
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?


August 29 2013,


"There have been a number of cases where many citizens have been complaining to us that a part of their memory is missing. It is also found that these citizens are continuing to forget many memories by hearing the simple melody of the nursery rhyme-  Little Drummer Boy. Furthermore this case has been taken on by our newly promoted Chief Investigator Do Kyungsoo, today he will present some of his suspicions and provide available evidence." 

The investigator steps aside, and takes his seat. All eyes focus on a big-eyed boy wearing a black leather jacket and ripped jeans. His hair neatly parted to the right side; his mouth devouring a lollipop. Certainly, a little punk ready to prove his points. 

"Hello everyone, my name is Do Kyungsoo and I'm in charge of investigating the Missing Memory Link Case. As rumors have speculated, the break-up doctor is a fellow helping everyone whose hearts are broken. But I hypothesis that he is behind the Miss Memory Link. " Kyungsoo leans on the podium with both his hands, he then turns around and looks at the projector screen.

"Why? Exhibit A: There a supposedly 2 ways to make sure that his identity isn't revealed. One would be that he and the patient meet a secret location." A finger presses the spacebar, and an image of a masked man with blond streaks in his hair appears on the projector. Kyungsoo continues to speak,"This man is my primary guess. He's the break-up doctor," he says before pressing the spacebar to reveal more pictures that included a citizen and the suspect. 

"Exhibit B: He uses hypnosis on the patient to make them forget how he looks like." The man with the blonk streaks clutches a hand clock in the next picture. But it wasn't enough evidence for the whole faculty to believe his suspicions. Unsatisfied with the reactions of the faculty, Do Kyungsoo's head is fills with many explanations. But the only way to make them believe is for them to see it.

"Thus, to prove my suspicions are true. I will pay a visit to the break-up doctor." Gasps fill the room, certainly they're all thinking Kyungsoo is out of his mind. Who knows what dangers he can face once the break-up doctor finds out his real purpose, even worse his life is might also be on the line. A little scary chuckle comes out of Kyungsoo as he takes out his lolipop.

"No, I'm not heartbroken. And I don't think I will ever be. I'm going to pretend that I am. Hypnosis you're thinking? Hypnosis my . I'm a person not prone to that crap. Also, to make you all believe I will go to the secret location with a hidden camera on myself. Just so you all can watch it live. What if he finds the camera right away? Not to worry, I'll install more." Kyungsoo smiles widely.

There's a reason why he got promoted to Chief Investigator; he can act very well. In the many cases he has investigated, all he did was act like an innocent person and befriend the suspect. At many points Kyungsoo became friends with many suspects and was able to make them feel guilt.

Even make them confess right at the police station. Of course, the more he betrays the suspect, the more he's doing for justice. And he has this good feeling inside of him that this case will be a success for him. The Investigation faculty stays quiet, unable to comment on Kyungsoo plans. Indeed he's already got his plans straightforward.

"Hence, I end this session and will be planning the day of my approach." Kyungsoo steps out of the podium, and exits right away. Byun Baekhyun runs to catch up to Kyungsoo.

"Dude are you crazy?" Baekhyun pants, "I've stopped being a coward. So, no. I'm not crazy." Kyungsoo grins at Baekhyun.

"Since when did you stop being a coward" Baekhyun rolls his eyes in despair,

"Yesterday," Kyungsoo sighs causing Baekhyun to facepalm.

"Well, good luck on your case. I'm going to eat some ramen" Baekhyun pats his shoulder before turning the opposite direction. As soon as Kyungsoo turns around from waving at Baekhyun, his head crashes onto someone else's nose. With that a groan escapes both people.

"," Kyungsoo curses, his eyes climbing up to meet the stranger's face. Sharp eyes, a refined nose, and a chisled jaw; Kyungsoo is almost baffled. The person holds his nose, and winces in pain. "Sorry," Both bow their heads and apologize. The stranger shoves Kyungsoo's shoulders as he goes. Brushing off his shoulder for a second, he then moves on.


"I'm currently approaching the secret location. Are you alone?" Kim Jongin's husky voice speaks through the other line.

