2/2 - I Want To Know You, Babe


I'm feeling too lazy to fully reread all of this because it's super long (but not as long as the first part), so hopefully there are very few if any mistakes. This is pretty much a long-winded excuse for them to kiss a lot. Enjoy~




Mornings have never been Myungsoo's favorite time of day. He's not a fan of the bright sunlight or forcing himself awake, preferring sleeping in and letting his body decide when it's time to wake up. Obviously, this hasn't been a very beneficial habit to have.

But he finds himself waking up in the best mood of his life. He's actually happy to open his eyes. The sunlight streaming in through his windows doesn't feel as harsh and he even sits up and stretches without hesitation. It's all because of the night he'd had. (And maybe a little bit because it's his day off.) Sungyeol had walked him all the way up to his door and given him a long goodnight kiss. He smiles as he thinks about it, doing a more reserved version of his happy dance.

Feeling energized despite not having even eaten yet, Myungsoo hops out of bed and heads to the bathroom. After he washes up he goes to the kitchen to contemplate his breakfast choices. Hoya's sitting at the tiny table they have squished into a corner of the equally tiny kitchen when he walks in.

"What time did you get in," he asks, looking up from his bowl of cereal.

Myungsoo opens the fridge and stares at its contents. There's a carton of eggs with exactly one egg left, less than half a gallon of milk, a lemon for some strange reason (when did either of them need a lemon?), and some leftover take-out from a couple days ago. Cereal is probably the only good option. They really need to do some shopping. "I have no idea," he answers honestly. The last thing on his mind last night was checking the time. He had floated into the apartment, buoyed by the excitement running through his veins, and went straight to bed. He might have replayed the night a couple hundred times before falling asleep.

"So it was good?"

Myungsoo joins Hoya at the table with a bowl, a spoon, a box of cereal (one that's meant for kids, but he prefers it over the grossly healthy stuff his roommate likes to eat), and the milk. "It wasn't terrible." He sets about fixing his breakfast while Hoya watches him from across the table, waiting for him to elaborate. "His friends kind of crashed it," he continues. "But it was fun. And he kissed me." He adds the last part quietly, leaving out exactly how many times they kissed.

Hoya takes in the information with a nod. "Does that mean he's serious?" His face is carefully blank and Myungsoo can tell he's trying not to seem as concerned as he really is. He doesn't say it (because he's too awkward for the words to come out right), but Myungsoo knows his friend cares about him and wants him to be happy.

"I think so," the younger man answers. Hoya's just looking out for him, making sure that he doesn't get hurt, and he understands why. Of course if things didn't work out with Sungyeol (or more importantly, if Sungyeol were to break his heart), Myungsoo knows Hoya would offer him a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. But, like the protective older brother Myungsoo sometimes feels he is, Hoya wants to make sure that it doesn't come to that.

Myungsoo is almost completely sure things will work out with Sungyeol, that they have something. There's still a nagging part of his mind that isn't so sure. It wonders if the actor's intentions are entirely pure or if he's just a pretty face for Sungyeol to play with until he gets bored. And even though he's never once gotten that impression from the other man, there's still a part of him that thinks Sungyeol could really think of him like that. A lot of his worries are eased when he thinks about the way Sungyeol acts around him. His words aren't especially smooth and he looks at Myungsoo with something between fascination and attraction. It's flattering for obvious reasons, but also reassuring because Myungsoo can tell that he's sincere.

"Do you want me to bring him over so you can make sure?" Myungsoo's only half-joking. He really would do it if Hoya wanted him to. His roommate's approval of a potential boyfriend is important to him. Even if he doesn't usually need it since he rarely goes out with anyone.

Hoya snorts into his bowl as he sips the leftover milk. "I'm literally a year older than you. You make it sound like you're introducing him to your parents. Though, I guess I'd probably scare him away even if he really was serious." Myungsoo laughs with him, not refuting the claim. "You don't have to bring him over just yet," the older man continues. "But if Dongwoo likes him I'm sure it'll be fine."

