Sweet morning

Heal Me

How the moment of the boarding on the plane arrived, Yixing wasn't really able to tell. He had spent all the morning packing his luggage, since he had wasted his time calling Luhan the night before. He had put inside the bag everything he considered useful and suitable: jeans, casual tees, shirts and hoodies, underwear and other accessories. He had busied himself with going around the bedroom, in search of things that seemed to have disappeared mysteriously.

«Hyung, it's nearly lunch time. Are you by any chance nearly finished with packing?» Jongdae had whined at some point, and Lay had had to pretend he was over.

The afternoon had been even more erratic, since every member started thinking about and looking for things they had apparently forgotten existed until the very last hours. Yixing had taken advantage of that chaos of screaming voices to sneak in the bathroom and take the bottle with his painkillers. And then, in a matter of less than an hour, they were arrived at the airport, getting off the black vans they had been in and taking out their belongings.

Their fans were everywhere, and even doing a simple and quick check-in had taken them nearly an hour. Although it wasn't their first time going overseas, all the boys were excited and anxious, and they all tried to exorcise their fears and agitation in a way or in another.

Suho had handed each of them their ticket as soon as they had set foot in the airport and now they were holding them securely, ready to board. The agency had booked their seats all together, so they ended up occupying 3 consecutive rows.

Lay sat near the window, Suho e Xiumin taking their places right beside him. They waited for the plane to take off, chatting and listening to music to calm themselves. Then, the vehicle was in the air, flying over the cities of the Korean country, and Yixing drifted off to sleep, from which he was awakened as soon as the plane landed.

At the Taiwanese airport, a great amount of fans were waiting for them, snapping blurry pictures and hoping for a word, a smile from their idols. Despite their love for those fans, the boys were dead tired and they had to go to their hotel, eating and get the informations about their staying in Taipei. All the members waved here and there to make the girls happy, and then quickly entered the cars that were supposed to take them to the hotel.

If driving in Seoul was problematic, using a car in Taipei resulted even worse, and Yixing prayed the journey would have ended soon. He stiffened when he felt something landing on his shoulder, but when he looked in that direction, the Chinese boy found a fast asleep Sehun using his body as a pillow. He smiled at the cuteness of the taller boy, always so busy making himself look like a tough guy.

Even with that distraction (he had to keep himself still not to wake up the maknae), though, the trip seemed to last an eternity. Once arrived, all the boys jumped off, except for Lay, who had to softly wake the youngest up before he could breathe the fresh air outside the vehicle.

Since he was the only Chinese-born member left in the group, Yixing had to do everything that involved speaking, discussing and fully understanding Chinese. That included thanking the drivers, the staff at the hotel and everyone they were going to meet during those days. Obviously all the other members were going to listen to and thank people and so on, but he was in charge of making sure everything was clearly understood.

At the hotel -a very cool and expensive one-, the boys just had the time to leave their luggages in their rooms, since a meeting with the managers was going to be held in less than a minute. They all ran down the stairs, looking for the room where their managers were waiting for them.

«They said we have to go to room F003. It should be here.» exclaimed Kyungsoo, who was leading the group.

«Found it!» replied all of a sudden Jongdae, stopping in front of a door which read “F003” engraved on a gold plaque.

Once all the boys were gathered in front of the entrance, Suho turned the knob and everyone got inside: It was a huge place, with a big round table in the middle, encircled by a lot of black-leathered chairs. Bright lights were and an enormous screen hung on a wall. It wasn't difficult to imagine that room was a conference room.

The managers greeted the group and invited the boys to take a seat. Finally, the meeting started.

«Welcome to Taipei, EXO!» loud cheers came from the latters. «Since you have some time before and after the tour dates you'll be spending here, we would like to inform you on your schedules. First, in an hour you're supposed to be at a very important restaurant which we had made arrangements with; then, tomorrow you will have rehearsals in the morning, while in the afternoon you will have two interviews with local broadcasting channels. For what concerns the evening, you're free except for the eating place, which we will announce you tomorrow. The next two days, you will practice I think more or less all day long, so there's nothing planned. Regarding your last day here, you'll be free. You are going to be at the airport in the afternoon. Timetables and precise locations and hours of each scheduled activity will be told at the right moment. Is everything clear? Do you have any doubts or questions?»

