Falling apart

Nothing lasts forever

Why? Why do I need to feel this? I am no good for you. Know why? Every move you make show it. You just dont notice it but Im hurting babe. Can you do something please? I know I will never be the best but why? I guess the in a relationship status is not for me. Flirtationships suits me better. Have fun all the way. Not this. Serious things arent for me. Im serious. You may not see nor read this but Im telling you. I was the happiest person alive because of the concept "us". 

Who am I to ask you? I cant. I wont. Know why? Deep inside I know the answer. Dysfunction between us is evident. Cant you see the cracks? We must free each other. I dont want to hurt you and I dont want to kill myself. I am not giving up because I am a coward. I am just being practical.

Gongju: got something to confess to you.

This is it. You dont love me and you found someone new. Possible right?

Llamaber:what is it? Im nervous.
Gongju: hahahaha I'll tell you tomorrow. I love it when you are nervous
Llamaber: fine. Im already breaking up with you, i dont want to have an attack because of your confession. Goodnight
Gongju: wait. Call me now. Too lazy to type it



"I told you about Myungsoo right?"


"I am already avoiding him. I already told our supervisor. He got a girlfriend yet he is hitting on me."


"Are you ok?"


"Am, you sure?"

"Can we just talk next time? Im really tired."

"Oh. Yeah sure. Good night babe. I love you."


I hung up. I know you have several suitors. No need to tell me them. You know what I realized? You dont know what I feel and its impossible for you to care. It hurts right now but it is better this way. We are falling apart. You just dont know. I can feel you just afraid of everything. The distance makes it hard. We still dont hit the ground but are we going to reach that stage? Better to avoid it right. I want to leave. I want to forget everything. 

Jung Soojung,

You have been my friend for a long time already. I love, will love and keep on loving you. You know that right? But every word we say make the distance grow farther. These voids in my heart are keep on growing bigger. I know you are still afraid that I will desert you. Lets be honest here. This is for your own sake and mine too. I dont want to be imprisoned in this love. Everyday we get more far away babe. I love you. It hurts for me to do this. I hope that I could change those facts but I cant. This maybe the only way. I wont make this long. Good bye. If ever I will see you again act you dont know me. I will try to forget you even though you are the most special episode/chapter of my life. 

Amber Liu


Sorry for not beig enough babe. Nothing lasts forever. Thats a fact. We just need to learn about it. You might get mad for leaving you this way but its better this way. I love you my princess and you know I always will.



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kkkjungxoxo #1
Chapter 1: Grabe yung 1st comment
twelviish #2
Chapter 1: Haha.. Lasang man un unang comment. Haha
shadowphantom26 #3
Di ko na nga tinapos kasi ang lungkot...pero ng mbasa ko tong isang comment dto...npatwa ako grabe, ang hirap p nmng mgpigil ng tawa pg nsa public place...hahaha...^_^
kimster26 #4
Laughtrip yung unang comment. Haha. Pakyu daw. Ang harsh. Masyado naman kasi malungkot story mo puro angst. Hahaha
elivalle #5
Chapter 1: Can you have a pov for krystal after Amber left her???
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the update. <3
bizzle030194 #7
Chapter 1: na sad na ako eh.
tapos biglang nabasa yung 1st comment. hahahahahaha grabeh!
Chapter 1: Ohhh so sad angst again :(... pero natawa aku dun sa unang nagcomment whahaha nagalit na ehh XD update pag may time ka na pau ^0^
tamtam_jy #9
Chapter 1: Pakyu ka, puro ka angst!!