?

“Well,don’t you think you should continue with what you had started?Our parents will be disappointed if they know the truth.Right now,only both of us knew about this.They won’t know,unless one of us tell them.And I don’t think I’ll.What do you say?”,He asked as he stared into my eyes,his smirk never left his face.

I got this,Baekhyun.You’re trying to get your revenge on me.

“It’s not just us.Chanyeol knows about it too.”,I said.

He looked surprised but he try to remain calm.

“That explain why both of you are so close with each other.You allied with him to deceive me.”

“We’re not.He knew it by accident.”

“I guess he really likes you.I wonder why he insisted to stop me from liking my own sister when he knew you’re not.Now I know why.”

“I’m going home.”,I repeated as I back off from him but he stood on my way.

“You said that you’ll take your punishment last night.Correct me if I’m wrong?”,He embraced himself while waiting for my answer.

I kept quiet,I don’t want to answer him.It’ll only add up the tension.

“Silence means yes,isn’t it?So I want you to stay here,as my sister.You’ll get money,too.Isn’t that what you want?”

“What do you attempt to do,actually? Baekhyun,if it’s for revenge…”

“I want you to feel the exact pain I did.I want you to suffer as much as I did.Until then,I won’t let you go.”,He finished as he stared at me intensely.His gaze strummed my heartstrings.I’m sorry,I turned you to a person like this.I can see hurt in his eyes.

“What if I refuse to stay?”,I tried to provoke him.

“This is not an option,it’s an order.”

He said as he left my room with a slam.I sat on my bed right away with a sigh.What I’m going to do now?


“You lied.You bad girl.Why don’t you ever listen to me?”,I spurted as I sat beside my sister’s bed at the hospital.

“You lied too,Unnie.You said if everything gets hard you’ll give up.But Chanyeol oppa said that you’re selling everything for my surgery.Don’t tell me that you sell your favourite guitar,too.”

I did.Eventhough that was the hardest thing to do.I bought it with my own money but I sell it anyway.I don’t want to lose you.The guitar wouldn’t mean anything to me if you wasn’t here.

“No,why would I do that?Please,do the surgery.I want us to be like before.”,I lied,again.

“You know it’s impossible.Even if the surgery succed,I may get paralysed,or blind.And I would be a burden to you again.I hate that.”,She answered as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly.

“But I can’t sit here and do nothing when you’re fighting with pain.I can’t see you like this.It broke my heart.”

“You looks sick,too.And I bet it was much painful than me.”

“I’m not sick.”,I frowned and she smiled.

“You know,the biggest pain is the pain that nobody can see.You are sick,unnie.Here.”,She said as she pointed to my chest.

“Since we’re little,you took care of me.You’ll protect me from those bullies,you’ll pretend to be full just to make sure I eat enough.You’ll get hit by mom in my place when I did mistakes.When it rains,you’ll use your bagpack to shield me and you’ll be drenched in water instead.You did everything,and I never forget it.Even now,you’re doing everything to save me from dying.But you should know that if my times come,nobody can stop it.Not even you.”,She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.Unknowingly,I cried too.

I love her,that’s why I did that.I’m surprised that she remembers.She wipe the tears on my face and I did the same to her.

“You don’t love me anymore,don’t you?That’s why you want to leave me.”,I stated.

She shook her head no.

“I’m doing this because I loves you.”

“Then do the surgery.I’ve took care of you since we’re a kid.I can take care of you even for another ten years.Please.”,I squeezed her hand back,assuring her to do the surgery.

She sighed as she gazed at me.

“You won’t give up,right?”,she asked and I nodded.


“Fine,but you must promise to be with me during the surgery.I’m scared,to be honest.”

I chuckled and hugged her instantly.

“I promise.Thanks.”,I said as I her hair and I can feel her smiling on my shoulder.


I wonder what punishment that Baekhyun meant the other day,but now I know.

“Make me pancakes.In 20 minutes I want it on my table.”

“Is this pancakes are made from stone?Someone will die if you throw this to them.”

“Don’t go anywhere today,clean my room.Don’t left any traces of dust.”

“Don’t wear those skirt,you look funny.And don’t even smile infront of me.You make me sick.”

