Sensual dances

Heal Me

The title of this chapter should have been "y dances"... I don't know why it doesn't let me post it (or, at least, if it does let me post it, it doesn't let me see it)... So I changed it into "Sensual dances". But still, hope you enjoy it! ;)


Waking up in Sehun's embrace had already become an habit for Yixing. Basking in that warmness that was created by their bodies so close to each other was overwhelming.

This time, Lay didn't panic when he found an arm loosely wrapped around his waist, nor he reached out to touch it, because his free arm was encircling the younger's hips. He didn't get startled when he felt warm and smooth skin near his nose, nor when he felt uneven breaths landing on his head, thus slightly ruffling his black hair. He didn't jump out of the bed when he opened his eyes and found out he was still facing Sehun, his face nearly buried in the taller boy's bare chest. Instead, he smiled and nuzzled closer.

If anyone had seen them, they could have been easily mistaken for a couple cuddling in the early morning.

When the maknae started stirring in the process of awakening, Yixing smiled at the cuteness, and, involuntarily, pressed himself even closer to the other, trying to maintain the pleasurable temperature their bodies had accumulated during the night. It was simply blissful, and he just focused on that magnificent sensation, forgetting all the rest. If Sehun had been a girl, Yixing wouldn't have had any doubt about being in love with him. He was feeling things only a lover could experiment, he was sure of that. But Sehun was in fact a boy, and it was different. It didn't matter how many times Lay would tell himself and the others that love was always love in all its forms, it still felt unnatural and strange.

He felt the younger humming lowly as the other woke up completely, plastering himself against Lay and sending millions of shivers down his smaller body. Who was he trying to fool? Damn, he liked being so intimate with the maknae. He liked being all over each other while sleeping, and opening his eyes to a cute dozed off Sehun. He just liked...

The younger boy tightened hesitantly his grip on Lay's waist, as if afraid of frightening him with a sudden gesture, but the latter just did the same and both ended up relaxing in the other's arms.

«Good morning, ge» Sehun whispered, breaking the perfect silence.

«Good morning. Did you sleep well?»

«Yeah, best sleep I've had in months. You?»

«I'm glad to hear that. I slept well too.»

There were a few beats of silence and Yixing felt uncomfortable. Was he supposed to say something? Should he have asked something? He shifted a little under the covers for the embarrassment, making their lower bodies collide accidentally.

«» he heard the younger mutter.


«G-ge, can you pl-please let me go?»

Yixing widened his eyes for the shock, as he slowly pulled off and detached himself from the other. He watched confused while the maknae inaudibly sighed and then got up, giving his back to the Chinese boy. But when he went around the bed to reach the bathroom, Lay understood what had happened: Sehun was sporting a quite evident tent in his sweatpants.

Yixing found himself blushing hard as he realised what it really meant. And he also realised he was in the same situation, he just was too caught up in the context and still too asleep to notice it first thing. He breathed in and out as he kept on telling himself it was a normal thing for two young boys. It just was simple male anatomy, nothing more and nothing less.

But did Sehun notice he too was excited? Was Sehun excited because of him? Yixing didn't know why, but he found that second idea quite enticing, and bit his lower lip as he told himself he only needed a release as soon as possible. And he also hoped it wouldn't have caused problems between them, because they were going to have a performance that night and they definitely couldn't fail or mess up. Especially for such a stupid situation.

When the maknae exited the bathroom, still wet from a cold shower, Lay hurried inside the place without looking at the other in the eyes. And when it was his turn to come out of the bathroom, he found Sehun already all dressed up and ready, on his features no sign whatsoever of embarrassment or discomfort. So, the Chinese boy quickly picked up his clothes for that day and got changed as rapidly as he could, while repeating to himself that he was -again- overreacting. If it had happened weeks ago, he was sure he would have labelled it as something completely normal, but now he simply couldn't. Especially because he kept on wandering what if the other had been by him. It was electrifying to think of being the cause of all of that.

Despite everything, it seemed that the only one affected by the awkward situation of that morning was Yixing. Why couldn't he tear his eyes off of Sehun during breakfast? And while going to the stadium? And while practicing? The Chinese boy started to think he was going crazy. Maybe it was a side effect of his painkillers, or maybe he was too caught up. There was a little voice in his head, though, that kept on telling him he was just becoming aware of things he had never even thought about.

