Chapter 22

Accidental Love

The new couple walked hand in hand in comfortable silence, taking in the moment and enjoying each other's presence silently. 

As they continued walking through the beautiful forest garden, Areum heard the familiar sound of waves as if they were near the shore— and indeed, they were.
Her eyes grew wider by the second and her jaw dropped as the beautiful view fascinated her even more. She could see the white sand and blue sea through the gaps of the trees, and she became more spirited from it. 
Her steps grew bigger and before she knew it, she was dragging Jongin with her towards the shore. The sound of the waves and the wind that was blowing so gently against her skin made everything seem so peaceful and calm that she wished she was living there. 
Walking towards the water but still on sand, she stretched her hands out wide, lifted her head a little and closed her eyes. The wind blew her long wavy hair flawlessly that Jongin couldn't take her eyes off her and admired her quietly from the back. I can't believe she's mine.. At times like this, he learnt to appreciate every single detail about her that made himself feel less certain that she finally belonged to him. 
He strolled to her side with a calm yet cheeky smile pasted on his face. He encircled his left hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Naturally, she leaned her head on his shoulder while she continued admiring the scenery before her. On the other hand, Jongin had his eyes and attention all on her, only her.
"Thank you for bringing me here.." she calmly said as she turned towards him.
"This is nothing compared to what i have in mind for you in the future." he winked. As a sign of gratitude, Areum gave him a playful smile and on her tippy toes, she pecked him on the cheeks. A kiss that she initiated for the first time. Jongin blushed slightly but came unnoticed by the girl who was too busy being contented with the breathtaking painting-like view. 
"Oh crap-Stay here for a minute. I'll just go grab some stuff in the car." he patted her head like a kid and left her alone, and confused. She blinked her eyes at his retreating figure and once he was out of sight, her attention returned back towards the calming sea. 
But her moment of peaceful silence was interrupted by a hard ball that fortunately, had only hit her on her calves. 
"Owww.." she rubbed her slightly hurting legs and looked towards the ball. Then she scanned around to look for the owner of the ball as she picked it up. 
"I'm so sorry! We didn't me- Oh wow.." she heard a voice saying to her but she couldn't make up the last part when the latter's voice suddenly turned into a whisper. She looked towards the guy and she admitted to herself mentally that he was good-looking, more than that in fact— but still, nobody could top Jongin when it comes to appearance. 
The latter's eyes instantly sparkled and his lips turned into a small smile as he continued gazing into her. 
"Here." Areum spoke up and passed him the ball that she was technically hugging since it was almost as huge as her head.
"Oh, ummm, yeah. Sorry about that.." he grabbed the ball from her arms and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 
"It's alright!" she chuckled. "No biggies." She sent him her famous angel-like smile, causing the latter to become flustered and excited. 
"I'm Park Chanyeol." he brought his hand up for a handshake. But before she could return it, she heard a very familiar voice that she know she had missed for a long time. Oh Sehun?
"Dude, what's taking so- CHO AREUM!?" Sehun pushed Chanyeol aside and quickly attacked her into a bear hug, spinning her off the ground as he did. Feeling slightly dejected, Chanyeol made a face at the guy and made a movement as if he wanted to punch him in joking manner. But Sehun didn't notice it because at that moment, Areum was all that he could see.
"OH MY GOD!" they both exclaimed in delight at the presence of their best friend being at the same place coincidentally. 
"I miss you Sehun!" she hugged her bestfriend tightly and started to sob in his embrace. It's been weeks—almost a month, that they haven't met and it's not a surprise why she would be crying on the spot. She missed her childhood friend so dearly and eventhough they had met a few weeks back, she still missed him so much. Well, of course she would. They've been friends since young, they practically grew up together and having to separate after years of being around each other was definitely a struggle for them. 
And with Jongin being the one to separate them again after meeting after a long time, only made it harder for the both of them— although Areum was already adapting to her new life with Jongin.