The conversation ends there as they both finish their cereal. Myungsoo ends up washing the dishes, but only because he offers to do them and Hoya doesn't fight him on it. The rest of the morning is spent slouched on the couch in front of the TV. Myungsoo spends most of that time picking up and putting down his phone. He's not really expecting a call or anything from Sungyeol. The actor doesn't have much free time on his hands what with shooting his drama and other TV appearances and whatever other obligations come with being a celebrity. It's more like Myungsoo's trying to decide if he should reach out first.

Hoya eventually notices his dilemma and makes the decision for him. He takes the younger man's phone from him and sends a short text to Sungyeol before handing it back. Myungsoo panics despite the innocuous (and true) message. He doesn't know what kind of response to expect from the actor, but his worrying turns out to be unnecessary. His phone buzzes a couple minutes later with a message from Sungyeol. He hesitates to look at it at first even though he knows there’s no need to be nervous. It’s not until Hoya threatens to read the message for him that he finally opens it. The text puts a smile on his face as he reads it and he gives a silent thanks to his roommate for helping him.


To: Lee Sungyeol

I had a great time yesterday


From: Lee Sungyeol

Me too. I’m still waiting for the do-over though.






Dating a celebrity turns out to be a lot easier than Myungsoo had thought it would be. Of course, their dates are mainly late-night meals at Mrs. Nam's restaurant and clandestine meet-ups in the staircases of the broadcast station when they should both be working. But the more Myungsoo gets to know Sungyeol, the more he sees what a normal person he is and the more he falls for him. There are so many things about Sungyeol that watching his work and reading his interviews and hearing gossip about him just don't do justice. Being with him and experiencing the natural, relaxed side of Lee Sungyeol has given Myungsoo a better understanding of the actor. And even knowing what he does now about him, he still wonders what Sungyeol finds so interesting about him. Dongwoo tells him he shouldn't be so tough on himself, that he's an amazing person that anyone would be lucky just to know. And Hoya agrees with him—although his support is more along the lines of "what's so great about Lee Sungyeol that you don't think you could date him?"

The actor also seems to have caught onto Myungsoo's doubts. He never misses an opportunity to tell the younger man that he missed him or was thinking about him or just that he likes him. And Myungsoo is always happy to hear the words. They make his heart flutter as much as Sungyeol's smile. Or Sungyeol in general.

And now, sitting at a table with Sungyeol and a bunch of other actors and staff members from the actor's drama, he feels it even more. It's not so much because of where they are, but the fact that he's there with Sungyeol. If he had still been looking for something to show him that the other really was serious then this would be it. Maybe he's reading too much into it, but Sungyeol inviting him to the celebratory dinner for the end of his drama feels like a statement. Not a public one since they label each other as friends when asked. More like a private statement meant only for Myungsoo. One that says Sungyeol wants to include him in this because he wants Myungsoo to be a more permanent part of his life. Myungsoo's still waiting for the right moment to ask Sungyeol to be his boyfriend. But that mostly means he's waiting for the actor to beat him to the punch. And this dinner has probably brought them another step closer to it. (Myungsoo's sure the other will say the words first.)

Sungyeol's hand passes briefly over his thigh, giving it a slight squeeze, and brings the younger man back to the current setting. They're sitting at one end of a long table where one of the actors is talking about the first time they read the script for the last episode. Normally Myungsoo would be listening intently, his overwhelming curiosity outweighing the promise he'd made with himself (and Hoya) to avoid having the conclusion of the drama spoiled. But he's not really hearing any of the talking going on around him. Maybe it's the couple of drinks he's had already that are making his mind fuzzy and causing him to zone out more frequently than he usually does.

"We can leave if you want," Sungyeol says as he leans over to speak into the intern's ear. Concern is etched into his face, pulling his mouth down into a frown. Myungsoo fights back the urge to reach out and push up the corners of the other's lips to change it to a smile. He also has to resist pressing his nose to the exposed skin of Sungyeol's neck and inhaling the scent of his cologne. Being somewhere between tipsy and drunk seems to make it harder for him to control his overly affectionate nature.

"Don't they need you here?" Myungsoo does want to go, but he's willing to stay a bit longer for Sungyeol's sake.

Sungyeol shakes his head, leaning just a fraction closer. "They'll be fine without me. Let me take you home, okay?" He doesn't wait for the other's response and instead stands up from the table. A couple heads turn in his direction when he does, including Woohyun's in the seat next to him. He excuses himself and brings Myungsoo to his feet with a hand on his elbow as he explains his reason for leaving. The intern doesn't have much to say, only smiling at the staff who bid him goodnight. He wouldn't say he's drunk, but it probably would be a good idea to call it a night.