Practicing in the Taiwanese stadium was really something else from the room they had used the day before: there was so much more space, and so many more stages! They could move freely from left to right, using all the stage as they liked. The music spread all over the place, clear and powerful, making Lay's body trembling with anticipation. He wanted to dance, and no distraction could take his will away from him, not even a sweaty maknae dancing too ily all alone on the stage while rehearsing his solos.

It all went perfectly until a certain tune started resounding in the enormous place: Yixing knew those notes. He knew what was bound to happen. Honestly, it had been a miracle that it had never occurred during all the other practice sessions, but now there it was, Playboy's rhythm spreading everywhere.

Lay in his breath as he took his place on one of the secondary stages, placing himself back to back with Sehun, and starting swaying to the music. That choreography was created to make the fans go crazy, with the two of them mere few inches away, nearly brushing their butts together. A y dance for a y song.

A routine like the other songs, but to Yixing it felt different. It was too intimate. He was too near to Sehun, the moves were chaste -he had done worse- but at the same time so explicit and subtle that everyone in his position could have blushed hard.

Suddenly, he felt some kind of urge to touch the younger, to feel him against his skin, but he shook it away. Or, at least, he tried, because by doing so, his movements became sharper, with the result that Suho interrupted the music to have a word with them.

«Xing, are you tired? You seemed out of place, just now. We can have a break, we've been practicing all morning and I think it will be ok to stop a little.»

The Chinese boy wanted to reply that he wasn't tired, that he only was afraid of the thoughts his brain was formulating, but then he realised he couldn't really say that. «Yeah, my neck hurts a little, I'm sorry, just give me a minute.» he lied.

The leader nodded comprehensively, and told him to take all the time he needed to recover. Yixing went backstage, heading to a quiet spot to calm himself. Because since the accident of that morning, he had been like moved by an electric impulse that was leaving him confused.

His peaceful moment was cut off too soon, though; he saw a tall figure approaching him, and a few seconds after, he was looking at Sehun.

«Ge» the maknae said with a stern expression «It’s not about your neck, is it?»

He stayed silent, waiting for the older to say something, but when the latter didn't, he spoke again: «Yixing-ge, I thought we cleared up the fact that I don't mind skinship with you»

«I got that.»

«Then what? This is just work! You love dancing as much as I do, and I don't have any problem with you, so... I can't see why you're acting like this.»

«It's strange. That's supposed to look y and subliminal and I don't know.»

«It didn't seem to bother you, last time we performed it.»

«I know. I guess I'm just overthinking again.» Lay replied with a kind smile, while thinking that, in fact, there was a huge difference now: because now, he knew that if he had made a mistake, if he had let himself go and made an hazardous move on the younger, everything could have crumbled down in a matter of seconds.

Yixing didn't even know anymore if he was afraid of finding out he actually liked Sehun in a romantic way or finding out he didn't. Because on both ways he had a lot to lose.

«If- if it's about this morning...» Sehun started, trailing off.

Lay felt as if caught red-handed, but he dissimulated. «No, really, Sehun. I'm just thinking too much. I'm ok now, if you assure me it's fine also for you.»

The maknae nodded smirking, and Yixing followed him back on the stage, where some of the other members were still practicing. Clenching his fists, the Chinese boy convinced himself to go through all the rehearsals without any other problem, and smiling to Sehun, got to his position for the Playboy choreography, putting on his best y face.

A part from a brief break for their lunch, the boys went on practicing also for the first hours of the afternoon, panting and sweating, dancing and singing through all their songs. Baekhyun's voice cracked here and there for the tiredness, and Chanyeol's steps got messier. Kyungsoo was increasingly becoming grumpier, while Kai was more and more tired, old injuries coming back from their slumbers. Yixing took some painkillers to calm the pain in his neck just before the managers came in telling them they could stop and start getting ready for the show.

Some of them collapsed on the floor, others whined that they weren't ready yet, but in the end they all got a nice shower and prepared for a very long round of make-up and hairdresser. Their tired and worn out faces soon became fresh and bright thanks to the expert hands of their artists. Some fake tattoos appeared here and there, just to get more screams from the fans.

And finally, in the blink of an eye, the time of the show arrived. The boys could see from the backstage the fans invading the stadium, filling up every seat and spot. Young and old, tall and shirt, they chattered until the concert began.

