hope this chapter makes you smile like last one did :)

If Super Junior were your boyfriend....

You and your BF were walking along this stretch of road, then it started drizzling all of a sudden. You insisted that you want to continue walking in the (refreshing?) drizzle. What would he do?



He takes off his jacket and tries to shelter you from the rain but you gently pulled his jacket off. He is puzzled but plays along with you anyway. The both of you continue walking in the drizzle, hand in hand, sharing about your day and how it has been the past week. When you walk back to his car, with your hair all damp, Teuk pulls a towel from the back seat (it has probably been there since his last dance practice, and yes, he had used it, ao it doesn't exactly smell very clean) and toweled your hair for you. He fusses over you the whole time and even adjusted the air-con temperature in his car so you wouldn't catch a cold.



"YAH! IT'S RAINING. LET'S GO BACK!!!" Heechul nearly turned hysterical at the thought of being in the rain. "It spoils my complexion!" Heechul complained incessantly but he still walks in the rain with you and forgot about his nagging and scolding for a while. When you sneezed in the chilly wind, it was his cue to start again. "Playtime's over, miss" He dragged you all the way back to his car and starts his chiding. But he increased his air-con temperature all the same and looks over whenever you have a little cough or a sneeze.



"Are you sure you want to walk in the rain?" he asked, obviously puzzled. He doesn't know what to make of your request, but he followed after you all the same. Then, he suddenly tagged you and the both of you started playing in the rain, only stopping at a nearby pavillion when you were out of breathe from all the laughing and running. You snuggle into his arms as he tried to warm you up and the both of you just sat there, chatting about nothing in particular and watch the rain as it got heavier.



"Why would you want to walk in the rain?" He grumbled as he walked behind you. "Don't you just want to sit in he car and watch the rain?" You knew why he was making that suggestion, he wanted to sit in the car and listen to some radio programme which promised to play IU's latest songs. And yes, you were just a teeny bit jealous. But you continued walking in the rain, convinced that he will soon follow behind. True enough, you hear his thudding footsteps on the asphalt. Eunhyukkie, so predictable, but so cute. Hyuk was sulking but nevertheless, he pulled the hood your hoodie over your head so that it covers your head. "Let's go back soon okay? You don't want to catch a cold do you?" (What a sly suggestion. All he wants is to go back to he car so he can tune in to the songs. -______-)



He flashes his dimpled smile at you. "Are you sure?" He shrugged his shoulders in resignation. He takes off his scarf and wraps it around your neck, making sure you are well-covered before you start your walk in rain. He holds you by your shoulders and we walk in the drizzle, enjoying the comfortable silence between you two.



"Can we not?" Sungmin pouts and tries to aegyo you out of your crazy idea. "What if you catch a cold?" He pinches your nose, in a cute way, in hopes of dissuading you, but you insist. "Alright, we'll go out there for only 5 minutes okay?" Sungmin takes your hand and walks with you, making sure that you don't go too far from the car so that at least you will be out of the rain if the rain gets heavier.


Kyuhyun (i have no idea why Kyu is always so mean. forgive me, kyu fans!)

"Please Kyu..."




"Come on Kyu..."

"I said no! If you want, you can go on your own, I will wait for you in the car."


You left on your own, walking down that stretch of road, wondering why Kyu is so... you can't even find a proper word to describe him. After walking for 5 minutes, you looked back. What an , Cho Kyuhyun. It's so dark, it's drizzling, your girlfriend is walking in the rain and you sit there calmly behind the steering wheel. What an . You continued walking and then you heard footsteps behind you. You spun around and saw Kyu running to where you were. He held out something and you looked at him, half pissed, half puzzled. "You forgot your phone..." he began sheepishly, "...what if i need to contact you?"


I m so sorry, i wrote this in math class on my ipod, so this is a spontaneous effort. hope it isn't too bad/cheesy! Lesson ending in half an hour! alleluia!!!


(I just edited the spacings and stuff. I realised that if you type on the iPod, the spacing turns wonky.) 

Hope you enjoyed this. Comments please!

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Chapter 9: Lovely
Chapter 3: Cute heechul complaining everytime
Chapter 11: I reallllllllllly love how you personifies each character - so them! Loving my baby ChoKyu too.. so mean yet deep inside so full of love and warmth to his loved ones
Pokegirl01 #4
Chapter 16: Awww <3~!!! I love it~!!!
Pokegirl01 #5
Chapter 12: I just love Kyuhkyun! !!
Pokegirl01 #6
Chapter 11: OMG! !! My baby~!!!!(aka my phone!) XD
Pokegirl01 #7
Chapter 10: Awww Kyuhkyun <3 !!! You're so sweet~!
Pokegirl01 #8
Chapter 7: I love it ~!!!!
Pokegirl01 #9
Chapter 6: Awww if i was in Kyuhkyun's place i will tell him: don't my touch DS...because i don't want my pokemon adventure to be ruined! XD I LOVE IT!
Chapter 16: the kyuhyun ones are so cute ^^ update soon please ^^