fifth three

vixx drabbles



            Hongbin sneezed again, disrupting the table and almost knocking over the glasses on it. The sneezing became coughing, and he had to scoot back from the table to try to get the hacking to stop. Sanghyuk was watching him from across the table with a face full of worry.

            “Hakyeon got you sick!”

            Hongbin coughed a few more times, clearing up his throat, before looking back up at Sanghyuk.

            “I’m fine, seriously, it’s just a cough. I’m not going to-“ His sentence broke off as another round of coughing took over, and Sanghyuk firmly set down his cup.

            “That’s it, you’re not going to class today.”

            After catching his breath again, Hongbin rolled his eyes at the other.

            “It’s not that big a deal-“

            “Yes!!! It is!!! You aren’t going to class sick, I’ll keep you here myself if I have to. My class got canceled so I won’t be missing anything. You have a weak immune system anyways, and you also might get someone else sick. End of discussion, you aren’t going to class,” Sanghyuk finished, crossing his arms and leaning back. Hongbin frowned at him.

            “Seriously, I’m fine.”

            “Where do you keep the medicine in your apartment?”


            “In the bathroom?”

            Hongbin sighed.

            “We don’t have any for coughs.”

            Sanghyuk rolled his eyes.

            “How have you even survived on your own?”

            Hongbin crossed his arms.

            “So, do you and Hakyeon have any?”

            Sanghyuk looked away.

            “No. Anyways, what that means is we have to go out and get some. Get dressed, we’ll get going.”

            “We don’t have to, I’ll be fine-“ He was cut off again by a round of violent coughing, and Sanghyuk stood up.


            Which is how they ended up at the supermarket, Hongbin sitting in the cart after much arguing, wrapped in one of their old blankets.




            “Hongbin, do you have models in your photography class?”

            Hongbin looked up from his camera screen to nod at Sanghyuk.

            “Yeah, students get paid to come sit and let all of us take photos of them to edit and to practice. Why?”

            “Do you have any models ever?”

            Hongbin narrowed his eyes.

            “Why are you asking?”

            “No reason.”

            “You wouldn’t dare-“


            Which is how Hongbin walked into class a week later to see Sanghyuk grinning at him from the center of the room, . Hongbin groaned, decisively ignoring him, and went to sit down. The class started, and Hongbin sighed and started fiddling with the settings on his camera. 

            It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen him enough times anyways, so he didn’t even look up at Sanghyuk very often (even though it was still a little hard to focus). When the class ended, and he started gathering up his things, he heard someone approach him, but he didn’t look up.


            “I’m gonna need you to put on underwear before you say anything else.”


beautiful (some angst) (sorry) (not always funny)


            "You're beautiful," Sanghyuk murmured into Hongbin's hair, legs tangled together under the thin sheet, early morning sun filtering through the blinds. It was probably too early, especially on a Saturday, but it was warm and neither of them really felt like moving. Sanghyuk isn't sure why he woke up but he's comfortable and surprisingly rested. Hongbin had already been awake, which wasn't surprising since he was almost always awake before Sanghyuk, no matter how early. Sometimes he woke up extra early just to see if he could catch him but he would always wake up to Hongbin smiling at him from across the pillow, or even find him in the kitchen making food, occasionally joined by Hakyeon who was also an early riser. But this morning he hadn't gone anywhere, instead just sleepily blinking at Sanghyuk, with a little smile, and Sanghyuk couldn't help but pull him close and savour the moment when it felt like everything was waking up and there wasn't any reason to rush.

            And Sanghyuk was pretty sure Hongbin was the most beautiful thing out there, pale skin and soft black hair that never seemed to be messed up, even when Sanghyuk twisted his hands in it and pulled Hongbin close. Hongbin was like Hakyeon; he was constantly wanting to change and dye his hair, and Sanghyuk often had to convince him not to. The black was one of his favorites, and he'd managed to get Hongbin to keep it for a while longer. The sun made it look like it shined, and Sanghyuk loved the way that the little tones of red and brown caught the light.

            He loved Hongbin's smile, especially when he wasn't being self-conscious and trying to hide his teeth and dimples (something Sanghyuk was sure he'd never understand since it was beautiful). When he laughed loud, eyes crinkling and dimples prominent, that was Sanghyuk's favorite and he was particularly happy when he was the one who caused it. Hongbin was a genuinely happy person, and Sanghyuk couldn't help but smile back at him when his face would light up. 

            Sanghyuk loves Hongbin's eyes, the dark honey brown that was so perfect for catching the sun. Hongbin was very expressive, and his eyes were just as responsive to his moods as the rest of him was. When he was surprised or shocked, his eyes would be open wide, eyebrows lifted, and when he was happy they'd curve up into perfect half-moons filled with light.

            Sanghyuk made sure to tell Hongbin that he was beautiful whenever he could. It always embarrassed him and more than half the time he would smack Sanghyuk about it, but sometimes Sanghyuk knew that he needed it. So Sanghyuk would tell him over and over again, while they were working, when he was getting dressed, when Sanghyuk was pressing kisses to his wrists, across faint scars that Hongbin never talked about.


there's a part one to "sick" that is probably neo but i haven't finished it yet so it'll show up later


i was writing beautiful and got to the end and didn't know what to do so i just stopped lmao


i have some ~y~ ones that i think i might just make a seperate story for bc i don't really want to change the rating for this one so that'll be a thing

both neo and hyukbin in that one tho




i should probably find a different way to name these chapters but oh well


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Chapter 2: 'Night thoughts' is so cute <3
Totomatoes #2


How have you been?? :<
Chapter 9: Oh maaaaaan those are so cute and fluffy and beautiful. I swear my heart was fluttering while reading all the chapters. Your characterization of hyukbin is so nice and so funny! I can perfectly picture all this. Plus, I'm a er for college!au, so this is perfect.
I'd want to read some kenvi, if that inspires you! If not, anything is fine, you did a great job so far and I trust you to share with us even greater short stories in the future!
Thank you for this!!! It makes me so happy and giddy ~
Totomatoes #4

Chapter 9: OMG I LOVE THIS!!! I also have a thing for text messages!!! I'm not sure why. Please write more neo because I LOVE NEO SO MUCH♥
Hyuk so cute, all the hyungs all gang up on him lol~~~
Totomatoes #6
mistressofsecrecy1 #7
Chapter 7: So sweet wasn't gooey sweet just perfect heart warmingly sweet :) so I'm okay with one :D yay Neo! :D thanks for writing. this!! ^_^ its okay as long as you keep writing 'cause I love how its so free and you write whatever comes to mind ^_^

thanks for the update!! ^_^