«Manager-nim...» Baekhyun started.

«Yes, Baekhyun-ssi

«Can't we- can't we stay in for tonight? We are all pretty tired, and I doubt any of us wants to go out for dinner.»

«No, you can't. As my colleague has previously said» replied the other manager, who had kept silent until then «we made an arrangement. You have to go even if you're tired.»

Whines rose from the boys, who were starting longing for a bed and a good sleep. Yixing just wanted to take his medicine and rest his hurting neck.

«But since we have all the nights for ourselves, are we allowed to go out and do what we want?» asked Chanyeol.

«I think we have already discussed this topic. You can go out, but you must not get in trouble or do things that may damage your or the group's image. And also, you should try to keep a low profile. It'd be better if a few to no fans or media knew what you do or where you go in your spare time.»

The tall boy nodded in response. And with that, the meeting ended.

They exited the room all together, and headed to the hall of the hotel, waiting for the usual black cars to drive them until the infamous restaurant.

After another interminable trip through the always trafficked streets of the Taiwanese capital, they eventually reached their destination; even though the place was nice and they met friendly people, their tiredness prevented the boys from enjoying their meal, their time and their company.

Yixing didn't even know what he was eating, he only swallowed whatever the hosts put in front of him until he couldn't eat anymore.
As for the people around him, he wasn't even able to understand when they were talking to him and when they weren't. Not to mention the fact that he had to translate Traditional Chinese into Mandarin Chinese and then to Korean. It was starting to be too much for his brain and he could feel his head spinning a bit.

Lay looked around, and noticed that all his bandmates were more asleep than awake, and that they were smiling and talking just out of courtesy and habits. Their eyes often darted towards the two managers, silently asking them to let them go and have the rest they actually needed.

It was only after more than a couple of hours that finally they received the permission to get up and leave, and Yixing could have sworn he heard more than a member reciting a thankful prayer to every known god. He had been very tempted to do so himself, after all.

Just when Lay thought it was all over, he was reminded he still had to unpack his things, and that he had to face the night in the same room of Sehun. Despite his jaded body and mind he was determined to follow the idea Luhan had suggested him during their last call: he would have made the most out of their moments alone, so that he could have worked on his sensations and feelings to finally find an answer to his unresolved questions.

In the hall, the members wished a yawny “goodnight” to one another, dragging their feet until the lifters -because there was no way even one of them was going to use the stairs.

Yixing, Sehun and Suho were the last three to use the elevator. With a loud yawn, the leader entered the small place and pressed the button with the number of their floor printed on. The three boys stood at the centre of the cubicle, looking at the ground. But before the lifter reached the selected floor, Suho spoke.

«Our rooms are quite near, y'know. So, if you need something you can call me. Goodnight, guys! And, Sehun...?»

«Yeah?» answered the latter trying to mask a yawn.

«Don't make Yixing go crazy. We need him fully awake and sound tomorrow.»

Both Yixing and Sehun blushed a little, spotting a slight double meaning in the elder's request that probably only the two of them could find.

«I-I'll try» the maknae replied as Lay mumbled a quick «Don't worry»

The leader nodded and then waved his hand while approaching his room, three doors opposite Yixing and Sehun's one.

Once alone, the two boys proceeded opening and entering their accommodation. Since when they had arrived, they barely had time to put down their bags, only now the Chinese boy could attentively observe the place: it was all painted in a light yellow shade, while the furniture were all made of a reddish brown wood that gave the room a pleasant warmness even in the artificial light of the lamps. A black armchair was located near the big window, adorned with thick white curtains, while a desk with a chair was placed under an ancient-looking mirror. The bathroom -near the entrance- was big enough for the both of them to stay in at the same time, and had everything essential in it.

Lay held his breath as he lastly focused on the bed: as he expected -and, in a way, feared-, there was a queen-sized bed, covered with beige sheets and surrounded by two identical nightstands and nightshades. He sighed and moved closer to his luggage, starting to unpack it.



