my last chance

BAD BLOOD lonely love story book 5

Jinyoung called gongchan and baro and later that day they went to see a certain someone, only to see he wasn't there.

"Don't worry, He couldn't have gone far." jinyoung said 

" But Hyung, what do we do now?" gongchan worried

" we sit and wait, right now i don't know what day would be my last but i won't let it go to waste." jinyoung said.

they left and headed back to the dorm, just as they walked in jinyoung pulled gongchan aside

" i might not get another chance to do this. you and me, my room after dark." gongchan nodded in agreement and understanding. it was dinner time and the wait was killing the two men the tension was so strong Shinwoo could feel it.
" is everything alright with you?" he said turning to jinyoung

"HUM oh, nothing i was just thinking." - about what might happen tonight-  jinyoung thought as he looked over at gongchan. gongchan just look away from him and blushed which made jinyoung smile, seeing as he loved the way gongchan got when he was shy or nervous. after dinner jinyoung walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes, gongchan slowly waked, making sure jinyoung didn't here him enter. gongchan slowly made his way behind jinyoung and that wrapped his arms around his waste instantly making jinyoung smile.

" so captain should i take a shower first or wait until after I'm wet and dirty." gongchan whispered into jinyoung's ear.

" i don't know, but what i do know is your gonna get it rough." jinyoung giggled

" oh, i like it rough, just don't tease me. you how i hate that." gongchan fused

" but you look so cute when your upset." jinyoung pouted " Ok, i won't, but you go ahead and get ready I'm almost done here, just be ready for me." gongchan smiled and did as jinyoung asked. once jinyoung had finished with the dishes he headed to the room. - this could be my last i got to make it count- he thought as he walked into the room slowly opening the door reviling a gongchan hiding beneath the blankets.

" you ready?" gongchan asked

"only if you are." jinyoung smiled.

- let the fun began-


Hey guys i hope you liked this one and i would just like to warn anyone who might be under age that the next chapter may or may not be R rated i haven't decided yet but if i do just know it might not be the chapter for you and i will also put up a warning before the chapter begans well that's all for today or night how ever you're seeing it i guess i'll see you on the next chapter . *kisses*


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