"Yes, I am. Please hurry up. I don't think I can hold my tears any longer" A female voice sobs through the phone. It's sobs like this that make Jongin feel needed in the world that chose to abandon him. It's sobs like this make him feel that his life is full of value.

"Don't worry," He smiles through the phone, and hangs up. Kai walks a few more paces, entering a dark alleyway where the brick walls are squeezing his shoulders.

Using his arms for support, he lifts his feet against the brick wall. Like Spiderman, he climbs the height of the brick fall approximately 3 storeys high. When he finally reaches the top he hops on the rooftop, first breathing the breeze running through his fingers. After that, his legs jump from rooftop to rooftop like an anime cartoon.

It wasn't long before he arrives at the secret location: An abandoned hotel. Taking a quick peak at the entrance, he spots a girl all alone. Exactly like the one he saw in his request database. Before he climbs down to greet her, he quicly puts on his Hello Kitty mask.

It's the only thing that possesses the power to make people think that the woman he's dragging along with him is his girlfriend. Without it, he'll look like a abducting a woman by force. Slowly he uses each balcony of the hotel to reach the ground.

Kai appears next to the girl. "It's a nice day today," He whistles putting his hands in his pockets. The woman jumps when she hears his husky voice, "Are you the break-up doctor?" She whispers. "Sure. And what's your name?" questions Kai, the girl hesitates.

"K-Kang Seul Gi," She squeaks. The moment after. Kai slips his hand into Kang Seul Gi's. However his fast-paced actions are too startling for Seul Gi, hence she frees her hands from Kai.

"Excuse me but, I didn't come here to hook up. But to fix my heart." How entertaining was it for Kai to see this broken-hearted, sharp-eyed girl to deny his touch.

"I'm sorry but in order for the treatment to work, I have to pass on my energy to you. So we kind of have to hold hands," Kai's eyes smile. They hold hands once again.

"Oh, alright. I'd like you not to question me throughout this session. Let's start the treatment. First, Can you check the time for me?" From his left pocket, he pulls out a hand watch with diamond bezel crust and hands it to Seul Gi.

"It's 3:15 in the afternoon.",

"Great now look at the moving arrow how many minutes have passed by?" A sleepiness feeling overcomes Seul Gi but she's still awake.

"3 minutes", "Now spell the word on your mind.",

"S-a-d-n-e-s-s" Seul Gi's eyes shut close, she feels as if she's sleeping but her mind is wide awake. And the only thing she sees the color white. "Alright, Seul Gi do you hear my voice? Do something if you do." She nods her head. Her eyes still seeing a blinding white.

"Now, I'd like you to start walking. Don't worry I'm holding your hand. What do you see?" Kai's tone of voice comforts Seul Gi who is rather sleep walking while Kai leads the way back to her home.

"I see anger hatred. The room on fire. Get me out." Seul Gi suddenly panics, beads of sweat running down her forehead, "Calm down, breathe. How did the fire start?" Kai continues to speak using his calm tone.

"Him," Seul Gi pants. "Whose him?",

"My boyfriend: Kim Nam Joon; I caught him cheating...with...my best friend." Tears stream out of Seul Gi's eyes, and Kai almost feels sorry for her. But he's never sorry for anyone, not even himself in certain situations. Seul Gi suddenly jolts, her expression in terror.

"What do you see now?",

"Bombs, Guns, Knives everywhere. He's going to kill me...",

"Pick up a weapon. Any weapon. Before he grabs one and kills you." Kai insists. Seul Gi picks up a gun in her consciousness, pointing it straight at the target where her boyfriend Nam Joon is duck taped on it.

"How many times did he break your heart? Shoot him that many times." Seul Gi pulls the trigger repeatedly, almost a dozen times. And she witnesses her boyfriend's blood draining out of him. To Kai's surprise: She's enjoying it.

"Now listen to this tune, shoot him every time there is a beat." 

-Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum 
A new beginning is always the best, pa rum pum pum pum 
Forgetting is the only way, pa rum pum pum pum- 

"Now go up to him, tell him and your heart that you don't need his anymore.",

"I don't ing need you." Seul Gi curses, more vulgar than Kai thought.