«How are we going to organise the wardrobe? I mean, there is only one»

Yixing looked at the big piece of furniture on the wall beside the bed. «We divide it in two halves. One will be yours, and one mine.»

«Yeah, guess that was pretty obvious. Also, I don't think we are going to pick the other's clothes by mistake. We have different sizes, you know, with me being taller and leaner...» smirked the maknae.

«Are you saying I'm a fatty ball?!» Lay replied.

«Well, you know, compared to me...»

«Yah! Where's the respect towards your elders?»

«Elders? I see none here.» Sehun laughed mischievously.

«Oh, is that so? You're a brat! At least my isn't as big as yours» replied Lay, faking a pout while trying to contain his own laughter.

Reaching the wardrobe, the younger passed near Lay, who was sitting on the carpeted floor. He saw the maknae opening the big wooden element and looking inside, as if studying its dimensions. From where he was, Yixing had a full visual of the Korean boy's body, and without realising it, he started staring at it.

«You wish it was, though.» he retorted with a grin. «Is it ok if I take this part?» asked a second later, interrupting Lay's activity and thoughts.

«Uh? Ah, yeah, I don't mind»

«You keep on packing your things like that?» said Sehun as he turned around to reach another round of clothes to put inside the wardrobe.

«It's neater this way. Different kinds of clothes stay in different bags.»

The younger hummed as he continued placing his things inside the piece of furniture. «There are extra sheets and duvets here, Yixing-ge! So the upper shelves of this wardrobe can't be used.»

Yixing looked up only to find his face a few centimetres away from the other's . He blushed a little as he focused on the shelves instead.

«There's still enough space.» he stated, faking nonchalance.

After that, Sehun went to the desk and took a clean towel, before taking off his t-shirt and entering the bathroom, locking the door behind himself.

The Chinese boy exhaled, still disoriented by the situation. Sharing the room with the maknae wasn't the real problem, after all; it was the fact that he didn't know what to do and what to say. Everything seemed normal and relaxed, then why was he always feeling as if he was walking on a thin line suspended in the air?

Lay put aside the question and organised his clothes in the remaining space of the shelves, trying to be as fast as possible: he had to get himself ready for bed, which included stripping himself , and he was resolute to do so before Sehun could have got out of the bathroom. It would have been too embarrassing, otherwise. He rapidly finished unpacking, and then took his clothes off, leaving on only his underwear.

When he heard the door of the bathroom opening, he grabbed a towel and kept it securely over his chest covering his lower abdomen. Once inside the small place, Yixing finished getting ready for bed, changing his underwear, cleaning his teeth and taking his painkillers.

He was now prepared for the night, but not ready for what it could have brought with itself. He expected Sehun to be in bed, waiting for him to turn off all the lights, or maybe already asleep, but when he exited the bathroom, he watched the scene before his eyes with a quizzical expression: the younger boy was in the middle of the room, with only sweatpants on and white sheets in a hand.

«Sehun, what the hell are you trying to do?»

«Ah, ge, I didn't hear you coming out of the bathroom. I'm sorry, it'll take only a minute and then we can sleep. You can go to bed-» answered the maknae in discomfort.

«Sure I'm going to bed. But I'd like to know what you are doing.»

«I'm preparing my sleeping spot on the floor.» he replied as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

«Excuse me? Why on heart should you sleep on the floor? The bed is big enou-» Yixing stopped, realising what was happening. «Oh. The bed.»

«Yeah. Don't worry, though, you need to rest your back and neck on something soft, so I'm gonna sleep here.»

There was again that feeling of warmness, that consciousness of being loved maybe more than he loved himself. It was nearly heartbreaking for him to see the maknae convinced that he didn't want to share the bed with him. There was no way Lay was going to let the other sleep on the floor.

«Sehun, don't. Why are you doing this? Who told you you can't sleep with me?»

«I thought- you- I mean, I thought it would have been better for both. I don't want you to feel uneasy or afraid and you know, what if you can't sleep because of me? So yeah.»

«I didn't say anything, you shouldn't have worried. Stop thinking, we're both bad at it. I'm tired and I only want to sleep. Get in the bed, kid!» Lay said playfully, jumping on the soft surface and burying himself under the candid covers.

