third three

vixx drabbles



            “Hey Hongbin, I have something to tell you.”

            Hongbin glanced up from his book at Sanghyuk who was sitting across from him.

            “What is it?”

            Sanghyuk pulled as his ear, grinning sheepishly.

            “I have a crush on you.”

            “Sanghyuk, we’ve been dating for a year and a half, I would hope you have at least a crush on me.”

            “Do you like me back?”


            Sanghyuk fell forward dramatically, landing on the floor with his head in one arm.

            “I knew it, I never should have asked, maybe I’ll go ask Wonshik out, I bet he’d say yes.”

            “Stop being so dramatic, he totally wouldn’t, he’s already dating Jaehwan.”

            “My love has no boundaries, Hongbin. I don’t mind sharing, especially with Jaehwan, I mean, have you seen the guy? What a fine-“

            “Of course I like you back, that’s why I said yes when you asked me out.”

            Sanghyuk grinned, sitting back up in his chair.

            “What if I asked you out again?”

            Hongbin sighed, and looked up.

            “If you keep this up, I’ll just say no. Maybe I’ll go join Taekwoon and Hakyeon, I like them better than you.” He stood up, avoiding Sanghyuk as he got up to try to chase him, maneuvering around the furniture.

            “You wouldn’t dare!”

            Hongbin dodged Sanghyuk’s hand at his arm, grinning now.

            “I’m sure they’d both say yes, Hakyeon has been eyeing me ever since you guys moved in-“

            “He has not!”

            “He totally has. I think he’s cute, he’s got a nice .”

            Sanghyuk pouted, still following Hongbin around.

            “Do you like Hakyeon’s more than you like me?”

            “It’s certainly less annoying.”

            Sanghyuk finally grabbed onto Hongbin’s arm and spun him around, pinning him against the wall.

            “Well too bad for Hakyeon’s , you’re all mine.”

            They were interrupted by the sound of a door opening down the hall.

            “What about my ?” Hakyeon’s head popped out of the doorway.

            “Nothing! Hongbin says you have a nice that’s not annoying!”

            “Oh, thanks Hongbin, you have a nice too.”

            Hongbin grinned, but Sanghyuk turned around to yell back at Hakyeon.

            “It is nice, and you can’t have it!”

            The door shut again, accompanied by Hakyeon’s laughter. Sanghyuk turned back around to face Hongbin, who was smirking at him.

            “I bet you-“

            Sanghyuk swiftly shut him up by kissing him again, keeping him pinned against the wall. It worked for a little while, until Hongbin started giggling against his lips.

            “What is it now?” Sanghyuk asked, pulling back.

            “Thinking about it now, I’d probably say yes if you asked me out again.”

            Sanghyuk rolled his eyes in a big motion.

            “Too bad, you missed your chance. I already offered the asking you out again option, and you said no.”

            “Good thing I said yes the first time then, yeah?”

            Sanghyuk grinned at him.





            “Sanghyuk, what are you doing?”

            Sanghyuk reached around Hongbin from where he was sitting behind him to press a finger to his lips.

            “Shh, just wait and see.”

            Hongbin raised his eyebrows, but stayed quiet and turned back around to face his textbook. He felt Sanghyuk’s fingers return to his back, pressing lightly through his shirt. The movements seemed kind of random, but once Sanghyuk started repeating the same pattern did Hongbin realize what he was doing.

            “Are you trying to-“

            “Just guess!” Sanghyuk was drawing letters on his back one by one.




            “A, T, M, Y, A- No, Sanghyuk.” Hongbin started to move away, only to be pulled back by his waist.

            “Come on, just stay!”

            Hongbin sighed, but went back to his previous position. 




            “Hey, Hongbin.”


            “Cosmo says that I should pretend your is a hot dog, how do you feel about that?”


            “Also that I should dress y when we go out to remind you that, quote, I’m a prize and not an appendage, end quote.”

            “Are you seriously reading the Cosmopolitan magazine???”

            “I’m supposed to act like a lioness when you’re moody, do you think that will work?”

            “What are you talking about???”

            “And a female elephant when I want to be in charge. When I’m feeling, ooh, passionate, I should be like a lemur.” Sanghyuk put down the magazine and yelled towards the kitchen. “Hongbin, I’m feeling very lemur-like right now!”

            “I’m not taking advice about our life from Cosmo!”


i just want to say

i actually did go on cosmo and looked up things for accuracy

it's a wild ride

god bless



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Chapter 2: 'Night thoughts' is so cute <3
Totomatoes #2


How have you been?? :<
Chapter 9: Oh maaaaaan those are so cute and fluffy and beautiful. I swear my heart was fluttering while reading all the chapters. Your characterization of hyukbin is so nice and so funny! I can perfectly picture all this. Plus, I'm a er for college!au, so this is perfect.
I'd want to read some kenvi, if that inspires you! If not, anything is fine, you did a great job so far and I trust you to share with us even greater short stories in the future!
Thank you for this!!! It makes me so happy and giddy ~
Totomatoes #4

Chapter 9: OMG I LOVE THIS!!! I also have a thing for text messages!!! I'm not sure why. Please write more neo because I LOVE NEO SO MUCH♥
Hyuk so cute, all the hyungs all gang up on him lol~~~
Totomatoes #6
mistressofsecrecy1 #7
Chapter 7: So sweet wasn't gooey sweet just perfect heart warmingly sweet :) so I'm okay with one :D yay Neo! :D thanks for writing. this!! ^_^ its okay as long as you keep writing 'cause I love how its so free and you write whatever comes to mind ^_^

thanks for the update!! ^_^