Chanyeol Knows


I decided to visit my sister at the hospital,I missed her.Eventhough I know she will ask me questions,but I need to see her.I went to the hospital right after school ended.Ok,I lied.I sneaked out from the school half an hour earlier.If I didn’t do that,I can’t see my sister.Baekhyun will drag me home with him.I know he will be mad when he find out that I wander around,but I will think of something later.

As I enter the ward,my sister greets me with a smile.

“You came.”, She stated.

“I missed you.Feeling better?”,I asked as I sat beside her.

She nodded.

“You look…different.”,She said as she scanned me from head to toe.

“Well..I go to school nowadays.”,I shrugged.

“Until when you’re going to stay at that house and pretend to be Soo Hyun?”

“I don’t know.Maybe a month or two.”

“I know you’re doing this for me.You need money for my surgery.Told you,I don’t really need this.Can’t you just let me go?I’ll  die anyway.”,She reached out my hand and clasped it tight.

“Stop saying that.I only have you.I can’t let you die.”,I squeezed  her hand gently.

“You won’t.”, She corrected.

I sighed as I stared at her.Her face was pale and she looked dead.I know that she can’t survive for long,but I only have her.How can I let her die?The doctor said even if she undergo the surgery,the possibilities  for her to recover is 20%.

“Unnie..I don’t want you to get hurt.Stop lying for me.All this while,you have been lying for me,it’s not even for your sake.Please.Stop this.Take me out from here and let’s go home.”

“We can’t.Okay,I promised.As soon as you undergo the surgery and get better,I will tell them the truth and leave.And I will work to pay them back every cent that I took.”,I assured her.

She looks away as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“What are you going to do if they hate you?You’re not a bad person to begin with.It’s all because of me.”.She said between tears.

My tears are threatening to fall but I swallowed it back.I need to stay strong,I can’t look weak.

“It’s not a big deal.As long as I have you,it doesn’t matter,even if the whole world hate me.”

She hugged me instantly and cried on my shoulder.I hugged her back while her back gently.

“It’s okay,don’t cry.I’m not hurt.I’ll come back for you soon.Until then,take care of yourself and listen well to the doctor.I might can’t see you often but I’ll try.”

I can feel she nodded slowly on my shoulder.I broke the hug and helped her to lie on the bed.

“Take care,unnie.If things get hard,give it up.”,She reminded and I nodded with a smile.


“Where were you?I was looking for you everywhere.”

That was the first thing he asked as soon as I arrived home.

“I’m sorry,oppa.I went to somewhere with my friend.”,I lied.

“Can’t you inform me at least?I’m worried about you.Wait.You went out with a friend?You…can’t  possibly meant Chanyeol,don’t you?”,His face changed.

“He’s your friend.Why bother to ask me that question?He should be with you.”

This guy is seriously weird.He always gets nervous everytime Chanyeol try to get close to me.Don’t tell me…

“Oppa,are you a gay?”,I asked him and he gave me a deadpan look.

“What makes you think of that rubbish?”,He asked.

“Well,you’re acting weird everytime Chanyeol gets close to me.Isn’t that what people call jealousy?”

“Yah!I’m not a gay!I was asking because he was absent today.”

I scoffed.

“Yeah right,oppa.Don’t be shy.I’m okay,I’m cool.I don’t judge people easily.And Chanyeol was nice,too.”,I reasoned and he looks pissed off.

I’m just trying to comfort him.Besides,I’m relieved.Now that I know he’s a gay,I don’t have to worry about him liking me.But why he looks pissed off?Maybe I pushed him too hard.He must be shy to talk about this to me.

“I know you’re shy,oppa.But I’m your sister,I accept you as you are.No wonder you  don’t have a girlfriend.”,I shrugged.

“Don’t you try and tell anyone about this crap or I’ll kill you.”,He warned and I giggled.

“That must be true then.Alright,I won’t.Don’t worry.”,I answered before I went upstairs.I can still hear his voice cursing at me on my way to my room.



The next day,Baekhyun didn’t talk to me at all.Mybe he was shy because I know his secret.I was eating at the cafeteria when the guys came and joined me again.And of course,Baekhyun tagged along but he doesn’t look happy.

Baekhyun was about to sit beside me when Chanyeol sit first and he had to sit across from me.He looks angry and I figured out that he wants to sit beside Chanyeol.

“Hey,I think you should sit beside Baekhyun.”,I whispered to Chanyeol and he raised an eyebrow ,asking me to explain.

