final ❤

Jealous Brat (And A Teasing Panda Boy)

"Hey! Tao!" Sehun shouted at him after the random girl had finished talking with his bestfriend and walked away.


"What?" Tao said as he walked towards Sehun.


"Who's that girl? Ha! I just went to the restroom for a while, then you already flirted with a random girl?"


He smirked and Sehun scowled.


"What's with the smirk, panda boy?"


"You're always jealous. Oh Sehun is jealous again, ladies and gentlemen!" Tao said a little louder, in a mocking way. A few students threw a glance at them, but continued walking anyway.


"Why the would I be jealous?!"


A soft chuckle escaped Tao's lips, "Just admit it already. You're in love with me, the great Huang Zitao, because your bestfriend is a hot y demigod." Tao with a grin.


"What the , Tao?! Aren't you disgusted of what you're saying?! Ugh! Whatever! I'll be going!" Sehun started walking fast, leaving Tao behind.


"Sehun-ah! Wait for me! We have the same class you brat!" Tao catched up, laughing. He threw his arms on Sehun's shoulders not noticing the tiniest hint of blush on his betfriend's cheeks. Together, they walked to their first class.




Oh Sehun is in love with his bestfriend. Oh heck, he's so gay and in love with Tao but didn't dare to tell. Of course he don't want their beautiful friendship to be ruined by a love confession. Tao probably don't know he's gay. He may be teasing him always but Sehun knew that it is just for fun, nothing more.




"Oppa, do you have an extra pen?" The girl in front of Tao asked him. She's using an aegyo much to Sehun's dismay.


"Sorry. I only have one pen and I'm using it." Tao answered back with his famous y smile and the girl obviously squeals inside.


'What a flirt' Sehun thought.


"Yah! Tao! Give me your book, let me copy your answers!" Sehun stole the book on Tao's table in an agressive way. The girl looked at him and rolled her eyes as she turned her back at them.


Tao chuckled and Sehun turned his head to look at him.


"You're really cute when you're jealous, Hun."


Sehun tried his best not to blush. He's always too obvious and he hated himself for that. "Ha! Me, jealous? In your face, panda boy!"


Tao grinned and whispered, "Jealous brat. Cute."


"Shut the up. I'm not jealous!"


"Mr. Oh! Please be quiet and finish your work!" The teacher said and Tao chuckled again.


" you." Sehun whispered.




Sehun liked it when it's break time, he can satisfy his stomach while hanging out with his (and Tao's) friends. He's about half finished on his food when their friends arrived at the cafeteria.


"What took you so long?" Sehun asked while his mouth is full.


"Blame the stupid teacher!" Baekhyun said as he sat down, his girlfriend sitting beside him.


"Where are the others?" Jongdae asked sitting in front of Sehun.


"Joonmyeon and Yixing hyung finished their food immediately because they have things to do in the library. Jongin is waiting for her girlfriend upstairs."


"Minseok hyung is absent because he's sick." Tao said while resting his head on the table.


Taeyeon nodded her head and turned to her boyfriend. "Hey, babe. Go get us some food. I'm hungry." She pouted and Baekhyun gave her a peck. She widened her eyes and smacked him on the arm. "Why d'you do that! We might get caught by a teacher!"


Baekhyun smiled and stood up ruffling her hair, "no one saw, babe. We're safe. Come on Jongdae, let's get some food." 


Taeyeon smacked him again before they went off to get some food. "Where's Chanyeol and Kyungsoo?" She asked, noticing the two weren't there yet.


"Don't know. Maybe they're busy making out somewhere." Tao said straight, head still resting on the table. That statement almost made Sehun choked on his food. He already knew that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo are gay but he's still not used to it. The two just told them a few days ago about their relationship and the group accepted and congratulated them.


"Hun, feed me! I'm still hungry!" Tao suddenly said, raising his head a bit and opened his mouth in a cute way, asking Sehun for food.


That gesture is too cute for Sehun's liking, but no. He won't fall for that aegyo. His food is just for him. "Nope, go buy yourself another food if you're still hungry."


