Cheap coffee, handsome barista

Warm milk and coffee beans

Kaiden looked up from his blocks in the far corner of the coffee shop, near Minseok's work area, as the glass door to the coffee shop dinged open from the bell attatched to it. He stood up and ran to the back room to his father. Minseok worked on any school work he had between customers, thank god his shop was quiet and not bustling with human beings. His life was quiet boring at the time, but he doesn't complain. He likes the feeling of having all the time in the world. Kaiden takes up a lot of his time. The child is so needy for anything. Food? He will go to Minseok. A nap? What do you mean he can't sleep on his own? A toy got lost? Oh you must get your father even thought the toy just fell behind the bean bag Minseok placed in the corner for him. The more Minseok pays attention to other people's children, the more he realized that Kaiden isn't all too bad after all. After Kaiden lost his mom, Minseok was distant as a father. He left Kaiden with his best friend, Jongdae, most of the time while he 'worked' on school, but even Jongdae knew Minseok was out drinking his pain away. Minseok could tolerate the alcohol, but he couldn't mask the smell on his skin. That's why he bought the coffee shop. He needed work and this was a good way so he doesn't cheaped out by bosses. Kaiden brings customers in like a pet. Minseok feels bit of guilt having his child attract customers like throwing a pack of 100's in a group of bums, but it brought the pay, and so did the story.

He got many people asking him where the mom was, complaints why his kid just sat in the coffee shop, unsupervised, but his kid wasn't unsupervised, Minseok could see him from where he baked and where he made the coffee. He told his custormers that she died in a car accident, which is true, but he never tells his customers, he caused the car accident. With his short rage and impatient personality, he was unable to stop at a yellow light. He tells himself that the car that hit him left way to early, but he really did run a red light. It cost him his wife, and he blamed himself in private. He beat himself up, physically and mentally. He'd never hurt his son, but even the slight neglect he gives is enough to make Kaiden worry. Even at the age of 4 he asks if Minseok is ok. He climbs into bed with his father and lays by him, and they talk, mainly Minseok talks. They don't talk about anything particular. Minseok talk about his day and then asks if Kaiden has saved any families (its a fantasy), and Kaiden will nod his head then explain to Minseok how he rescued a family from a dragon.

"Someone here for coffee?" Minseok cooed at Kaiden before standing up. He placed his hands at the small of his back and stretched hard before walking out. His outfit was casual. Plaid button up with the sleeved rolled to his elbows and trousers that roll up to his ankle, and normal black converse, nothing fancy. He walked out of his tiny back room and smiled at the two customers."Hello what can I get you two?" He smiled at them.

"An expresso for me and vanilla latte for him." He shorter (but still taller than Minseok) male spoke with a soothing accent.

"Here or to go?" He placed his hands over the white coffee mugs and the foam to-go ones.

"For here. The expresso is for Lu Han and the Latte for Sehun." He smiled and bowed lightly. The quiet tall male of the two, Sehun, smiled at Kaiden and waves when the little child looked up at him with an astonished look on his face. Kaiden smiled, the smile just like his fathers as he ran back to his little bean bag corner with his toys. Sehun followed the child and picked up one of his stuffed animals.

"What's your name?" He bent down to his level, placing the animal on the bean bag gently. He spoke quietly and softly, with a little bit of a lisp. He was skinny and it was almost uncanny. He looked like he hasn't ate for weeks. His skin was pale too, he looked cold, like physically cold. Kaiden blushed and looked away, smiling a little bit, because Sehun was handsome. Minseok taught his son that he could like anyone he wanted, even if the person he loved was a boy too. "I'm Sehun." He pet the stuffed lion's fur.

"I'm Kaiden." The little boy spoke softly an picked his lion up.

"How old are you, Kaiden." The older male smiled. He loved kids even if he did look like a kid himself. He always loved the idea of having his own someday. He was the youngest out of 4, Luhan being the second youngest at 25.

"I'm 4." He held up 4 fingers and smiled.

"I am," Sehun held up 5 of Kaiden's finger on both of his hands and 1 on his own. "I am 21." He chuckled and stood up. "Old ain't I?" He said while walking back to Luhan. His hand ran through his fingers as he sat on the chair.

"So what brings to this coffee shop out of all of them in Seoul." Minseok set the coffee's down at the table.

"A little birdy told me this place had good cheap coffee and a handsome barista." He chuckled.

"Who's this little birdy of yours?" Minseok chuckled. "I wouldn't say it's too great."

"His name is Yixing, he said he was a classmate of yours."

"Ah that kid? He's cool, I've hung with him a few times."

Luhan smiled and sipped on his bitter expresso and showed no sign of disgust from its strong taste. "It looks like we should come here more often. How about that Sehun?" He glanced over and smiled. Sehun nodded and smiled.

"I like it here Hyung."

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Chapter 1: oohh.. i'm surely gonna love this.. :)
Singledad!au? But the plot is nice you should continue as it is. ;>