When spring comes

When spring comes

It was a cold February afternoon. Jimin was just sitting at his big desk in his big chair that he barely fits in. He is sitting there waiting for a 2 O'clock interveiw with  a man named Yoongi. It is 2 and the man walks in right on time he is wearing a simple suit and he has a peircing in his ear. He is very cool looking and Jimin looks up at him and he just freezes. He looks him up and down and then asks him to sit. They talk about the job and Yoongi's experiance as a music producer. Yoongi has been writting his own songs and put them on youtube or anywhere he could get them or make a little money. Jimin was impressed by Yooongi's experiance and hired him on the spot. He also kind of did just so he could see Yoongi more. So the next day Jimin actually wanted to go to work, most of the time Jimin just wants to stay in bed and not talk to the world. Jimin is just very lonely. He has lots of enimies but he has almost no friends his only friend is Kim taehyun. He has been friends with him for quite a long time, but Taehyun found someone to love Jungkook. Jimin is super jeleous of Taehyun. Jimin wants someone to love or for someone to love him. Jimin was raised as a rich Kid, his dad when he was a kid ssat in this exact same chair he is in now. Jimin's mom died when he was very little so he has no memory of her, only pictures. Jimin's dad was never home he was always at the office. So Jimin was basically raised by a nanny. JImin never new what it was like to feel loved. In school he was quiet never talked to anyone but taehyun, He was very lonely and he found some thing in dance and music. So when his father died in a car accident he took over the position as CEO of a major Music company. Jimin one day after work was driving home whe he saw something that shocked him a lot. It was Yoongi walking home but he didn't look to good. He was stumbling around and he looked like he someone just beat the out of him, or at least punched. He fell over and he looked unconcious. Jimin slamed on the brakes and got and ran over to Yoongi. He was unconcious and was hardly breathing. He picked him up and carried him to the car. JImin drove as fast as he legaly could to the ER. Yoongi had 3 broken ribs and a concusion he was lucky that  Jimin found him. The doctors said that he would be fine but he couldn't go home alone. Jimin remebered that on his application to the company Yoongi said he was raised in an orphanage so he basiacally had no family. Jimin said this to that doctors and he asked that if it was possible could he take yoongi Home with him just for a few days or so. Jimin gladly said yes and he just sat in the hospital room waiting for Yooongi to wake up. It was about an hour or so later and Yoongi woke up scared. He was scared because the per who beat the ouut of him it wasnt the first time. The person who beat him up was the owner of the property he lived on and even though Yoongi would always turn his rent in on time he wouuld get beat up on his way home. Yoongi looked at Jimin and wondered why is my boss here. He aske Jimin and he sadi I was the one who rushed you to the hospital after you colapsed. Yoongi was very grateful of tis and when he tried to staand up he fell but somehow Jimin got to him before he could hit the floor then yoongi realized something was wrong with his right leg. Jimin ran aand got the doctor and they di x-rays. his leg is broken in threee places. Yoongi wouldn't be able to work until spring came and he definatly couldn't live on his own because of the landlord and just because he was to injured. So jimin tookk Yoongi home with him. They got him all set up in the geust room and he stayed there for quite awhile watching yoongi sleep to Jimin his sleeping face was so peacful. He watched him then he realized how creepy he was being so he went to the kitchen to make dinner and calll his assistant, seokjin, to have him be incharge for the next few weeks untill Yoongi gets better. The next day Yoongi wakes up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. He tried to get up then he rememberedd where he was and why he was there, he got beat up and now he is so broken that he can't go home to even get fresh clothing. but when he looked to his left he saw a suitcase filled with what he would need. Right next to it was a pair of crutches. He got up and kinda hopped over to the crutches. he grabbed them and then went into the kitchen. When he got there there was a man of perfection Yoongi had been admireing .Jimin for quite some time and he started to develope a bit of a crush on the guy. He sat down at the table and waited for Jimin to notice him and when he did it kinda startled him. "whatcha doing there?" JImin asked. "Just watching.." "Cool" So jimin and Yoongi spent days and weeks together It was Finally nearing spring. and Yoongi was getting better and the doctor told him in a few days he could go home. But neither of them really actually want Yoongi to go home. So Jimin went to a jewlery stor and picked out two of the most beautiful promis rings he could aford.The next day he invited Yoongi to dinner at a fancy reastruant and he asked him to be His Boyfriend. He said, "i know its kind of abnormal for two guys to date and possibly move in together. But the minuet I layed eyes on you I was in love please tell me you feel the same way." and Jimin handed Suga a promise ring, " i promise I will love you for the rest of my life. I love you Yoongi." Yoongi thought for a few moments and said," I love you too Jimin."



                                                                               The End


AN: Hey wassup my people!! It took me awhile t write this and I Hope you guys  like it I know the Gramar but I really hope you like it.

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seventeenwoozi #1
cant wait for the next chapter!!
hoseokislove #2
update soon please XD
kpoplover38 #3
cant wait for update:D
kimwoobinlove1 #4
update soon^^
btslover21 #5
cant wait for update^^