"But I want Hun's food. Aaaaaah ~" He opened his mouth again, hoping that Sehun would feed him.


"Aww! You guys are too cute! When will you two be a couple?!" Taeyeon squealed.


"Oh my god! Not again!" Sehun quickly said.


"I agree with my babe." Baekhyun said as he put their food on the table. "Just be a couple already! Ugh. So gay."


"So gay as Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. I remembered when they started like that." Jongdae added. "Tao, just start courting Sehun already!"


Tao smiled and straightened his body, throwing his arms on Sehun's shoulder while leaning close to his face, "if Sehun will let me. Why not? We'll be a cute couple. Right, Hun?"


"Shut up!" Sehun, yet again, tried his best not to blush in front of them. He just bowed his head and continued eating his food. Curse his friends and his bestfriend's teasing!


They all laughed and Sehun kept silent. They don't know he is indeed in love with his bestfriend, and they are just making fun of it. Same goes with Tao's teasing. He does not know Sehun is falling harder with each tease.




It was late but Sehun is still at the school's gym, watching his bestfriend play. Tao is a player of their school's basketball team and they have practices everyday after classes. Sehun is always there too, waiting for his bestfriend to finish his practice. They go home together because they live on the same street and they do that since childhood.


Tao ran towards him, exhausted. Sehun tossed him a bottle of gatorade and he drank almost all of it.


"Bored?" Tao asked after drinking.


"Not much. I'm playing on my phone, anyway." He waved his phone for a proof. "Go back in the court, I'll just go in the restroom, gotta pee."


"Alright." Tao said, jogging back in the court to continue his practice.




While Sehun is washing his hands, a girl entered the restroom.


"Excuse me, this is the men's room." Sehun said to the girl.


The girl snorted. "I know. I want to talk with you privately. So I grabbed the chance while you're alone in this room."


Sehun looked at her, confused. He knows her, but not personally. She's the cheerleader, of course everybody in school know that. If he's not mistaken, her name is Hyoyeon. What does she need from him?


"I'll get straight to the point. Would you please give Tao some space? You're always beside him, always there where he is, you never leave his side like 24/7."


Sehun raised an eyebrow. "Duh. He's my bestfriend in case you didn't know."


The girl laughed. "Of course I know! But don't you think you're too much of a bestfriend? A guy bestfriend in particular. You're acting like a gay who is head over heels possessive of Tao. Are you his boyfriend?!"


"No I'm not!" Sehun answered, flustered.


"That's what I'm saying. You're not his boyfriend so stop acting like you are. And oh god please, Tao isn't even gay and you're making him look like one! You know he never had a girlfriend, right? Don't you know it's your fault?!"


"Why are you blaming me?! He's the one who's not courting any girl!"


"Wrong! He had courted a girl before. Have you heard it from him?"


His eyes widen as he shook his head. He don't know that. Did Tao really..?


"See. He courted this girl before, but said girl had busted him because.. Do you want to know the reason?"


Sehun nodded, speechless of what he's been hearing.


The girl gave him a playful smirk then answered, "it's because of you, !"


Sehun was shocked. Why him? "Why me?"


"The said girl can't take the fact that Tao has more time for you than for her! Who would like that? Your boyfriend-to-be has more time for his bestfriend than his girlfriend? Poor girl. She liked Tao so much, so as Tao. But because you're in the scene, the two can't be together. If you're a ing gay, don't let Tao be one like you! Let him love a girl he likes! Give him space and don't be a ing hindrance to his love life! You're just his bestfriend, not his lover!"


Sehun's heart was aching. He won't cry. Not in front of Hyoyeon. This girl said too much and it hurts like hell. She has a point, tho. Why is he sticking with Tao like a leech? HE'S JUST A ING BESTFRIEND, NOT HIS LOVER. But.. Damn. Who is that girl Hyoyeon was talking about? Was she that random girl Tao talked with a while ago? Why didn't Tao told him about this? 'Ugh! Stop it Sehun! Why are you jealous?! He's not yours! You have no right to be jealous!'