His head clears a little once they get outside. He takes deep breaths of fresh air as if that'll make him sober faster. Sungyeol keeps a purposefully respectable distance from him as they walk down a few busy streets towards the nearest train station. His arm snakes around Myungsoo's waist once they turn down a side street that's not as well-lit. They continue walking in silence for another block with Myungsoo leaning more and more of his weight on Sungyeol. Eventually, the actor has to steer them over to an alleyway close-by. He leans Myungsoo on the wall of a building and tilts his face up to get a better look at it. A streetlight shows him the younger man smiling up at him.

"How much did you drink exactly?" He sounds amused, like he's holding back laughter.

Myungsoo wraps his arms around the other man's waist and buries his face in his chest. He breathes deeply a couple times as he finally gets to indulge his (mostly) drunken whims. "Just a little," he mumbles into Sungyeol's shirt. A button is pressing into his cheek, but he doesn't really care.

"You're not usually so..." The actor trails off when the other starts to purr (can humans even do that?) and push his face further into his chest. "Maybe I should just call a taxi."

Myungsoo tightens his hold on Sungyeol as he lets out a whimper he'll be embarrassed about later. "No. I want to ride the train with you." He picks his head up to look at the older man. "It's our thing." Which is true. Myungsoo doesn't know what he does afterwards, but Sungyeol always rides the train with him and then walks him to his door. It's a sweet gesture that the younger man has grown fond of after two months of their secretive dating.

Sungyeol's wide eyes look down at him. The hand he has under Myungsoo's chin slides down to rest on the back of his neck. "We have a thing?" If Myungsoo was thinking clearly he'd probably recognize the nervous tremor in the other's voice. But instead he just nods and smiles. Sungyeol doesn't have anything to say to that, or maybe he's too flustered to get the words out. He loosens Myungsoo's arms from around him and leads him back onto the sidewalk. The younger man follows him obediently, not leaning on him as much as before.

There's a bit of a crowd when they get to the station since they're not out as late as usual. Although he's dressed down and not wearing any make-up, Sungyeol still keeps his head down. He's been getting recognized more often as his drama wraps up. He usually brushes it off, but Myungsoo can tell he's happy for the attention.

The trip back to Myungsoo's apartment is quick and uneventful. The intern manages to control his need to touch, settling for entwining their pinky fingers where their hands are resting on the seat between them. Sungyeol has to bite back his smile. It feels like no time at all that they're standing at the entrance to the building. And so starts their awkward back-and-forth of goodbyes. (As many times as they've been in this position, it's still the same as the first time.) Sungyeol leans in to press a soft kiss to Myungsoo's lips and the other responds easily. He wraps his arms around the actor's neck to bring him closer, opening his mouth to deepen the kiss. And Sungyeol lets him. They kiss for a little longer than they probably should considering they're still standing outside. Myungsoo pulls away first, panting slightly.

He thinks he's only a little drunk when he asks, "Do you want to come up?"

There's a flash of something in Sungyeol's eyes that he can't see well enough to recognize. When it passes the older man's expression is hesitant. "Won't Hoya be there?" More than the weirdness of bringing a date up to a shared apartment, there's the fact that the actor hasn't formally met Myungsoo's roommate. He's heard about him from the younger man (and, of course, Hoya's heard a good amount about him), but hasn't gotten around to meeting face-to-face. Myungsoo suspects it's because he's still intimidated by the first impression Hoya left when they'd spoken on the phone. Sungyeol denies it, though.

"Sometimes having a roommate works out for everyone." The alcohol in his system is probably to blame for the outright flirtatious tone to his words. He takes one of Sungyeol's hands and starts to lead him inside. "Hoya's spending the night at his girlfriend's place." (His roommate would say that it's too early in their relationship to use that label, but Myungsoo can already tell that's where they're headed.)

Sungyeol gets past the glass doors of the building before he finds another reason why this might not be a good idea. His shoes squeak on the floor of the lobby as he digs his heels in to slow down Myungsoo's determined steps. "Maybe we shouldn't..." Myungsoo turns to look at him, confused. "You had a lot to drink," he explains, "I don't want you to do anything you might regret."

