Chapter 3

Flying Feathers

 „Have you heard from him lately? How has he been?“ a man sipped at his coffee and thoughtfully watched the younger boy in front of him.


„No“ he sighed. „He wouldn't answer his phone whenever we call and doesn't open his door. We guessed he'd need some space and time but it's been one and a half week already..“


They were seated in a spacious office with two big windows illuminating the whole room. The walls that could be seen and weren't covered with sheets of papers, were a dark gray color that framed the whole room in its boring entity.


„It's normal for him to be grieving, I mean, that was his best friend after all. They knew each other almost their whole lives so the pain sits deep. Deeper than yours and your friends'..“ he said gently.


„I know...I'm still worried though. Is he eating well? Sleeping well? I just want to know if he needs someone to talk to... It was really hard on us too, you know? We all loved Baek deeply and it ripped us apart knowing that he'd never be here anymore to annoy the hell out of us.“ the boy laughed a bit with shaking eyes and looked at the man in front of him.


„You mean annoying you?“ the man full-out laughed now. It was no secret to him that Baekhyun got on his nerves almost every day. He found it more amusing than anything.


„You just ruined my heartfelt words with your obnoxious laughing, hyung. Inconsiderate much?“ he gave his hyung a disgusted look and sipped on his tea while judging him over the rim of his steaming mug.


„Okay okay! It was insensitive, I'm sorry!“ he raised his hands in surrender and that earned him a grunt.


„It was just to loosen up the mood“ he admitted sighing loudly. He absent-mindedly spared a glance at the clock on the opposite side of the room and thought for a second.


„Hey, Soo-yah. Didn't you say you'd meet up with someone at five o'clock? It's already ten to five, you'll be late.“


„Yeah I was but first... I need your help with something, Ryeowook hyung“ his stare was strong, serious and he didn't waver even for a second, it made the older man shiver slightly.




A young boy, maybe in his early twenties, was standing on the sidewalk by a b restaurant and puffed out a gust of air. He repeatedly looked at his watch and drummed his fingertips nervously on his legs while bobbing up and down.


„Aish, this hyung. Being late by half an hour already, tsk. He better not be ditching me“ he huffed and looked around in hopes of seeing the person he has been waiting for.


„Yah, Jongin-ah! Jongin-ah I'm coming!“ a man yelled and he turned his head to the right to see the small older boy running up to him before nearly collapsing at his feet.


„I'm really sorry for being late Jongin, I had a really important appointment and I couldn't cut it off“ the boy huffed an apology and breathed hard to get oxygen into his poor lungs after running for twenty minutes straight.


„It's okay... at least you came. Shall we go inside? I'm starving“ he patted the older male on the back and pulled him to the entrance.


„Yeah let's go.“


„But wow, Kyungsoo hyung. You gotta work out more, I thought you're going to cough your lungs up“ he laughed loudly and earned himself a smack on the head and a deadly stare.


„Shut up, let's go eat.“


They entered the cozy restaurant that was buzzing with many customers already and let themselves be guided to an empty booth at the back of it. Almost instantly a pretty young lady came towards them with menus in her hands and a shy look in her eyes. It seemed like she was intrigued by the handsome boys that ordered their drinks right away and she let her gaze still on them for a few more seconds before disappearing to the front.


„She was totally checking you out.“


„Nah, why would she? I'm here with you at all, you girl-magnet“ Kyungsoo snickered when he saw the pout on Jongins puffy lips.


„I'm not, hyung. Either way you're far more handsome than me“ he mumbled.


„Whatever Jongin, I don't care“ he sighed, not really in the mood for his younger friends' jokes' and looked through the menu.


„Soooo, where were you? You know, the appointment that caused you to come late“ Jongin asked with his brows raised.


„Well, I-“ Kyungsoo started but in this moment the waitress appeared to take their orders and brought them their drinks.


They ordered and Kyungsoo sipped on his iced tea, trying to avoid his dongsaengs inquiring look from the opposite side of the table.


„Would you quit looking at me like that? Jeez, I'll tell you. Can't you wait for a few minutes and let me rehydrate myself?“ he frowned and scoffed when he saw Jongin throw up his hands. Didn't he get the same reaction from Ryeowook hyung?


