Giving up


It won't be a one shot but I'm thinking it's gonna be short. So I was watching Dream high and boom this happened..I know Suzy is with Lee Minho and I repect that so don't get all defensive.


 They love each other but they're cursed. But finally Suzy takes things into her hands, it's a painful twisted happy ending.




Kim Soo Hyun

Lee Min Ho

You guys are gonna hate me I just feel it but yes both are in the story..

NC lovekaisoo



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evelynsiendy #1
Chapter 2: i hope u could continur it:)
Chapter 1: i havent started reading the story but i really hope kim soo hyun and suzy ends up together bcoz i really love them together... plz...
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what the update brings.