Sehun mumbled a “thank you” as he sat on the bed. «Ge


«Are you really going to sleep with only your underwear on?»

«Umh, well... Yes.»

«That's- nevermind.» Sehun said helplessly, running a hand through his hair.

They both got under the covers, and then the maknae turned the lights off. Even though earlier Yixing had acted as if he wasn't the slightest affected by the present situation, in the darkness of the room the Chinese boy couldn't really hide his nervousness anymore. Every little sound the fabric of those sheets made when the other moved, had him jumping. For what, however? Was it fear, discomfort or expectation?

Lay still didn't have an answer, but he definitely needed to say some things out loud to the maknae. He wanted to tell him that he knew what he had endured, now; that he was trying hard to fix the situation and that whichever the conclusion was going to be, he would have been there to support him.

In the obscurity, he felt safe. No one could see his face, read his expression. If ever something had gone wrong, he could have just shrugged it off by saying he wasn't being serious. So, he opened his mouth.

«You know, Sehun, despite what you may think, I am glad you told me what you told me.»

He waited for an answer, but when he heard nothing but an uneven breathing, he turned his head slowly to take a look at the other. He smiled as he saw in the nearly inexistent light the younger already asleep, finding his face even cuter than how he did back in the car. He really didn't look like a strong guy, with his eyes closed and his facial muscles relaxed.

Yixing stretched out an hand and gently pulled away some soft black bangs from his eyes, and then leaned in. He just stopped when he was merely two centimetres away from Sehun's face, remembering he wasn't a girl and that there were too many scenes in movies and dramas where a person pretended to be sleeping and then woke up as soon as the other's lips touched their face, whether was it their forehead or lips. He certainly didn't want to get caught on that. He simply wasn't ready yet.

With that final thought, he retrieved his hand and stared at the ceiling, as he slowly felt his body and mind getting numb.

Yixing woke up the next morning feeling an unfamiliar warm weight on his waist. Wanting to sleep some minutes more, he tried to ignore it, but his curiosity was awaking him fully.

The Chinese boy half-opened an eye, while he moved a hand to the place where the pressure was located. When it reached the precise spot, though, he nearly jumped: there was an arm and obviously a hand there. Why there was someone in his bed? He was starting to panic, but then he remembered the hotel, the tour, the bed. Sehun.

It definitely was Sehun's skinny arm, gently wrapped around his waist as they both were sleeping. That calmed Lay's fuss down. Without connecting much, he delicately squeezed the other's hand as he turned his head to the maknae's side. The younger boy was starting to wake up, messy hair and sleepy eyes the first things Yixing actually noticed. He thought he looked funny and -that surprised the older- kind of y.

«G'morning, ge» Sehun croaked out as he opened his eyes.

Yixing smiled gently, making his dimple appear on his cheek. «Good morning, Sehunnie»

As soon as the sweet nickname left the Chinese boy's lips, he felt the younger tighten a little his grip on his hips, making him slightly shiver. That touch was relaxing, protective and... Addicting. In the heat of the moment, he caressed with the hand that was still placed on Sehun's the younger boy's arm, and that was enough to make the other groan a little. Every brush was amplified by the lack of clothes layers on both bodies, which grew hotter where the skin on skin contact was taking place.

That sensation seemed magical, as if coming from a twisted fairy tale. But it all lasted only until Yixing saw it. He saw the surprised look on Sehun's features, his pleased shock as he hesitantly inched closer to the Chinese dancer. And eventually Lay snapped out of it: it took him only a second to finally get his mind back in track and, with a fake reassuring smile, try to get up without making the younger realise what had happened inside his brain. Because actually, he didn't know it himself.

He lifted his body from the mat and at the same time removed gently Sehun's limb that was still draped over his lower chest. As he managed to slip away, though, he suddenly discovered that somehow, during that brief moment of pure sweet affection, their fingers had tangled together, so that when Yixing moved to stand up he found himself blocked by the maknae's hand.