„I'm just curious. You're never late so it must've been something important.“


„It was.“ At that Jongins' eyebrows rose and he leaned forward.


„Was it a date?“


„Urgh, quit this nonsense! What's up with you today“ Kyungsoo huffed with crossed arms over his chest after he flicked Jongins nose.


„Mean“ he pouted and rubbed his nose like a kicked puppy but his hyung just rolled his eyes.


„I met up with Ryeowook hyung today..“ that got the others attention and he stopped rubbing his nose and looked at Kyungsoo rather interested now.


„The detective, right? Why would you meet up with him of all people?“ he asked keen on knowing the reason as to why he would meet up with him.


„I kind of missed him. It's been quite some time since I last saw him and with all the things that happened lately I thought it'd be good to keep the ties to all of my friends as strong as possible.“


„Seems legit.“


The silence that hung around them was thick with suppressed sadness and sorrow after mentioning their late best friend. They surveyed their surroundings in favor of looking into each others eyes. They couldn't stand seeing watering, sad eyes anymore; it was just too much.


As Kyungsoo looked through the menu again, even though he posed his order already, he felt something bore into the back of his head. He couldn't shake the feeling off and a shiver ran up his spine. Jongin was busy fumbling with his shirt and its hem when he saw Kyungsoo shifting uncomfortably in his seat and shaking his head.


„Is everything alright?“ he asked concerned and watched as his hyung turned around and searched for something with his curious eyes.


„Yeah, I'm good. Just...just had a feeling. It's nothing“ he assured the younger that sighed.




Their food was served a few moments later and they thanked the waitress and started to devour their food. It was quite between them save for the clanking of their utensils as they concentrated on shoveling the food down their throats. They finished their orders in a respectable time and sipped on their drinks. Kyungsoo played with his straw and pushed small chunks of ice around the bottom of his glass while Jongin watched him absent-mindedly.


„You know...“ Kyungsoo started out hesitantly to gain the attention of the one sitting opposite of him and he managed to do just that.


„Hmm?“ Jongin mumbled and continued to watch Kyungsoo play with his beverage.


„That wasn't the only reason why I met up with Ryeowook hyung...there's something else that I wanted to ask of him..“ Kyungsoo got serious and looked Jongin straight in the eyes.


„Oh, what would that be?“ Now genuinely curious Jongin waited for the other to continue.


„You know that he's a detective, right? And he has some good connections to the police officers working on Baekhyuns case“ at that Jongins ears perked up and furrowed his eyebrows slightly.


„Is that so?“


„They didn't hire any detectives for the case because the circumstances aren't clear yet but that's not the point now. I asked him if he could pull some strings and let us, you know, get into the building where it happened“ Kyungsoo whispered the last words and gulped slightly, anticipating the youngers reaction.


„Y-you did what? Why? W-why would we want to go there?“


„I know it's bizarre but I want to know, I want to see it. I think that Chanyeol would want that too, don't you think so?“ Kyungsoo cocked his head to the side and looked at Jongin with unexplainable feelings swimming in his big eyes.


„I g-guess. But Kyungsoo... I'm scared of going in there. I don't know if I can stand being in there“ Jongin whispered. Kyungsoos eyes immediately softened at the hurt look in the youngers eyes and he stretched out his hands to envelope Jongins'.


„I know Jongin, I know. It's not the best way to spend ones' afternoon now, is it?“ Kyungsoo chuckled humorlessly and immediately continued to comfort his dongsaeng.


„But listen, we'll all be there and it will be hard on us, every one of us. It will hurt, that I can't and won't deny but I think it's something we need. See it as some kind of closure for us... if that's even possible.“


„Okay. As long as you and the others will be there I guess I can go through with it“ Jongin smiled lightly and Kyungsoo smiled back, squeezing Jongins hands before letting go.


„Now, let's pay and meet with the others. I already texted them to meet at Chanyeols apartment“ he said as he waved to the waitress and waited for her to come to their booth.


„You think he'll open the door?“


„I'm sure he will. Now there's a reason for him to open up.“


They, or rather Kyungsoo, paid for their meal and the both of them left the warm restaurant and stepped into the chilly afternoon air swishing around them and mushing both their hair up.

It wasn't long before they got to Chanyeols' apartment and when they stepped out of the elevator the others were already there, waiting for them outside his door.


