Something in the air

Something in the air
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A/N: So this is just a little bit of something that I ended up typing out because it was stuck in my head, and I was really sick when I wrote it so I hope it makes sense. This isn’t the ‘Onkey’ story I’ve been on about [that one will be chaptered and much more rough around the edges than this story.] Sorry about the college AU…I have a thing for school/university stuff at the moment haha. Anyway, enjoy, give me some feedback and let me know if you enjoyed it.
Lots of love and ‘san1 nin4 faai3 lok6’ ‘新年快樂’happy Chinese new year from Hong Kong!! J. [This is an old note, it was CNY when I posted it haha]
Xx L xX


He could feel it in the air the moment they both crossed each other’s paths. Kibum had seen him around a lot recently, the new kid. Onew. What kind of name was that anyway?? Okay so maybe ‘Key’ wasn’t much better but Onew. Key scoffed at this thinking what an utterly ridiculous name it was.


Yeah so maybe Key didn’t like the older boy and he had a good reason for it. He was clumsy, always sticking to Jonghyun, he had big soft round eyes that looked at Key and just gave him uneasy feelings. Jonghyun said he was being irrational and that Onew hyung was a great guy. Yeah, whatever, ‘I just need to keep as far away from him as possible’ – Kibum thought.
Fate would have it though (or bad luck as Key would protest) that the two boys were destined to meet again. Turns out the older boy had signed up for liberal arts class and happened to be in the same class as Key. The younger boy wasn’t exactly happy about this but he resigned to his fate and began to just ignore him. There was just one problem with that though, Onew turned out to be too nice, and how can someone ignore a person who is so nice without looking like a complete .
The first time Onew approached him:

“Hey Key, it’s been a while. How are you?” Onew came over and asked just after the teacher had given them their individual projects to work on.

“I’m fine…actually, I’m pretty busy so I should get back to my project” the younger boy answered effectively turning his body away and continuing with his papers.

“Oh….Okay. Bye.” The other replied with a sad smile and kind eyes before walking away.

Key told himself that he didn’t care, however, that was the first string to snap in Key’s unresolved issues with the boy.
The second time the older boy approached him was a few weeks later:

“Hey, ummm…Kibum? I’m not really sure how to use the sewing machine, can you maybe … help me?” Onew gave him a small smile again and in response Key just pointed at the girl Jenny behind him and answered

“She can help you, I’m really busy.” And he looked away again.

That’s when Key’s second string of resolve snapped, why was he feeling so bad about ignoring this kid?
Finally, just a couple of days later; Key had plans to work on his project late at night in the studio. Upon walking into the room however he chanced to see a stressed Onew stood over the sewing machine with what looked like the older boy’s project crumpled and tangled into the foot of the needle.

That’s when the third string broke and Key decided the boy looked too crestfallen not to help him.
Moving silently over he picked up a pair of scissors and asked

“Need some help?” as casually as possible given that he already knew the answer was a yes.

Nodding quietly and giving a small smile mixed with a look of disbelief the older boy accepted Key’s help.
In only ten minutes Key held up the fabric, looking good as new and no longer a tangled mess of cotton.

“Here you go. How did you manage to get it that stuck? I thought Jenny was going to help you with the machine?” Key gave a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, the girl who sits behind you?” with a nod as a reply Onew continued “Yeah, she said something about having to meet up with her boyfriend and maybe later….well, later never came I guess.” At this the older boy sighed whilst looking down at his project book that was only half finished in comparison to Key’s practically finished one.

“Really? Ummm, sorry about that. I didn’t know” Key apologized honestly for the first time since he met Onew.

“Listen, I’ve almost finished my work and it looks like you could use some help, so I’ll help you out with this tonight if you like?” Key suggested, secretly he was feeling guilty about brushing the other boy aside so lightly when he was clearly in need of help.

“That’s okay, I know you’re busy so you don’t have to…” the older boy replied whilst looking down again at his half-finished designs.

Deciding that he was going to go against everything that the almighty Key stood for, he decided to offer just one more time.

“Okay Onew so here it is, I never offer to do something for somebody twice but seeing as you clearly need some help and since I do genuinely have time I will ask you one more time… do you want me to help you?” The younger boy finished with a hint of sassiness in his voice; his words direct and to the point.

“Wow…oh, uhmm.” The older boy paused, suddenly taking in the younger boy’s words “Yeah, I could really use your help…thanks, Key.” He finally responded.

