
Everything (Sequel to 'Baby Goodnight')
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A/n: I am kind of proud of this, I hope it does the previous part justice. ... anyway, Enjoy! :). XxX Also, this is longer than the last, hope it's not too long.


It was dawn and the first rays of sun were peeking through the vertical blinds and painting Kibum’s body with a golden hue. It’s been two days since Jonghyun and Key had their ‘moment’ – as Jonghyun would label it- in the kitchen and Kibum has noticed a change in his best friend that he isn’t sure what to do about.

Key POV.

I felt the cold wood below my feet as I stood up out of bed - wanting nothing more than to jump back in where it was cosy and warm. Moving towards the window; I looked out to see the sun shining off the damp pavement below and making it glitter as my mood gradually brightened for the day ahead. On my way to the bathroom to get ready I noticed Jonghyun sleeping peacefully – his head draped slightly over the edge of the mattress; lips parted and arm dangling down the side. It made me laugh; the sight of Jonghyun lying there was so comical as it looked like he was about to drool onto the floor and it looked like he only had one arm – despite how funny he looked, I was also happy because this is the first time in a while that I have seen him look so happy and at peace. I don’t know what has got into him but I hope I can try and fix it or that he will mend things for himself. I decided to stop watching him then as I remembered the age old story that; if you look at someone for too long, they will feel your eyes on them and begin to stir – so with that, I decided to make my way to the bathroom and then hopefully have some time spare to make the members some food.

Jonghyun POV.

When I woke the first thing I noticed was the slight drool on the corner of my mouth and I grimaced as I wiped it off. Rolling over I then noticed that I was the only member left sleeping and so I climbed down the ladders, my feet touching the cold floor as I dashed for the bathroom; the sudden urge to relieve myself the only thing on my mind. As I entered the bathroom I noticed Onew in front of the mirror brushing his teeth.

‘Morning Hyung’ I said, sounding slightly groggy since I hadn’t spoken yet – ‘Huuey Jshong’ Jinki replied with the toothbrush still in his mouth.

Ignoring Onew’s muffled response I made my way over to the toilet. Once I had finished, Onew was still rinsing his mouth over the sink… a comfortable silence fell on us both; a mixture of my half sleepy state and Jinki’s morning routine leaving us both manoeuvring around each other in the bathroom. After some time and both of us smelling a lot better than before; Onew spoke up

‘Hey Jonghyun can I ask you something?’

Not really paying that much attention to my surroundings; I didn’t notice how Jinki’s body language and the comfortable air suddenly changed as I replied

‘sure hyung’ followed by a non committal shrug.

‘Ah well you see, I was talking to Kibum the other day…’

at the mention of Key’s name I suddenly became interested and that’s when I realised how the atmosphere had grown a bit tense on Jinki’s part

‘… and he is worried about you, he noticed you have been a little…detatched? .. yeah… detached – from us lately and I think that he is just concerned for you, he doesn’t want you to feel overworked or stressed…’

It sounded like Onew was treading on egg shells as he spoke and I decided to cut in here.

‘Ah hyung! It’s okay, I’m not overworked or stressed … no more than usual anyway so Kibum doesn’t have to worry.’

I gave him a megawatt smile, a slightly wavering one but I smiled none the less.

‘Jjong…I know you’re not overly stressed and that is why I wanted to talk to you … Kibum didn’t ask me to speak with you but he also thinks you are distancing yourself from the whole group – but I know it isn’t the case, I may not be around very much but I know that your relationship with Minho and Taemin has not become more distant, and since we are having this conversation now, I would suggest that our relationship hasn’t changed either??’

He asked this quite bluntly as though it isn’t even a question… I knew what was coming next so I just nodded and allowed him to continue anyway.

‘So the only person who you are “distancing” yourself from is Kibum … now I don’t want to tell you what to do Jonghyun but I am suggesting that you resolve whatever issues you have with Kibum before he notices that you are only avoiding him. You of all people know that he may look strong but he is actually quite fragile, so… be careful… speak to him, settle whatever is wrong and then maybe he won’t get hurt.’

I couldn’t comprehend everything that was happening – was Jinki Hyung really so observant? Or am I just so transparent? Either way I knew I had to fix things before Kibum got hurt, but my only dilemma was that:

a.) I can’t go back to just acting like best friends with Kibum when he insists on touching me all the time – and the fact that Onew is busy a lot of the time (or out with his hyungs eating fried chicken) and 2min are busy turning horses into unicorns with their fluffy relationship; that leaves me and Kibum together all the time.

B.) I feel like telling Kibum the truth will not only leave him feeling alone because we can no longer be best friends but also hurt that I hid this from him – our relationship as best friends would be ruined and our lives would become so much more complicated than it needs to be. Eurgh, I’m getting such a headache thinking about this … maybe it will be better if Kibum just thinks I am overworked for now and I can make a decision later.

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ShipJongkey #1
Chapter 1: I loved both prequel and sequel! Good job(:
Jongkeyra #2
Chapter 1: One more sequel pretty please....
Chapter 1: Argh! Just get together already you idiots!