Chapter 2

Why You?!

After Sehun got his script we went to the cafeteria to meet up with our other friends. Chanyeol, the tall dork with a suprising deep voice, Baekhyun, the funny cute one, and Kyungsoo(or D.O. as we like to call him sometimes), the one who could kill you with a glare. Then of course there's Jongin(or Kai), the y dancer." Oi! Jongin, Tao, Sehun. Heard you guys have a play." Chanyeol has always been the one to state the obvious." Yes we are in a play and 'they' are the main roles." Kai said." I fail to see why that's so bad. It's just a play." I said. Kai and Chanyeol just roled their eyes and continued eating." Well, I guess I'll tell you. You're best friends and boys. What we're worried about is you guys acting differently towards each other after the play." Kyungsoo says.

" I'm not as worried as you guys are. 'Cause what if they turn out like me and Chanyeol." Baekhyun says dreamly.

" True that. Have you guys also heard about the pairing if them two. All the girls that either don't like them or love homo stuff too much pair Sehun and Tao together." Chanyeol explains.

Me and Sehun both look equally shocked.

" But doesn't everyone in this school know I'm straight? I ask. Kyungsoo gives me a glare before saying, " Yes, Yes they do know. Your as straight as a banana." The way he he said it would give you chills for days. " Sehun you haven't said anything and you look paler(I don't know how I made that possible:P) than usual. What's wrong?" Baekhyun says worriedly. Kyungsoo took him by the ear and whispered something. I could barely hear, but it sounded something like ' Shut you mouth. You know Sehun likes him.' I wasn't sure so I didn't question.Then Kyungsoo took Sehun out into the hall and talked to him. After about 30 seconds he started crying. I wanted to go check to see if he was ok, but the way he looked was just screaming 'Don't Tao. Don't come out!'.

Sehun's POV

After Tao asked that question I don't know why, but I just felt like crying. Yeah I have a teeny weeny crush on him but that's nothing to cry about. And apparently everyone knows so it''s not suprising that Kyungsoo told Baekhyun to shut up. I saw that Kyungsoo was done and was beginning to take me into the hall.

" Sehun you know he doesn't know. He's just being a damn . He can't take the fact that you like him." He paused to take a breath then continued.

" What you need to do is do the play with thinking he's a pillow instead of him, ok?" " Ok, but what if he acts like a 'damn ' when were rehearsing? It could still tear me apart." After that I just let the tears flood. I fell onto Kyungsoo and just cried. He patted my back and stayed. After a minute I finally calmed down and we went back into the cafeteria.

" Se-"

" Don't even dare Tao." Kyungsoo growls. " Just drop it, he's fine." I wanted to hug Tao at that moment, but he left.

" Sehun are you really ok?" " Yeah Baek I'm fine. I'll make it through." Baekhyun nodded unsurely then continued eating. " Well I think me and Baek should get going. Don't want to be late to our next class. Right Baekkie?" " Yeah, Bye~." And with that they left leaving me, Jongin, and Kyungsoo.

" Sehun we should get going classes start soon."

" K, bye Kyungsoo see you after school." Kyungsoo waved bye and went. " Lighten up Sehun. You know how stupid he is." " Guess your right, he is kinda stupid."

Our next class was one of my favorites. It's a special class for talented dancers. Me and Jongin were chosen to go. Currently we were working on a dance to go to ' Luhan's That Good Good'. The rules were to make your own moves so we couldn't use his dance, but hey it's a "good" song. The only thing bad is that this is the only class I don't have with Tao. Speaking of which I wonder where he went.


A/N: Sorry it took so long I got back from a vacation to the start school. *Sigh* Why does life have to be so complicated. Anyway I have another chapter that justs needs to be typed up. It'll be in the next couple of days probably. Well hope you liked this chapter and subscribe for more. Also comment if you want I love reading comments. Good or Bad. Well gtg bye~~~~~~~~~ <3

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TaoHunL #1
Chapter 4: Update pls. authornim
jongkey1234 #2
Well Pandamaknae123 your in luck I'm currently typing the next chapter and it'll most likely be up tomorrow
Pandamaknae123 #3
Pandamaknae123 #4
Pandamaknae123 #5
Chapter 1: Princess Sehun
I'm curious to know what's going on next. Can't wait for the update.