"The King's first and last dance."

"The King's first and last dance."


Chanyeol is sad. Very, very sad. He has been looking forward to this promenade for months, he even picked his suit and tie himself, but why is he in his room, watching sappy romantic movies, surrounded with used tissues when he should be on the prom’s venue right now?

He thought about his boyfriend, Kris Wu, and how possibly he looks ten times more gorgeous than his already handsome standard appearance.

He wanted to see Kris tonight really, but his damn colds won’t let him. He talked to Kris over the phone earlier and told him to enjoy the night for him too. The older didn’t said anything and Chanyeol assumed that his boyfriend was just upset, but he’ll get over it later, when the party starts.

Chanyeol’s phone suddenly lighted up and there was a text from his best friend, Sehun.


To: Chanyeol
From: Sehun

Hyung!~ I wish you’re here tonight :( Get well soon okay?


Chanyeol giggled. Sehun could be cute sometimes when he’s not in his ‘cold shoulders to everyone’ phase.


‘Just like his brother.’


To: Sehun
From: Chanyeol

Thank you Sehun-ah!! (^o^)/
I will get better soon! Send my greetings to Luhan hyung! And keep an eye to those girls who’ll try to leech on your brother for me please? (; w ;)



To: Chanyeol
From: Sehun

kkk~ okay hyung! And by the way, Luhan hyung is sooo beautiful tonight. :”)
All the students keep on calling him to dance! >_< HYUNG! IM NOT LUHAN HYUNG’S FIRST DANCE!!! Damn it!! T__T

To: Sehun
From: Chanyeol

Then be his LAST DANCE! It’s more important than the first dance, as I’ve heard. XD

To: Chanyeol
From: Sehun

Really? :D Thanks hyung!
Oh. And if you were here, I know you’ll look beautiful and handsome too. :)

Inside his room, the red haired chuckled and was about to place his phone back on the side table when his phone suddenly rang again and this time, someone was calling him.


Chanyeol pushed his phone away from his ears when he hears the loud screams against the loud music in the background.

“What the Jongin?”

Said younger laughs. “Sorry hyung! Anyway, why aren’t you here yet?”

“Incase you forgot, I have a bad case of flu..”

“Flu, shmlu.. You could have been one of the prettiest one here hyung.”

“Im a male dumb-o.”

“Male, shmale…”

“Im hanging up. Just enjoy the night Jongin. And don’t do anything dumb.”

“Thank you Yeollie hyung! I miss yoouu!”

Chanyeol hanged up and shook his head. ‘Crazy youngsters nowadays.’

Turning off the television, he was about to lay flat on his bed when he heard rustles on his veranda and some shoes tapping on its concrete floor. He initially went to grab the baseball bat under his bed, given by his boyfriend of course, perks of having the school’s baseball team captain as your boyfriend, Chanyeol walked towards the glass door that leads to the veranda. He heard some taps on the glass and Chanyeol, although shaking, drew the curtains open and was ready to scream for help when he saw someone tall in a black fine suit, somehow that back was familiar to him.

He opened the glass door and Chanyeol lifted his bat, “Who are you?”

The guy turned around and Chanyeol widen his eyes in surprise. He was so shocked he dropped his baseball bat which unfortunately landed on his left foot.

“Ouch ouch!” he was skipping in one feet while clutching the hurt one.

“Chanyeol! Are you okay?! Why did you drop the bat on your feet?”

“Do I look like someone who purposely does things to hurt himself? But most importantly, what are you doing here Kris?!”

The older of the two lifted his gaze from Chanyeol’s feet and meet the eyes of the younger one, he gives him a dashing smile and within a heartbeat, Chanyeol blushes.

“I came to see you.”

Even though Chanyeol was at daze because his boyfriend is so gorgeous in his black tuxedo and styled hair, he was still sane. “What? No! You’re supposed to be on the hotel right now!”

“I’m not going.”


“WHAT?! Kris! You should go! You’ve been planning on the perfect promenade for our senior year, and it’s the last prom for us, and you’re going to be Prom King and-“

Chanyeol’s next words didn’t come out and died on the end of his tongue when Kris suddenly launched forward on him and hugged him, the older burying his face on Chanyeol’s neck. “I don’t want to go. My prom date is not going.” Chanyeol could actually sense a pout on his boyfriend and he chuckled before patting the others’ back.

“Silly. You could just find another date.”


Kris shooked his head like a kid and muttered “don’t want” and Chanyeol laughed heartily and Kris looked at him and smiled cheekily. He remove himself from the hug and they stared at each other for a few seconds and Kris slowly leans and kissed Chanyeol on the forehead and the latter buried his face on Kris’ chest as he felt his cheeks were hot and he was one hundred percent sure he was blushing. “You’re supposed to be there.”

Kris chuckled a bit. “A King could never be without his Queen. And this King’s Queen is sick so he should look after his Queen.”

“You’re making me sound like I’m a girl again.”

This time, the older laughed whole heartedly. He took his phone from his pocket and played a song and places it on top of the table. Good thing Chanyeol’s veranda was kind of wide and spacey. He walked to his boyfriend again and took a bracelet corsage and looked back at Chanyeol who was looking at him with much wider eyes than the usual.

“Park Chanyeol, can I have the pleasure to have your first and last dance for this senior promenade?”

“I hate you.”