"Yahhhh~" he added, as he patted her back. Sehun too was feeling sad, because he had missed her more than she missed him. And having feelings for the girl was another thing. But of course, she knew nothing about it. Knowing that she was weeping from missing him, made him happy in a way, because it meant that  he had always been on her mind as well. 
Chanyeol stood by them quietly as he watched the two bestfriends hug each other like there was no tomorrow. For some reason, he felt like he was about to tear up seeing them being so sorrowful in each others arms. 
Chanyeol and Sehun went to the same school—together with their other friends that was at the back, too busy competing each other in rock-paper-scissors. The other friends being, Do Kyungsoo- known for his owl-like eyes, Byun Baekhyun- the mood maker among the group of friends and Kim Junmyeon, preferably called Suho- the kindest yet playful person you would ever meet. 
"What's up peop-Ohhhhh, i'm sorry..." Baekhyun had ran to the scene, wondering what the fuss was all about. And witnessing that his close friend was silently in tears with the presence of a girl in his arms, it told him that they must have shared a special relationship with each other. Then the other two came along, joining the scene and had already grew confused within a second. 
Who the hell is this girl? 
Why are they hugging? 
Sehun's girlfriend? 
He never told us anything about a girl.
Areum could sense eyes on her— 5 pairs of eyes on her, including her boyfriend who has been watching from afar for a few seconds. She pulled away from her bestfriend and wiped off her tears embarrassingly as she shifted her eyes towards the people she would call strangers.
"I'm so sorry.." she bowed and smiled awkwardly at them. She felt a little shameful that they had to witness the dramatic scene but she just couldn't help it. It was her bestfriend afterall.
Sehun linked his arms with hers naturally—something they would always do wherever they went when they're together— and started introducing his group of friends one by one. 
"Guys, this is Cho Areum, my bestfriend since young and Areum, this is, Suho, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and-" 
"Park Chanyeol." she called out his name which caused his heart to race at how beautiful his name sounded through . 
She must admit, Sehun had really good looking friends, including himself. And she thought about how amazing it would be if they got casted as a group to be part of the entertainment industry. She wouldn't be shocked if it were to happen one day in the future. 
She was so overjoyed to see her bestfriend that she forgot about the person who had brought her there in the first place. Her boyfriend. And as if on queue, Jongin walked towards the group as the jealousy in him arouse. 
Sehun, being the first to see him, suddenly pulled his arm away from her and coughed awkwardly. He didn't know why he pulled away but he did, as if he knew that he would get into trouble if he had hold onto her any longer. Areum tilted her head towards Sehun, and seeing that he was being strange all of a sudden, she looked towards the direction where the source of his strange movements came from. Kim Jongin. 
Oh my god, i totally forgot.. She bit her lips anxiously, afraid of the consequences she would face infront of the group of people she had just met. She prayed silently that Jongin would behave and not make a huge fuss about it, especially when her bestfriend was there. 
As he reached her side, he immediately interlocked his hands with hers, signaling to them that she was taken and no longer available. She's mine, he told them in his head and hoped that they got his signal.
Sehun shifted his eyes towards their hands and his heart sank instantly. He would be lying to himself if he said he was fine. 
"Oh Sehun. It's been some time hasn't it?" Jongin smirked and the rest of the guys instantly sensed that the two do not have a good relationship with each other.


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Chapter 35: Awwwwww was sooo sweet story!!!! Congrats author-nim!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Sequel please
Cutiegirl205 #3
Chapter 34: I love this story please make a sequel
Yongmi5 #4
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed reading this story. K & A make a cute couple. Fighting!
nisanobel #5
Chapter 34: I was so into this story..this story is really full of emotions and the sweetness from jongin didn't help at all.. Thank you author-nim
mar654 #6
authornim update
mar654 #7
MysteryNeko #8
Chapter 1: Is she Cho Areum or Lee?
Chapter 34: Awwww! Kai is so sweet in this fanfic, It's great to see him like this instead of the typical bad boy image! The ending was so cute but I'm sad because I feel that it ended too soon, I really liked the storyline after all ^^

Anyways, great story, full of flufiness and I loved it! Good job author nim!
Chapter 33: Aish, jongin! What are you doing to my girl?!