"I won't," the younger man assures him. He feels the most sober he's felt since they left the party. "If it makes you feel more comfortable we don't even have to do anything."

"Yeah, I guess we could—wait, you mean, like, nothing at all?"

Myungsoo laughs at the way Sungyeol's face turns completely serious, his eyebrows knitted with worry. "We can kiss if you want," he appeases the actor. He pulls lightly at the hand that he's still holding in an attempt to get them walking again. It doesn't work.

Sungyeol looks away as he rubs at the blush on one of his cheeks. "I guess that could work."

Myungsoo laughs again at the other's cuteness and finally gets him moving with another tug on his hand. He keeps a good distance between the two of them when they get on the elevator, all too aware of the camera fixed on them. His caution seems to be unnecessary as Sungyeol proves he has perfect self-control. From the elevator to getting into the apartment, the actor keeps his hands to himself. He makes sure Myungsoo drinks a whole glass of water and that he's comfortable and feeling okay. He even puts space between them when they're sitting on the couch with the TV playing something neither of them can be bothered trying to name. The room is dark except for the light from the TV.

Just as Myungsoo starts to wonder if Sungyeol's changed his mind, the actor turns to face him. "There's something I should tell you before we..." He doesn't meet Myungsoo's eyes, focusing on a spot just behind him. Fear and worry swirl together in his gut as Myungsoo waits silently for the other to continue. "You'll hear it tomorrow, but I want you to hear it from me first." He clears his throat before finally announcing, "I got a part in a movie."

The relief that washes over Myungsoo leaves him speechless for a moment. He had thought he would be hearing horrible, or at least heartbreaking, news. This is so much better. "That's great," he smiles. "For a second I thought it would be bad news, but this is, like, the best. I'm so happy for you." His enthusiasm doesn't seem to be contagious as Sungyeol still won't look at him. "Shouldn't you be happy, too?"

The actor lets out a heavy sigh, turning to face the TV but not actually looking at it. "I am. It's just... I'll have to leave in a couple weeks. And I know we're not necessarily together, but I really like you. Like, more than I've liked anyone in a really long time. So it kinda to have to go just when we're getting to know each other."

Myungsoo moves over to Sungyeol's side of the couch. "I'll still be here when you come back," he promises. "If you want me to be." He had known what he was getting himself into when he'd agreed to go out with the older man. Sungyeol is a rising star; it's a given that he'll be offered bigger and better things as he gets more popular. Myungsoo's happy for it because Sungyeol deserves all of his success. His only selfish wish is that the other will let him be by his side as he continues on in his career. Because he doesn't think there's anything he enjoys more than seeing Sungyeol immersed in his acting. The actor's commitment is probably his most attractive point in Myungsoo's opinion.

"I wouldn't want you to miss out on anything because of me."

"I really like you, too," Myungsoo admits. "A lot. And I can—no, I want to wait for you." Sungyeol finally looks over at him, the light from the TV making his eyes shine. He's silent for a beat before leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of Myungsoo's lips. It feels like an okay; like the other is saying that he wants to be together too and he's willing to wait for it. So Myungsoo kisses the side of Sungyeol's mouth as well, sealing the deal in a way, and then he goes for his lips.

From there they end up stretched across the couch, tangled up in each other. Myungsoo doesn't think the novelty of kissing Sungyeol will ever wear off. Not that he would want it to, either. That could explain why it takes a good ten minutes before he can bring himself to take more than a couple seconds' of breaths in between kisses. He basks in the sight of Sungyeol next to him, breathing as heavily as he is and looking even more gorgeous than before.

"What?" Sungyeol asks when Myungsoo only stares at him. He looks both nervous and excited with a smile playing at his lips.

Almost automatically, the younger man's hand comes up to brush across his cheek. He gives a small shake of his head as he says, "Nothing." Somehow that's enough of an answer for Sungyeol. He leans in to connect their mouths and Myungsoo gets lost again in the addictive thrill of kissing Sungyeol. It's hard to tell how long they stay like that, making out on the couch and washed in the glow of late-night television. It's even harder to tell exactly when they doze off in each other's arms. But as Myungsoo slowly wakes up the next morning, the thought that he could get used to this flits through his sleepy mind and makes his chest feel light. The feeling only lasts for a few seconds, though, because he opens his eyes to find Hoya looming over the couch. Unfortunately for Sungyeol that leads to a rather rude awakening with the floor thanks to the frightened scream Myungsoo lets out.






