Fight, Fight/Wrap-up

Be Natural

Byun and Kai were wrestling on the floor, Byun winning as he pinned the idol, ready to pummel him until the others pulled him off. He didn't know how many it would take but he was sure 11 was enough to beat him down. Chanyeol wrapped his arms around the boys chest and was trying to do just that when Tikki came back into the room.

"Byun stop!" She ordered sharply.

Looking up the maknae saw his noona stomping toward him and his prey. Kai took advantage of the distraction and er punched the kid sending Byun and Chanyeol toppling over.

"Byun move!!" Tikki yelled. She was running past him as his friend Jet came into room completely focused on Kai who was now holding his pained hand. Tikki ran to confront Jet, tackling the boy, trying to stop his attack on Kai but merely able to slow him down at first. The girl was able to wrap her legs around him, with the proper leverage she heard a loud pop followed by a howl of pain.

"Let me go!" Jet grunted under her, accidently ripping her sweater as he struggled to get out of her grip. "He punched Byun!" How dare some pompous idol attack his best friend.

Even with a dislocated hip, Jet was too strong and Tikki knew that he would definitely be more than a match for any of the guys in the room. She couldn't let him go with the anger so fresh. The key was to hold on to him until the initial anger flash passed through him. "You can't fight right now, Jet. Stop struggling or I'll pop out your shoulder next." She twisted to push her foot against Jet's armpit and latched onto his wrist with both hands.

"Oh, ."

It wasn't a loud declaration but it didn't need to be as the band on Jet's wrist started blaring its alarm. The boy and girl both slacked as they turned to look at Byun. Already his body shook. His eyes rolling into his head. As one, Tikki and Jet moved to reach Byun, Jet hopping on his right leg and almost as fast as Tikki.

Tikki gathered Byun in her arms and lowered him safely to the ground, his feet tapping against the floor as the seizure took hold. Jet stuck his wallet in his friend's mouth, protecting his teeth from damage, before holding his head firmly with his hands. Tikki pinned Byun to the ground, her body weight keeping the worst of the physical damage to a minimum. Tikki tensed up as she rode out her maknae's seizure almost as if the lightening storm was in her own head.

It took maybe 5 minutes for Byun to stop twitching. Able to relax, Tikki melted against the boy before rolling off. She lay on the floor, her arm over her eyes to block out the overhead lights. A harsh sob that she had been holding back for the past few days came out. Jet lay his hand on her head just to let her know she wasn't alone. Tikki allowed herself a few seconds of distraught sadness before sitting up, wiping her face with the ruined sweater. Looking up she was surprised to see Exo staring at her little crew in shock.


Tikki and Jet sat side-by-side exhausted.

Speaking quietly in Mandarin they compared notes from the day. Jet relayed the story of Byun's first fight of the day, he over heard some students making fun of the kid who tried to kill himself the night before. Tikki and her students had spent the night searching for the mathematics major along with his professors. They found him at 4:30 a.m. just minutes before Tikki had to leave to meet Exo. Byun had held the boy's hand until the ambulance arrived and took it very personally when he heard people making fun of the boy. He held his own against the 4 students.

Now it was Tikki's turn: "Luhan and I almost threw down. Then he got to second base with me."

"Him?" Jet saw Luhan blush ferociously. Luhan did not translate that part for the other members. "Will you pop my hip back in?"

"You going to kill anyone? Tikki scooted to the other side of her second maknae.

Jet pulled his shirt off over his head, thick muscles revealed which made the guys of Exo reevaluate the short man. "As long as Byun wakes up okay, I'm okay."

Folding his shirt carefully, he placed the padding over his groin. Tikki used the padding as an anchor for her foot as she slowly pulled Jet's leg until it popped. It hurt but he didn't pass out.


Sadly, painfully Tikki got to her feet. Both her body and soul hurt. She was tired to the core.

She walked directly to Kai who tried to step away only to held in place by Chanyeol, who thought the kid needed a whipping.

"This is what is going to happen. Best case scenario: Byun blacks out the last few hours. He remembers nothing. You will not fill him in on his missing time. You will not look at him with pity. You will not call him names. You will leave him the heck alone. If he attempts to talk with you you will be polite, idol-polite. Visiting cancer kids in the hospital polite. If he apologizes, you will accept the apology and tell him it is no big deal."

The small girl seemed to grow as she made her proclamations. "If he doesn't black out: Kai will apologize to Byun. Jet will not kill Kai." She looked over her shoulder at her second maknae, who saluted her as he put his shirt back on.