"Oh by the way, just so you know, after that courting-busted incident, Tao was angry and told his teammates that you should be the one blamed for it." She's still wearing that playful smirk on her face, "that's all I wanted to tell you. Now I hope you've learned from this and stop sticking with Tao all the time so that he can enjoy having a love life."


And with that, Hyoyeon left Sehun alone.




Sehun went home after that hurtful encounter. He can't face Tao. Not now that he is absent-minded. He left his bestfriend at school without informing him and went straight to his own bed. His mom even knocked on his room and asked him for dinner but he didn't respond, pretending to be asleep.




Tao run his fingers through his hair while trying to contact Sehun. He is not answering his calls nor his texts after he left him without any notice. At first he thought that Sehun is just hiding and making fun of him. But as he tried to look around and looked for the younger boy, he doesn't found any sign of him. His bag is not there anymore so he started to become unease. Sehun never wants to go home alone (unless needed) and now he's so ing worried for him.


'What the is going on, Oh Sehun? Did you arrived home safe? Ughh! You brat! Stop making me worry!' Tao whispered to himself, frustrated.


"Tao-ya! Aren't you going home yet? We'll be going!" One of his teammates shouted.


"You guys go first, I'll go home in a while."


"Alright! Bye!"


The gym was quiet after they left Tao sitting alone in the locker room. He changed his clothes and fixed his things quickly, ready to go home and checked if Sehun's fine when someone approached him.


"Hey, Tao. Do you have plans for tonight? Wanna join us?"


He scowls noticing it was Hyoyeon, the girl who never gets tired of flirting him. He told her frankly that he is not a bit interested on her and here she is, still trying to get him. How annoying.


"I'm sorry but I really need to go home and check if my bestfriend is still alive. He's not answering my calls and I'm worried sick about him. I hope nothing happened. I can't keep calm."


"You mean, Oh Sehun? I bumped into him a while ago. He said he has a headache and needs to go home."


"You talked with him?" Tao asked, a liitle curious.


"Uhm.. Yeah. Just a little? Don't worry about him! He's probably home already and taking a rest. Come on! You can check on him later. Let's hangout!"


This girl is getting on his nerves. "No. I need to check on him like, right now. I want to be sure that he's fine. Alright, gotta go!" He walked fast, passing by her but then she spoke again.


"Why does he always need to be involved with you?! Oh my god! You need a love life! A girl! And not just a ing gay bestfriend!"


That's it. She reached his limits. "So what? I don't need a love life. I am happy with my bestfriend. You don't know how happy I am when I'm with him. You don't know anything. And who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to do? This is my life, so off!" He turned around and started walking but then stopped again to add something, "and oh! Don't you dare judge my bestfriend! I don't care if you're a girl. I might do something unpleasant."


'Ugh! So desperate and stupid!' Tao thought before leaving her completely speechless.




Tao went directly at Sehun's house to check on him and as soon as he got there, Mrs. Oh told him that Sehun arrived earlier and that he's now sleeping in his room. Tao finally felt relieved after hearing it. He bid his goodnight with Sehun's mother, who mirrored his smile as he leave.




The next day, Tao rang the doorbell and asked for Sehun like he always do in the morning (they go to school together), but Mrs. Oh was surprised and told him that Sehun already left for school. She thought he was with him when he left.


'What is wrong with you, Sehun?!' Tao thought while on his way to their school. He's a little pissed and upset that Sehun left him yesterday and today.




When Tao reached their classroom, he saw Sehun comfortably sitting on his chair like he did nothing. He walked towards his chair next to Sehun and sat down, giving the younger boy a glare. The latter didn't even spare a glance at him, which frustrated Tao more.


"Wow, you left me alone and you're acting like nothing happened." Tao said, trying to keep himself calm.


Sehun didn't respond.


Tao frowned noticing how strange Sehun acted on him. "Hey, are you mad at me? Did I do something?"


