Just A Bit Drunk

Just A Bit Drunk

“You know, Mr. Bartender,” Yoongi said, a sheepish smile on his face as he swung the bottle of alcohol around. “I had a great day today.”

“Oh, really?” The bartender chuckled at the drunk rapper’s state. He’s seen many like this already, being a bartender and all, so he had learned to be patient and nice to the customers. 

“Yeah,” Yoongi swayed as he nodded. “Amazing day, really. I just finished writing a new song and the producers loved it! I was gonna celebrate with the boys for another successful song today.”

“Where are the other boys?” 

“They left me!” Yoongi shouted, violently slamming the bottle down on the counter. “They were all too busy…,”—He hiccuped loudly—“and told me to go celebrate alone!” 

“Oh, well, at least you get to celebrate, right?” The bartender said. 

“I guess so,” 

Another hiccup escaped Yoongi’s mouth as he downed his thirteenth glass. He glanced at the people in the bar and laughed harshly. All these people going out with friends to have a good time and then there was him; lonely, about to pass out and drunk. One heck of a combination, he thought.

“Mr. Bartender-person-man-whatever,” Yoongi called, waving the now empty bottle around once again. “Get me another one!” 

“Are you sure?” The bartender asked, uncertain. Yoongi already looked pretty drunk and there wasn't anyone to help him get home. “How ‘bout you just go home for tonight…?”

“Yoongi! The name’s Yoongi.” He answered. “But call me Suga ‘cause that sounds way cooler.” 

“Okay, Suga, you should go home while you still can. Don't want you passing out in the streets, do we?” The bartender said. Yoongi blinked. 

“Whatever, Mr. Bartender-person,” Yoongi placed his third bottle back on the counter and began to stand. “Fine, I'll go home now…,”

The moment he was on his feet, Yoongi suddenly fell, face first, on the floor with a hard thud. The bartender gasped and ran to help Yoongi up, only to hear loud snoring coming from the rapper. The bartender sighed, reaching for Yoongi’s pocket to pull out his phone. To his surprise, a piece of paper fell out along with the phone.

It wrote, “If lost, please call this number: *** Thank you.” 

The bartender dialed the number. “Hello?”

“Min Yoongi, where the hell are you?!” The bartender jumped at the loud voice. 

“This isn't Min Yoongi. Your friend’s passed out in the *** Bar and I suggest you take him home before someone tries to him or something like that.” 

The person from the other line immediately hung up as the words left the bartender’s mouth. Minutes later, Seokjin ran into the bar, a worried expression plastered on his face. 

“Yoongi?” Seokjin ran over to the unconscious rapper, violently shaking him awake. “Yoongi-yah, wake up, you idiot!” 

“Huh…?” Yoongi looked up sleepily at Seokjin and smiled brightly. “Oh, hi, Seokjin-hyung.”

“Don't ‘hi hyung’ me, stupid!” Seokjin scolded, roughly pushing Yoongi away. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? It's nearly two in the morning and you're here, drunk as hell!” 

“Drunk? Why would I…,”—Yoongi hiccuped loudly once again—“be drunk? I just came to celebrate, you know?” He tried to stand up, only to fall back down again. Seokjin quickly helped him back up.

“Seriously, Yoongi-yah, you shouldn't do this anymore, okay?” 

“Uh huh, sure, hyung…,” Yoongi smiled at Seokjin and started dancing (if flailing his hands around like a madman and kicking the air was considered dancing, anyway). “Ah, this is so fun!”

Seokjin hit him on the forehead and grabbed him by the ear. “Stop it. We've got to go home,” 

“Ow ow ow ow!” Yoongi said as he was dragged to the door. “I can walk, hyung! Let me walk!” 

The moment Seokjin let go of Yoongi, the rapper began to wobble, falling down here and there.

“This is why you shouldn't get drunk like this.” Seokjin scolded, helping Yoongi up. Yoongi brushed his hand off.

“I’m not drunk,” Yoongi managed to say as he stumbled out of the small bar, Seokjin following closely behind. Yoongi let out a slur of incoherent words as he staggered, almost tripping on his own two feet if it weren't for Seokjin holding him back up. 

He smiled sheepishly at Seokjin. “Okay, maybe a little.”

“A little?!” Seokjin led Yoongi to the car, shoving him into the passenger seat. 

“Hyung, I was so lonely!” Yoongi whined as Seokjin started the car. “I had no one to celebrate with!”

“Why didn’t you bring anyone then?”

“The three maknaes wanted to watch horror movies and Hoseok-ah and Namjoon-ah were too busy to even look at me!”

“Why didn't you invite me?” Seokjin asked quietly. 

“I didn't…?” Yoongi was confused. Why he didn't invite the eldest was quite the mystery to him as well. Maybe it was because he knew that his hyung would reject him as well. Maybe it was because he was too shy to ask Seokjin out (not that it was a date, of course). Or maybe because being alone with Seokjin was too much for Yoongi to handle. Whatever it is, it was unknown to both of them. 

“Heh, I'm sorry, hyung,” Yoongi said sheepishly. He felt bad and was a bit embarrassed. 

Seokjin glanced at the rapper and smiled warmly. “Whatever. It's okay. Just don't go home this late without anyone knowing your whereabouts, okay?”

“Yes, hyung,”

“That's much better. You should never do this ever again. If you do, I'll skin you, then fry you like I fry chickens and then bury you in your own backyard, got it?” Seokjin stopped the car at a red light. “Okay, maybe they're all just empty threats but I was so worried about you. I don't know what I'd do if I ever…,” Seokjin’s words trailed off as he glanced at the younger. Yoongi was passed out, practically sprawled on the seat. 

“…If I ever lose you…,” 

They arrived home a few minutes later, Seokjin calling Namjoon over to help carry (more like drag) Yoongi over to his room. Once Yoongi was settled in his bed, Namjoon left, grumbling something about how waking him up at two in the morning should be illegal. 

Seokjin sat on the side of Yoongi’s bed, smiling affectionately. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. At least Yoongi was home now. That's another worry gone. 

“Sweet dreams, Yoongi-yah,” Seokjin said fondly. “Sweet dreams.”

Thanks for reading~! Comments are always appreciated! ^^

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwww. I see love blooming between them :)
Chapter 1: Ohmygod that's so sweet!! Huhu sequel?? Or another yoonjin fic would be totally appreciated *-* kkkk
Blue82 #3
Chapter 1: We need hungover Yoongi seeing shower soaked Seokjin with a towel around his waist and becoming incredibly . Very obviously .
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 1: Aahhh...so sweet.. :)
Chapter 1: Please continue!!!!! >< because Yoonjin needs to get together TT^TT

Jiminssi-Tae #6
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh this story was so cute ><
Chapter 1: Ahh, this is so cute! I wish there was more Yoonjin fanfics and i found a really cute one! Thank you for writing this ^^