“I know about it.Don’t worry,I don’t really care.”,I whispered again and I noticed Baekhyun keep glancing to us.

“What do you mean?”,Chanyeol asked.

I don’t know if he play dumb or he is really dumb.Wait.What if it is a one-sided love?What if Baekhyun like him but he don’t?

“You guys are in love,right?”,I asked.

Chanyeol spat out his food and coughed heavily.I was shocked to see him and I passed him a glass of water while patting his back slowly.

“Are you okay?What happened?”,D.O asked with a worried face.

“You look awful.”,Chen commented.

“What did you say?”,Chanyeol asked me while wiping his mouth with tissue.His face was as red as blood at that time and there are some tears in his eyes.That must hurt a lot.

“What?You did love each other,right?”,I repeated.

“Who?”,He asked with a confused face.

“You and Baekhyun.Right?”

This time,D.O and Chen  spat their food.

“Are you serious?”, Both of them gaped at me.

Baekhyun choked on his food and he quickly drink a glass of water.

“I told you to stop this,didn’t I?”,He glared at me.

“Where did you know about this?We never had  that kind of relationship.”,Chanyeol stated.

Oh God.What I’m going to do?Chanyeol didn’t like him.This is really a one-sided love.Poor Baekhyun.

“But Baekhyun really likes you.He always get jealous when you’re around me.”,I stated.

Suddenly,Baekhyun rose from his seat and slammed his fist on the table.

“Enough of this crap!I’m not freaking gay!I don’t like Chanyeol and please stop bringing up this things!Just wait when we arrived at home.I’ll deal with you.”,He pointed at me before he left us and walk away.

I sighed and the three of them laugh.

“Baekhyun like Chanyeol?Seriously.”,Chen laughed while clutching his stomach to suppress the laughter.

“I’ll rather kill myself than seeing both of you getting married.”, D.O added.

“You’re really cute,you know.What a nonsense.We’re close friends,that’s it.”,Chanyeol smiled in amusement.

“Okay then.We’re heading to the class first.We want to check your lover.See you later.”,Chen and D.O left to their class.

“If that’s the case.why did he get upset wwhen you’re with me?”, I asked Chanyeol after they left.

“You’re really clueless.He’s jealous of you,not me.”

I frowned.Me?Why should he?

“Ahh..So he was afraid that you’ll flirt with me?That guy is really protective.I want to make friends too.”,I pouted.

“Maybe..he likes you.”,Chanyeol said and he’s not smiling this time.

“That’s not possible.I’m his sister.”

“You know it’s possible.”,Chanyeol turned to me and I can feel that he know something that he shouldn’t.

“W-what do you mean?”, I asked nervously.

“You’re not his sister.”,He stated.

I turned to him as he said that.I want to ask him how he know that but my lips won’t move.

“I saw you at the hospital yesterday.I want to greet you but I’m curious to know who are you visiting.So I followed you.And I heard it all.”

I looked down hopelessly.

Okay.Game’s over.My secret had been blown up and now he will tell Baekhyun.

“Don’t worry,I won’t tell him.Stop making faces like that.”

I looked up to him.Did I hear it right?

“Really?But why would you help me?”

He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

“Because I think I like you.”

I stared at him wide eyed.Why does everybody had gone crazy today?

“My feelings for you aren’t deep yet so don’t worry.I don’t know why,but I feel comfortable being around you.So don’t mind me and treat me like you always did.”

“I..think this is too fast.We had just met a few times and you had already fall in love with me.”,I reasoned and I hope he will accept the fact that I can’t like him.

“I know and I didn’t ask you to.But you can’t stop me from liking you.”

I sighed when he said that.He’s unstoppable.I guess I would just pretend I hear nothing.

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this story finally ended! thanks for those who is willing to read my story, and comment, and subscribe! you guys are the best! please support my new story and gives it much love. have a nice day!


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It's like a rollercoaster of emotions :(
Awh this story is beautiful but sad
bjonas84 #3
Chapter 15: Sooo beautiful
Chapter 14: Oh... that's disappointing.... oh well. This story so far has been great! Thank you for writing it even though it's going to be deleted!~ And thank you for notifying us readers about you deleting it first. ^^
Chapter 10: Died? Her sister died? I didn't want her to...
Chapter 8: Is Jihyun really leaving? I don't want her to leave... Is her sister fine??
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what the update brings.