"No, I'm not mad. Why would I?"


"Then why are you suddenly acting like this? Why did you left me alone yesterday and today?"


"Oh. Nothing! I tried to go home and go to school alone, trying if I can make it on my own. I'm glad I made it alive."


"So that's it? Ha! You're crazy." Tao said, flicking his bestfriend's nose, acting like eveything's cool but then Sehun tapped his hands away.


"Tao, stop it!" He said with a scowl.


That made Tao pissed. "What the is your problem, Sehun?!"


"You! You are my problem! Stop teasing me! Find another person you can play with!"


Tao was speechless while staring at Sehun. He don't understand why his bestfriend is acting like this. Well, he is already in bad mood and doesn't want to talk anymore so he just stood up and left the room. 'I'll just cut class. Damn that brat for ruining my mood!'




Sehun looked at Tao's back as he leave the room. 'Good job, your bestfriend is mad at you. Ugh! What is wrong with you, Sehun!' He don't understand himself either. He's not like this! That Hyoyeon girl's statement made a huge impact on him and he's so affected. Really, what should he do now?


It was breaktime when Sehun decided to look for Tao. His bestfriend didn't attend their classes and he started to get worried. This was his fault anyway, the guilt is building up. 


He failed to find him anywhere so he made his way to last place possible, the cafeteria. His friends were already gathered when he arrived but Tao isn't there. He sighed, surrendering. He felt so tired.


"Hey, Sehun! Where's Tao?" Chanyeol asked when he sat down.


"Yeah, this is new. You always come here together." Kyungsoo added.


"Don't know." Sehun answered them while resting his head on the table.


"Did you guys fought or something?" Baekhyun asked.


Sehun didn't respond.


"Omg babe! They're having an LQ!" Taeyeon squeals.


Sehun didn't react either. He's mentally exhausted and doesn't want to talk anymore.


"Are you alright? You look sick." Taeyeon asked worried. She put her hand on his forehead to check. "You're hot, Sehun! Why did you attend school? You should've rest instead!"


"I'm fine, don't worry."


"No, you're not. Come on babe, let's get him to the clinic." 


Sehun let them. He felt so tired he wanted to sleep.




Sehun woke up 20 minutes before dismissal. There was no one in the clinic, just him. He stood up and ready to leave when the school nurse arrived. She gave him medicines and told him to rest at home because he still have a fever.


'Where is he now? Did he attend the other subjects? Should I apologize? Ugh! What have I done?' Sehun talked to himself while he was going back to his classroom to get his things. When he turned at the corner, he stopped as he saw his bestfriend on the hallway. He was hugging Sunny, their senior, and he was even smiling while he did.


"What the ?" He blurted out, unexpectedly louder which caused the two hugging figure to look at him. He immidiately retreat and run off somewhere.




Tao widened his eyes as he heard someone and saw Sehun's back disappearing at the corner. "Oh ." He cursed as he ran after his bestfriend, leaving Sunny behind. He wanted to shout his name but it is still class hours and doesn't want to be scolded by a teacher so he just ran fast as quietly as possible.


They reached the furthest part of the building when Tao catched Sehun's wrist, pulling him to a full stop. Luckily this part of the building has no students nor teachers so they can talk at ease.


Tao was still catching his breath, so as Sehun.


"Let go! Why are you following me! Go back to that girl! That may be your awaited love life! I don't want to be a hindrance!" Sehun tried to let go but Tao is too strong, he can't escaped on his grip.


A tear fell down on Sehun's cheek which made Tao panicked.


"Hey, don't cry."


Sehun stopped struggling to wipe his tears, surprised as he look at his fingers with fresh tears. It seems like he wasn't aware he was crying.


Tao took this chance to pull him and hug him tight. "Stop crying, idiot."


Sehun admit defeat and let Tao hug him while tears kept on falling from his eyes. He's too tired, too weak to struggle.


"You misunderstood everything, don't be jealous of her." Tao started, "I hugged Sunny because she told me something she heard from yesterday, which I needed to knew so I'm grateful of her."