"Now, when you end this dream you shall not remember the mask man who has come to help our broken heart. You shall not remember receiving treatment. And most importantly you shall not remember Kim Nam Joon.",

"I will count to three, and you will open your eyes.",

"One, Two, Three-" Seulgi gasps, her eyes blaring open. Kai lets go of her hand.

"Who are you and why am I at my house?" Her questions are music to Kai's ears. Which means another job well done for the amazing Break-Up Doctor.

"Excuse me? Where you just talking to me?" Kai pretends to take off his earphones.

"Nevermind," Seulgi mutters.

Kai walks down the sidewalk with a wide grin on his face. Taking off his Hello Kitty Mask, he stuffs it in his backpack. Later he looks for his bank card to check his account. As soon as he gets it, he sprints his way to the nearest bank.

"Sweet, Almost to a million dollars," says Kai while looking at his bank receipt.

In triumph, he s his arm up in the air. Of course Kai wouldn't do his job without getting paid. In a world like this, money is always a motive. He gets paid at least 10,000- 250,000 depending on how severe the situation is, and how long the treatment takes.

No Returns, No Refunds what so ever. Plus it's even more than what a clinical psychologist make bi-weekly. Cynical but sweet, that's how life goes for Kai. But never in his life has he thought of his job as illegal. 

September 2nd 2013


The alarm screams into Kyungsoo's ears. It's days like this Kyungsoo wants to scream and jump in the Arctic Ocean just so he doesn't have to deal with waking up. Indeed, he has to wake up.

Today is the day the confirmation for his investigation will be announced. Also, today is the day Kyungsoo will finally get his fancy cameras and spy gadgets. But that's only if his investigation is confirmed.

As soon as Kyungsoo hops out of his bed, he does one push up and goes digging into his closet. With excitement running through his veins, he jumps into his pants. For a moment he struggles with putting on his shirt, wearing it inside out on the first time.

Soon after he puts his on shirt correctly, he rushes into his kitchen. Quickly he pops the toast in the toaster, and within a few minutes he was already munching on the toast. Still with one piece of toast left in his mouth, he rushes out the door.

It doesn't take a long time for Kyungsoo to arrive at the Investigation Office. And when he does arrive, he barges into the meeting room like a rampaging bull. His eyes big and wide, his lips ready to smile.

"I-I'm sorry I'm late," Kyungsoo rubs his neck.

The faculty looks displeased right off the bat. Kyungsoo takes his seat awaiting the announcement with fidgeting hands and trembling legs. A former criminologist enters the podium, her expression too flat and unentertaining.

"Now, you have all gathered here to discuss the following investigation action and confirmation of Do Kyungsoo's Missing Memory Link Case." Kyungsoo claps loudly and cheers with pride.

It's too bad that he's the only one cheering for himself. His coworkers and colleagues give him a wavering glare. Awkwardly, Kyungsoo stops cheering once realizes that no one else is.

"Through examination of the case, and many other options of finding evidence. The Seoul Investigation Unit has not given permission to Do Kyungsoo to approach a rather dangerous doctor. Thus, we also shall not provide the gadgets."

Kyungsoo feels his insides start to wither. In fact, it feels like a brick fall has collapsed on his lunch. His brain fills with so much arguments but the only word he manages to get out is


The former criminologist dismisses the meeting right after the confirmation has been announce to prevent any arguments from arising. Hence, it leaves Kyungsoo upset. Upset that he won't be able to prove his suspicions, but also upset that his dreams of becoming an undercover spy for at least a day are over. Kyungsoo stares at air.

"Hey, what's up with the long face? You were happy just a few minutes ago." Byun Baekhyun waves his hand in front of Kyungsoo's face.

"Hey you want to go dump ice cream down my pants so I can forget about this meeting?" Kyungsoo utters.

A wild laugh exits Baekhyun, "Sure, let's go shove some ice cream down your pants." Baekhyun grins extending a hand out for Kyungsoo to take it. Kyungsoo grabs a hold of it firmly. Soon both of them are strolling the streets of rush hour Seoul.

"What a shame man, I was so excited." Kyungsoo sighs deeply,

"You know what's a shame?" Baekhyun suddenly smirks.


