My Lover


Imaginary scenes from my head about the otp, Takujae, who are from the 12-episode Korean Drama series, The Lover. They captured my heart since the first episode and even after the drama ended, I just couldn't forget about them and I'm currently quite depressed I have nothing to look forward to on Thursday now. ):

To cope, I put scenes from my mind onto paper (uh digital paper?) and I hope you see what I see in my head!!


*Not chaptered by time, since it's just my random thoughts <3*



Just a warning, I am in NO MEANS a writer. To be honest, it's difficult for me to start a book and even more difficult to finish it LOL. I do (reaLLY) enjoy fanfictions thoughhh. Please forgive my amateur attempt, but I hope you enjoy. (:

Please give me constructive criticism!!! I would LOVE to improve.

Sorry I'm actually not sure what to put in description and foreword LOL



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Chapter 1: I'm curious to know what's going on. Can't wait for the update.