Despite this being the nth time Yixing had gone up on a stage, he still felt his stomach doing backflips, anxiety taking up the control of his own body, leaving him a ed up mess. But once again, it all vanished as soon as his feet touched the stage and the spotlights illuminated all the place. He could see and hear their fans, but still he couldn't really distinguish each face, each person. 

He danced, he swayed, he jumped and sang, he smiled and contained some tears of joy. There were such memorable moments, and he promised to himself to keep them secured in his heart and mind, to replay them when he was feeling low. Especially, the bits of Sehun's solo in the water. He didn't know how it had happened, but he kept staring at the younger all the time he was going up and down, dancing ily in that thin layer of water. His clothes -getting transparent for the liquid- were sticking to his body and underlining his lean frame, his slightly shaped abdominals, his bony waist, his long legs.

In that moment, Yixing thought that if he had to die being guilty of something, that would have been his sin. Because he felt a twitch in places where he shouldn't have, and he found himself unable to tear his eyes off of him. Since when the Korean boy was so y? So well-built?

And also the oh-so-feared moment came, and Lay and Sehun positioned themselves on one of the secondary stages to perform. Their bodies were so close and every time they got closer, screams rose from the crowd, alternatively asking them to do more, to show more skinship. It took a second, just the time for the neuronal system to process the input, and Yixing's hand was placed on Sehun's , while slightly squeezing and brushing it.

The fans around them went nuts, and Sehun high-fived him when they departed as to compliment him for the brilliant idea. The younger couldn't possibly know that more than for the will to please the fans, he had actually done that to satisfy his inner self. But he played along, flashing a knowing smile to the maknae.

From then on, it all passed by as a blur in Lay's memory (a part from Sehun's dance for Baby Don't Cry, obviously; that was really clear in his mind). He was too high, too lost. He thanked his luck for the fact that his body knew very well what to do and say. And also for the fact that EXO-Ls found cute his way of always seeming out of space, confused, lost in his own thoughts.

It was late at night when it all finished, after cries of joy, long speeches of love and loyalty, sad farewells and last songs. They were happy, but also tired. So all the boys ended up taking quick showers, getting changed and then passing out on their beds. They didn't even have any more power to speak to each other, and Yixing was too far gone to notice he and Sehun actually snuggled closer and cuddled a bit, before both falling asleep in less than a minute, warm temperature of their bodies lulling them into peaceful dreams.

The next day resulted more or less as a copy of the previous one, except for the morning accident and the consequent little talk during the practice session. A part from that, everything looked and felt as if replayed: the boys getting tired while trying to make their steps and their notes perfect. Frustrated and grumpy faces went along with soft smiles and reassuring words; some of the boys took medicines to be in their best shape, other tried to calm down in every way they could (that including Sehun smoking outside despite the risk of being caught). Even the stress and the anxiety before entering the stage were the same.

And the same was also the feeling of freedom when Yixing danced on the stage, alone or with the group; of love when he heard EXO-Ls screaming and cheering for them. The fascination while watching Kai's fluid movements and Sehun's y body. Even Playboy choreography felt the same, with Lay's hand exploring again the maknae's .

Yes, it all still felt unique, and that was the special feature of those days. Even if there was a routine, it never was identical, every time generated new emotions and new sensations that weren't replicable. That was the main cause of their renewed sincere and thankful speeches at the end of the show, of their tears of joy and sadness when it all was finished. The lights went off, the place slowly emptied.

The boys stayed in the backstage for nearly an hour, taking a relaxing shower and then wearing more comfortable and casual clothes. They had spent the time alone to congratulate with one another for the great job they had done.

«That hip s part always has them screaming, hyung» Chanyeol recalled, talking with Yixing «and Kai and Sehun's solos in the water nearly kills them even before the show ends»

They laughed a little, still caught in the concert that had just finished. Lay noticed Sehun glancing over to him with a lost look as Chanyeol kept on talking about the y moves Yixing had done only few hours before on the stage. There was something that made him shiver in anticipation.

«The idea of touching Sehun during Playboy was genial, Yixing-hyung! Did you all hear their screams and shrieks, guys? I thought some of them were going to faint!» stated Chen.

«Yeah, you two really pleased them»

«Now we'll see how the rumours of you two having a flirt will spread...» muttered Baekhyun, immediately elbowed by Kyungsoo.

«Damn, Soo, what was that for?»

«Sehun's must be really plump~» grinned again Chen.

«Jongdae!» warned Suho, who was blushing.