Sehun kept silent so Tao took it as a signal to go on. "Sunny told me everything she overheard from you and Hyoyeon's conversation yesterday when she passed the men's room."


Sehun got stiff. 'Someone heard?!'


Tao smiled and chuckled. "You're so stupid, you know? Why do you believed someone you don't even know personally? And what kind of bad spirit had possessed you that you believed everything she said? The heck, you actually believed I courted someone? We don't have secrets. You know I would never hide something from you."


He felt guilty. Why did he doubt his bestfriend in the first place?


"Well, kinda. Just to think of it, I have one secret from you." Tao said.


Sehun pulled back to look at his bestfriend with confusion.


"Actually, I have someone I like. No, I think I already love that person."


Sehun scowls and tried to wiggle from Tao's hug but the latter just hug him tighter.


"Hey, listen to me! I'm telling you a secret!" Sehun stopped so he continued. "I am happy whenever I am with that person. I feel complete. But unfortunately that person is so dense, and I'm a coward. I want to confess my feelings but I'm scared."



'Why is he suddenly telling me this? I'm not prepared for this kind of thing! It hurts.' Sehun mentally said. He took a deep breath before saying, "if you really want her, just tell her."


"It's a 'him'. Oh, yeah, I guess that's another secret you don't know? If you didn't notice yet, then I'll let you know. I'm gay, too."


Sehun was stunned. Utterly stunned. He always thought Tao was straight. He never saw any hint of Tao being gay. Well maybe the thought of him not having a girlfriend was a hint he never notice. And what? Did he said 'too'? He knew he's gay?


A part of him rejoiced. They're both gay. He has a chance!


"Alright." Tao spoke, cutting Sehun's train of thoughts. "I made up my mind. Since you said I should tell him, then I will." He paused.


"Oh Sehun, I love you. I'll always love you. I am the happiest when I'm with you. I'm sorry if I always tease you. It's just that I found it cute when I made you jealous and blush afterwards." He chuckled.


Sehun was shocked. He didn't saw that coming.


He punched Tao lightly on his chest, "why are you telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me before?"


"As I said, I'm scared. I don't know. Maybe because I'm always teasing you, I'm scared that you won't take it seriously when I confess. Or I'm scared that you'll reject me and that it'll destroy our friendship. I don't know what to do if that happens."


Sehun leaned on Tao's chest, smiling widely. He never knew they have the same thoughts, same feelings.


"Stupid!" He scold. "It's too obvious that I like you since then! Why didn't you think of that?" He hugged Tao. "You know I love you too, stupid!"


They both laughed.


"Hey." Tao said.




"Can I call you my boyfriend now?"


Sehun leaned back to look at Tao who is already staring at him. He smiled like an idiot then flicked Tao's nose. "Of course, silly panda boy! I would love to call you mine, too."


Tao flinched by the action but grinned like a child and leaned to rub Sehun's nose with his. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered and leaned in closer.


"Wait." Sehun leaned back. "I have a fever! You might get sick, too!"


Tao smirked, "I don't care, let's be sick together. I'm dying to kiss that lips of yours."


Sehun blushed when Tao leaned in and touched their lips together. He's so gentle and Sehun felt butterflies on his stomach. It was perfect.


This will be the start of their new chapter.




"Hey." Tao said while they're walking home, fingers intertwined.




"I'll just tell you that I'll top. I won't bottom, ever." He smirked.


"Oh my god, Tao! Stop teasing!" Sehun blushed as he covered his face with his hands (and Tao's because their hands are together). Not that he mind, tho.



- xxx -


a/n: what have I done? /runs



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Girlsgexo #1
Chapter 1: Omooo to cute
Chapter 1: So cute.....
yes yes baby hun will never be a top hahahahaha
Chapter 1: This story was wonderful! I loved how Sehun was really shy and Tao was all swag! Their relationship was so cute!
I can't wait for the update.
Sound interesting. Can't wait for your story. And i hope for bottom!sehun.