“Okay then, let’s get to work. What design ideas do you have so far?” The younger asked, a slight smile beginning to paint his face as Onew talked him through his ideas; which honestly, Key thought were pretty good, he just lacked the knowledge to turn them into something physical.

Just like that, both boys worked through the night chatting about the project and along the way somewhere Key began to realise why he had built a wall against the other boy. It was because he had sensed that the older boy knew how to break walls down and seep into your life, right now though, Key couldn’t recall why that was such a bad thing.


Two weeks later and the project was due in, both Onew and Kibum came out with top grades. Key’s were obviously better though as the younger boy loved to rub in Onew’s face. That night in the studio, Key had learned that Onew’s real name was Jinki and so Key had one less reason to dislike him. He had also learned over the last few weeks that Jinki had an older sister who was studying in Daegu University just down the road from here. After Onew had fallen out with his parents over something, his sister had taken him in. Jinki had always praised his sister so much and talked about her like she is the centre of his world and that’s when Key realised that this kid wasn’t so bad after all, there was no way he could hate Onew for real. Still though, there was something hanging in the air between the two that made Key feel so uncomfortable and he couldn’t quite pin point what it was.


One Saturday afternoon Jonghyun, Onew and Key were all hanging out at Key’s house for takeout food and video games. Upon entering the younger boy’s house earlier that day Onew was shocked. He found Key to have a modest but large home with pictures of Key and his family all over the house. Key had ushered him into the hallway where he could take of his shoes and put some slippers on, meanwhile he looked around with an open mouth at the beautiful decorations inside.

“Really Onew? You look like a goldfish.” Key stated in his usual direct tone of voice.

“Sorry, it’s just. This place is pretty big and so…homely. It’s really nice” Onew replied.

“Well, umm.. thanks. Let’s go to my room, you can help me choose which games we can play tonight. Jjong will probably be late, he almost always is.” Key replied with a tiny smile.

Upon entering Key’s room Onew noticed firstly the pink bed spread and white walls. The walls had various posters of movies and singers along with works of art that were framed. Key was standing on the bed now and reaching for something in the cupboards above.

“Wow, this is really an amazing piece, who is it by?” Onew asked interestedly whilst staring at one of the artworks on the bedroom wall.

“Oh that one” Key looked over his shoulder briefly before turning back to the cupboard “It’s mine, I painted it a few years ago. My mum really liked it so she framed it. Then all the others apparently she just kept on framing too. That one is my favourite though.” Key responded with a tiny blush.

Onew was amazed that Key had so much talent. He knew the younger boy was a great designer but he never knew he was such a talented artist.

“Hey…ONEW! YAH!” This pulled Jinki out of his thoughts

“Oh, sorry, what?” Onew replied sheepishly.

“Can you help me with these video games, they’re sliding everywhere.” Key said whilst a few slid out of his arms and onto the bed below, narrowly missing bouncing off and onto the floor.

“Oh right, yeah. Sorry Key.” He replied before standing next to the other boy on the bed and grabbing a stack of games, only to end up losing balance and sending them both tumbling down.

“Eurgh, ow!” Onew looked down at the noise only to notice himself on top of the younger with the game boxes spread all over the bed and Key.
Key looked up at the older boy on top of him, groaning from the fall and the corners of the boxes jabbing into his sides. When he looked properly however he noticed that the older boy was looking down at him and right into his eyes.

“Ummm…” the voice died in Key’s throat as he took in the others adams apple bobbing as he swallowed and he noticed how close their faces were.

“O-Onew…can you get up. You’re heavy” Key felt himself squeak out; the atmosphere in the room had suddenly turned up a few degrees.

“Yeah…yeah, sorry Kibum.” Onew replied finally shuffling away from the other and giving Key room to breathe again.

“You’re such a clutz, I should have just got them down myself.” Key said whilst jumping up and straightening his clothes, noticing how his baggy t-shirt had ridden up over his belly button during the fall.

“Sorry, Kibum-ah. I know I’m always so clumsy. Sorry…” Onew drifted off, his cheeks colouring pink. He was all too aware of the situation they were just in, and the pale expanse of ivory skin across Key’s stomach that was so close to his own hand not a few moments ago.

“Well, do you think you can at least help me carry the ones you want to play downstairs without dropping them?” Key responded now back to his usual cocky self.
At this both boys laughed and began to choose which games to play.
Not long after getting the games and station set up in the living room; did Key’s doorbell ring and Jonghyun appear – fashionably late – as per usual.


