

Eighteen years ago — 



To : Eunbyul 


From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

What's up? :D

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

As you can see, I'm listening to teacher Park's lesson

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

yeah yeah! Tell me, what did u do yesterday?

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

like u care

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

I know what u did~~~

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

as if

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

you arrived home at around 4.56pm, you showered then started doing your homwork (and you did your englesh first) then u played on the computer and watched a drama

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

H-how do you know all that??

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

u're keeping quiet from me these days so I hired a ghost to follow u around and stalk u

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

WHAT stop talking nonsense

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

Don't believe me if you want

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

urgh, that's impossible since ghosts don't exist!!

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

u should know by now that whatever I say is the truth

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

What I am certain of is whatever you say always sound impossible, you-like-to-bluff

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

I, Choi Seunghyun, can turn the impossible into possible 

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

At merely twelve years old, how can you do that, care to explain?

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

there's nothing to explain, just accept the fact, the reality Eunbyul-ah..

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

oh gosh you're becoming dumber and dumber as years go on

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

I have never felt as confident as i am now, i'm telling u the truth

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

yeh yeh, so tell me what I did during our little break of four days a month back?

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

so on Thurday the 15th, you went out to buy a gift for ur mum and u used about 2/3 of your saved pocket money, that is to say fifteen thousands won

then you ventured in Eunbong Park with my fav dog in the world, ur dog Choco 

then for two days straight u stayed at home (most likely u hiberned like a bear) bcuz u were too tired then u realized u were sick and that u catched a cold in the park the other day bcz the weather was too cold

two days later, u went out with ur dad to get a hottoek since u were desperate and u craved for it 

and then school started again

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

what what what

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

I-I.. don't want t-to talk to-to a ghost.. w-what d-did you do to m-my Seunghyunnie?? where is h-he?

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

... I'm right here

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


That's impossible!! you, a scary g-ghost, is p-possessing himm, GET OUT !!

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

ehh, byeol-ah I said i hired a ghost to spy on u, i'm not possessed by the ghost 

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


and then..


From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

HAHAHAHA ok do as ur pleased 

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

I am serious!!

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

be careful I even know that when u brush ur teeth, ur singing H.O.T's CANDY, fangirl

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

why would i? i'm supposed to report eveything u do to my king Choi Seunghyun

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

King? pff that immature boy, a king?

and you just acknowledged that you're the ghost!!

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

if you don't bring my king to Disneyland (in the US possibly) next week, u won't be able to have privacy ever again in ur life

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

Are u kidding me

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

do i look like i'm kidding u? 

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

... I'll discuss it with my mum

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 


From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

my mum has the right to know that some weird ghost has been spying on me lately

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

u said that u were highly independant when u turned ten last year

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 


From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

Stop that Seunghyun

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

i'm the ghost

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

I clearly told that to Seunghyun when i turned ten last year

so u can't be the ghost you stupid

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

I said i am! u stated it youself

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun

You could have directly asked me instead of playing this prank

You scared me so much!!

From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

my king is telling me that he finds it funny when u are scared

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


From : Eunbyul

To : Eunbyul 

He is here, with me, both our souls are in his body

From : Seunghyun 

To : Seunghyun


From : Eunbyul



To : Hongjun hyung,

Hyung, thank you very much for your cooperation! I succeeded in scaring Eunbyul for real this time! she has been ignoring me for three days straight now, thinking that the ghost is still in me ahahahah

And she called me Seunghyunnie!! Hyung i'm so happy!!

To thank you for all the informations I got, i invite u for dinner at the ajuhmmah's food stand!! See u tonight at 8!! Bye hyung!

— Seunghyun


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