"Your love life." Baekhyun's uncontrollable laughter rings in Kyungsoo's ears. And this, earns Mr. Byun Baekhyun Chief Officer a smack behind his head.

"Yo, calm down bro. You want me to set up a blind date?" offers Baekhyun, "No thanks." Kyungsoo declines the offer right away. Love? At the time when he's trying to solve a puzzling criminal case? Kyungsoo certainly has better things to do rather then go hook up with a stranger.

"So, how are you planning to solve your case?" Baekhyun questions, Kyungsoo thinks for a while. He was so bummed about his request being abolished, he got sidetracked from the case itself.

"I'm still going to go to the break-up doctor and go with my plan. Because you'll never know." Kyungsoo smiles.

"That's dangerous dude, you don't even have the proper gadgets.",

"That's why I have you.",

"But what if we both get fired from work!?",

"Trust me. We won't.", "Yeah right." Baekhyun laughs nervously.

After a few round trips around local malls, and a few little conversations; Baekhyun had to leave once again.  "So, I'll see you later." Kyungsoo turns around and waves at Baekhyun. 

And just like a few days ago, as soon as he turns around his head slams into a stranger's nose. In fact, the same stranger who possesses those sharp eyes that are filled with a peculiar brown.

"Excuse me but I think my nose has received enough abuse from your forehead." The stranger chuckles,

"And I think my head has received enough poking from your nose," Kyungsoo responds.

"My name is Jongin, Kim Jongin." The stranger holds out his hand, Kyungsoo shakes it in approval. The skin of their inner palms tingling against each others.

"Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo. It's nice to meet you." Kyungsoo grins his white teeth flashing at Jongin. " It's nice to meet you too. But I have to go. I'll see you when I see you." Jongin quickly says goodbye.

Oh, man. Never has Kyungsoo felt this connection with a stranger before. There's something inside of him that makes him feel like Donkey Kong when he's on steroids. And surely, he has a feeling that he's going to meet Jongin again. 


Kim Kai rubs his nose to get rid of the numbing pain caused by a guy named Kyungsoo.

"Damn, that's a hard forehead." Jongin mutters smiling like an idiot. Sure, his mood changed because of that Kyungsoo guy. But he mustn't get sidetracked, he has to focus if his treatment on Kang Seul Gi was a success or not. He quickly puts on another mask, no not the Hello Kitty one but this time the Doraemon one.

In the corner of a block, he spots Kang Seul Gi with the date he assigned: Kim Jongdae. Jongdae was also a heartbroken fellow who let go of his first love a few weeks ago. A smile appears on Kai's face once he sees both smiling and laughing. His smile is interrupted by an abrupt ring coming from his database phone.

He swipes the screen and watches a request video from a boy. His hair neatly parted to the left side, his owl eyes filled with tears. Kai recognized this face immediately. It's Do Kyungsoo. How can I not realize the person I bumped into two times already is a heartbroken fellow? Kai asks himself. But why not help him?

Happiness spreads through Kai with tingles that run through his palms. It reminded him of the exact moment, their hands made contact. But Kai shakes these thoughts out of his head. No, there's no room for love. For Kai, love is something to laugh at. To Kai, love is just something that comes from a book- it's just plain fiction. 


September 12th 2013


"You have requested the presence of the break-up doctor, to decline hang up now." Kyungsoo sits at the edge of his bed, his breath unstable. Still proceeding with his plans, nervousness gets to him. He has no back up support, gadgets, and even permission from his Investigation Unit. But it's too late to decline now. If his suspicion's are truly correct then more salary for him, if not he has to find a new career.

"Please explain your heartbreak," The monotonous voice speaks through the line.

"M-my boyfriend got hit by a bus." Kyungsoo sobs as realistically as he can. To his luck, the monotonous voice seemed to believe that he's really heartbroken.

"I understand. Please wait. Calculating the amount of money you need to deposit." Kyungsoo's eyes bulge. Of course why didn't he think of this? The break-up doctor won't just do this hypnosis stuff for fun. He wants money, because in this world money equals happiness.