„Hey, you two are late“ Junmyeon said as he tapped his watch slightly.


„Yeah, sorry 'bout that“ Kyungsoo slightly rolled his eyes and stood in front of his elder and his other friends with Jongin as they exchanged greetings.


„So, what's the occasion? Why'd you want to meet up?“ Jongdae asked.


„Yeah, what's the matter? And why meet at Chanyeols' when we know that he won't open up.“


„Oh, he will open up. He has to“ Kyungsoo confidently walked up to his friends door and left the others to observe the situation curiously.


„Do you know what that's all about?“ Jongdae asked Jongin and the latter just nodded curtly and turned his attention back to Kyungsoo.


The boy started knocking on the door but there was no answer.


„Chanyeol, open the door“ he sternly said and knocked louder, thinking that the older could be in another room and couldn't hear the knocking.


„Chanyeol, I don't like repeating myself. Open the goddamn door, I have important news.“ At that his friends perked up and couldn't hold the question back that burned at the tip of their tongues.


„What news?“


When the question left one of his friends mouth they heard a distinct click and watched the door in anticipation. It did open a slit and they heard the raspy and hoarse voice of their usually overly happy friend and their hearts sank even further. He must've been crying a lot for his voice to sound like that.


„What important news do you have?“ he rasped.


„Let us in, it's really important. For all of us, for you too“ Kyungsoos voice held an ounce of a plea in it but was strong and serious at the same time.


They heard a sigh and Chanyeol opened his door for the first time in many many days. They wondered what awaited them in his apartment after not being there for a week and a half.

Surprisingly it wasn't covered in dirty clothes and leftovers, it was just normal. They did notice however, that the curtains were down and that it was quite dark in the whole expanse of the apartment.


„What is it that brought all of you here?“ Chanyeols voice was empty but not entirely empty and dead-like.


„Actually, we don't know either“ Jongdae responded to the giant as he plopped down onto the couch and that earned himself raised eyebrows from his tall friend.


„That was all Kyungsoos idea. We have as much as a clue as you do.“ That clearly surprised Chanyeol and they all shifted their attention at the petite male standing in front of them all and clearing his throat.


„So, I don't know how you'll all take the news that I'll tell you now... I thought it'd be a good idea“ at the word 'good' Kyungsoo cringed.


„Come on, tell us. It can't be that bad. Right?“ Junmyeon said nervously.


„I suppose you all know that I have a friend, Ryeowook, that works as a detective, right?“ He earned nods of the males sitting on the couch and on the floor in front of Kyungsoo.


„I-i asked for a favor..“


„What kind of favor?“ Chanyeol asked, now more curious than ever as to why Kyungsoo would ask a for a favor from his detective friend.


„Long story short; I asked him if w-we could go to the place where it happened to Baekhyun.“


There were gasps heard in the quite and somber living room and the shocked faces of his friends, except for Jongin, filled his vision.


„Is that true?“ Chanyeols voice cracked when he asked with his eyes opened wide.


„Yes, it's true. W-we can go there today, everything's cleared up with Ryeowook and the officers. If you want to go that is..“


Chanyeol stood up, walked to his bedroom and closed the door. Kyungsoo hung his head, thinking that he upset his friend even more and beat himself up mentally for his stupid ideas. However, before anybody could utter a word the once closed bedroom door opened and revealed a fully clothed Chanyeol that wasn't in his pyjamas anymore and they were baffled by that.


„What are you sitting there for? We got some investigating to do, hurry up“ Chanyeol said and Kyungsoo smiled a small smile of relief at Chanyeol that the latter returned.


„You're not angry?“


„How could I be? I wanted to go there since that day...“ he admitted and put on his jacket and took his keys before ushering the others, still in shock, out his living space and into the hall.


„So we're really going? For real now?“ the voice of the youngest quivered slightly and Jongin patted his shoulder even though he was just as scared.


„Yes. We are.“



A/N: Hello everybody!~

I'm really sorry for not updating....I had half of the chapter finished for over a month now

but everytime I wanted to continue someone or something held me back. ;-; OTL

Sorry for any typos or other errors in advance!

I hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll try to update soon~~ ^-^


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Chapter 1: I like how you make us figure out who are the characters without mentioning their names. Great fic!!
I can't wait for the update.