
To Claim Dat Roof




When the teacher finally dismissed the class, releasing his students from an endless torture of suffering and senseless work just like the essay they had written a moment ago, Bobby slowly came back to mind from the comfortable slumber he'd took. Even though the huge English dictionary wasn't the softest object to be misused as a pillow he'd fully enjoyed the last hour he was busy gaining new energy. It wasn't that Bobby hated the English lesson, not even the slightest. Since he'd used to live in the US for some years when he was younger he even was considered as the best student among their English class. Maybe this was the reason why it was so endless boring, or maybe it just was because school was always boring or maybe because of his English teacher Gordon Choi, a native American who looked older than Bobby's overly loved great-great-aunt Hana. Bobby shortly over his upper lip as he thought off all the delicious stuff she would cook whenever he visited her house. And the cookies she always sent him along with a new snapback or sneakers once a month. Since she lived at the other side of the country it was her way to show affection towards her nephew. And Bobby totally appreciated that. Especially the last package where he didn't only get the most delicious chocolate-crisp cookies he'd ever eaten but also the expensive Jordans his mum always had refused to buy.


Bobby didn't feel bad for his auntie, not even  a little bit, that she spent so much money to buy him presents and so much time for baking. At least Bobby gave her something in return. Whenever he visited her he fixed broken things at her house, helped her in  the garden and he even allowed her to hug him twice (!), one time when he arrived and again before he'd leave.


Even though Bobby loved his aunt, also when he refused to say that out loud, he kept it as his darkest secret. Because in school, Bobby was known to be one of the school's gangster. Well he wasn't a bad guy actually, to be honest he didn't even know why people would fear him in first place. Maybe he looked a bit scary with the cold expression even remaining on his face when he was happy and the fact that his language was a bit foul. But hey, it wasn't his own fault! When all those rappers wouldn't use so many bad words, Bobby probably would've never known them.

Normally people wouldn't talk to him, neither his classmates nor his teachers. Nobody would try to talk about his bad behavior in class, meaning that he would take a nap in at least one lesson a day and never cared to pay attention. He knew the girls were secretly drooling over him, everyone knew they were totally into bad guys, but never even one of them dared to talk to him. Only Bobby's few buddies had the guts to entertain the boy, to actually chatter with him  and to even visit him at home or accompany him to the basketball matches he watched now and then.


Maybe you could consider Bobby as popular, still there weren't much people he talked with. But he had nearly 700 followers on instagram and that when he only barely uploaded pictures, mostly of his shoes or caps or sometimes even of  his cookies. There was also a selca to be found on his account, something he'd tried once and definitely wouldn't do again. Bobby hated photos of himself. And what he hated even more was to follow some stupid hypes teenage girls got crazy about. Selcas. Or even weirder called Selfies. If you take pictures of yourself, fine but why giving it an idiotic name?

Bobby had never liked all those mainstream crap, and probably he never will. What's great about being like all the other students?

That maybe was a reason why he also refused to eat his lunch in the school's canteen. The place where all students head to during break, a crowded and noisy place Bobby really couldn't stand.


It was an open secret that every day at lunch break Bobby would sneak up the stairs to the school's roof. The plain place with only one old wooden bench and otherwise complete emptiness, the place where he always went to eat, or sometimes even when he dumped classes. Nobody dared to show up there, not after Bobby had threaten a student once when he happened to be up there at the same time. Well, looking back Bobby may even feel a little bit sorry for scaring the freshman back then. But on the other hand it was pleasurable for him to have the roof all alone. To be able to eat lunch in peace, without cheering girls and guffawing males around. At that time he was alone and could think of things Bobbies would think about, like the latest basketball matches or the new snapbacks he definitely had to buy.


As every other day, Bobby was climbing up the stairs to his roof. He was already excited at the mere thought of the tasty cookies his mother had put into his lunchbox today and - yep, Bobby gladly accepted the fact that his mum made him a lunchbox everyday although he would be embarrassed if anyone knew and yep again, he was totally crazy about cookies. Chocolate was his favorite flavor, closely followed by peanut.

