Chapter 11

Special Unit Bangtan
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Hello! I'm back from my hiatus and I'm so happy to finally have the next chapter posted! I also have chapter 12 almost done so I hope you'll enjoy these fast updates for the long wait. I apologize for the numerous grammar errors but once I finish this series I plan to go backand try to fix most of them, for now I don't have quite enough time. Please comment your thoughts so far!

Chapter 11


"--Hold on, I've faxed over the next mission. Please look it over well. It's urgent and difficult but I think you will all be fine."

You hung up and eyed the incoming papers. Of course the next mission was already lined up. With a sigh you began organizing the documents into a folder, reading the headline:


"No way..." You breathed, looking hastily over the documents.

"Wow, the work never ends huh?" Namjoon sat in the chair by Y/N and grabbed the documents. Y/n shook her head, rubbing her temples.

"Why would they give us this case?" she finally managed to speak up, Namjoon fell silent as his expression didn't falter looking through the papers. Looking back up at Y/N, he grinned humorously.

"Looks like they finally want something done with these guys. Also, not many people in the police department like us, so if time came around again to pass this off to some officers, I bet someone mentioned us as prime candidates."

"Still. There's only eight of us assigned to this case. In the last department I worked at, they had a team of thirty or forty people on it." Y/n was upset. Did her grandfather know about this? Something in her gut was making her suspicion rise even more.

"Namjoon, I-"

"Y/n."Namjoon cut her off, grabbing her hand in a comforting way. She looked up to find a reassuring look from him as he grinned.

"BTS has gone through a lot, I think we've got a shot at this. There's a reason why we're so good. Makes people hate us. Don't worry, okay?" He paused. Y/n nodded, looking down.

"--Have confidence in each one of us. That way, a team is strong and can face anything."

Y/n smiled back and nodded. "Yes, Namjoon. I won't worry. May I copy these files to look over?"

"Yeah, go ahead. We're probably going to do the briefing tomorrow then. Can I trust you to do it?"

"Yes, I can do it!" She grinned, happy with the new responsibility. Y/n copied the papers diligently and placed them in your bag, ready to head out.

"Y/n! You're leaving already?" Taehyung called out as y/n walked past the living room. Y/n waved goodbye to all the members and ignored Taehyung's pouting.

"I have a life too, bye!~"

"Wow, she acts like we aren't the coolest guys to hang out with."

"Maybe we're not Tae." Jungkook stated matter-of-factly, attention not diverting from the game he was playing.

"Why does Jungkook seem more mature than us?" Jimin flicked the back of the boys head, though Jungkook ignored it. Taehyung laughed, also focusing back on to the racing game.

"He doesn't care because he's afraid of girls anyway. If you noticed, he's always exactly three feet away from Y/n. It's like a fixed rotation of our solar system or something."

"Jimin." Jungkook whined, annoyed with the sudden mention of his female-fearing tendencies.

You walked down the street to head out to your car when you noticed Yoongi walking towards your direction, earbuds in and seemingly spaced out. Smirking, you stood right in his path, wondering when he would notice. The thing is, he didn't notice her until the edge of his sneaker hit her shoe and he looked up, slightly startled. Their faces were inches from each other, and suddenly, y/n felt the joke was on her..

"What are you doing, idiot?" Yoongi took an earbud out, looking at her expectantly. she stared at him, mouth suddenly agape. He furrowed his brows, studying her face as if he might forget it sometime soon. She became aware of how hot her face was growing and began to think she should've just ran around him and went on with her day.

"Ha, you're in my way.'' Y/n managed to choke out lamely, almost wanting to slap herself. Why was she acting so weird all of a sudden?

Yoongi raised a brow, smirking at your response.

"Your standing in my way, babe."

Y/n scoffed.

"Babe? Didn't know you were gonna start making nicknames for me."

"Did you want to hear the other ones?" Yoongi smirked again, cocking his head to the side. "I don't think you want to."

"You must like me that much." Y/n snorted, walking away.

"Don't start getting full of yourself. I don't like airheads like you." Yoongi called over his shoulder as he walked the opposite way. Y/n swiveled around and stomped her foot, not believing what she just heard. Yoongi ignored her and kept walking, having won their little standoff.

"Are you serious?" She growled, sticking her key in the ignition, driving off. "What an , I swear."

Yoongi unknowingly was grinning as he made his way up the steps to the door.


Yoongi jumped as if he was caught red-handed. Looking over, Jin was leaning against the wall with a smug look on his face. He had been taking care of the flowers outside their headquarters and happened to watch and overhear Yoongi and Y/n.

"Geez, don't scare me like that. What's with that look you're giving me? I'm not helping plant your tomatoes."

Jin laughed and began to water his plants.

"Oh, Yoongi, I've never seen you flirt with someone before. I just happened to watch you two." Jin placed his hand up to cover his mouth in a mocking manner, as if he just dug up the biggest celebrity news scandal. Yoongi stood numb, his brain grinding to find a defense.

"That was not....I wasn't. I DON'T LIKE HER! She's annoying, if anything. "


"Drop it Jin."

"It's okay, I won't tell everyone. That is, if you just admit you might like her a little bit. "

"I don't like her!"


Jin made a mad sprint into the door before Yoongi could yank him back. Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok looked at Jin curiously.

"I've got some tea for you all to drink on. MIN YOONGI LIKES--"


"What's going on here?" Namjoon scratched the back of his head as he watched Yoongi slap his hand over Jin's mouth.

"Suga likes someone?" Jimin gasped, a sneaky smile reaching his lips. Taehyung look surprised as well.

"Is it Y/n?" Jungkook asked, pausing his game. The room grew silent as all eyes turned to him.

"How....How did you know?" Yoongi stared at Jungkook in amazement.

"I mean, it's really obvious. None of us are very observant but I noticed sometimes you stare at her and space out. Like, If it has to do with y/n, you suddenly pay attention."

"What do you mean how did he know? SO IT'S TRUE?" Namjoon pointed accusingly at Yoongi.


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kaykay1432 #1
Chapter 16: This is goooood i loved it
2allie #2
Chapter 16: What happened to Youngjae? Well, besides that, this story had a really cute ending! I loved it.
Pandaarmy09 #3
Chapter 16: The ending was so cute!!!
Seventeenbaes #4
I just read your entire story today, I totally fell in love with it. Good job! (^^)
jiminscutebutt #5
Oh my gosh, this story was so good, I had my feelings everywhere ;-; I would be so happy if you wrote another chapter I'm sad it's over!
DivaAdi #6
Chapter 14: Love your story!!!
Chapter 14: Wah!! I've just binge read (if that's even a thing XD) your entire story and it's really good~! And funny too :D
Chapter 12: Ahh, The cliffhanger! I really want to see what happens in the next chapter~! This story is so good~!
thekeytodestiny #9
Chapter 12: Jin is a HoseokxY/NxYoongi shipper! Lol! Hahaha! GOT7 finally makes their appearance, Youngjae being the unknown member fits his role prior to debuting with got7.
jiminscutebutt #10
Chapter 10: Thank u for the update! I liked this chapter ^^ please have fun on vacation~