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sweet |swiːt|
1 having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey;
2 pleasing in general; delightful
3 (of a person or action) pleasant and kind or thoughtful
rendezvous |ˈrɒndɪvuː, -deɪvuː|
1 a meeting at an agreed time and place
Are you ready to meet up and find your sweet love?
Offically open!
Looking for new members
 ♀  3
 ♂  0
001. Subscribing is a must! Upvoting is optional but very much appreciated.
002. Please be active. Being active isn’t just changing your profile picture or making statuses. Please interact with other members and participate in activities and games.
003. Respect everyone; especially the admins. You don’t want anyone treat you badly so please don’t treat other people like that.
004. This is a closed roleplay; please don’t add anyone outside of the roleplay.
005. This is an AU roleplay so your character isn’t an idol/actor/model/etc.
006. Please speak English only, you can speak in other languages in the PM if you want.
007. This is a straight roleplay.
008. Strictly NO face chasing.
009. Please inform ALL the admins if you’re planning on having a hiatus or leaving the roleplay.
010. Please keep IC drama to a minimum. If you have any problems the admins are here to talk to. And please no OOC drama.
011. Do not mix OOC and IC. Remember to talk in brackets or "[]" for OOC and what ever happens IC does not reflect the person OOC.
012. Relationship ban for 1 week.
013. Double accounts are not allowed
014. Password: your favourite season
015. Have fun!!
ow  to  join
001. Check the MASTERLIST if your desired character is available. Check the wishlist too if you're undecided!
002. Comment in this format
May I be (name of character) of (group/model/actor/soloist)?
003. Wait for the admin's approval before making your account.
004. Make your account within 48 hours.
005. Set your alternative anme to (Sweet + Name of your character)
006. Add all the admins first and wait to be introduced before adding the members. We will add you to the groups.


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