"I'm not apologizing to that freaking weirdo. I didn't do anything! And I'm not afraid of you so you can go jump in the river." He tried to walk away but Tikki blocked his route. She wasn't afraid of him either.

Stone-faced and deadly serious she intoned, "Watch what you say about my friends. And you will apologize."

"He started it!"

"Byun didn't start anything. He is reactionary. You have been sniping me since I arrived, and he takes slights to my name very seriously. More seriously than I do. He hasn't lived long enough to understand that how other people, especially other people you never ever ever have to see again, think of you matters very little. What you say about me doesn't even register. I have more important things to do, better people to help, I won't waste my energy on you. And that's alright, not everyone has to make time for every other person they run into. But I tell you right now, if Byun remembers your fight, you will apologize to him. It had better sound sincere and then
you leave him the hell alone."

Kai scoffed, "Like there's anything you can do about it if I don't apologize." He stuck out his chin and looked down his nose at her.

Taking a step closer, Tikki smoothed out Kai's shirt, tiptoeing her fingers up his chest. "I'll just have to put you at the very tippy-top of the list of people I do concern myself with." With an evil smile, Tikki flicked Kai in the nose before turning her back to walk away.

Without justification, fear flooded his limbs, some small part of Kai's brain registered the threat of being the enemy of that girl and went into panic mode.


"I'm sorry about the seizure, I know it can be scary for people to watch." Byun, woken refreshed from his nap/brain spasm, apologized for the second time to Exo. He stood behind Tikki, his arms resting on her shoulders as he talked animatedly with his hands. The movements along with her lack of sleep and the excitement from the day was all making her a bit nauseous.

Grabbing his hands, Tikki kissed the back of one and told him to go sit down while they finished up the filming. Byun loped over to Jet, settling down with an arm encircling his friend. He was used to the blackouts after years of seizures what he wasn't used to was waking up in different clothes than he remembered wearing. The plaid shirt was nice though.

In a fresh yellow dress and makeup, Tikki and Exo ignored the failures of the day to film an ending to the clip.

"Unfortunately our time with Exo is almost done." Tikki made aegyo crying motions to the camera. "I hope everyone had a good time, the guys worked hard and shared more of themselves with you, I did my best to cover new ideas and bring forth new questions. We didn't have time to showcase everyone but maybe in the future there will be more competitions like the dance skills competition that I won that will afford interviews like this one."

"Our final piece of business brings us back to the beginning, Lay have you succeeded?" Tikki helped him count all the stickers covering his chest. "Yay!!! Success, I knew you would do it!" Tikki high-fived Lay.

"I'm very excited about the prize you mentioned Tikki, I really anticipate it." Lay smiled sweetly at the girl.

"Okay." She pulled out her phone and dialed while on speaker phone. "Hihi, It's Tikki, your favorite person."

The voice on the phone sounded happy to hear from her, "Miss Tikki! Lovely to hear from you. I hope that you are calling because there was a successful completion of my challenge?

"Yes Tanaka, Lay-ssi found all the stickers, he did an admirable job."

"Well then it is only fair he get the prize. Lay-ssi you can choose any school in Korea to receive $50,000 in musical instruments, donated in your name along with Exo."

Over come with the generosity of the prize, Lay flung his arms around Tikki and kissed her on the mouth. She started to return the kiss but stumbled back, caught by Luhan who kept her upright until her legs worked again.

From the phone the voice floated out, "What a minute! YiXing did the challenge? That Chinese kid you like?"

Tikki closed her eyes, "I really hate you sometimes." she mumbled into her phone.

A great burst of laughter made Tikki cringe, "You love me and you always will since I made you godmother of my babies. What the hell! YiXing because it's you and Tikki loves you sooooo much, pick a school in China as well for the same donation."

Lay couldn't believe his ears, he began jumping in place, spinning in excitement until he focused on Tikki. He ducked forward to kiss her again but instead crashed into Xiumin. Tikki had forcefully pulled da-ge in front of her to block the main dancer. One kiss was about all she could handle from the unicorn. Tikki was shoved into Luhan's arms, the back of her head smacking him in the face.

Luhan exclaimed as he started bleeding.

Tikki pinched the bridge of his nose and tipped his head back, looking into the camera she closed out the show, "Exo and I play too hard when we are together. Please support them in everything they do. I know I will." Luhan waved at the camera causing everyone to join in.

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CardGames #1
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the update