Bobby quietly giggled when his stomach suddenly growled, seemingly also excited about all the tasty food he'd scoff very soon.


With a firm push he opened the heavy door as soon as he reached the ultimate level of the school and stepped out onto the roof. Pleasant fresh air whirled around his body, made him shiver slightly when he stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles. Though it was a bit cold up there, Bobby was totally fine with  the weather. He exhaled a deep breath and started to happily hum some melody as he spun around to the bench he always settled down on - and completely froze in his spot.


On his usually empty bench, where no one ever dared to sit down especially when Bobby was near, sat a young male and eyed him in surprised. Soft brown hair covered his forehead, made him look at least five years younger while one of his hands hold chopsticks dug into his lunchbox, his other hand tightly clutched around the red plastic box. Bobby could literally feel his mouth fell agape when their eyes met. It was unbelievable, how could someone ever dare to steal his place on his roof?


It took him a short moment to regain his mind before he stomped over to the unfamiliar boy, his backpack hanging loosely from his right shoulder, already open and ready to get the lunchbox out.

"Whatcha freakin' doin' here, Bastard?" Bobby asked casually but couldn't suppress the slight hint of anger in his voice. He was really hungry by now and had not the slightest interest in dealing with brave people who were about to disturb his peaceful break and turn it into a not so peaceful one.


"What do you mean? I'm eating my lunch," came back the slightly irritated answer of the brown-haired male.


Bobby couldn't really consider if the boy was really that innocent like he acted with his round eyes and that pouty lips or if he was just being rude. But actually Bobby didn't really care. He was  hungry now and didn't want to have to deal with the stranger any longer so he decided to keep it short and honest.


"Listen, dickhead. This place," He made an all-embracing movement by paddling his arms through the air, "belongs to moi. So better go."


Bobby made sure that his voice would make it unmistakable clear that it was a demand, that he was sure about that thing. But the other didn't seem to be intimidated that easily Bobby had thought.


"Why? Is that written somewhere?"


Bobby gasped. What a rude boy! How dared he to talk to him like that? I mean, he was Bobby. And well, nobody talked to him that sassy.  Bobby was on the very verge to explode ride now, the anger bubbling up in his body. Still, he tried to keep calm and took a deep breath to relax, trying his best to ignore the hunger what made him even more uncomfortable.


"Look, I ain't wanna trouble n' I guess ya won't either. So grab ya junk n leave."


A few seconds passed in which both boys just stared at each other. Bobby's body shaking from anger and annoyance, while the stranger still sat there, eyes widened but not a hint of fear was showing on his face.


"And what if I don't?"


Bobby face palmed himself mentally. The boy really was something. Didn't he say it clear enough for even a moron to understand? Was he really that stupid or just very bold and brave?


"Ya sure wanna know that?" Bobby asked as he took a step closer to the boy, his voice sounded daring. It was meant to scare the other boy but he still sat there without any reaction. He didn't even flinch when Bobby grabbed his collar and pulled him up, his expression didn't change the slightest as Bobby's cold narrowed eyes met his. Instead he opened his mouth and said in a calm voice, "Look, I really don't want any troubles and so I don't get your problem because the only one troublesome around is you. I just want to eat my lunch in peace, without all the loud students around. And since the roof is for everyone, I don't see a problem with both of us being here."


Bobby's jar literally dropped again in proper shock this time. He even felt his fingers loosen a bit around the other's shirt so he curled them even tighter as he noticed. What on the ing planet earth was this freaking guy?


"Ya know why nobody's here?" Bobby wanted to know as he pushed the boy against the fence on his back, his lips cracking a smile as he noticed how the other's face formed a grimace out of pain. "'Cause it's my place. My roof where I eat every day, alone. So get ya in' out of here before I get really mad!"


