
Son's Anatomy

It’s finals week and there’s a sense of panic in the library, but instead of students with unkempt locks, lifeless complexion and disheveled attire, instead of students running around the building with a murderous expression upon their faces as if one false move and they’re ready for a kill at any moment, there’s a serene sensation that hits her once she stepped inside. And that makes Naeun feel even more nervous than she already did before she passed through the security detectors.


She feels sick to her stomach, a swirling commotion in the pit of her abdomen that makes her want to turn around and head back to her apartment, but she shakes the feeling off and puts on a front. She doesn’t want her peers to see her cracking through the pressure of medical school. She doesn’t need to hear dirty whispers about her behind her back on how she wouldn’t last another year. She has a lifetime goal that she wants to achieve, to prove to others that she can and that she will succeed.


The library is filled but she manages to find a table for two that’s in the corner of the library. She runs but reduces her speed into a leisurely walk because she doesn’t want to seem too eager for an empty table, but it’s the only one available so she dismisses the thought of looking like an idiot and power walks the rest of the way until she’s finally claiming the table for herself.


It’s a perfect view, she thinks, when she finally plops down into her chair and looks around. She observes her fellow students, noting how relax they all seem and she wonders if it’s only her that feels like she’s slowly dying in the inside.


She pulls out the textbooks for all of her classes that she attended this semester and piles them on top of each other to seem productive. She stares at them for a second; giving it a lot of thought on which subject she should study first. Without much more thought, she sets aside her textbook for Cell Pathology & Immunology and grabs her Biochemistry textbook and opens it up to the chapter she left off of.


Biochemistry has always been a pain. It’s hard to conquer a class that doesn’t back down without a fight, and all semester long it has been kicking her . All these words that she has to memorize, diagrams as well such as the Kreb’s cycle and the glycolysis cycle. It doesn’t seem much but unfortunately she doesn’t posses a photographic memory, which means she needs to work twice as hard than anyone else in this school.


Without notice time passes by quickly. The sun has now set and she pulls out her phone to see that it’s been hours since she entered the library. She decides it’s time for a well-deserved break from her studies.


One hour tops, she promises herself.


She grabs her laptop from her case, turns it on, and waits for it to load. She types in in the search bar and is immediately directed to the homepage.


Continue Watching for Naeun



“Finally new episodes,” Naeun huffs under her breath. She moves her finger to hover above the hyperlink and clicks it. Season 11 has been added onto the websites and Naeun lets out a loud ‘yes!’ because she’s been waiting weeks to watch the new season. She looks up to see the other study-goers are staring at her with confusion and irritations from her sudden outburst in a quiet library, but she disregard the mean looks thrown her way.  She’s too excited to start on the first episode. Once she plugs in her earphones she’s automatically in her own world.


The episode begins with a recap of last season to remind the viewers where the show lasted off. She groans in agony when the screen shows a scene with Derek and Meredith fighting because she remembers how her otp is in the middle of a downfall in their relationship.


“I miss their season 3 relationship. When they were trying to deny their personal feelings and sort them out, even when they see each other every single day because they share the same work environment. And they act as if they’re strong when in reality one false move can send them crumbling down into each other’s arms. Too much between them even I can feel it through the screen. And when they’re alone together in an elevator, I just want to grab those two and force them to kiss and make up.”


She takes out her left ear bud and notices a male student hovering behind her. He has that same dull complexion that the others around her possesses but there’s a satisfied smile upon his face that differentiates himself among the sea of unhappy students.


“You watch Grey’s Anatomy?” Naeun asks, surprised to find another person with a similar taste in American dramas. She looks around and assumes that the empty table next to hers must be where he was, and seeing the distance between them, she concludes that he can easily see what’s happening on her laptop screen.


“You kidding me? My goal is to be a successful surgeon and walk around the surgical wing with my head held high while the new interns swoon all over me calling me McDreamy, or McSteamy. Either one seems fine with me. “ He says with a smirk.


Naeun scans his feature slowly, taking in every detail before responding. He’s definitely good-looking but she refuses to feed fuel into his overly sized ego. “You sure? I would of pin you for McCreepy, you know, with you looking over my shoulder and watching what I’m currently doing and trying to start a conversation with me simultaneously.”


He lets out a hearty laugh, which was refreshing to hear in this hushed environment.


“It was hard to not notice you, especially when you shrieked out loud, disturbing my studies.” He extends his hands and motions towards his table. It’s filled with the same textbooks as her, flashcards spread out neatly in rows for easy memorizations. She looks back to his face and sees the same smile that he had on when they started talking. “But then again, it is hard to not notice you.”


“Me? Really?”


“Yes, you. Really.”


She turns her head towards the ground because she’s pretty sure this guy is trying to hit on her. It’s not as if she has a lot of experience in this department but she’s smart enough to understand his forwardness.