I don’t know why he acted like a real jerk but he sure makes me annoyed with his words.That’s not the end,he even intruded into my personal life.

“Stop seeing Chanyeol,you looks like a desperate woman.I guess one man would never be enough for you,isn’t it?’

“Baekhyun!”,I raised my voice when he said that.And he said it infront of Chanyeol,Chen and D.O.

“Baek,mind your words.”,Chanyeol warned and he tapped Baekhyun’s shoulder.

Baekhyun yanked away Chanyeol’s hand.

“Don’t act like you’re her savior.It irked me.”

“What make you act like this,Baek?You wasn’t like this before.”,Chen interrupted.

“Yeah,you’re putting our friendship on the line.You know that,don’t you?I know you want to protect your sister but Chanyeol was just being her friend,like us.”,D.O added.

Baekhyun forced a laugh.

“Friend?They’re deceiving us.They even shared a secret,right?Great combination,my best friend and my so-called sister.They really kill me inside.”,He stated as he looked at me and Chanyeol back and forth.

Just then,Chanyeol punched him on the face and he fall on his .

“Baekhyun!”,I screamed as I saw blood at the tip of his lips.

Chen and D.O grabbed Chanyeol when he attempt to attack again.

“You don’t know what you’re talking.You don’t know her yet,so stop picking on her!This is why I can’t let her to be witth you,you’ll hurt her!”,Chanyeol yelled as he pointed to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun touch the tip of his lips and hissed.He got up and sweep away the dust on his clothes.

“Our friendship…ends here.”,He stated as he locked eyes with Chanyeol  and all of us gasped.I never thought he will said that.

“What happened,guys?What made you to be like this?”,Chen asked but D.O grabbed his arm and signaled him to not ask anything.Chanyeol looked shocked,too and I feel so guilty.Their friendship ends because of me.

“Let’s go.You’re talking rubbish right now.”,I said as I dragged him away from them.

“You’re backing him,right?Let me go,I had a lot to say to him.”,He struggled but I dragged him anyway to the school’s clinic.

“You must be happy that two man are fighting over you.”,He insinuated but I pretend I hear nothing as I searched for the first aid kit.I took a bottle of iodine,cotton wool and a plaster from the box and I sat across from him.

“ Do you like him?”,He asked while using his index finger to cover the tip of his lip that are wounded.He can barely talk but he insisted to.

I opened the cap of iodine and put a ball of cotton wool at its opening.I sighed before I averted my gaze to him.This is going to stings a lot,Baekhyun.

“What if I say yes?”,I asked him back.

He removed his finger from the wound at that time and I took this chance to put the cotton wool covered with iodine at his wounded lips and he hissed in pain.He yanked my hand from his face.

“That hurts!”,He commented but I ignored him as I opened the plaster.

“If I like him,I would stay by his side by now.Eventhough you forced me to stay,I can escape if I want to.But I didn’t,I stay by your side.Don’t you know what that means?”,I answered as I applied the plaster on his wounded lips and I can feel his eyes on me.

“Stop acting like you care about me.”,He stood up right away after I done with the plaster.

I stared at him as I stood up too.

“Too bad I can’t.Eventhough I want to ignore you,I can’t when you’re hurt.How can I,when it’s you?”,I said and I was surprised myself that I actually said that to him.

“Where are you going now?”,He asked after clearing his throat as I turned around and took a step away from him.

“To see my sister.”,I replied shortly before I left.I care about you because I love you,Baekhyun.Please understand that.

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this story finally ended! thanks for those who is willing to read my story, and comment, and subscribe! you guys are the best! please support my new story and gives it much love. have a nice day!


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It's like a rollercoaster of emotions :(
Awh this story is beautiful but sad
bjonas84 #3
Chapter 15: Sooo beautiful
Chapter 14: Oh... that's disappointing.... oh well. This story so far has been great! Thank you for writing it even though it's going to be deleted!~ And thank you for notifying us readers about you deleting it first. ^^
Chapter 10: Died? Her sister died? I didn't want her to...
Chapter 8: Is Jihyun really leaving? I don't want her to leave... Is her sister fine??
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what the update brings.