Bobby was taken by surprise as he felt cold fingers wrapping around his own in an careful attempt to loosen his tight grip around the other's collar. He didn't let go though instead he pushed him against the wall again. And again. "Whatcha think ya doin', huh?"


"I… I just…" The other boy stuttered, finally showing how uncertain, how afraid he actually was. He was more fragile, even petite compared to Bobby and he knew it needed not much energy to lift him up and toss him over the banister.


Bobby sighed. Somehow he felt a little bit bad for this pathetic coward, that was why he decided to give him  one more chance. "You're brave as . So just go n' I'll forget 'bout that."


The slightly shorter boy nodded his  head and after Bobby had finally released him, grabbed his belongings a.k.a. his lunch box and his duffle bag and rushed back into the school. A proud smile crept onto Bobby's lips as he settled down on his now empty bench and took out his lunchbox. The smell of delicious cookies greeted him as soon as he'd opened the box and he could already feel his stomach tighten out of hunger and of excitement. Bobby was just about to take a bite from his overly loved biscuits when suddenly the school bell rang, disturbing his wonderful moment. A deep groan escaped Bobby's lips as he stuffed the cookie into his mouth and closed the box again. Normally he wouldn't care for school and would instead keep sitting there and happily eat his cookies but teacher Yang, the one who'd teach his next lesson was someone  Bobby definitely didn't want to mess with. He was the only one with the guts to scold  Bobby even in  front of the others and last week he'd even threaten that he'd make sure that Bobby would be kicked out of school if he missed a lesson once again.


The sulky mood didn't leave Bobby the whole day long. It was terrible, just terrible. His cookies were still in the lunchbox deep inside his backpack, never there was an opportunity to eat them. And honestly, Bobby didn't even want to eat them anymore. He was still angry, indignant and at the same time shocked. But somehow there was this little interest he had in the strange boy. Bobby guessed it was the fact how he'd reacted what was fascinating him. Nobody who'd see him first would think that he'd actually start to argue with someone like Bobby about something what was more than obvious.


Later, during a shorter break Bobby casually asked one of his friends if he knew the strange boy from the roof who was randomly walking by at the moment. It wasn't easy for him to actually ask that question, meaning that he had at least some interest in someone. That this someone needed to be a quiet boy who was new in their parallel class was even more embarrassing. Bobby's friend even shot him a weird look or maybe Bobby just imagined things but he knew for sure that his friend must have thought of it as very strange.


Kim Hanbin was his name. He had transferred to this high school two weeks ago and was very shy yet timid but still he was quite popular. At least all the girls kept talking about him and his handsome features, how cute he was when he smiled and how good he smelled. That Bobby didn't notice it before that the boy was the number one topic in every third conversation was close to a wonder. Maybe because Bobby didn't really care for other's conversation, well he actually didn't even listen to his friends when they talked to him. He wasn't the talkative type nor the one who liked to listen. He was more the guy who loved his time alone without anyone around.



When Bobby took the stairs up to the roof the next day he didn't waste any thought about Hanbin. He was sure the younger one learned well the other day and that he wouldn't have to deal with him again. But of course, the fortune wasn't on Bobby's side this time as well. There Hanbin sat on the bench again, legs crossed and his hand gripping his lunchbox, a blue one this time while his other hand was busy stuffing rice balls into his mouth with the help of wooden chopsticks.


Bobby clenched his jar as soon he'd spotted the other boy and directly stomped into his direction. Hanbin on the other side didn't look up until Bobby stood right in front of him, creating a big angry shadow by blocking the bright noon sun.


"Watcha in' doin' here again? Didn't I tell ya clearly?"


"Oh boy," Hanbin snorted as he stuffed another rice ball in and started to munch it happily, "Stop this immature talking already, that's embarrassing."


Bobby felt his jar hanging loose once again. Did this guy really call him immature? Did he really just told him that he should stop talking like that? Did he really demand him to do something?

Bobby couldn't believe all this. The whole thing was crazy. Was this guy insane? Messing with one of the, no with the school's gangster. Well okay, Bobby wasn't really a gangster. Yes, he misbehaved at school and yes his language was very foul but hey - he let his great-great aunt hug him, even twice at every visit! You really shouldn't forget about that!


Heaving a sigh, Bobby slumped down next to the chewing boy. "You won't leave, right?"


Hanbin shook his head but didn't bother to answer as he now attacked the sushi rolls in his lunchbox. Bobby giggled slightly at the sight, somehow it was cute how the boy was all drown in his food. Maybe he wasn't that bad Bobby had thought?


"Tell me one thing," Bobby suddenly started after some minutes had passed in completely silence, well apart from the crunching sound coming from Hanbin's mouth, "Why weren't you afraid after I had threatened you?"


"I know you," Hanbin grinned and accidentally exposed his half-munched food. He quickly swallowed as he noticed Bobby's disgusted expression and even flushed a little bit before he continued his explanation, "I mean, I know your instagram account. I know it's you because of the selca-thing."

Now it was Bobby's turn to blush a little out of embarrassment. Even though he was aware of all his followers he'd still hoped that none of them knew about his selca. Maybe he should go and delete it soon.


"I thought someone who posts photos of cookies all the time and even drools over it can't be a bad guy at all," Hanbin giggled. "Beside, also because of your talking. That's really childish."


Bobby pouted. Never someone had said he would be childish yet immature. Maybe Hanbin was right? Only the thought made Bobby sink even deeper in his sulky mood.


"But to be honest, if you'd asked me to leave the roof like a normal guy would do, I would have left without complaining."


Bobby was taking off guard by the other boy's sudden confession. So if he'd talked all friendly and kindly, he wouldn't be in this misery now and he wouldn't have to talk with this somehow popular guy who was still an outcast, at least in his eyes. Bobby yelped as he realized that it would also mean to drop his pride but also that he could have avoided the whole situation by being nice only once.


"So did I get it right, if I had asked you to leave in a polite way you'd have left?"




"But why?"


"I know how it is to be disturbed at his own peaceful place. Now I know what this place means to you, but I really didn't at the beginning. You just had to explain it to me and everything would be fine by now. The only reason why I came back this time was because of spite. So, if you still want me to leave, go ahead. Ask me and I promise, I'll go."


Bobby each and every of Hanbin's words in like he was some sponge dropped into an bucket full of water. He was able to understand Hanbin now and, even he did 't really want to admit it, he was really likeable to him. Yet, he didn't know what he should do, what he actually wanted to do. Should he tell his pride goodbye and send him off? Or should he allow him to stay at the roof, to spent lunch breaks together from now on what would definitely cause damage to his gangster image. Bobby was torn between those two options when suddenly something came up to his mind as he spotted a certain object in Hanbin's lunch box.


"By any chance, do you like peanut butter flavored cookies?"


"They're my favorite. Why do you ask?"


"Let's say we swap my peanut butter with those delicious looking chocolate cookies of yours and you can stay here to eat together, how'd that sound?"


Hanbin cracked a smile at he stretches out his blue lunchbox towards Bobby.





A/N.: Like I said, that's total crack.. lol Don't even know why I wrote this in first place… hehehe

But I know it was very fun to create it and so I hope it was also fun to read (?).

Maybe I even do more double b crack in the future ...

However, thanks for reading. If you've liked it don't hesitate to leave a comment or whatever^^


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 1: So cute and funny
Chapter 1: SO CUTEEEE^^ i love doubleb
chanyeolstagram #3
bby_tigz #4
Chapter 1: this was cute lol
MssKimWoo #5
Chapter 1: I'm dying here i swear this is SO cute! We would be happy if you ever thought of making a sequel you know, just an idea that's all
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute !!!!!!
Chapter 1: This is cute. < 3
Yara-chan #8
Chapter 1: This was sooooo cuuuuuute(≧∇≦)
Chapter 1: aaaaaahhhhhhhhh cute overload!!!!
Chapter 1: Cute, totally cute