"Please pay 100,000. And deposit at the nearest Bank, which is a few blocks away at the corner of Samdong Street." Kyungsoo's mind is startled. That's too much money. And they know where I live? His left hand shaking with fear, his gut giving a weird feeling.

"Are there any discounts?" Kyungsoo's voice cracks, his salary barely even making 100,000 in a couple of months.

"Discounts are only for people with quick and simple situation heart breaks.",

"My situation is quick. My boyfriend cheated on me even before he got hit by a bus." Kyungsoo gulps making it sound like he's having a harder time talking about a lie.

"Oh, we see. 50,000 is the price. The bank number is: 091232657" It's still a high price for Kyungsoo, but he certainly can't complain now. He grabs a pen and draws on his arm, the numbers of the break-up doctor's bank account.

"Yes, I'll deposit the check to that number." Kyungsoo confirms the deal. Losing 50,000 just for an investigation? Kyungsoo's screwed all over. All he can do now is hope that his plan will go in the right path. The Investigation better pay him a higher salary for this, although they didn't permit him to do this kind of investigation.

"Great, now your treatment day would be September 21st 2013, that's only if you submit payment today. Treatment day changes depending on when you deposit your money." The line hangs up, and Kyungsoo's stuck in time thinking about how stupid he must be for doing this act. Out of frustration, he collapses on his soft bed, face in a pillow. He inhales, and screams into his pillow afterwards.

"Do you also think I'm stupid?" Kyungsoo looks toward his unicorn fluffy. With his arms big and wide, he hugs his unicorn fluffy. It's the only relative he has left. That's why it's always on his bed. No mother, or father, or sibling, just the unicorn fluffy. After resting for a few minutes, he gets up and looks for his checkbook. As soon as he's done writing the check, he's off to the bank. 


Kai leans on the wall of the bank building with one leg popped and the other straight. Just waiting for Do Kyungsoo to deposit his cheap payment. Do you think hypnotizing a man whose boyfriend got hit by a bus is easy? and even worse the boyfriend was cheating the whole time time too. It's hard to hypnotize a person with guilt in their heart.

A short-boy with owl eyes catches Kai's attention. Turning around to avoid attention, Kai follows Kyungsoo with cautiousness. He lines up, and just because he's already there why not check his bank account?

"Hi, I'd like to deposit this cheque to this bank account number." Kai overhears. After few minutes of standing, he approaches the stand. Kyungsoo turns around, and his eyes go bigger. Certainly, surprised that Jongin was there once again.

"Woah, Jongin! It's a good thing I didn't hit your nose again." Kyungsoo teases, "It's odd seeing you here." Kai grins back.

"Well, it's payday." Kyungsoo makes an excuse. No, it's not. But thanks for the money. Kai's eyes twinkle looking at Kyungsoo. "Um.. See you later?" Kyungsoo says breaking their wavering eye contact. Breathless, Kai's spine tremors, spinning and twisting. His mind is always distracted, especially when Kyungsoo's eyes twinkle like the endless phases of the moon.

"Yeah, see you." Kai speaks in a low clear voice. "Sir here's your receipt" The clerk passes the piece of paper.

But Kai is too distracted to see the various numbers the give him temporary happiness, right now he has to catch up with Kyungsoo. Not for a date, but for a little patient-doctor get together. And Kai knows, every time that Kyungsoo guy pops up, his career is going to be forgotten about. To Kai, Kyungsoo is someone extremely dangerous to his dreams of being a millionaire.

There's no room to develop Stockholm's Syndrome for a naive patient, who doesn't know that his career is mostly a scam. As Kai sprints out of the bank, but it's to late. Kyungsoo had already disappeared from the streets. For a second, Kai wonders how fast Kyungsoo's small legs can take him. A bit bummed, Kai continues to stroll down the sidewalk.

Get your ing self together Kim Kai, I'm a break-up doctor. I'm not suppose to care to much about my patients, care about the money. Soon, I'll be able to escape this horrid country with all my money. Soon I'll repay the debt my prisoner father left for me, and I'll be all be able to punish the mother who abandoned me beside a criminal. I hate them all, that's why I'm alone. And it's always better to be alone.



September 15th 2013,

Kang Seul Gi arrives at the police station unable to remember what she was going to report.

