chapter 4

My Forgotten Life, Flashback!
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Mi Ji’s POV

I was in rooftop of the school building, and then I saw two girls standing and facing each other. They were looking at each other with very serious expression, one of the girl was crying “Why are you doing this to me?”.

The other girl, had smirk on her face “Really don’t you know the reason or you’re pretending. I am doing this because I hate you and don’t want to see your ugly face again”

My eyes widened when I saw the girls face, the girl who was smirking and smiling was none other than me. I was smiling at the poor and helpless girl’s situation.

Crying girl falls on her knees and pleads “Please don’t do this, have mercy on me. I’ll die, it will ruin my life, and my future will be destroyed”

I look at the scene confusingly, a poor girl was crying in front of me and I seem to enjoy it.

The smirk vanishes from other me and smiles widely “Wow! It feels good” but it soon fades away and other me shouts “Beg to me, fall on your knees, beg to me you witch”. The girl cries continuously, I walk towards me to stop myself from doing such cruel thing “What are you doing? Stop it”.

I walk and walk but couldn’t reach them, my pace becomes faster and I try to reach out by putting my hand forward. But the scene in front of me starts to blur out and soon everything becomes dark, I shout “Wait”.  I wake up from bed with sweat all over my forehead, then realization strikes me it was a dream but it seemed so real. After that dream I couldn’t go back to sleep, it was frightening and thoughts of seeing it back was horrible.  This kind of dream which seemed very connected to me like its real had always haunted me and nowadays it happens very often. Whole night I spend by thinking about it, whether it was just a simple night dream or incident in past. The doctor also told me that I might see some incidents which are part of my memory in my dream and it will occur like real life show. After staying awake whole night, it was finally morning means my daily life begins again. It was early morning and I got ready for school very early so there was more than hour left for classes to begin. But I thought heading in school early will be good, as I will get some extra time in school without interference from students and bullies.   When I went downstairs and entered in kitchen, maids were cooking the breakfast. They looked nervous seeing me early in morning “Do you need anything Miss?”. I nodded in reply “I just wanted some fruit” then one of the maid opens up the fridge and hands me some fresh fruit. I take an apple and give a big bite; I walk towards the door for heading outside. After walking outside, I thought to take the bus. Inside bus there were less people, so I sat quietly in corner seat. When I reach the school there were no students, there was one hour left for the classes to start. I walk slowly in hallway it was so peaceful with no one to comment and bully me, I inserted the headphone in my ears for a good song to sooth myself. Soon I was drifting in the music not caring about the surrounding, but then someone bumps into me causing me to stumble. I look at the person and shrugs my shoulders, what can you expect “Yah Myungsoo can’t you walk properly, always bumping into others”  He chortles lightly “Yes, just the op
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taeyeonlover #1
Chapter 3: i am curious about the accident!? Suzy is a good sis <3
update soon!!
taeyeonlover #2
Chapter 1: wow your fanfic is good sis. hahahaha i didn't know you could write so well xd ^^ love it!!!
Isoya_Asuka9574 #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon!!!:3~ It's pretty good so far, want to know what happened to Mi Ji!!!:3~