The three boys played and ate junk food all evening until it was time to call it a night. Or rather, Key’s mum came home to see pizza boxes and games consoles spread all over the living room and asked the boys to start wrapping it up because it was getting late. All three of them began to tidy up the living room and climb the stairs to Key’s room to put back the games. Upon entering the room Jonghyun immediately jumped on the bed

“I’m tired Bummie, I’m going to sleep here tonight” Jonghyun said with his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.

“No Jjong.. if you want to sleep over I can ask my mum, but you’re NOT having my bed. I told you, never again will I share a bed with you.” Key exclaimed whilst trying to balance above the boys legs to reach the cupboard whilst Jinki passed him the games to go inside.

“Why is he not allowed to sleep in your bed?” asked Jinki with a confused face.

“Because Key can’t handle himself and he just gets too when we share a bed” Jonghyun said with a blinding grin and a waggle of his eyebrows. In response Key just simply stood on his stomach and winded his best friend.

“You wish Jjong. No, Jinki, it’s because this stupid dinosaur doesn’t know how to sleep properly and last time we shared my bed I ended up on my floor where he had practically kicked me out of my own bed. He moves around so much and pushes his feet in your face.” Key said with a grimace remembering the last time.
At this Jinki laughed whilst Jonghyun just pouted and continued

“Well, whatever, I’ll sleep on the floor then… but can I stay…please? Go ask your mum bummie.”
With a resigned sigh, Key turned to go and ask his mum when he suddenly remembered something

“Oh umm, Jinki. Do you want to stay over too?? You know, if my mum says yes.” Key asked feeling suddenly shy and not knowing why.
Before Onew could answer Jonghyun piped up again

“Awesome!!!... sleepover!! We should get some movies out!”
To this Jinki laughed again and replied

“Sure, why not.” With that Key gave an anxious smile and left to go and find his mum.


Key’s mum being the nice person she is said it was okay as long as they weren’t too noisy and didn’t make any mess.
Key brought out his spare quilt and pillow from somewhere in the hallway and began to make up Jonghyun’s bed. All the while Jinki was wondering where he would sleep.

“Oh, Onew… we only have one set of spare covers so it’s up to you… you can share with me or share the floor with Jonghyun.” Key said.

“Umm…I don’t mind. What do you think?” Onew asked. Honestly he would like to share the bed since it was the most comfortable option but he wasn’t sure how Key felt about that.

“Well. If you sleep with Jonghyun you will have feet in your face most of the night. If you sleep with me you need to promise you won’t push me onto the floor.” Key chuckled with a small blush on his face at the images ‘sleep with me’ brought up.

“Well, sorry Jjong but I’d rather not have feet in my face. Key, I promise not to push you onto the floor.” And Jinki tried to pull off a confident smile. “I just have to call my sister first to let her know” and with that he headed down the hall where it was quieter to call his sister.


When Jonghyun and Key were left alone Jonghyun suddenly spoke up

“So, you and Jinki?” the older of the two said whilst waggling his eyebrows again, an annoying habit that the boy seemed to have.

“We’re just sharing a bed hyung, grow up.” Key responded

“I know that. I’m asking if you like him? I mean you hated him only a few months ago and now you’re both sleeping in the same bed.” Jonghyun asked, this time with genuine interest.

“He’s a nice guy okay. Can we drop it now.” Key said, he could already feel his face heating up a little at Jonghyun’s questions.

Just as Jonghyun was about to probe his best friend with further questions, the subject of those questions walked back into the room.

“I told my sister, she said it’s fine. She’s hap

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Chapter 1: Fluffyness overload!! I love how innocent is onkey in here esp Onew and I have a thing for onkey HS/college fics.kekeke. This is so nicely written as always <3
SashaHRH #2
Chapter 1: So sweet! Loved it and Ty for Shari g this wonderful story. XD
BlueStorm96 #3
Chapter 1: Oh My God, it really kill me with the sweetness
I'm literally searching for onkey ff (the fluffy one) and then here you are with this sweet ff
bow down to king jjong for his matchmaking kind of thing~
nice ff, author-nim
Chapter 1: It's official. I'm dead. You have slain me with ridiculous amounts of OnKey ultra cuteness.
kpoplover38 #5
update soon chingu~~