
Please Don't Go
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                                                                                                            Author's POV 




It was around 10:00PM when you heard rain hit the windows of you apartment whilst getting ready for bed. You sighed, looking at your reflection in the bathroom mirror.


"Gosh, I hope Jiho gets home okay..if he even comes back home tonight," you said to yourself, running your fingers through your hair. You brushed your teeth quickly before leaving the bathroom, flicking the switch as you left. "I wonder if he will come home tonight.." 


You laid down and settled into the blankets before turning off the lamp next to the bed. "Goodnight,"  you said, even though you knew that there wasn't anyone else in the room.


It took you some time to fall asleep, since all you could think about was the empty space next to you. Your boyfriend, Jiho, hadn't been home in about three days now, which had become normal. He's been so preoccupied with writing and producing songs lately that he sometimes forgets to come home and winds up sleeping in the studio. You had been feeling lonely in this big apartment without him here.


Just as you were about to drift off into dreamland, you heard your phone vibrate on the bedside table. You hurried and grabbed it, smiling when you noticed that it was him. Your smile didn't last, though, after reading the text;


"Hey babe, I'm sorry, but I might not be able to come home again, the company is making me stay another night. I miss you so much. I hope to come home tomorrow, though. Sleep well, sweetheart. I love you~"


You sighed, putting your phone back on the table, not even bothering to reply. "He probably won't be back for another 2 days," you thought bitterly, snuggling into the blankets. You understood that it was the company making him stay and that he had to do this, but you still missed him terribly. Who wouldn't miss the love of their life if they were always away? Yet another sigh escaped your lips as you rested your head on the soft pillow. "I love you too, Jiho." you whispered, before falling asleep.




At midnight, you were suddenly awoken by a shift of weight in the bed. You were shocked when you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist. 


Jiho rested his chin on your head, being very gentle so as not to wake you. "Honey, I'm home," he whispered, kissing your temple lightly. You didn't say a word, but rolled over and wrapped you arms around him. He smiled, happy that he was finally home to see you, although it was just for a few hours. The company allowed him to stop working for the night, but he had to be back by 7:00 to resume his work.

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2407briana #1
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeeee