Chapter 2

Accidental Love

Lunch time has arrived, the only time where students were wide awake. All the students have left, including Jongin. Areum was still in class, packing her bag all alone. Once she was done, she made her way to the loud cafeteria. She was looking around- as if confused, which made her look like a lost puppy searching for its owner. 

She didn't know why but she wanted to search for the only person she somewhat knew at that moment, Kim Jongin. Not because he was good looking or the most gorgeous man she has ever seen, but because she needed company. Being in a new school felt so foreign to her, and the only person she had talked to so far, was only Jongin. He may come off as cold hearted and may not seem like the nicest person in the world, but she knew there was more than meets the eye. She knew well that everyone has their own background story to tell and she knew she had no rights to judge him for the way he acts.

Her thoughts were then interrupted when a few girls started surrounding her, which of course gained the attention of the students in the cafeteria. 

"I heard that you're a transfer student. And i see you've gotten quite close to our Jongin oppa." The girl in the middle, Jina who seemed to be the 'leader' of the clique, spoke up with her arms crossed. 
"Jongin?" She asked. 
"Ahhh, that cold guy, Jongin? Ani, we're just deskmates thats all." She said and gave them a cute smile that reached up to her eyes. She really has no idea what she's got herself into. The girls stared at her in disgust, thinking about how bold and brave she was acting so casually and carefree towards what they call themselves, the queenkas. 
"Deskmates huh? Stay away from him or you'll pay the price." Jina warned as her sharp glare intensified.
"Are you his girlfriend?" Areum asked bluntly causing the girl to blink at her sudden outburst of question. Its not like she was trying to mock her or anything, some would have done the same if a random girl suddenly approaches and warn them to stay away from a particular guy, as if they're jealous of their boyfriend getting stolen from them.
"N-n-no.. Atleast not yet." She stuttered. 
"Then why should i stay away from him?" She asked again curiously. She wasn't trying to be rude at all, she just wanted to know why. Indeed, curiosity kills a cat. Students around her were giving her looks that said 'you should shut your mouth before things start to get real, woman'. 
Seems like the girls were getting boiled up as they clenched their jaws and fists, more than ready to beat the crap out of her. Before she knew it, she was being pushed towards the locker harshly, that her back was already hurting from that. She flinched a little and in no time, she was being splashed with cold milk and then kicked on the shin. Not a single soul dared to help her out. And there goes my first day. Before they could start beating her up to death, a familiar voice stopped them. 
"That's enough." They turned their heads to see Jongin walking towards the crowd infuriatedly.
"O-oppa." Jina stuttered.
"Oppa my . Don't you dare lay your fingers on her again, you hear me!?" He yelled.
He grabbed Areum by her wrist and pulled her up then made their way out of the crowd. She expected him to bring her to the nurse office or something but they were wrong. Instead, he brought her out of school. She is with bad boy after all. They were in the parking lot now and their hands were still attached to each other. Unknowingly, she enjoyed the feeling of it but she made sure to make a mental note to herself that this bad boy here has got some issues and would never develop any sort of feelings for a girl like her. Besides, its only her first day.
They stopped when they were already standing beside a black car which belongs to none other than, Jongin. He unlocked his car and opened the door for Areum. He might be a bad boy but his still a gentleman deep down.
"Get in." He ordered. She blinked her eyes confusingly which made him sigh. Not bothering about her soaked uniform, he pushed her gently inside, making her leave with no choice but to get inside. He then got in and started the engine before driving off. 
"Where are we going?" She asked, looking at him.
"My house." He said casually.
Her eyes instantly widened, "WHAT!?" 
"Geez, you're loud for a girl. Chill out, i'm not doing anything to you, besides you're not my type." He said.
Areum glared playfully at him for his unnecessary remark but she couldn't help but feel hurt a little. Throughout the rest of the ride to Jongin's house, it was silent, no talking, not even the radio was on, allowing awkward silence to surround them. Once they've reached his house, Areum had her jaw dropping immediately as she stepped out of his car. He went beside her and closed by pushing her chin upwards before she could swallow any flies. 
She gulped at the sight of a mansion infront of her. Man, It's huge! It could probably fill up 100 over people, and that is not an exaggeration. It's seriously that huge. Well, surprise surprise. Jongin's parents are business related people, so it's not shocking how his living in a mansion, not to mention, all alone. 
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Areum snapped out of her thoughts when Jongin snapped his fingers infront of her face. 
"Follow me." He ordered. And she nodded before following him from behind like a puppy. As soon as they were inside, her legs naturally moved, making her wander around the 'house'. She held onto her bag straps as she looked around, amazed by everything single thing she sees. 
"Stay here. I'll get you some clothes." Jongin told her, gaining a nod from her as a reply. She didn't even bother answering since she was too busy exploring his house. Cute, Jongin thought as a small smile crept onto his face.
Damn who is he? South Korea's son? Areum thought to herself. Never has she entered such a ginormous house before, she even thinks that his house is actually bigger than the presidents. Funny isn't she? She was too engrossed in giving herself a good look of the entire house that she didn't notice Jongin leaning against one of the doors, staring at her from the back and silently chuckling to himself. God knows how long his been there. He himself couldn't help but think about how cute she looked. 
She reminds me of you, Jieun. He told himself, making his smile disappear at an instant when he mentally mentioned her name. Jieun. Pushing that aside He made his way behind her, folded his arms and cleared his throat. She turned around, only to bump her head on his hard chest due to her short height and clumsiness. She winced a little and rubbed her forehead while taking a step back. 
"Are you done now?" He asked. 
"You! What are you!? I mean, who are you!?" She asked, pointing her right finger towards him. Instead of answering, he pulled her hand down and placed her clothes on her hand. 
"Go and wash up." He told her and walked away. She hugged her clothes  and found herself following him from behind. 
"Why do you have girls clothes?" She asked curiously. 
He stoned at her question but answered anyways, "Its my sisters." Lies. They live on their own. It was Jieun's, but he couldn't bring himself to say her name again, so he lied. Besides, he didn't want Areum questioning him. Just a few hours of meeting her and he already knows how curious she was about every thing. With that, he walked off to the kitchen to quench his thirst while she had to go on a mini adventure just to find a bathroom, pretty pathetic but adorable at the same time.
She took a quick shower from head to toe and got changed into the clothes that were provided for her. An oversized sweater and black skinny jeans, which unexpectedly fitted her perfectly. I wouldn't have to trouble him if i hadn't said anything in the first place, sigh. Way to go Areum. She went out of the bathroom, folded her dirty uniform and placed it in her backpack. She searched for Jongin everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found, thanks to the huge mansion.
After minutes of opening and closing doors, and she finally found him, in his bedroom, standing infront of an antique drawer. He was staring at a picture frame of Jieun, admiring every single detail of her as a smile formed on his face, tears starting to cloud his eyes at the same time. I miss you so much Jieun-ah.. 
"Whose that?" Areum asked when she saw how occupied he was just looking at the photo. 
"No one." He sniffed and placed the frame back. She looked at him, not buying his answer then shifted her gaze to the photos that were lined up neatly on the shelf. 
"She's beautiful." She admitted. 
She was.. He smiled at her compliment and sighed, causing her to look at him again. She definitely noticed something wrong about this bad boy, so she decided to ask once again. They might have just met on that day itself but that doesn't stop her from being caring towards him. 
"Who is she Jongin?" Seems like she wasn't going to give up with her questions, Jongin decided to compromise and tell her. 
"My girlfriend." He smiled bitterly.
Girlfriend? Omo what am i doing here then? isn't she gonna go donkeys if she knows i'm here. Omg i already messed up enough for the day, oh god i need to go. Noticing how panicked Areum looked, he knew immediately what was going on in her mind. He chuckled slightly and said, "Don't worry, she's gone... And in a better place now Areum.." 
Gone? Better place? "Ohh, i'm sorry.." Areum bit her lips in guilt when she finally realized what he meant. She observed his face. Pain and broken casted over his expression, making her feel bad for him. Is that why you're like this Kim Jongin? I have no idea who you are but why do i feel like i know you somehow? 
"It hurts doesn't it?" she blurted out, gaining attention from Jongin who has been staring out to space, thinking about Jieun.
"To know that the person you love most, left the world, leaving you alone and confused. Leaving a huge hole in your heart as soon as they left and it seems as if your life has turned upside down in just a blink. To know that they're no longer with you, that you're alone in this scary big world, everything just became even scarier for you. It makes you feel as if theres no meaning to live anymore because the one that you love has already left much earlier than you expected. And everyday you wish you could see them again, to make the best out of every single day and cherish every single second with them. You wish you could turn back time and tell her how much you love her. But you know you can't, because life is just that unfair..  So you drown in ur own sorrow and shut everyone out because all you want and need is her." Areum finished as a drop of tear streamed down her cheeks. 
And in no time, she was sobbing uncontrollably. She bit down on her lips, trying to control herself wehn she realized that she wasn't alone. She turned to Jongin and smiled at him bitterly but when she was the pain in his eyes, it only made her cry harder because it reminded her of herself, about the sufferings she had to go through alone.


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Chapter 35: Awwwwww was sooo sweet story!!!! Congrats author-nim!!!!!!!
Chapter 34: Sequel please
Cutiegirl205 #3
Chapter 34: I love this story please make a sequel
Yongmi5 #4
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed reading this story. K & A make a cute couple. Fighting!
nisanobel #5
Chapter 34: I was so into this story..this story is really full of emotions and the sweetness from jongin didn't help at all.. Thank you author-nim
mar654 #6
authornim update
mar654 #7
MysteryNeko #8
Chapter 1: Is she Cho Areum or Lee?
Chapter 34: Awwww! Kai is so sweet in this fanfic, It's great to see him like this instead of the typical bad boy image! The ending was so cute but I'm sad because I feel that it ended too soon, I really liked the storyline after all ^^

Anyways, great story, full of flufiness and I loved it! Good job author nim!
Chapter 33: Aish, jongin! What are you doing to my girl?!