It wasn't like Sehun really had meant to block him, though. The younger was just looking at him, his sleepy eyes now widened as he gazed over to where their hands were intertwined, followed soon after by Lay. Seeing their hands connected felt right. Suddenly, though, the Korean boy let him go, a bewildered look on his face as his eyes focused back on the face of the older.

«Yixing-ge, I-» he managed to choke out, but Lay cut him off shaking his head and then locking himself inside the bathroom.

He sat on the toilet, breathing deeply. What was that? They had slept and woken up as if they were nearly a couple. And on top of all, he liked it. He enjoyed the sweetness and the care he felt through those light touches. But the realisation of it all had him freaking out, for a reason he himself didn't know. Maybe Luhan was right, and he was in denial. Maybe he really loved Sehun more than as a friend, but he was scared because, hell!, he had never been attracted to a male before and he had never thought of Sehun as anything different from a little brother, a bandmate. But was it really love? Or was it just affection? Why, if he wasn’t gay, should he be in love with the younger boy?

He had always been a touchy person, and somehow he had managed to get close with the maknae. Yixing felt proud every time the younger had come to him for a problem, or just to have some time together. He loved embracing and pecking Sehun on the cheeks, joking around and watching movies. There had always been a different affection towards the maknae, that he didn't have towards all the others, and he had convinced himself it was just because he was the baby of the group.

And what did Sehun want to tell him, just a few seconds before? Lay ran a hand through his hair, messing it up for the frustration. He had promised to himself to just live the moment and see what happens, but it was too difficult right now. He really wanted to understand what was going on, he really wanted to make Sehun happy.

He stood up and washed himself and got changed before unlocking the door and walking out. He had a very long day to face.




So, ehm... wow, guys, 70 subscribers are too much, I've never thought something written by me could be so appreciated! Thank you all, really~ *bows and spreads love* 
About this chapter, it shouldn't have come out like this. I mean, the original plan was to make only one chapter about EXO being in Taipei, but then I think it got out of hand and I ended up writing all this blabbering mess. Again, I feel like I'm making it too long/slow, and I'm not 100% satisfied with it. Sometimes, I think you're too kind with your comments (tbh, I cried more than once reading them, they're really inspiring)! 
I hope next chapter won't become too different from what I have thought, otherwise I might go crazy... 
Thank you again for subscribing, commenting and upvoting. I swear, we're not too far from the end of this story (or should I define it as a "journey"?). ^^ 


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Sorry it's taking me so long to post the 11th chapter, but I'm going through some problems... But fear not -I'm still working on it~!


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Chapter 16: Little but conflicts and with lovey dovey ending that what we are always waiting to read...... I loved this one maybe we need more selay moments but I'm satisfied with lovely ending ....
Chapter 16: Best Christmas present even after 2 years later! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this amazing ff! I miss hunlay!!! I hope you continue to write fanfics about them! Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have a happy New Year ! I hope there's Lay and exo together next year and more hunlay moments!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Blakebarnescarstairs #3
Back here to read it for what must be the 6th time.
There are no words to describe how much I love this story!
emmaliarotada #4
Chapter 15: This is a good ing fic. I really love the the way u write and the story plot u made. Hope to read more ing fics in future ;)
Chapter 16: I thought i already commented on this long ago but apparently not... This is pure feel-good, i love it so so much (and i'm usually a hardcore angst-fan)
wendyjung #6
Chapter 16: Thank you so much. I am waiting for another ing fic. Heal me and promises are so great. I had print them and read anytime i miss yixing. He is my UB!!! And i am ing shipper. Haha.
lovefanfics1609 #7
Chapter 16: I've read it third time now and i forgot that i didnt commented it. This was the sweetest fanfics ever. I like the way u wrote it. It was really realistic and i nearly believed to that.
Chapter 16: Omfg it's a long ing chaptered fic. God bless. This is so rare and beautiful.
Good job, authornim. And thank you.
14 streak #9
Chapter 16: Awwwwwwwwwwww i really really really really loved this! Everything just really felt so real and amazing like i seriously can't explain how I feel right now. This is perfection. I loved everything about it, and especially how everyone's character seemed to fit in just right. This was one of those stories that I couldn't wait to get home to to complete reading. You just SELAYed my heart-eu, author-nim, thank you so much for this.