In the two weeks leading up to Sungyeol's departure he and Myungsoo continue their unorthodox dating routine. They both realize that their relationship doesn't have to be put on hold just because they won't be in the same country for a couple of months. So they decide to go the long-distance route. It doesn't make saying goodbye any easier, though. Especially when it's only over the phone because Sungyeol's manager won't let him go out with such an important schedule coming up. Their words come out wistfully as they make promises to send messages and pictures as often as possible.

The first week or so has Myungsoo feeling a little lost. He only hears from Sungyeol a few times as the actor is too busy filming to do more than send a quick (but sweet; always sweet) text or chat for five minutes. It leaves him with more free time than he thought he had. His nights become restless, having spent enough of them awake with Sungyeol that going to sleep has lost its appeal.

He makes sure his work doesn't suffer, though. It's just an internship, but he still has a chance of getting hired at the end of it. His co-workers do notice that there's something off with him. Surprisingly, Sunggyu is the first one to bring it up. He takes Myungsoo aside one day to "have a word" with him. The intern considers those four minutes and thirty-five seconds the most excruciating four minutes and thirty-five seconds of his life. His conversation (more like interrogation) with Jiae and Sujeong is a bit less weird.

Ever the reliable close friend and roommate, Hoya tries his best to comfort Myungsoo after Sungyeol leaves. Because he's somehow come to believe that Myungsoo is in dire need of a friend. The younger man doesn't have it in him to tell the other that he's doing fine; that he’s not so fragile that he’ll break without Sungyeol. Even when Hoya's efforts mean random stiff hugs while Myungsoo's doing the dishes or a shoulder for Myungsoo to rest his head on as they watch TV. It's almost too awkward to bear, but Myungsoo does so because he knows his friend means well. (Plus, there's also free ice cream and he's not one to pass up free ice cream.) He appreciates Hoya's concern, but doesn't let it take precedence over everything else. Hoya does have a girlfriend after all. Myungsoo would hate to see it ruined because his friend isn't giving the relationship the attention it deserves. So, he lets Hoya fuss over him in his painfully awkward (and bumbling) way, but also makes sure his roommate spends time with his girlfriend. (He’s sure Heeyeon appreciates it.)

All in all, Myungsoo thinks he handles the separation pretty well. Since he and Sungyeol are only at the start of their relationship, he considers it a warm-up for the times to come when the actor lands roles that take him across the country or even the world. Practice of sorts for when he's grown more attached to Sungyeol and not being close to him feels like a bigger loss than it currently does. He's more than happy when the end of the two months rolls around, though. It's surprising how much he's missed Sungyeol; how badly hearing his voice over the phone makes Myungsoo want to see his face on the pillow next to him; how frequently reading a message from him fills Myungsoo with a longing he can't do anything about. The clichéd line of absence making the heart grow fonder passes through his mind in those instances. It seems fitting, though, because his feelings for Sungyeol have definitely grown while they've been apart. And now he can't wait to show it to the actor once he returns.

Myungsoo comes home from the station ready to relay the good news to Hoya when he notices an unfamiliar pair of shoes by the door. He doesn't think anything of it besides that his friend must have bought himself a new pair. "Hoya," he calls out as he toes off his own shoes. There's no reply, but he continues anyway. "Did you buy those sneakers or were they a gift from Heeyeon? They don't really seem like your style, though." He has a small smile on his face that slips when he enters the empty living room. With the TV off the whole apartment is completely silent. He leaves the living room, passes the kitchen and bathroom (both empty), and stops in front of Hoya's bedroom. His roommate has been good about not intentionally scaring the crap out of him since Sungyeol left, but Myungsoo's still on guard.

"Hoya," he calls again with his hand on the door handle. He waits a second before slowly opening the door. The breath he'd been holding comes out in a long sigh as he takes in the sight of the fourth empty room in the apartment. The late afternoon sunlight shines onto Hoya's untouched bed. Myungsoo's relief is short-lived, though, when he remembers that there's still one more room in which his roommate could be hiding. He approaches his room full of apprehension, but decides to just get it over with and swings the door open as soon as he reaches it.