Kris then grabbed Chanyeol’s wrist and slipped the bracelet. “I love you too baby.” He then kissed the back of Chanyeol’s hand before holding it on one of his palm, and he grabbed Chanyeol’s other hand and places it on his shoulder, while his own right hand pulled Chanyeol closer to him until their noses almost touches, and he places his hand on the small of the others back.

“God, you’re so beautiful.”

“You are very flattering Mr.Wu but as you can see I’m on my pyjamas right now.”

“The more beautiful you are then.”

“Ugh. I give up.”

Kris smiled, and Chanyeol really could just give up anything for that smile. The taller of the two swayed their bodies together along with the music, and while Chanyeol was laughing and smiling to his hearts’ content, the other couldn’t see the older bite his lips for whenever the younger steps on his feet, not that he minds, but Chanyeol wasn’t that light, but he endures it. Everything to make his Park baby happy.

When the song was finished, Kris got Chanyeol on the corner of the veranda, faces still close to each other. Chanyeol then lifts his hand and tangles it on the back of Kris’ hair, he was amused on how soft it still is after styling it, his other hand is on the older’s neck. They weren’t saying anything, just looking at each other’s eyes with smile on their lips, breathing each other’s scent. “I hope you had fun with our dance.”


“I did, and thank you for putting up with my foot every time I step on you.”

“Wha- How did you knew?”

“Kris please, I can feel leather beneath my foot of course I would know.”

The older suddenly pulled the red hair closer and hugged him tighter. “Kris?”

“I just want to cuddle.”

‘Oh Kris Wu. Just what are you doing to me?’

Kris lets the tips of their noses touch, which didn’t fail to make the other blush, the older then leans and kissed Chanyeol on the forehead, his temples, his cheeks, slowly, each kiss lingers on the younger’s skin. One eye contact, and the younger nodded, ‘permission granted’ , and Kris slowly leans and kissed the other on the lips, just touching, and with seconds passing by, Chanyeol moves a hand and drags in onto the older’s back, knowing it was the cue given, and slowly their lips moves swiftly into each other.


Chanyeol feels the temperature is rising. He felt one of Kris’ hand his side on to his hip. He tried his hardest to slightly push Kris away before the older even dares to slip his tongue on him. “K-Kris.. wait..”

“What is it?”

“I have colds. You might catch them if you kiss me mo-“

“I don’t care.”

“Don’t be stubborn please. It’s for your own good too.”

The elder sighed. When it comes to being healthy, Chanyeol is always serious. And since Kris was such a er for Chanyeol, he can’t help but give in to the younger’s request. He let the younger drag him inside his room, and closes the glass door. “Can we at least cuddle?”

“Are you staying for the night?”


“Oh you’re being grumpy again. Come here you.”

Kris took off his coat and tie and also his shoes before joining the other on the bed. He likes this position. Even though he is the bigger spoon of the two, he likes it whenever Chanyeol pampers him from time to time, knowing the latter also enjoys spoiling Kris, in a way different from how Kris spoils Chanyeol. Kris was hugging Chanyeol by the waist, while the latter is petting his hair, humming to some tunes. And while it looks like Chanyeol is making Kris sleep, it is Chanyeol who always fall asleep first. And before that, Kris has some things to clear out.



“Are you happy?”

“Why ask?”

“I know how much you want to be in that party right now.”

Chanyeol stops ruffling Kris’ hair and then he grabs the other’s face in his two hands. “I am happy.”


Chanyeol then smashed Kris’ cheeks together, which created a pouty lips on Kris. He laughed first before pecking the fish face Kris. “Yes I am. I got the Prom King to dance with me, hug me, kiss me, and lay on the bed with me. I’m obviously a winner.”

“Yesh shu ore.”

“What? Oh- oops. Hehe.” Chanyel lets go of Kris’ face but settles his hand on the others chest. “What about you Kris? Are you happy?” He lets out a yawn and moves closer to his boyfriend. There was silence and minutes later, the cute snores came out.

Kris looked at Chanyeol with such adoration and love on his eyes, this person whom he would go and do such things just to make him happy, just to see his eyes crinkle and let that dimple show, that deep bubbly laugh that will caught you and make you laugh too. Everything, everything he does for this special person is always worthy, for that one special smile.

He tucks a lost strand of hair behind Chanyeol’s ear, pressed a last kiss on the younger’s forehead and hugs him closer to his chest before closing his eyes and hoping to catch up with his boyfriend’s dream.

“I’m happy too baby. I am happy too.”


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babybaekhyunee #1
Chapter 1: Krisyeol sweet as ever <3
Chapter 1: Awwww soooo sweeeet. My Krisyeol is the cutest and the sweetest couple ever!! Thanks for the fic authornim!!!
Chapter 1: awwwww krisyeol is just so damn sweet here! <3
Chapter 1: So sweeeeettttt~~~ I want to have a boyfriend like Kris, too ^^
kriswuyeol #5
Chapter 1: MY KRISYEOL FEELS AAHHH this is so cute ;A; thanks for writing this<3
Chapter 1: Awwwww. So fluffy and sugary. They look like they are madly in love. Ahhh. My krisyeol feels. You make me smiling like an idiot through the whole story.
bhzscv #7
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww <3
Chapter 1: Aww.. Too fluffy.. OMG!! :3
xycouple #9
Chapter 1: I can't stand this cuteness, I am dying