Chapter 8

His Cinderella

"Come on EunJi we have to meet Taehyung at cafeteria," I said tugging EunJi's hand motioning her to hurry up.

"It's Taehyung then," EunJi said making me stop in my tracks in confusion.

"What?" I was lost.

"You like Taehyung right?" EunJi asked smirking.

"W-what no!" I stuttering making me question myself do I like him?

"Stop lying I can see right through you we'll talk back at the Song's ne?" EunJi said pulling my arm "Didn't you say Taehyung was waiting for us at the cafeteria? Let's go then it's bad to keep people waiting chop chop," Little did they know there in the corner stood no other than Kim Taehyung smiling a smile wider than Joker's. 'Well I do like you a ton Lee Hanuel' 


"Yah! Why are you so slow?" Taehyung said standing irritated at the cafeteria door.

"Mianhae..." I said lowering my head.

"Come on then Sky, EunJi," Taehyung said nodding his head a litttle acknowledging EunJi. He led them past the other student's gazes to the Bangtan table.

"Buy your own chicken hyung!" Jungkook whined as Jimin took a huge bite of Jungkook's fried chicken.

"V hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed as he saw Taehyung.

"Sup" He greeted back.

"I see you've solved your problem without having me amd Jungkook to drag you to talk to him," Jimin said as he smirked at me.

"Y-yeah," I said shyly 

"Oh, V's friends we didn't get to introduce ourselves formally last time, come on boys," Namjoon said noticing me.

"dul, set Bang, Tan annyeonghaseyo Bangtanseonyeondan imnida!"

"I'm bangtan's leader Kim Namjoon or Rap Monster," "I'm bangtan's golden maknae Jungkook!" golden maknae? "I'm bts's eomma Jin," "Suga, swag" "I'm J-hope and I'll be your hope!" "The handsome Jimin" Seriously... 

"A-annyeonhaseyo, Lee Hanuel iminida," I introduced myself 

"Annyeong, EunJi imnida nice to meet you all!" EunJi said with confidence. Suddenly we saw a group of seven girls incuding Hye Jeong trudged towards us.

"Haneul! These are my friends AOA."

"Annyeonghaseyo Ace of Angels AOA imnida!" The girls introduced themselves. 

"We heard the truth from Hye Jeong and we kicked Jin Hee off the group already, we're sincerely sorry if we hurt you in the past but it won't happen again, we're all cool right?" Their leader Jimin said 

"Yeah we're cool," I replied feeling genuinely happy for I can come to school without worries everyday now.

"Great, let's hangout one day! We'll leave you to enjoy your meal now," ChoA said leaving to their table.

We talked and laughed happily as we ate. I finally felt that I belonged somewhere other than dead in a cold hard coffin. I was happy. I glanced at EunJi and saw her chatting with JungKook the pair seemed to enjoy each other's company really well. 'Thank You Kim Taehyung you've changed the world for me'


School was over, my happiness was immediately away from me after saying our goodbyes, me and EunJi dragged our feet back to the Song's. "Hey, what if we run away together one day?" EunJi suddenly suggested.

"W-we can't you have to support you family right? Plus where would we stay we don't have enough money to rent an apartment!" I said even though I was liking the idea logically speaking we didn't have enough money to support ourselves.

"My father already married a rich woman, but he disowned me because the woman didn't want a burden and my mother was dead two years ago... I've been wanting to tell you the whole day plus my father had a little humanity in me and sent me ten thousand dollars, which he said was for me to sustain my life," EunJi said pain evident on her face.

"S'alright Ji ah you have me, we'll plan the escape tonight, we have to finds jobs and maybe a new school too," I said quite pleased to be able to leave that place but was sorry who lost her family.After we reached the Song's place we changed into the maid uniform and started to clean. I was cleaning the living room when I heard Jin Hee and Madam Song talking.

"Eomma what if you and appa arrange a marriage with the Kims to make sure they help our company?I heard they have a son," Jin Hee said. I saw her glancing at me with an evil smirk.

"Great idea, but who will marry the heir?" Madam Song questioned

"I'll do it eomma I'll sacrifice for our company," Jin Hee faked being sad.

"Oh no, I won't let my precious baby do that, we'll marry Lee Hanuel off then the burden of her will be off our shoulders!" Madam Song exclaimed as if she though of a brilliant plan. My heart dropped when I heard the news I hid behind the drawers and continued to eavesdrop.

"Eomma you can't do that they'll think we're being rude by letting the maid marry their son I'll do it I promise I'll be fine eomma." JIn Hee sounded desperate to marry the heir was he that handsome?

"Fine.What's his name I'll get his background checked first," Madam Song sighed 

"Kim Taehyung," I was frozen with shock. Jin Hee walked past me and trudged into her room. She was doing it to get back at me.

I swallowed down my tears and continued to clean. At that time I realized my feelings for him EunJi was right I did like him, I liked him more than I expected.

After cooking dinner I took two seving back to me and EunJi's room and ate with her.

"Why are you so silent Hanuel ah?" EunJi asked with full of rice. 

"It's nothing," I said and scooped more of the kimchi jjigae and stuffed it into my mouth. I still felt like crying even when eating my favourite stew. I ate the rest of my meal in silence, unconsciously a tear glided down my cheek dampening it. EunJi put down her rice bowl and enveloped me into a bear hug.

"Just cry, I don't need to know what happened just let it out," the whole room was filled with sounds of my muffled sobs and EunJi's soothing singing.

"J-Jin Hee, i-is going to m-marry T-taehyung," I said after crying my heart out.

"What?!" EunJi said shocked. I explained Jin Hee's paln to her and she was furious.

"I-I really like him..." I confessed

"I knew it, but that not the time," EunJi said furrowing her brows thinking up a storm.

"Wait, if the Kims don't accept the proposal there's no way Jin Hee's going to marry Taehyung right?" EunJi said widening her eyes.

"Well let's just hope they don't.."

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