"Please, help me. I can't remember why I came here. I can't remember my name or my family." She desperately sobs. The feeling of not knowing anything creeping up on her.

"Reported. Please proceed to the room to the left. You will be asked to sit down, and you will be evaluated.",

"Why?", "I'm sorry to tell you. But you are a victim of the break-up doctor.",

"The break-up what?" Seul Gi collapses on the floor of the Police Station. Thus, they had to carry her into the evaluating room. After waking up, the only thing she could say is the phrase "I don't know."



September 21st 2013, 


Kai almost yawns. His bangs were long, covering his eyes. And he didn't even bother to put them up anymore. Plus, it's a safety measure to make sure Kyungsoo doesn't recognize him at all. At an abandoned movie theater, both remain silent for a moment. Kai's Dora the Explorer mask, puts a puzzling face on Kyungsoo.

"I like Boots better," Kyungsoo states.

"Let's start the treatment shall we?" Kai finally says.

"So you're the break up doctor. Or are you?" Kyungsoo questions, quirking an eyebrow.

"Starting now, I shall not hear another question about me. Because I'm the one treating you, you are not treating me." Kai's annunciation plants a seed of fear into Kyungsoo's suspicious mind. A huge frown forms on Kyungsoo's face, and just like that he magically starts crying.

It's his true talent. Kai could spot the silver-lined tears dripping down his cheeks and ito his heart-shaped lips. Kai can only respond with silence. The curiosity grows in his brain, wanting to know more about Kyungsoo's believable failed relationship.

"So, please explain your situation one again.",

"My boyfriend: Park Chanyeol was cheating on me for a year, and I had no idea about it. The day he got ran over by a bus was the day I found out he was cheating. I don't ing know whether to feel that he deserved his death or if he deserves a second chance." Kyungsoo wipes both of his palms against his face to dry the fake tears.

"I can't even sleep without him. He was the only warmth I had." Kyungsoo sniffles continuing to act, even hyperventilating realistically. Kai remains silent, for the first time he doesn't know how to respond.

"When I had no one to eat with, he was there. So soft and cuddly." Kyungsoo flutters his hand in front of his face, to try to stop the tears from forming.

"I even brought my boyfriend here." Panic shoots through Kai's mind like a train smashing into a brick wall in the middle of the track. . . I'm ing dead. His fists end up clenching Kyungsoo's collar.

"You brought a corpse!? Are you ing crazy? I told you, we have to be alone." Kai growls, staring at Kyungsoo's bulging eyes. His grip loosens as Kyungsoo pulls out a stuffed Panda. It's stomach ripped open, with fluff coming out of it. It's white fur is no longer white but a dirty black. And even worse it smelled like it came out of the sewer. Relief tingles through Kai's burning cheeks. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo wails loudly, his sounds echo and bounce off the walls of the old abandoned theater.

"So, you're telling me, you're cry over a stuffed animal that got ran over by a bus!?" Kai says unsympathetically. This dude must be a total psychopath, is he thinking that my career is a joke? Kyungsoo immediately hugs his torn-up Panda tightly like a child when something is going to be taken away from them.

"I thought you were suppose to help me! He was my first love, now he's dead." Kyungsoo's red eyes don't stop producing tears. Clearly he's going to need more to make the break-up doctor believe him fully. On the other hand, Kai feels like Kyungsoo is diagnosed with Dissociative Personality Disorder. Oh, okay. So, he's a psychopath obsessed with stuffed animals.

"Let's start treatment. First throw away Park Chanyeol." Kai insists looking at the wrecked Panda. Kyungsoo's left arm shivers, with a swinging movement he flings the panda into the air. It lands on the bottom row of the theater.

"Crap, my baby!" Kyungsoo throws his arms in the air and screams like a mother giving birth. He runs after it. Meanwhile Kai is face palming so hard to the point where he's literally smacking himself.

"50,000 dollars to hypnotize a psychopath, great." Kai utters watching Kyungsoo find his stuff panda again. As Kyungsoo returns, Kai is pretty much done with all the immaturity.

"Tell me what time it is," Kai sighs giving Kyungsoo his pocket watch.