Hoya is nowhere to be found in Myungsoo's room, but instead the younger man finds the absolutely last person he would have expected to be waiting for him. He stands frozen in surprise in the doorway as he watches Sungyeol (his Sungyeol, he thinks breathlessly) rise from his seat on the edge of the bed.

"Surprise." Sungyeol smiles shyly at him and holds out a little white-furred teddy bear. Myungsoo hadn't even noticed it. "Can you please say something," the actor asks when the younger man only stares at him.

That snaps the intern out of his shock. He finally steps into the room and closer to Sungyeol. "You said next week." His lips feel too stiff to form the words properly, but they must come out fine because Sungyeol's smile turns cheeky.

"Well, you see, sometimes when you plan a surprise there's something called a diversion—" He doesn't get to finish his wisecrack as Myungsoo closes the distance between them and connects their lips. The younger man holds Sungyeol's face in his hands with a gentleness that's at odds with the almost rough slide of his mouth against the other’s. He's been waiting so long to do that.

Of course, that's when a thought occurs to him that he immediately has to voice. He breaks their kiss to look up at Sungyeol. "I really missed you."

Sungyeol's dumbfounded expression melts at the words. "I missed you, too," he says, wrapping his arms around the younger man.

Myungsoo hides the blush on his cheeks by resting his head on Sungyeol's chest. "So who else was in on this anyway," he asks. He feels like the shy fanboy he had been when they first met. Especially with the way his stomach is flipping like crazy. It's kind of embarrassing, actually.

"Just Dongwoo and Hoya." The actor's chin rests lightly on the top of his head. "I wasn't sure if Dongwoo would be able to keep it a secret, though." Myungsoo smiles against Sungyeol's shirt. That explains why Dongwoo had been so nice to him at work. The other is always nice, but he'd really outdone himself. Even though they don't normally run into each other, the shorter man practically became Myungsoo's shadow.

Sungyeol's chest heaves as he takes a deep breath. "If you find anything I'm about to say incredibly cheesy, it's all Woohyun's fault," he warns. "Well, any cheesiness at all you can blame on Woohyun." Myungsoo picks his head up to look at him, the smile still on his face. He thinks he knows what the actor might want to say, but he'd rather hear it directly from him. "I know we've spent a lot of time together the past few months, going on dates and stuff. And it's been fun getting to know you...and falling for you." Sungyeol doesn't look away as he says the words so Myungsoo doesn't either. The actor sounds sincere and not the least bit awkward or embarrassed. "It's not going to be easy, but I was wondering—hoping, I guess, that you would..." Sungyeol lets the sentence hang unfinished and takes a step back. Still holding the teddy bear, he puts the paws together so Myungsoo can read the words sewn into them. The right paw says "be" on it while the left says "mine".

Myungsoo's smile is wide enough to split his face in half. It probably wouldn't have mattered how Sungyeol went about confessing to him, but this is definitely the cutest way. He makes a mental note to thank Woohyun the next time he sees him. (Probably just a hug or a handshake, though; Dongwoo hadn't seemed to appreciate a kiss.) He accepts the bear from Sungyeol and hugs it to himself. "Do you even have to ask," he asks with a slight tilt of his head.

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Things are finally moving again, so it might take maybe another week to finish the second part. (I hope.)


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Chapter 3: Omg my cheeks hurts from all that smiling like an idiot I did throughout reading the whole fic! This is so adorable! Unnie you are the best!
dontworryandcomeback #2
Chapter 3: This is freaking adorable~~~ >< the way u portrayed them is so cute hee~




Chapter 3: Aww their relationship is so sweet and adorable!!!
Chapter 1: So far, it is very cute and I like how they met. Myungsoo makes a very cute fanboy XD
mowmow33 #6
Chapter 3: Cute cute cute cute~!>w< i need a sequel

Sequel sequel sequel~ ^^
Chapter 3: This is soooo sweeeet argh ahaaahahha moreee sequel juseyooo~~
Chapter 3: Aww so sweet >< thank you for sweet ending~
Chapter 3: aww sweeet~