Hitman 94

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Luhan lives his life in such an unease situation because his father's rivals. It’s just one of those various reasons that his life is in great danger. So, his father gets him the best hitman he can find and trust his son’s life upon this man who called himself as Hitman 94.


Don't forget to drop comments and subscribe, upvote will be much appreciated. see you later on the next chapter

copyright 2015 hitman 94

p.s i'm looking for beta-reader, if you're interested to be one just pm me, thank you!


Poster Credit:

thanks to Kpopanda22 

15/06/28 chapter one is up. enjoy :D


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cyfome #1
Chapter 1: love this ;)
niceguy12 #3
looks interesting can't wait
kimwoobinlove1 #4
cant wait for the first chapter^^
I seriously can't wait for the update. hehe <3