“Are you flirting with me?” Naeun boldly asks. She hopes she’s not turning red because that’ll ruin her tough exterior that she’s trying to go for.


“If you’re asking, then I guess I’m not doing it right.” He’s shaking his head in defeat and makes his way to the chair across her. He sits down nicely before placing his structurally shaped chin in the palm of his hands.


“That seat’s reserved.”


“I don’t think so. I’m sure you’re here by yourself. You’ve been sitting down alone here for four hours now and counting, and I don’t think anyone will be joining soon seeing that the library is closing soon.” There’s a look in his eye, a look that shows how sure he is with his accusation.


“Huh. So you have been watching me.”


“Watching? No, no. I’ve been observing you. The word watching makes me sound like a creep.” He grabs her laptop and turns it around to make it face him, alongside the earphones that she’ve set neatly on top of her keyboard. He clicks on the spacebar to press play and the episode continues to where she left off.


“And this confirms my nickname for you, McCreepy, and is there a reason for you – a stranger – to rudely snatch my laptop away.” She’s trying to contain her tough girl act but fails when she sees how serious his face turned. The corners of tugs up slightly because she’s completely dumbfounded to find herself in this situation. She looks around once again as if this stranger is a lost puppy and she’s trying to inspect her surroundings to find the owner.


She’s a second away from standing up and shouting, “whose puppy is this? He’s bothering me,” but he spoke up before she could embarrass herself again.


“You need to watch this. It’s just the first episode and it’s getting quite interesting.”

“Well maybe if you give me back my laptop and leave, I could watch it.” Naeun says sternly but with a hint of playfulness.


He pauses the episode and turns his attention to her, staring straight into her eyes. “Or, there’s another option. We can watch it together back at my place, you know, if you want to.”


“Or, wait. There’s another option, a third option. You can go home by yourself, I can go back to my apartment by myself, and we can watch season eleven of Grey’s Anatomy by ourselves. How does that sound?”


“Sounds kind of lonely,” He claims while pouting. She stares at his full lips, lulling her into a soothing sense of attraction. She shakes her head to remove any more thoughts.


“You are a stray puppy,” she mumbles to herself, picturing how insanely similar he resembles an abandon Beagle; he’s stubborn and he has those large, dark chocolate eyes that moderately hypnotizes her out of control.


“Excuse me?” He takes out one of his ear bud so he can hear clearly, but his eyes still focus on the screen.




“But if I am a stray puppy, shouldn’t you take me home?” This time his eyes are on Naeun, waiting patiently for an answer.


She scoffs at his adorable attempt but decides to play along. The day is almost over so she sees why not.


“I don’t usually like dogs. Too rowdy for my liking.” Which is untrue, she’s a dog person one hundred percent.


“Oh come on. I promise, I’ll be good.” He’s putting on his best puppy-dog face and Naeun just couldn’t resist. She breaks in and considers letting him come over her apartment.






“Yes, fine. But! There are rules: you will fetch, you will stay, and you will heel. Understand, or do I need to show you some new tricks?” She orders out, teasing the male to see if that command would frighten him away. She concludes with a smug smile.


“Deal,” he quickly responds. Mirroring the smirk on her face to show he’s not backing down from an invitation.


Naeun slaps her laptop close that made the male jump, as well as the other students around them. She quietly cleans up her possessions into her bag, stands up and heads to the entrance. She stops mid-step and turns around to the male still sitting down, confused. “Well, you coming?”


He rushes to the table he was previously occupying and collects his belongings before making his way next to Naeun.


They step out of the library, chill air striking them immediately. He notices Naeun shivering from the cold so he pulls off the jacket from his body and places upon her.


“You know, we’ve been talking for over half an hour and I still don’t know your name,” she says after a few moment of silence as they walk.


“Oh I know who you are. Naeun, right?”


“And how do you know my name, exactly?” This guy is McCreepy.


“I saw your name on your Netflix account.” The male admits.


forms a little ‘o’ when she fully comprehends. Totally understandable, but a little creepy nonetheless.


“Are you going to tell me your name or do I have to ask again, because I feel uneasy welcoming an unnamed stranger into my apartment.”


“Jongin,” he says proudly. He extends a hand for a handshake, and Naeun takes it to firmly hold. “Kim Jongin, but you can call me McDreamy.”


She lets out a mocking laugh. This guy can’t be serious. “McCreepy it is.”

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myria71 #1
Chapter 1: Nice introduction, hoping to see more author-nim...
CardGames #2
Chapter 1: Great story!
cute! i had fun reading this. thank youu! :)
Chapter 1: Mcdreamy, more like Mccreepy - I'm with you naeun lol. How important is it to catch up on new episodes of Grey's Anatomy then to study the gigantic piles of book - very important as Naeun demonstrates here lol. I loved this!~ So fun and amusing to read! thanks for writing this! :)
koala_panda #5
Please update soon