"4:00 is the afternoon.", "Great now look at the moving arrow how many minutes have passed by?",

"4 minutes.",

"Now spell the word on your mind." Kyungsoo pretends to pass out. His fake snores vibrate in the room.

"Woah, that was fast." Kai snickers.

"I'm going to hold your hand during this treatment. Now, where are you and what do you see?",

"I'm in a karaoke bar with my Panda: Park Chanyeol." Kyungsoo speaks. And Kai is a little bit confused. Never before has anyone of his patients appear in a karaoke bar in their consciousness. Usually people with heart's that are broken, end up in a red-white rooms, or a dark room with moving walls, or even in the middle of the ocean. But certainly not in a karaoke bar.

"Okay, so pick up the microphone and sing a song for the cheating Park Chanyeol." Kyungsoo literally starts singing S.E.S's I'm Your Girl. Panic erupts Kai's mind like a dormant volcano. Doubts immerge in his mind,  is the hypnosis not working?

"Now listen to this song, and sing along."

-Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum 
A new beginning is always the best, pa rum pum pum pum 
Forgetting is the only way, pa rum pum pum pum

"Now, where are you now?",

"I'm standing at the top of the lighthouse on with Park Chanyeol.",

"Great now throw him into the waves." Kyungsoo pants.  

"Now, when you end this dream you shall not remember the mask man who has come to help our broken heart. You shall not remember receiving treatment. And most importantly you shall not remember your panda Park Chanyeol.",

"You shall open your eyes on the count of three." Kai gets up and gently exits. His face hiding behind the entrance door of the theatre,

"One, Two, Three." Kyungsoo pretends to gasp. Right off the bad he notices the break-up doctor's disappearance. He knows that he mustn't gone far, and he might still be watching.

"Where the hell am I? And why the hell am I clutching a stuffed animal?" Kyungsoo questions in the darkness. He then stops his phone from recording any more sound. Truimph in his mind and heart, but he can't express it. Finally, Kyungsoo had real evidence. All he had to do now is find the real identity of the break-up doctor. Then he could go get a warrant of arrest on that person, so he could rot in jail. Indeed, Kyungsoo always has the mind of a superhero.

Kai's job is once again done. Although there's a feeling deep in his gut that's screaming, something extremely wrong. Hence, he has to come up with more precautions to keep his identity hidden. Three precautions can't always work forever. Plus if he doesn't upgrade,  there's a bigger possibility that he's going to get caught red-handed.


September 22nd 2013,


"Do Kyungsoo, I'd like you to pick up the new criminal psychologist at his new house. And bring him to the here. He will be working alongside with the Missing Memory Link Case." Deputy orders.

"But, I finally have the physical evidence for my case," Kyungsoo complains, too eager to wait for the right time to exploit his evidence.

"Don't worry, you will show us your evidence. But when the new criminal psychocologist is here." Deputy clutches Kyungsoo's shoulders pushing toward the exit.

"Here's the address." Deputy shoves a piece of paper in Kyungsoo's man hands. "But this is near an abandoned alley," Kyungsoo pouts.

"Just go," Deputy shoos him. Inhaling deep breaths, Kyungsoo can't help but laugh at himself.

Yesterday was so hilarious. Have you seen the look on the break-up doctor's face when I pulled out the wrecked Panda Bear? He must thought I was a wacko. And to believe he was a smart mysterious dude. When in truth, he wasn't that smart at all.

Heck, he doesn't know when he's getting fooled or not. Indeed, that session with the break-up doctor is the highlight of Do Kyungsoo's career. But also, Kyungsoo can't help but remember the familiar feeling he felt throughout the session.

Something inside of him tells him, that he's met this break-up doctor before. The only thing Kyungsoo cannot decipher is if he's met the doctor in the past-life or in the present.

Kyungsoo snaps out of his daze, he approaching the address. And because of his astigmatism, he has to stand right on the house's frontsteps and stick his fast right on the address stuck to the wall.

"This is the house." Kyungsoo confirms.

Before ringing the doorbell, he takes a quick look at the house's appearance. It's a small house, right at the end of a dark alleyway. It stands isolated from the rest of the neighbouring houses, it's foundation kind of poor.