«I think every fan was envying you so hard at that moment, hyung!» nodded Chanyeol.

«I just wanted to make the fans happy, you know» partly lied Yixing, scratching his neck in embarrassment.

The others chuckled, then they all picked up their things and rapidly got on the black vans that were waiting for them, hidden from the sight of the fans.

They went back to the hotel just to put their bags down, and then they headed to a club they had chosen the day before. The dates had gone magnificently, and they absolutely had to celebrate. Yes, even though they were tired as hell. Because damn, that was their last night in Taipei and they wanted to make the most out of it, also because their flight the next day was planned for the afternoon, so they had plenty of time to rest before going back to Korea.

The boys entered the place without being recognised, and immediately scattered on the dancefloor. Yixing took a drink and waited for a catchy song to get him in the mood for dancing. He saw the others getting crazy, having fun, and he couldn't stop himself from thinking why he was feeling so lost.

When a certain rhythm started playing in the room, Lay felt ready to dance; he had already drunk half of his drink, which had alcohol in it, and the adrenaline started igniting his senses. He swung to the music, from time to time ogling the maknae, who was enjoying himself some meters away. 

A few girls came dancing around him, and he danced along, but never long enough to start a real connection with them. It wasn't that they weren't pretty or nice; it wasn't even due to the fact that he was the type of boy who sought spiritual and monogamous love instead of casual flirts, because he was in fact a young boy and he himself had had a considerable amount of one night stands. Yixing found this odd, but he couldn't understand why he was so distant.

He kept on glancing around, to see where his mates were and what they were up to. Most of them were dancing or chatting with some girls or with other members. Then, he casually shifted his eyes to Sehun, and his mind went blank: the Korean boy was dancing not so innocently with a very nice girl, the same he had been dancing with for more than two songs.

He felt something boil inside him as he saw the two getting closer and closer, so he excused himself with the girl who was openly flirting with him and headed to were Sehun was.




82 subscribers?! Guys, that's totally insane! Thank you sooo much, to all of you~
Sooo... what to say... I don't like this chapter at all. It took me 3 weeks to sort it out and write it down, and still it's not what I wanted. It's too slow, and it doesn't really make sense, it's more a messy mixture of, well, things. And I made you wait for this . *sighs* 
I hope next chapter will be better (and longer, because geez, this is also shorter!). I'm sorry if this is not what you expected, I promise I'll try to make it up to you. 
Thank you as always for sticking with this story, for your lovely comments, and the upvotes, they really make my days(?)! 
See you soon! ^^


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Sorry it's taking me so long to post the 11th chapter, but I'm going through some problems... But fear not -I'm still working on it~!


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Chapter 16: Little but conflicts and with lovey dovey ending that what we are always waiting to read...... I loved this one maybe we need more selay moments but I'm satisfied with lovely ending ....
Chapter 16: Best Christmas present even after 2 years later! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this amazing ff! I miss hunlay!!! I hope you continue to write fanfics about them! Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have a happy New Year ! I hope there's Lay and exo together next year and more hunlay moments!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Blakebarnescarstairs #3
Back here to read it for what must be the 6th time.
There are no words to describe how much I love this story!
emmaliarotada #4
Chapter 15: This is a good ing fic. I really love the the way u write and the story plot u made. Hope to read more ing fics in future ;)
Chapter 16: I thought i already commented on this long ago but apparently not... This is pure feel-good, i love it so so much (and i'm usually a hardcore angst-fan)
wendyjung #6
Chapter 16: Thank you so much. I am waiting for another ing fic. Heal me and promises are so great. I had print them and read anytime i miss yixing. He is my UB!!! And i am ing shipper. Haha.
lovefanfics1609 #7
Chapter 16: I've read it third time now and i forgot that i didnt commented it. This was the sweetest fanfics ever. I like the way u wrote it. It was really realistic and i nearly believed to that.
Chapter 16: Omfg it's a long ing chaptered fic. God bless. This is so rare and beautiful.
Good job, authornim. And thank you.
14 streak #9
Chapter 16: Awwwwwwwwwwww i really really really really loved this! Everything just really felt so real and amazing like i seriously can't explain how I feel right now. This is perfection. I loved everything about it, and especially how everyone's character seemed to fit in just right. This was one of those stories that I couldn't wait to get home to to complete reading. You just SELAYed my heart-eu, author-nim, thank you so much for this.