There's many reason why the house in isolated, but the main reason would be that the person living in it is also isolated. Finally taking a breath, Kyungsoo rings the door bell. His big eyes crawl up once again, to meet a very familiar face. The boy standing in front of him freezes.

"Kim Jongin? You're the new criminal psychologist?" Kyungsoo stand with disbelief that fate has brought them two again.


"Do Kyungsoo? You're the Chief Investigator?" Kai cannot stop the panic, he's experiences. It's like pieces of lead were stuck in his veins. A knife is right up his throat, and he can't speak.

"Woah, fate really brought us together. We're going to be coworkers!" Kyungsoo cheer happily, the exact opposite of Kai's rendering fear. Wow, I befriended a investigator. I am so ing lucky. Kai smiles as best as he could, he would appear strange and unsympathetic. He would appear just like the break-up doctor if he doesn't.

"So, are you ready?",

"Yeah," Kai says taking a deep breath and closing the front door to his house. Kai stuffs his sweatly palms in his pockets. As they begin to walk toward the Seoul Investigation Unit building, Kyungsoo keeps his eyes on the ground.

"Hey, have you ever heard about the Missing Memory Link Case?" Kyungsoo blurts out,

"No." Kai answers. But the title of the case sure does ring a bill in his brain.

"Oh. I'll explain. So, there are more than a hundred citizens complaining about their memory. They complain about a certain part of their memory that can't be remembered. And even worse, throughout a certain number of days, they continue to forget their memories-",

"But wouldn't that just be some temporary memory loss," Kai interupts trying to stop Kyungsoo from bring up the break-up doctor.

"Well no. Not at all actually, the citizens also freak out when they hear the melody of Little Drummer Boy. They start having hysteria and psychotic episodes." Kai remains silent.

Upon hearing this, he realizes that in truth his treatment didn't go well at all. In fact, it wrecked innocent people. Instead, he made everyone turned into psychopaths. For a moment, Kai wants to feel the barrel of a gun against his forehead.

His life was screwed from the start. And in attempt to help people's hearts and feel worthy in the world, he only screwed the people's lives around him- his patients.

Self-pity swings at Kai's conscience like a baseball bat swinging for a to hit the ball. No, they're wrong. They're wrong for asking for my help anyways. They're wrong for acting like an idiot, getting their heart broken and all.

"You're awfully quiet," Kyungsoo teases snapping Kai from his own self-hatred.

"Oh, sorry. I was just... thinking... Anyways, where's your evidence?",

"It's the break-up doctor." Kai cringes at his own undercover job, now that he knows what impact he has done to his patients.

"I had a session with him actually... yesterday. Oh, boy. He didn't even realize I was acting. And I'm not even prone to that Hypnosis crap," Kyungsoo giggles. Oh, how Kai wished he could get shot by a bullet as of this moment. His legs are already feeling weak, and he doesn't think he could sustain himself longer.

"Are you okay? You look really pale," Kyungsoo is right, the tan bronze skin-tone Kai had always possesed had leaked out of his face.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks.",

"Okay. So, like I was saying, The break-up doctor didn't even know I was acting. And I even recorded the whole session. Once I can identify his identity. I can file a warrant of arrest and throw him in jail." Kyungsoo grins, certainly excited for the day the break-up doctor gets caught. Kai's stomach twists and turns,

"That sounds like something a superhero would do." He grins still managing to act normal.

"Yeah, we're here by the way."


Surely, Kyungsoo can't wait for Jongin to be his coworker. All he thinks is that they're going to have so much fun with each other. Both of them enter the meeting room, and eyes place on the new handsome criminal psychologist. This plants a seed of jealousy inside's Kyungsoo heart. The people in the room are paying more attention to Kai then him.

"Everyone, please welcome our new psychologist." The room roars with multiple claps. 

-not.edited. it's been a year since i left this story on idle enjoy the first part though

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Chapter 1: O-oh jongin. O.O
I afraid what will happen next but i hope for a happy ending. But abywy, i did laugh when i tot park chanyeol is a guy where he is a ctually a panda. Haish, kyungsoo u always being so cuute ♥♥